It is a shame that you did not write a book (I fully understand your reasoning and respect that tho) as it would have given people much important information and helped to prevent this happening to others. Darn shame that he also placed Amie directly in harms way. This is by far the best summary of the events, all of the others articles and videos are biased either in support or againts, but yours is impartial, you wrote this soo well it feels as if you're telling me this yourself in person, and i could tell that your reserch was extensive, You write so beautifully, i want to read a novel of yours, it could be about how cows are the true evil behind mcdonalds icecream machine not working and i would still EAT IT UP. (more on this below) A short conversation ensues as Amie and Tim try and determine if the bear is really gone. Dead within 15 seconds.Some have interjected with their own imagination inventing that high velocity or 3 1/2" were used. We go crazy and can't think straight. My very own silence of the lamb(s) well before the film. Timothy Treadwell gained widespread fame and notoriety for his interactions with grizzly bears, appearing on nationally syndicated talk shows and in schools as a bear advocate. Who knows how it died. Jewel states that no bears were poached while Tim was in Katmai, but that after he died 6 bears were poached within the park. Very, very sad. thank you for your story. The object of Treadwell's affections turned on him this month, when he and his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, 37, were mauled to death by an old male bear outside their tent in Katmai National Park in Alaska. Warranty Terms and Conditions. However this article and the way it was written with such authenticity but not being dull and just plain information was very captivating and so easy to read. The harder garbage is to dispose of, and in this case all garbage had to be flown out by plane, the easier and more available it is for bears in the area to get to. If you have the bad luck of being eaten by an animal just remember, 90% of the time youre still alive as they start to eat you! How ridiculous. video-clip and the time of the attack. He tested fate 1 too many times. I got curious when I came across Tim and Amies tragic story. But what I do know, is about my own experience working in the field of criminology and psychology. I wonder, is it possible that Amie wasn't killed by the bear? The thing that really stands out to me, on top of everything else, is that he (TT) had no back up plan. Why did he lie about his family upbringing? Indeed. as a trusting mother came by and stopped a few feet from him to play This was a good read. Anyone that spends as much time in the field as Tim and I have, will no doubt have had similar experiences. Perhaps the author didn't want letters addressed to (him?) I agree that after his death he is to blame for the two subsequent bear's deaths but it seems that something is going on here that raises questions. handgun begins to fire at about the same time rangers Gilliland and Dalrymple, who were each armed with 12 gauge shotguns loaded with slugs also begin to shoot at the bear. (I dont believe this latter scenario took place for one minute which I will discuss in detail below). I hope that the Park Service has more strict rules since then. Their behavior was extreme but hardly unique, to judge by the steady trickle of similar incidents elsewhere.I am a retired journalist who wrote, which tells the tale of James Kim, a technical writer who, in 2006, ignored a series of warnings and common sense on the way to getting himself killed in the remote forest of SW Oregon, endangering his equally brainless wife and their two children who were rescued in the nick of time.There are commonalities in the two stories: negligence to the point of recklessness, and -- oddly enough -- a selfish lack of respect for "Mother Nature" who sat by as people sucked in by too many Yogi Bear and Bambi cartoons, accentuated by over-the-top "environmentalist" romanticization of the Outback ignore the realities.Only after humans largely conquer Ma Nature, or at least adapt to it and bend it to suit our needs and tastes, do we take the stupidly romantic view, to the point where tourists in Yellowstone try to pet the bison, only to learn the hard way that a 1,500-pound wild animal might not want to be petted.I have to wonder: Why grizzlies? It was posted to draw traffic to his UTube page. There is an old Pioneer story about one of the original pioneering families on Afognak, (island next to Kodiak). He was a fool who paid for his idiocy with his life. The scariest part of the story is that he found no front paw prints on theretreating path of the bear. Hopefully this will serve as reminder to others that want to do this kind of work to listen to those who have been around such creatures and to use precaution when in their presence. As Tim leaves the tent, investigators believe that Amie instinctively turns the camera on, possibly as her message in a bottle, and then asks Tim if the bear is still out there, and almost immediately the bear attacks. Wildlife filmmaker and outdoor guide. I forgot about it years ago and came here unintentionally. This man died from untreated mental illness.And that is why it is so sad. I truly understand human fascination with wild life. Needs to be ADA compliant for readers with visual impairments. An older male bear, desperate for food, approached their camp and attacked Treadwell. summers among the Katmai bears, and how he may have finally managed It is very easy to sit back in our nice comfortable living rooms and Monday morning quarterback what occurred far away and a week, or even years earlier. Was it mainly due to being orphaned