Fecal fermentation resulted in a degradation of 99.9% of the parent polyphenols except for complex structures. Whereas it has been argued that the low bioavailability of most flavonoids results in plasma concentrations that are well below the levels needed to exert antioxidant effects (41), others attribute the antioxidant capacity of fruit, including AP, to the flavonoid content, particularly the high procyanidin levels. It was found that consuming one or more medium-sized apples (166 g)/d was associated with a reduction in risk of cancer compared to consumption of <1 apple/d. All extracts significantly reduced oxidative damage and effectively reduced the presence of tert-butylhydroperoxide-induced ROS. The effects of AP on specific enzymes involved in colon carcinogenesis have been examined. CardboardChampion 3 yr. ago. An extract isolated from a mixture of 4 apple varieties was incubated for 24 h with cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells to test the effect of AP on NF-B response to TNF stimulation. More than 4000 flavonoids have been identified and all share a common carbon skeleton structure (C6-C3-C6). Hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solution 0.5%. (65) propose that the content of S-adenosyl methionine in apple juice concentrate might account in part for these effects, because comparable effects were observed with S-adenosyl methionine alone. Polysaccharides extracted from mulberry fruits (Morus nigra L.): antioxidant effect of ameliorating H. Predictors and characteristics of Rib fracture following SBRT for lung tumors. A comparison of the lowest quintile of intake (average 43 g/d) compared to the highest 2 quintiles (93.5 and 164.9 g/d, respectively) showed a significant inverse association between combined apple and pear intake and lung cancer in all participants and current smokers. Chemical analysis of apple juice showed that the levels of organic acids, sugars and soluble pectin differed between cultivars. Treating the cells with apple juice extract increased the expression of several genes, including phase 2 enzymes associated with chemoprevention (sulfotransferases and glutathione S-transferases). Favorable effects on antioxidant enzymes in liver including SOD, GSHPx, and general markers of oxidation (hepatic TBARS) were significantly reduced by 4752%. The men were fed a restrictive, antioxidant-poor diet for 48 h followed by the apple challenge. If it's edible then it's chemicals. (27) treated rats with a carcinogenic agent (7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene) to induce mammary tumors and then fed extracts of whole apples by gavage to the animals. It was found that high concentrations of the extract (2002000 nmol/L) for longer incubation periods with TNF (36 h) resulted in reduced NF-B activity, likely mediated via inhibited phosphorylation of IB. It was found that cell proliferation was reduced in cells exposed to apple extracts in a dose-dependent manner with a median EC50 of 65.1 g/L. Several ranking studies have been completed and the pros and cons of chemical methods used to assess in vitro antioxidant activity of fruits and vegetables have been debated and will not be reviewed here. This work proposes a potential mechanism by which AP, particularly metabolites related to AP exposure, might exert anticarcinogenic effects in the colon. This is of importance, because many flavonoids and dihydrocalchones are present in intact plant foods as glycosides with saccharide residues, but during processing and storage hydrolysis occurs, leading to the aglycone form. Their experiments tested for the effectiveness of various fruits in inhibiting ROS-induced production of ethylene from -keto--methiolbutyric acid. In a recent study using Caco-2 cells, it was found that an apple juice extract devoid of carbohydrates, acids, and other native compounds attenuated experimentally induced expression of cytochrome P450 1A1 and inhibited catalytic activity of the enzyme. A group of Finnish women consuming >71 g of apple/d experienced a 43% reduction in coronary mortality compared to women who did not eat apples. Carotenoid extracts from apple peel were effective against H. pylori in an in vitro medium (76). Apples are generally thought of as being a good source of fiber. There were also differential outcomes between cell lines in terms of the inhibitory effect of the anthocyanidin-rich fraction, with significant inhibition in the HT29 cells by apple anthocyanidins (compared to an actual increase in proliferation in response to this fraction in MCF-7 cells). The sole author had responsibility for all parts of the manuscript. In general, AP are among the top 3 or 4 dietary sources of total phenolics consumed in America and worldwide (79). In this study, we propose a novel method that utilizes hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technology to non-destructively monitor ApMV-infected apple leaves and predict LCC as a quantitative indicator of disease . In addition, a synthetic mixture developed to mimic the composition of the natural polyphenolic profile was formulated and tested on cultured HT29 cells. One recent investigation focused on isolating and identifying bioactive compounds in apple peel associated with antiproliferative activity (32). 