(2) : a man honored by a sovereign for merit and in Great Britain ranking below a baronet. You can expect to see a lot of change and action occurring around you, and you will no doubt be swept up by the restless, busy energy whether you like it or not! They should not be messed around with. He may see the other Knights as wasting their Fire on useless pursuits and trivial activities. Sometimes, the Knights will act before they really think things through. He is determined to enjoy his time as a Knight and is ready to have a go at everything, at least once, for he wants to experience all. Oftentimes, the Knight of Wands can indicate a hasty change of residence, job or other living arrangement. For example, the King of Wands rules from 21 Scorpio to 20 Sagittarius. Read your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you currently know. Some say they belong other places. He may be forgiven at times for appearing not to have any Fire present at all, but do not be fooled. The Tarot Knights may appear in a reading to represent you. My 4-week Tarot course Reading Tarot for Others kicks off on Wednesday!!! Knights of Tarot could mean the world you're in could use some promotion or defense. However, The King is lenient in certain matters and areas of behaviour with The Knight for he too remembers what it was to be a Knight. If the Knight of Pentacles represents you, it is a sign that you are on the right path. When a Knight represents someone in your life, this person will be driven by action and passion. In other words, this person has a lot of enthusiasm.He is two thirds Sagittarius, the fire sign that is mutable. They are not fully grown but they arent children either. Brave battles would never be fought, corrupt rulers never ousted, risks never dared and challenges never risen to. His key phrase is curiosity, and he represents the ravenous and searching mind. Yet, with every up and down, the Knights are learning. Action of some sort is usually required of you when a Knight appears and does not represent a person. With that in mind, perhaps you're rushing into a situation without considering the consequences of your actions. They are responsible for defending their own territory, as well as fighting for the territory of others. This can be one of their greatest mistakes, and if allowed to free fall into Reverse, it may be very hard to put right. This can lead to a stifling of creativity and individual expression. The downside to the Knight of Wands is that while he is bursting with energy and enthusiasm, he has a tendency to rush into things without much consideration for the consequences of his actions. The Knights are viewed as the young men of the world. He is the most loyal, trustworthy and long serving Knight of the King of his realm. In this blog series, I focus on each of the Court Cards the Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings of the Tarot to help you understand how you can interpret these Tarot cards in your readings. The querent? The Tarot Card Meanings of the Knights As people, Knights are highly action-oriented - more so than the Pages. They would be enthusiastic for nothing and too tired to go anywhere. The clouds in the background show with what eagerness he is. It depends on how The Knight was reared and what he experienced. Unsubscribe at any time. The Knight of Wands can also come across as aggressive and overly ambitious. Multiple Knights in a Tarot Reading: Four Knights in a Tarot Reading As four Knights represent young men (or women for some people), then four Knights can predict a situation which you will be in with lots of Knights around you. At times, he represents a willing lover in relationship spreads, but also one that may end up being emotionally immature. We believe that spirituality should be accessible, fun and insightful. We addressed the sectors of the zodiac wheel that each of the four Kings (Thoth Knights) rule over, which correspond to three decan rulers. It could be a visit, news heading your way or major changes. This card can mean finding love at work. Whether they are on or off their Horse they must make sure their Horse is safe, is where it is meant to be and is of no threat to others. . In addition to the physical sources of information, the Knight of Cups can also represent wisdom that comes from your dreams and that helps you to surmount lifes obstacles. The most empowering way of reading tarot is to understand the spiritual meaning. Vegas Golden Knights Win Game 4, Potential to Clinch Series Win. His exuberance especially needs to be channeled and shows where the querent might be acting impulsively and need to slow down. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher and creator of Divinerism. 3 Knights: Competition. When three Kings appear in a reading, this means that you will receive the advice and opinions of multiple people who, possibly, hold some type of authority (but not always). The combination of these two cards indicates that this success is the result of your hard work, ambition and determination. 4 Pages: Schools, colleges, learning centers, universities. What do Fours mean in tarot? This feather, it relates to the Egyptian goddess of justice, Maat. This combination of Air and Fire is combustible and volatile. Pages can also represent older people who are starting . It is linked to the element of water. Regardless of which Suit The Knight represents and his Governing Element, he will also be influenced by the Element and Energy of Fire. Are you being proactive in achieving your goals? This will probably be the last year I offer this course and I've got tons of fun things planned - bonus live tarot . The Tarot Knights are four fascinating cards in a Tarot deck. They must act responsibly while enjoying themselves, or they may end up regretting at leisure later on in life. Always consider both sides of a Knight does he represent a helpful or harmful approach? You may have to keep your emotions in check, though. The Knight of Wands is an act first, think later type of guy. He is masculine, assertive, and on the go. At this vital stage of the growth process, The Knights are no longer children. Tarot Knights are more mature than the