so young? I watched him sitting on the beach I never arrested him for drunk driving.We all do stupid things at times. This could have very well been me. Commercial aircraft fly over the polar bear habitat so chartered planes (or ships) could drop animal carcuses over the region until we can figure out how to cool our planet down to re-form the sea ice. This footage has been viewed by few, and most likely will not ever be released to the public. Likewise, in a 1994 interview when he was asked whether he was ever afraid of the bears, he responded with saying They wouldnt hurt me. during the struggle with the bear, turned the camera on, resulting I know this all too well! Our free 2-year warranty makes every Radwell purchase a dependable, reliable investment in your company's future. in the sound being recorded. Because the bear did not appear to be acting aggressively, the rangers allowed it to move off. A total of 6 park violations or complaints from 1994 to 2003, including guiding tourists without a license, camping in the same area longer than the 5 day limit, improper food storage, wildlife harassment, use of a portable generator, and misc. But also, it sounds like the woman and man are about the same distance from the microphone, which you COULD argue that the man and woman HAPPENED to be positioned in a triangular position an equal distance from the camera. aggression you could see disdain in its face whenever it was He was an old bear and Tim included footage of Quincy in the Grizzle Man Diaries, and Tim said they were great friends, which was sad, considering that Quincy was the old Grizzly bear that was identified by Jans as Bear 141, which had a lot of human flesh inside its stomach after the rangers killed it. I have to wonder though, Did Tim still think that grizzly bears were mainly harmless party animals as the bear attacked and then dragged him away from camp ? Timothy Treadwell, originally Timothy William Dexter, was born on 29 April 1957 in Long Island, New York, to Carol Dexter and Val Dexter. Even the most domesticated animals kill every year yet we still keep dogs in our homes as pets . His early attempts at camping were almost comical. Our I honestly dont think he did any harm out there. Its a lifetime, and even with adrenaline is slowed to a crawl. He was an outsider. After the college party life took over his life and losing his scholarship, Tim began auditioning for parts in various sitcoms, changing his name to Treadwell from his mothers side of the family. I watched the docu and it was very engrossing. However, had we met, Tim and I would have no doubt had some heated discussions about how I thought he was doing more harm than good with his behavior in Alaska. Thank you for this great article. Part of the reason people like him start to get this romantic view of nature is because it is over-romanticized in much of popular culture, especially documentaries. Still, Amie Huguenard also witnessed Treadwells confrontations with the National Park Service. However, I do not believe that Amies screams attracted the bear like a predator call. According to Tim, as a teenager his home life disintegrated often getting stinking drunk and once smashed up the families car. Certainly a horrible way of dying, Amy was brave no doubt about it. I am sorry a young woman and 2 bears died from his bad thought processing but please if he was molested as I am almost sure of; please have consideration of his mental stability. But to think this mania he is in isn't the 100% cause of his behavior is troubling. first life-changing visit to Alaska to the year of his tragic death. Lets face it, humans are not exactly the cleanest animals on the planet, what harm would it do to just toss this banana peal or apple core?. I would never put myself in their way, just as I would never interact with wild/primitive humans. Bears often attack, or defend themselves by first going for the head in an attempt to take out the opponents weapon; the face, mouth and head. The reason for differing treatment is that the latter just look evil (and caused the fall of humanity in the garden)(been slithering about the landscape ever since)(well, at least those on land). while pointing to the right. In the 85-year history of Katmai National Park, this was the first known incident of a person being killed by a bear. 1985, Bear Attacks, Their Causes and Avoidance: Lions & Burford Publishers. Needless to say they were pretty upset with me. I wouldn't willingly go within 10 miles of that many half ton predators without at least a .45 preferably a double barreled shotgun as well. The events are truly shocking and serves as a reminder that wildlife needs to be respected and given its space from human interaction. MEN are supposed to, since Time Immemorial, PROTECT Those in Our Charge from EXACTLY THIS KIND OF DANGER. The next morning, Treadwells friend Willy Fulton arrived at the campsite on October 6 to pick him and Huguenard up. But from what I observed, is that Tim had an addictive behavior. As someone who hunts bear, the details of this story are beyond chilling. just yesterday a bear was euthanized because he started showing bold, dangerous behavior towards humans. The younger bear was consumed by other animals before it could be necropsied. (Liggett 2003). Unless this is all the info you have of course. Look at how many idiots get killed driving drunk? attack. Bears die all the time, they fight, they starve, they get diseases and other injuries, they die. Sadly his actions caused his death and Amie his girlfriend. Nice writing, straight facts and authors feelings and opinions later also on point. I have lived through horrors of nature that will forever walk in my dreams. The body on which the bear had been feeding