But Heims theory does not require them to be, but only that they occur and may be plausibly thought of as fulfilling to those who have them. Some have urged that it be replaced by the more neutral terms particularism or restrictivism. (Netland 2001, 46; Krkkinen 2003, 80-1) This article retains the common term because it is widespread and many have adopted the label for their own theory of religious diversity. Many people associate any sort of pluralist theory of religious diversity with a number of arguably good qualities. Insofar as they in good conscience practice what is good in their religion, people in other religions receive Gods grace and are anonymous Christians, people who are being saved through Christ, though they do not realize it. Hick doesnt argue for the salvific or cure-delivering equality of all religions. (Netland 2001), Others object that Hicks pluralism requires arbitrarily reinterpreting religious language non-literally, and usually as having to do with morality, contrary to what most proponents of those religions believe. (Sharma 1999, ch. Again, if a Christian diagnosis is correct, that humans are alienated from and need to be reconciled to God, yet some manage to attain Nirvana, they would still lack the cure, for it is no part of Nirvana that one is reconciled to God. Such an outlook is commonly perceived as meaningless, hopeless, and devoid of value. In all these ways, they argue that their ultimist pluralism is superior to other pluralisms. (For others see Hick 2004, Introduction.). A common form of negative pluralism may be called verificationist pluralism. This is the view that all religious claims are meaningless, and as a result are incapable of rational evaluation. However, they nearly always have at least one criterion for excluding religions as inferior in the aspect(s) they focus on. (Burton 2010; Kiblinger 2005; and section 4c below) But in modern times, some have constructed a novel and distinctively Buddhist pluralism using the Mahayana doctrine of expedient means (Sanskrit: upaya). The formation and development of religious diversity is a manifestation of the free expression of human thought, belief, and practice, as well as a historical premise and ideological condition for the gradual recognition and integration of modern religions into modern political values. Beginning in the late twentieth century, however, some Jewish thinkers have argued for pluralism along the lines of various Christian authors, revising traditional Jewish theology. Characteristically Religious Feelings Awe, a sense of mystery, a sense of guilt, and adoration are "religious feelings" which tend to be aroused in religious believers when they come in the presence of sacred objects, in sacred places, and during the practice of sacred rituals. Exclusivism, Inclusivism, Pluralism: The Tripolar Typology Clarified and Reaffirmed., Sharma, Arvind. A more inclusive and equitable workplace can lead to increased employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity. It has been typical also for Buddhist thinkers to hold that at best, the same is true of other religious traditions. No Wasted Journey: A Theological Autobiography., Stenmark, Mikael. Diversity is the differences in colour, ethnicity, abilities, age, gender, beliefs, interests, socioeconomic (class), marital or partnership status, sexual orientation, geographic, academic/professional backgrounds, opinions, backgrounds, thinking, experiences and many other characteristics. Some characteristics of religion are the worship of gods or prophets, beliefs in a system of norms and values, symbology or places of worship. 2) He was what we now call a pluralistic Hindu (and most Hindus would add that he was also an unorthodox Hindu). On the one hand, it is difficult to consistently distinguish inclusivism from exclusivism, because the latter nearly always concedes some significant value to other religions. According to Pew, it has a Christian majority (52% of the population), while the other half of the population is formed by two sizeable minorities: Hindus (close to 20%) and Muslims (about 15%). Social scientists have conceived of diversity in a variety of ways, including the degree to which a society is split into distinct groups; minority group size (in share and/or absolute number); minority group influence (the degree to which multiple groups are visible and influential in civil society); and group dominance (the degree to which one The tradition now called Hinduism is and always has been very internally diverse. Has Normative Religious Pluralism a Rationale?. Religious Pluralism., Schmidt-Leukel, Perry. Facts and Theories of Religious Diversity, Abe, Masao. 