Pages, yet have not experienced enough to be as knowledgeable as the Queens and Kings. Expect a commitment, grand gesture, or even a proposal. Essentially, their horses are an integral part of each Knight. The Suit of Wands represents passion and drive. This will be an younger male (living or physically deceased) or even a boyish femalebut to be sure, the male principal is strong in this person. They generally represent males between 22 and 30 years of age but they can represent a female if their energy fits and she is displaying Knightly qualities. While the Jets find themselves on the brink of elimination, the Golden Knights have the possibility to clinch Round 1 with just one . In general most of these mistakes are just part of the growing up process and we are quick to forgive. Knight of cups tarot card denotes a person on a quest to declare his love. If it were not for the number Four, we would be lifted into the energy realms like helium balloons: Unfettered, ungrounded, and hopelessly lost. Follow that fire inside you into your future. He is seeking the perfect quest and often remains so involved in his idea of the quest that he doesnt even dip his toes in the real emotional river running right beneath him. Knight of cups tarot card meanings in a general reading. But for our purposes, let's look at the four Knights as the adolescent, youthful expression of each suit. Well, they are moving. So, I thought I would write an in-depth guide to the Tarot Knights to help you read these cards! Your email address will not be published. According to A.E. If a Knight turns up and the Querant is convinced it represents someone much older than 30, then it might suggest there is immaturity evident in this person. This is your knight in shining armour. The King and Queen may clash over such matters. The Knight of Wands is driven and keen on adventure. He has the freedom to come and go as he chooses now and is eager to master the art of romance and the joy of sex. It may prove difficult to fight or keep under control, especially when The Knights so badly need its influence to retain their Ranking. Knights in a Tarot reading hold deep meaning. They generally represent males between 22 and 30 years of age but they can represent a female if their energy fits and she is displaying Knightly qualities. They will see the muscles twitch and heads swing furiously back and forth in an attempt to escape their captive state. For instance, the Knights of Wands, since all wands are fire and all knights are fire, he is a very fiery fellow, and you can see that they knew this quite well in the Golden Dawn because of the fiery horse that he's on, a red horse, flames coming out of his armor, and even his plume on his helment is like fire. Left unbridled and unconstrained, Fire will impulsively rush headlong into situations without checking things out first. The Knight of Wands is bursting with enthusiasm and excitement at the prospects of life and travel. The Knight of Swords, quick minded and talkative being the Fiery part of Air uses the Fire Element to fuel his mind and thought processes in order to think and act swiftly. Sport. You will have to stand by your convictions with regard to your career. The Knight of Cups is a messenger, and his message is one of replenishment and joy. Good Morning! They are headstrong, focusing on forging their own path. He will stay the course. The Four of Pentacles in Tarot stands for possessiveness, control, and blocked change. He is one thirds Scorpio and two thirds Sagittarius, and this helps to give him part of his character.The Knight of cups is fire, because all knights are fire, and all cups are water, and you see that fire and water don't always mix well inside somebody, so there's going to be some internal conflict here, and yet he has the wings of imagination coming off his helmet. For example, business coaches, a mastermind, or mentors could help you in some way. He can be extravagant, distrustful, or show that, in the querents situation, there is a lack of trust. The Knight here represents, as a person in the querents life, a useful, steady influence. They will succeed with none of their missions if they fail to manage the power of Fire that will carry them through each situation they encounter. 2023 Biddy Tarot. They can pack their bags and take off around the world or pursue crazy careers. Such rivalry often keeps their flames fanned and a state of constant alert should they be required to spring into action at a moments notice. The Knight of Swords goes forward on his path with no fear. They also represent study, learning and large groups of young males. The Knight of Swords often reflects a time when you are embarking on a new project or idea and there really is no stopping you. Personalities? As people, Knights are highly action-oriented more so than the Pages. When the cards are dealt at the beginning of your reading, each one is placed into a past, present or future position. Discs, coins, or pentacles represent the Earth element and the practical realm of our lives. How to Read the Court Cards Like an Expert, The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition, The Tarot Readers Blueprint for Attracting Clients. That's because the contents of his cup have the power to restore life to even the most inhospitable terrain. I see him as tirelessly being the force within that slays destructive thoughts and mental patterns. The Knight of Pentacles, serious, committed and responsible, being the Fiery part of Earth, the Fire Element influences him to do something about his long-term goals. And so the Element of Fire has a huge role to play in the formation and personality development of a Knight. My book,The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, is a straight-forward, relevant and comprehensive guide to every Tarot card. Be sure to check out our Privacy Policy! Contents of website is Spirituality Media & Lisa Boswell (2022) not to be reproduced without permission. The Knight of Swords is determined and confident. Modern decks typically have a King, Queen, Knight, and Page/Princess. If you're going to use the Knight of Swords as your significator, remember that he is two