was that of Amie Huguenard. Also love the light touches of humor here & there, "at a good clip", haha!, also NOT romanticizing this poor deluded child-man, who simply exchanged one addiction for another and really did far more harm than any good, & had clearly degenerated at the end, basically guaranteeing his horrid death (and poor Aimee's). According to park service records, in 1998 Treadwell was issued a citation by park rangers for storing an ice chest filled with food in his tent. bear (making noise, hollering and running towards it)(3) Specifically learn about bipolar mania and hypomania. First, it was drugs and alcohol, and it nearly killed him until he "kicked" the habit. Well researched and so informational in shedding light on such a tragedy that could have very well been prevented. He Jewel Palovak also states in her interview, that Tim was working with the park service, providing them with information on boat traffic, weather and other data collected. Amie was no doubt in love with this odd-ball, but she wasnt stupid, or weak, She could have left at any time. I like the fact that the author of this article has a strong background in brown bears/grizzlies and spent a lot of time with them as Tim did because I feel that gives not just an objective opinion, but an educated one (both in textbooks and by firsthand). Whos to blame? interrupted. In this particular case, the bear came walking down the path that night and had no where else to go, but right through the camp with Tim and Amies tent in the middle of the trail. So it was clear that he did have mental health issues, to say the least. That will not happen again. So eating chef boy r dee wearing his oakley sunglasses and north face garb along with 3k dollar camera his satallite phone i mean i just dont no? cache defense, which is the cause of maybe 10 percent of killings by All I wanted to do is listen to the six minute audio of Mr. Treadwell being eaten alive. Wish she'd had a gun, in a reasonable caliber. with her cub without a care about Tims presence. Maybe. "Me thinks if you cared for the person you were with would be, "RUN LIKE HELL!! Polar bears will become extinct if we fail to act. Good on this guy gor doing what he wanted but a damn fool to ever think it wouldnt end this way. (Herrero 1985, et al). Fascinating explanation of such a tragic event. as much as i would love to feed a bear & show them affection, i know that in doing so i could inadvertently harm the bear, or a human. Minor fact but this attacked happened at 1:58PM Alaska Time.. Overcast due to the nasty weather. Be aware and be smart. On Friday, October 8, 2003, two days after investigators first arrived and killed the two bears, a necropsy of the larger bear was conducted at the scene by biologist Larry Van Daele, where it was learned the stomach and digestive tract contained human remains and torn pieces of clothing. encounters than anyone, except maybe Vitaly Nikolayenko, who spent Tim had even filmed such encounters. Remember a cover is nice but a cover is not the book.. You did a well written report and most of us appreciate it. At the time of necropsy, 3 days after Tim and Amie were killed, bear #141 was reported to be a scrawny, but healthy 1000 pound 28-year-old male that was probably looking to fatten up for winter, with broken canine teeth, and others worn down to the gums. No other record keeping by Tim was turned over to the park service.). Part 3 - About the Attack & Final Note, Katmai Coastal Bear Tours This latter scenario can not be confirmed because thankfully for us the video tape ran out before it occurred.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yellowstone_bearman_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_15',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); This incident occurred due to An unconventional person with unconventional behavior toward bears, camped in the middle of a very dangerous situation.. That makes him about the stupidest man I've ever heard of. If Tim did provide basic information on visitor use, boat and plane traffic, as well as weather information, I would argue that it was more in passing during incidental conversation, and not with official record keeping. I am impressed with your work. Im struck also by the authors sense of ethics and morality in sharing this. In the years since their fate came to light, much of the conversation around them has ignored Huguenard, but hers is a tragic cautionary tale and one of promise cut short. This event did raise my awareness about the dangers of people coexisting with bears and bear behavior. After a few minutes, I decided to get up and walk across the meadow, only to have the whole family follow along beside me. And often in the background of the documentary was Amie Huguenard, the woman who accompanied Treadwell on his fatal last trip. But I'm not a fan of Treadwell. However, examining the evidence shows that this was not the case entirely, but was a contributing factor. Amie is heard screaming over the background sounds of rain hitting the tent, the wind, and other storm sounds all mixed in with the bear and Tim fighting to Play dead! Seconds pass before Amie yells again to Play dead! (Van Daele 2004), Not surprisingly, with Amie yelling and screaming nearby, this seems to work and the bear breaks off the attack. for believing differently is knowing the length of time of the decisions you make will determine the safety of bear When I encounter a bear I instantly & CALMLY get a weapon ready & look for the safest route away from the bear as Im evaluating the bears behaviour. It chronicles the life and death of bear enthusiast, wildlife activist, and aspiring documentarian Timothy Treadwell. obviously loved the bears that allowed him