4. Consider the claim that the cosmos was intentionally made. It has been objected that this theory is not promising because it is hard to see how we could ever have sufficient evidence for some of its claims, while others are implausible in light of the evidence we do have. An improvement upon naive pluralism acknowledges differences in all the aspects of religions, but separates peripheral from core differences. Thus, the slogan that there is no salvation outside the church (Latin: Extra ecclesiam nulla salus) was meant to communicate at bare minimum the uniqueness of the Christian church as Gods instrument of salvation since the resurrection of Jesus. In Mahayana Buddhism, the ultimate reality, a formless but active non-thing, is Emptiness, or the Truth Body (Dharmakaya). Legenhausen, Hajj Muhammad [Gary Carl]. (Heim 1995, 163) This is consistent with the Christian thinking that the end pursued by Christians is in fact better than all others; thus, heaven is better than Nirvana. Such theologians, prominently Hans Kng (b. A common strategy here is to simply ignore disreputable religious traditions, only discussing the prestigious ones. However, God has ordained Nirvana as a goal suitable for some non-Christians to both pursue and attain. There are numerous cultures in the world, understood as different visions of the cosmos , of humanity itself and of the world, with their traditions, imaginaries, languages and representations. All religions, then, are equal in that they are responses to the ineffable Ultimate Reality which equally wellor for all we can tell equally wellbring about an ethical improvement in humans, away from self-centeredness and towards other humans and the Ultimate Reality. Rather, he only argues for the equality of what he calls post-axial religions major religious traditions which have arisen since around 800 B.C.E. Nevertheless, the homeownership rate is on the rise among Asian Americans, increasing from 53% in 2000 to 59% in 2019. As a relative latecomer which has always acknowledged the legitimacy of previous prophets, including Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, while proclaiming its prophet to be the greatest and last, Islam has, like Judaism, tended towards inclusivist views of other religions. (Smith 2003, 2012). (OConnor 1999) This exclusivism is compatible with both exclusivism and inclusivism in this article. It is only modern people who are blinded by the misunderstanding that science reveals all, who have forgotten it. These are the undisputed facts of religious diversity. Legenhausen, Hajj Muhammad [Gary Carl]. Hick realizes the incoherence of dubbing all religions true, for they have core teachings that conflict, and most religions are not shy about pointing out such conflicts. Age diversity Age diversity means working with people of different ages and, most importantly, generations. Though naive pluralisms are not common amongst scholars in relevant fields, they are important to mention because they are entertained by many people as they begin to reflect on religious diversity. Religious diversity definition: The diversity of something is the fact that it contains many very different elements. In response to his claims that non-pluralistic religious believers are being arrogant, irrational, or arbitrary in believing that one religion (theirs) is the most true one, it has been pointed out that Hick too, as a religious pluralist, holds views which are inconsistent with many or most religions, seemingly preferring his own insights or experiences to theirs, which would, by Hicks own lights, be just as arrogant, irrational, or arbitrary. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, including the U.S. 70% of Americans attend a religious service monthly. Facts and Theories of Religious Diversity Scholars distinguish seven aspects of religious traditions: the doctrinal and philosophical, the mythic and narrative, the ethical and legal, the ritual and practical, the experiential and emotional, the social and organizational, and the material and artistic. On the Plurality of Religious Pluralisms., Long, Jeffery D. Anekanta Vedanta: Towards a Deep Hindu Religious Pluralism., Long, Jeffery D. Universalism in Hinduism., Mawson, T.J. Byrnes religious pluralism., Meeker, Kevin. Finally, inclusivist theories try to steer a middle course by agreeing with exclusivism that one religion has the most value while also agreeing with pluralism that others still have significant religious value. Diversity refers to all of the ways in which people differ, including primary characteristics, such as age, race, gender, ethnicity, mental and physical abilities, and sexual orientation; and secondary characteristics, such as nationality, education, income, religion, work experience, language skills, geographic location, family status, Such would be the work of a religiously embedded and committed theology of religious diversity, not of a general philosophy of religious diversity. When it comes to freedom of religion, it matters how people of faith are spoken of in politics and the media. One asserts not merely the possibility, but the actuality of salvation for those who are inculpably ignorant of the gospel but who seek God and try to follow his will as expressed through their own conscience. This sort of core pluralism was propounded by some members of the Theosophical Society such as co-founder Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-91) in her widely read The Secret Doctrine (1888), and by