3 comments. Biochemistry or biological chemistry is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms. These data support the potential of antioxidant activity to improve markers related to behavioral changes associated with the aging process. In a large ongoing trial, the Women's Health Study, semiquantitative FFQ were analyzed to determine if dietary flavonoid intake was associated with risk of diabetes and related markers of insulin resistance and inflammation (67). A recent study in hamsters evaluated the effects of adding daily apples and apple juice (pressed from fresh apples) to an atherogenic diet on lipids, oxidative markers, and early aortic lesions (47). The grade is characterized by: Very high corrosion resistance in strong acids. Recent work in humans has moved toward a greater emphasis on examining mechanisms and biomarkers related to cardiovascular risk, in particular, oxidation and lipid metabolism. A similar pattern of beneficial association was present when the groups were stratified by age, energy intake, vegetable consumption, smoking, and BMI. Elevated lipids and aberrations in lipid metabolism are well-established risk factors for many types of cardiovascular disease. All 3 groups were matched for the additional dietary fiber provided by each of the treatments. Fructose level (average 53.9 g/l) was almost always higher than glucose level. A few studies have evaluated the potential of AP to prevent or reduce injury to gastric mucosa by drugs (75). A series of recent studies from the laboratory of Shea et al. (53) recently published a follow-up analysis of an earlier study in which they demonstrated a protective effect of apple consumption on asthma (54). Anywhoo . An effect of AP on NF-B activity was observed in another cell line in a recent study by Davis et al. a compact disc. The data are presented in the context of colon cancer, followed by breast cancer and general studies. Plasma levels of HDL cholesterol increased and liver TG content decreased, although plasma TG levels were somewhat higher. All those chemicals are because of GMOs the scientists inject into our apple trees. Metals, sugars, organic . How Odor Works Although this was a small study, the moderate amount of apple juice and the prolonged antioxidant effect are positive indicators of AP potential to mitigate oxidation. Iso-octane. In vitro work has demonstrated that several important pathways and processes involved in carcinogenesis are affected by AP and phytochemicals in AP. Another study of AP was conducted in ovariectomized rats subjected to inflammation as a physiologic model of the postmenopausal state in humans (74). However, there are provocative data suggesting that mechanisms beyond antioxidant effects are important, including suppression of neurotoxic mediators in Alzheimer's disease. Fresh apples contain about 15% total carbohydrate. There are ongoing attempts to elucidate other bioactive compounds, beyond flavonoids, that might account for the observed effects of AP on cancer risk. Hamsters were provided with apples to approximate human intake of 600 g/d (~2.5 large apples) or 500 mL of juice/d. The prevalence of pulmonary disorders, particularly asthma, has been increasing over the past several decades worldwide (50). It is estimated that 1.5 million people will suffer an osteoporotic-related fracture each year. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. Many investigators have taken great care to control for confounding variables known to affect lung health, but it is likely that unknown dietary and lifestyle factors have important effects. There was a 27 and 28% lower risk of type 2 diabetes associated with the consumption of 26 apples/wk or 1 apple/d, respectively, compared to no apple consumption. An analysis of urinary samples collected postconsumption at 1.5, 3, and 4.5 h demonstrated that the fresh and processed apple meals each decreased 3-h net acid excretion and attenuated calcium loss to a similar extent compared to the control meal (73). An intriguing report published in 2007 involved studying the association between maternal diet and the presence of asthma and respiratory symptoms in offspring 5 y later (56). II. Feeding trials are important in illustrating in vivo effects of AP and there are convincing data that AP intake is associated with improved antioxidant capacity in plasma and other tissues. VDOMDHTMLtml> What is the chemical composition for apple? The authors estimated that the amount of procyanidin ingested would be comparable to humans consuming 2 apples/d (410 mg procyanidin/kg bodyweight). Adapted with permission from (4). Although apples and citrus were collectively associated with reduced risk of diagnosed asthma, adjustment for citrus eliminated the significance of the effect of apples. A new report using data from the French branch of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition trial provided evidence of a link between apple intake and reduced asthma prevalence in a sample of 68,535 adult women, mostly teachers, enrolled in a national health insurance plan (52). The processes associated with aging and amplified in neurodegenerative diseases of aging are complex and not completely understood. In a combined investigation using cell and animal models to mimic nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug injury, cultured gastric epithelial cells (MKN 28 from a human gastric tubular adenocarcinoma) were exposed to oxidative stress via 2- to 3-h exposure to xanthine oxidase and live rats were subjected to indomethacin, each with or without treatment with phenolic-rich extracts of freeze-dried apple (flesh only). Several extracellular stimuli, including oxidative stress, bacteria, viruses, inflammatory cytokines, and others, are known to activate NF-B by release of an inhibitory protein, I-B. Fruit and vegetable consumption and lung cancer risk: Updated information from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), Cloudy apple juice decreases DNA