to break through The film became one of Herzogs most highly regarded works for its laser focus on Treadwell, an environmentalist with a troubled past who spent his summers with the bears of Alaskas Katmai National Park. I will say that my son was molested and told us near his 13th birthday. Through experience, Tim would have packed early, Makes total sense that he got GOT by an older bear that had come into the Maze after the younger, stronger bears, had had their fill of food and headed in to hibernate.I will say Kudos to Treadwell for living the life that he wanted to liveby his terms (illegal or otherwise), and also going out on his own terms. This is a work in progress. For 13 years, Timothy Treadwell camped in several Alaskan parks but Katmai National Park was a favorite, crawling and walking up close to bears and filming them. Bear 141 was a huge, dominant 28 year old male who did not live that long by attacking humans on Kaflia (Treadwell wasn't the only one who was around there). along with the poor weather conditions, which make it difficult for Not the bodies, but just the torn-up camp and things like that etcAlso, has anyone went back to the site? Herzog, Werner. Thanks for an enlightening read! Famous last words if you ask me. This type of aggressive behavior is a kind of I enjoyed your writing, research, and opinion and very much think you should write your book. Throughout the movie, Grizzly Man, we see Tim in numerous close encounters, and very nearly attacked on several occasions. Buuutthis is America, no bear spray, no heavy tools, nothing. Readers Digest. They were 2 activist and bear conservationist who were camping in Alaska's Katmai National . to the camp with the camera still on standby and the attack happened (Fallico 2004), It is believed that at this point in the attack, the bear let go of Tims head which the bear had in its mouth, and grabbed him somewhere in the upper leg area. Trying to get up close to wolves results from scientific and personal curiosity. The problem I have with this is, the decomposing bear carcass I saw in the out-take showed no actual sign of being poached, it was just a dead bear. Food was found in the camp secured in 4 or 5 metal bear proof canisters, as well as open snack food found untouched inside the sleeping tent. the weather conditions, which were very poor at the time, with a lot Willy FultonAmie Lynn Huguenard was Timothy Treadwells constant companion on his final three trips to visit the grizzly bears in Alaskas Katmai National Park. Tim Treadwell was an idiot and a mentally ill man child who as a grown man still felt the adolescent urge to defy authority. In this episode we discuss the tragic life and grizzly death of Timothy Treadwell, an American bear enthusiast who spent time in the wilds of Alaska with Gri. At Treadwells request the film crew contacted a charter service to pick him up. Oh, and for "nature", can find the critters in the Hollywood hills. This is more, a story of Tim committing suicide. Sadly, Ammie trusted and was with an idiot California nut that got what he deserved. The author states "bear #141 was a bear that Tim had named Ollie, the big old grumpy bear, and this is the bear identified by Hertzog in Grizzley Man as the bear that probably killed Tim and Amie. Makes no sense.You might want to fix that.Write the book. In fact im sure hunters got the idea from him as permitting increased unfortunetly he has popularizied the area to the world. A physicians assistant in Aurora, Colo., Amie first fell in love with Treadwells book and eventually its author. Only low growls and periodic grunts are heard which only adds to the horror of the scene. During this period, Tims cries and pleadings can be heard for two-thirds of that time. Maybe it was willful ignorance but having so many close calls leads me to think that although he didn't intentionally cause Amie's death he certainly contributed to it and failed to protect her from the bears.If TT were still alive I believe he would want us all to focus on the extremely threatened polar bears and to help them survive after man has melted the sea ice that the bears use to catch their prey, seals. Night encounters are much different than surprise encounters during the day and must be handled differently. Please visit our friends at for a guide on legalized sports betting in the US. The older, larger bear that killed Tim and Amie had been ear tagged in 1990 after the Valdez-Alaska oil spill as part of a larger research project, and had the number 141 tattooed on the inside of its upper lip. 25 years doing much the same thing Timothy did until a bear killed As for the first question - what "did he look like after the bear got to him" - well first, it was 2 maybe 3 bears involved. 1953, The Journals of Lewis and Clark: Mariner books. i learned everything i needed to know about what happened, plus ive gained a few tips on what not to do in bear encounters. And if your in Healy they ask or say dont pull a chris macanless. I hope that she never does. Trying to get up close to grizzlies represents suicidal tendencies. (Fulton 2004, Ellis 2003, pg 5), Meanwhile, searchers excavating the bears cache back in camp discover Amie Huguenard, whos arm and fingers had been exposed to the daylight when investigators first entered the camp. God rest his soul and his girlfriend too. He did what he believe. (4) A remote was found with the camera in its Willy then states that he turned around and headed back down the path through the thick alders at a pretty good clip and just as he gets to the plane, he turns and spots a pretty nasty looking bear that he had seen on earlier flights, sneaking slowly down the trail with its head down.
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