French convert to Sufi Islam Ren Gunon (1886-1951) and those influenced by him, such as the eclectic Swiss-German writer Frithjof Schuon (1907-98). After catholic Christianity became the official religion of the empire (c. 381), it was usually assumed that the message had been preached throughout the world, leaving all adult non-Christians without excuse. One goes so far as to say that the Holy Spirit offers to all [humans] the possibility of being associated, in a way known to God, with the Paschal Mystery [that is, the saving death and resurrection of Jesus]. (Gaudium et Spes 22, quoted in Dupuis 2001, 162) Some Catholic theologians see the groundwork or beginning in these documents for an inclusivist theory, on which other religions have saving value. A muted ally in this was the influential religious scholar Mircea Eliade (1907-86), whose work focused on comparing mythologies, and on what he viewed as an important, primitive religious outlook, which separates things into the sacred and the profane. For example, people have empirically disconfirmed claims that Jesus will visibly return to rule the earth from Jerusalem in 1974, or that magical ghost shirts will protect the wearer from bullets, or that saying a certain mantra three times will protect one from highway robbers. In his earlier writings, monotheistic concerns seem important. (McDermott and Netland 2014, 148) But these are sometimes tempered with loopholes such as: a universal chance to hear the gospel at or after death, a free pass to people who die before the age of accountability, or the view that less was required to be saved in pre-Christian times. Thus, famously, in a papal bull of 1302, called by its first words Unam Sanctam (that is, One Holy), Pope Boniface VIII (r. 1294-1303) declared that outside the Roman Catholic church, there is neither salvation nor remission of sins, and it is altogether necessary to salvation for every human creature to be subject to the pope. On such a metaphysics, any apparent substance (being, entity) turns out to be one or more events or processes. Religion and religion diversity are expressed by believers to cause strong opinions and emotions in all environments. If, for example, in his view Allah, Vishnu, and Yahweh are all real and distinct, is Hick thereby committed to polytheism? For example, in Theravada Buddhism, one must realize that there is no self, whereas in Advaita Vedanta Hinduism one must gain awareness that ones true self is none other than the ultimate reality, Brahman. A vast diversity of religious and spiritual traditions exists, and your clients may be affiliated with any of them. It is hard to see, then, how his theory enables one to be, as Hick claimed to be, a pluralistic Christian, given that one has replaced the diagnosis and cure of Christianity with those of Hicks pluralism. The context of this statement was not a discussion of the fate of non-Christians, but rather a political struggle between the pope and the king of France. Another naive exclusivist view which is rejected by most theorists is that all who are not full-fledged members of the best religion fail to get the cure. Thus, the Hindu intellectual Ram Mohun Roy (1772/4-1833) held that Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity, when understood in their original, non-idolatrous and non-superstitious ways, all teach the important truths about God and humankind, enabling humans to love and serve God. (Hick 2004, ch. For example, both Christians and Buddhists have adopted religious-diversity-celebrating rhetoric while clearly denying anything described above in this article as a kind of pluralism about religious diversity. These, however, are mere associations; there seems to be no obvious entailments between the theories of religious diversity and the above qualities. At the highest level there is only Emptiness, the ultimate. Later theologians added a baptism of desire, which was either a desire to be baptized or the inclination to form such a desire, either way enough to secure saving membership in the church. That's why religious diversity is so important. Griffin and Cobb seem to attribute the deepest insight to those who think the ultimate reality is an impersonal, indescribable non-thing. In their view, those who confess experience of Emptiness, Nirguna Brahman, or the One (of Neoplatonism) behold the ultimate reality (Creativity) as it really is, in contrast to monotheists or cosmos-focused religionists, who latch on to what are limited aspects of Creativity. Or what sense would it make for an Orthodox Jew, whose religion teaches him to be fruitful and multiply, to employ the Buddhist practice of viewing corpses at a burial ground so as to expunge the unwanted liability of sexual desire? All religions are equal? It is far from clear that Heim is correct that this stance will be consistent with the claims of the home religion. Email: filosofer@gmail.com 1928) and Paul Knitter (b. We could loosely paraphrase Hicks view as being that all religions are false, not that all their teachings are false (for there is much ethical and practical agreement among them), but rather that their core claims about the main object of religious experience and pursuit equally contain falsehoods. (Netland 2001; Burton 2010). Legenhausen, Hajj Muhammad [Gary Carl] Why I am not a Traditionalist. 