thirds of the sign of Gemini, which is mutable, air, and he is the ravenous, curious mind. You can find out more about Lisa and her work at www.divinerism.com. This Knight cannot think and move fast enough. As an event, the Knight of Wands may indicate an event that enters your life quickly and unexpectedly. The Kings carefully monitor The Knights comings and goings, for it is they who stand to inherit. Knights usually symbolize young men or individuals in their late teens to early thirties. Clearly, when applied to a love, then the above interpretation can mean that the four Knights in your reading means that you or your lover may be incarcerated; this will have an impact on your relationship. Do you love or hate the Knights? There are different ways to read them, and may reflect yourself, someone you know, or an influence in your life. He doesnt have the maturity of the King of Swords to be able to take a moderate approach, and thus he can end up charging down the wrong path if hes not careful. It is important to embrace this change and throw yourself into any opportunities that appear. They may think they know it all and have nothing left to learn. They should command a presence about them that is unmistakably Knightly and enjoy many followers and admirers. He is fearless and brave, if not impulsive and single-minded. will help you out by telling you some home truths. It is said that the Knight of Cups is the most feminine of the knights in the tarot. The French renamed the Superior and Inferior officers Queen and Knave respectively, and other countries followed suit. It is only when they Reverse that their mistakes can become disastrous. The Suit of Cups reflects emotions, subconsciousness, and relationships. When this happens, they become of no use to anyone. We need structure, we need to be grounded, and the number Four is a necessary . Now, we look at the Knights. All the knights are on horses, and they represent the tendency of matter to change and move.You'll see that on his cloak he wears, that there are salamanders, which is the totem symbol for all fire court cards. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher. Pages look forward to the opportunity of learning and practicing new skills. He is impatient and impulsive, with a love for action. The Four Knights in the Tarot represent people, situations, atmospheres, advice or messages, based on the Elemental Energies of the particular Knight. They will expect them to make some mistakes and will be there to support them through any aftermath involved. If your romance is serious and you have already become acquainted with each others friends, then the two Knights simply represent outsiders (who are old friends) who have some level of impact on your relationship. They are a part of the court cards, along with the Pages, Queens, and Kings. The Tarot Card Meanings of the Pages As people, Pages often represent young, energetic people who are at the very beginning of their personal journey. They would come across as weak in themselves, lacking in spirit, motivation and initiative. They will be encouraged to sow their wild oats and might even receive a round of applause for it. And does a Queen really have to be a woman? Grab the free PDF guide, plus receive divination tips, news, special promotions, and updates in your inbox! Therefore, I often interpret four Knights quite negatively as it can sometimes symbolize time spent in prison. The Queen will happily cover for her Knightly son and act as a buffer or go-between matters flare between The King and his son. With one quick sharp kick, she could have split my head open, not because she wanted to, but because she got a fright or was in season when a stallion passed too close, or if I had not being paying particular attention, or had become to laid-back or blas about the potential danger of standing too close to a Horse. Available in paperback and digital order yours today. In his negative firm he's all over the place, and maybe has self-destructive curiosity, or maybe he's using the mind incorrectly.Since all knights are fire and all swords are air, that combination of fire behind the mind, behind the air, mental element, means the mind is on fire. This builds off my post, How to Read the Court Cards Like an Expert to help other Tarot students learn more about these tricky cards. As you will discover on your journey throughout The Four Knights, they can become as undesirable when Reversed as they are desirable when Upright. A Knight who is lacking in Fire, or has a complete absence of it, is a sorry sight indeed and none more so than The Knight of Wands who is born out of The Fire Element, and then has it doubled once more, is the ultimate bearer of Fire and possesses all Fires attributes from one extreme to another. You are probably reading this and thinking, okay, this makes sense, but how do I know what the Knights mean in my reading?. Some of the links on my site are affiliate links which means that I earn a small commission if you purchase one of my recommendations. What does it mean when you receive multiple Kings in a Tarot reading? His key phrase is curiosity, and he represents the ravenous and searching mind. You are ready to overcome any problem, challenge or obstacle that is in your path. These challenges are different for each Knight which means their Horses are formed for the specific roles they will play. If you hate the Knights, feel free to check out more Knight Tarot card meanings below. The origin of the Court cards is different from how we work with them today. . Knights may equally expect to attract rivals in love, life, career and power. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. This can be very difficult for The Knights to successfully achieve and maintain, for Fire is a powerful Element, and can be extremely overwhelming. When faced with a decision, he will always go with what his heart tells him, whether it is logical or not. In his most positive form there's a yearning to learn. The knights are also on the Tree of Life. Their aim is to conquer the world and become Mastersof their domain.
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4 knights in a tarot reading 2023