2002. While this trichotomy is sometimes thought of in terms of general attitudes that a religious person may have towards other religionsapproximately the attitudes of rejection, limited openness, and wide acceptance respectivelyin this article they figure as theories concerning the facts of religious diversity. (Neuner and Dupuis 2001, 329), Since the Vatican II council (1962-5), many Catholic theologians have embraced what most philosophers will consider some form of inclusivism rather than a suitably qualified exclusivism, with a minority opting for some sort of pluralism. And how can the ultimist pluralist demand such changes? This type of diversity refers to the presence of multiple religions and spiritual beliefs (including lack thereof) in the workplace. Some theorized, for instance, that a baptism of blood, that is, martyrdom, would be enough to save unbaptized catechumens. Equally, Advaita Vedanta Hindus must let go of their insistence on Nirguna Brahman as ultimate. This unified consistency may be hoped for in terms of truth, or in terms of practice. This was a polemic against non-Mahayana versions of Buddhist dharma (teaching). You are protected under the Equality Act 2010 from these types of discrimination. Thus, for example, the earliest Buddhist and Christian sources prominently feature staunch criticisms of various rival teachings and practices as, respectively, false and useless or harmful. It is arguably the doctrinal and philosophical aspects of a religion which are foundational, in that the other aspects can only be understood in light of them. gender reassignment. Several caveats must be issued when observing religions across the world prior to describing the demographic characteristics of large religious groupings and highlighting their internal diversity. Thus, Augustine of Hippo (354-430) and Fulgentius of Ruspe (468-533) interpreted the slogan as implying that all non-Christians are damned, because they bear the guilt of original sin stemming from the sin of Adam, which has not been as it were washed away by baptism. While there are other sorts of negative naive pluralism, we shall concentrate on positive kinds here, as most of the scholarly literature focuses on those. In other contexts, religious pluralism is a normative principle requiring that peoples of all or most religions should be treated the same. The Religious Diversity Index is divided into four ranges: very high (the top 5% of scores), high (the next highest 15% of scores, which works out to 16% because of tie scores), moderate (the next 20% of scores) and low (the bottom 59% of scores). This celestial plane is a personal God. Another view which is taken by Bible-oriented evangelical Protestants allows the possibility of non-Christians receiving saving grace, but is firmly agnostic as to whether this actually occurs, and if it does, how often, because of the paucity of relevant biblical statements. On the other hand, others seem to make little or no sense outside the context of the home religion, and others are simply incompatible. Differing people, perspectives, topics, ideas, etc. (Dupuis 2000, 161-5) Some Catholic theologians have seen the seeds or even the basic elements of inclusivism in these statements, while others view them as within the orbit of a suitably articulated exclusivism. Most people understand that the religious landscape is a very diverse place. (Long 2005), Building on the speculative metaphysics of Alfred North Whiteheads (18611947) Process and Reality (1929), and work by his student Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000), theologians John Cobb and David Ray Griffin have advocated what the latter calls deep, differential, and complementary pluralism what is here described as ultimist. (Cooper 2006, ch. What about the religions practices are they all complementary? Insofar as a religion claims to possess a diagnosis of the fundamental problem facing humans and a cure, that is, a way to permanently and positively resolve this problem, it will then assume that other, incompatible diagnoses and cures are incorrect. This transformation, Hick theorizes, is really the point of religion. Religious Diversity and its Challenges to Religious Belief.. As to religious diversity, Abe suggests that we view the dynamic activity Emptiness (also called Openness) as ultimate, and as manifesting as various Gods, that is various monotheistic deities, and Lords, which are human religious teachers, whether manifestations of a god, as in the case of Jesus, or just pre-eminent servants of a god, as with Moses or Muhammad. (Sharma 1999, ch. Now that the time is right, the truth may be told, that is, Mahayana doctrine, superseding the old. The rest of the population is made up of folk religions (5.3%), Buddhists (0.6%), and Jews (.2%). This perennial philosophy appeals to many present-day people, particularly those who, like Smith, have moved from a childhood religious faith, in his case, Christianity, to a more naturalistic and, hence, atheistic outlook. Some forms of naive pluralism suppose that all religions will turn out to be complementary. If the core is salvifically effective practice, then all will be equal in that each is equally well a means to obtaining the cure. All Christians believe that some were saved before Christianity, through Judaism. Letters by Pius XII (r. 1939-58) declared that a by an unconscious desire and longing non-Catholics may enjoy a saving relationship with the church. In this and in a later book Heim asserts that such a plurality of ordained religious goals is implied by the doctrine of the Trinity. In contrast, exclusivist approaches say that only one religion is uniquely valuable. Some philosophers, going against the much-discussed identist pluralism of John Hick (see 2e above) use exclusivism to mean reasonable and informed religious belief which is not pluralist. (Datta 2005; Morales 2008) It has been argued that whether and how a Hindu embraces a theory of religious pluralism will depend crucially on what she takes Hinduism to be. Theorists nearly always loosen the requirement with regard to what they view as the one most true and/or most effective religion. It would seem that that, for example, a Christian to accept this ultimist pluralism, she will have to reinterpret what many Christians will regard as a core commitment, namely, that the ultimate reality is personal. On the other hand, many theorists want to adopt the friendly and broad-minded sounding label pluralism for their theory, even though they clearly hold that one religion is uniquely valuable. Diversity can include characteristics such as cultural background and ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, language and education. A core pluralist claims that all religions of some kind share a common core, and that this is really what matters about the religions; their equal value is found in this common core. A comprehensive demographic study of more than 230 countries and territories conducted by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life estimates that there are 5.8 billion religiously affiliated adults and children around the globe, representing 84% of the 2010 world population of 6.9 billion. The exclusivist-inclusivist-pluralist trichotomy has become standard since the 1980s. The second part contains answers to questions linked to the treatment of differences in religious education in Croatia and characteristics of teachers that can be linked to this theme. There are even cases of Buddhists seeking to turn devotees of other religions traditions into anonymous Buddhists who worship Buddhist deities without realizing that this is the case. (Burton 2010, 11), Forming his views by way of a detailed critique of various core and identist pluralist theories, Baptist theologian S. Mark Heim (b. But others teach that the ultimate reality is a perfect self, a being capable of knowledge, will, and intentional action. A Muslims Proposal: Non-Reductive Religious Pluralism. 2006. Although you may be nervous about broaching the subject, it is important to discuss religious diversity so . This led to both the questioning and the defense of various exclusivist traditional Christian claims. This, it is hoped, rules out anyone having grounds for believing any particular religion to be the uniquely best religion. (Mawson 2005), Historically, Buddhist thought about other religions has almost never been pluralistic. (Hick 2004; Quinn and Meeker 2000) Hicks approach is original, thorough, and informed by a broad and deep knowledge of many religions. (Dupuis 2001, 127-9) Whether these non-Catholics are thought to be in the church by a non-standard means, or whether they are said to be not in the church in reality but only in desire, it was held that they were saved by Gods grace. What values are at issue? One may object that this above proposal is counter to the equalizing spirit of pluralism. (Dupuis 2001; Meeker 2003; section 3c below) Similarly, Buddhists usually allow that a person may gain positive karma, and so a better rebirth, by the practice of various other religions, helping her to advance, life by life, towards getting the cure by means of the distinctive Buddhist beliefs and practices. Diversity and discrimination The Many Gods of Hick and Mavrodes,, Hick, John. marriage and civil partnership. Among these purported facts, for Hick, is that the great religions equally well facilitate the ethical transformation of their adherents, what Hick calls a transformation from self-centeredness to other-centeredness and Reality-centeredness. A Dynamic Unity in Religious Pluralism: A Proposal from the Buddhist Point of View., Bogardus, Tomas. Following these same steps, our second . Many have objected that Hicks pluralism is not merely a theory about religions, but is itself a competitor in the field, offering a diagnosis and cure which disagrees with those of the world religions. These, Hick holds, are all mistaken; the Ultimate reality is neither personal nor impersonal. Ethnic or national origins include, for Preparation For The Future If a workplace has done the necessary work, it's bound to be culturally diverse. (Plantinga 1999, 288-303), Subsequent papal statements have moved cautiously in Rahners direction, affirming the work of the Holy Spirit not only in the people in other religions, but also in those religions themselves, so that in the practice of what is good in those religions, people may respond to Gods grace and be saved, unbeknownst to them, by Christ. sexual orientation. (McDermott and Netland 2014) Other Protestants choose forms of inclusivism similar to Rahners (see 4b below). Some experience this Being as if it were a god, but the most able gain a non-conceptual awareness of it in its ineffable glory. These ideas, and the fact that religious belief is strongly correlated with birthplace, convinced him that the facts of religious diversity pose irresolvable problems for any exclusivist or inclusivist view, leaving only some form of pluralism as a viable option. Religion Diversity in the Workplace In today's workplace, there are many rules and regulations to ensure the wellbeing of the employee. race. It is here described as Identist pluralism because his theory claims that people in all the major religions interact with one and the same transcendent reality, variously called God, the Real, and the Ultimate Reality., Hick viewed religious belief as rationally defensible, and held that one may be rational in trusting the veridicality of ones religious experiences. Further, it respects and does not try to eliminate all these differences, and so makes genuine dialogue between members of the religions possible. This study examines the spatial characteristics of the development of the global religious diversity index . Although many traditional Protestant Christians hold some form of exclusivism, others favor an inclusivism much like Rahners. Here we can survey only a few of the criticisms that have been made. Further, it is really Creativity that is ultimate, and it is embodied in and does not exist apart from or as an object in addition to God and the Cosmos. Dabblers and hobbyists freely stitch together unique quilts of religious beliefs and practices, but such constructions seem to make little sense once a believer has accepted any particular religion. A plurality of different religions, major and minor, exist in the world, each believing different things. Finally, Cobb and Griffin emphasize that this approach does not endorse any unreasonable form of relativism and, as such, allows one to remain distinctively Christian or Buddhist and so forth. one? (Netland 2001, 23-54) Theories of religious diversity have largely been driven by attacks on and defenses of such claims, and discussions continue within the realm of Christian theology. The gods and lords will stay at the provisional levels of truth and reality, the levels which a fully enlightened person, as it were, sees beyond. Religious Pluralism: Generic, Identist, Deep., Griffin, David Ray. His theory is at least superficially clear, and is rooted in his own spiritual journey. It is also allowed that each major religion really does deliver the cure it claims to (for example, salvation and heaven, Nirvana, Moksha), and is entitled to operate by its own moral and epistemic values. But doesnt Christian tradition demand that each person eventually either achieves fellowship or union with God, or is irrevocably damned? Diversity recognises that everyone is different in a . In modern societies, religion and its diversity is attached to public institutions. A Cross-cultural and Buddhist-Friendly Interpretation of the Typology Exclusivism-Inclusivism-Pluralism., Griffin, David Ray. RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY. Religion diversity can simply refer to the development of religions that depend on the cultures. (Krkkinen 2003, 197-204, 309-17). (Dupuis 2001; Burton 2010), Historically, Jewish intellectuals have usually adopted an inclusivist rather than an exclusivist view about other religions. They can also influence components of enablement. (Sharma 1979) But if there is no one clear modern Hindu pluralism, it remains that various modern Indian thinkers have held to versions of core or identist pluralism. al. Most importantly, it offers a chance to discover the deep self as Being. Yet other religious mystics perceive the Cosmos, that is, the totality of finite things (the body of the World Soul). (Peterson et. In this article exclusivism about religious diversity denies any form of pluralism; it denies that all religions, or all major ones, are the same in some important respect. Religious and spiritual understanding and beliefs about medicine and healthcare may support or conflict with evidence-based medicine. what does the creature remember of his earliest days, equate blood pressure monitor irregular heartbeat symbol, kent police traffic summons team contact number,
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characteristics of religious diversity 2023