damage, hyperproliferation and aberrant crypt foci development in the distal colon of DMH-initiated rats, Cloudy apple juice is more effective than apple polyphenols and an apple juice derived cloud fraction in a rat model of colon carcinogenesis, Chemopreventive properties of apple procyanidins on human colon cancer-derived metastatic SW620 cells and in a rat model of colon carcinogenesis, Polyphenolic apple juice extracts and their major constituents reduce oxidative damage in human colon cell lines, Inhibition of cancer cell proliferation in vitro by fruit and berry extracts and correlations with antioxidant levels, Potentiation of apple procyanidin-triggered apoptosis by the polyamine oxidase inactivator MDL 72527 in human colon cancer-derived metastatic cells, Apple polyphenols affect protein kinase C activity and the onset of apoptosis in human colon carcinoma cells, Apple flavonoids inhibit growth of HT29 human colon cancer cells and modulate expression of genes involved in the biotransformation of xenobiotics, Colonic availability of apple polyphenols: a study in ileostomy subjects, Histone-deacetylase inhibition and butyrate formation: fecal slurry incubations with apple pectin and apple juice extracts, Fresh apples suppress mammary carcinogenesis and proliferative activity and induce apoptosis in mammary tumors of the Sprague Dawley rat, Effect of selected phytochemicals and apple extracts on NF-B activation in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells, Apple phytochemical extracts inhibit proliferation of estrogen-dependent and estrogen-independent human breast cancer cells through cell cycle modulation, Effect of apple extracts on NF-{kappa}B activation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells, Triterpenoids isolated from apple peels have potent antiproliferative activity and may be partially responsible for apple's anticancer activity, Heart disease and stroke statistics: 2008 statistics update at a glance, Flavonoid intake and coronary mortality in Finland: a cohort study, Dietary antioxidant flavonoids and risk of coronary heart disease; the Zutphen Elderly Study, Effects of apple consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects, Comparison of the antioxidant activities of nine different fruits in human plasma, Relevance of apple consumption for protection against oxidative damage induced by hydrogen peroxide in human lymphocytes, The increase in human plasma antioxidant capacity after apple consumption is due to the metabolic effect of fructose on urate, not apple-derived antioxidant flavonoids, Efficiency of apples, strawberries, and tomatoes for reduction of oxidative stress in pigs as a model for humans, Relevance of apple polyphenols as antioxidants in human plasma: contrasting in vitro and in vivo effects, Free-radical-scavenging and antioxidant activities of secondary metabolites from Reddened Cv. After 12 wk, it was found that both apples and apple juice significantly reduced total cholesterol (11 and 24%, respectively) and lowered the ratio of total cholesterol:HDL (25 and 38%). Hyson, no conflicts of interest. Unfermented apple juice extract also had potent antiproliferative effects. The variability might be attributed in part to the many types of apples and apple components studied in addition to varied reaction conditions, including pH, concentration, types of ROS, and other study conditions. James Kennedy. Based on this premise, a study was conducted in Brazil on 49 overweight women with high blood cholesterol levels to determine the effect of fruit intake on blood lipids and body weight (70). A Systematically Searched Scoping Review and Research Perspective, COP27 Climate Change Conference: Urgent Action Needed for Africa and the World: : Wealthy nations must step up support for Africa and vulnerable countries in addressing past, present and future impacts of climate change, Flavan-3-ols and Cardiometabolic Health: First Ever Dietary Bioactive Guideline, Nutrition, Immunosenescence, and Infectious Disease: An Overview of the Scientific Evidence on Micronutrients and on Modulation of the Gut Microbiota, High Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet is Associated with Higher Physical Fitness in Adults: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Gastrointestinal protection from drug injury, http://www.yvgsa.com/pdf/facts/USApple2010ProductionAnalysis.pdf, http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/bonehealth/, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, A Review and Critical Analysis of the Scientific Literature Related to 100% Fruit Juice and Human Health, Perspective: The Paradox in Dietary Advanced Glycation End Products ResearchThe Source of the Serum and Urinary Advanced Glycation End Products Is the Intestines, Not the Food, Contribution of Biotransformations Carried Out by the Microbiota, Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes, and Transport Proteins to the Biological Activities of Phytochemicals Found in the Diet, The Effects of Blueberry Phytochemicals on Cell Models of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress. Table 1 is an attempt to summarize research studies of the last 10 years which are related, with different degrees, to sweet taste perception in apple. In vitro studies from the above laboratory examined the potential mechanisms by which AP may cause reduction in mammary tumors (29). A man made a genius ingredient label for popular fruits and revealed why the term 'chemical-free' is meaningless. In men, the risk reduction was 19% in the group consuming >54 g compared to no apple intake (34). There was no statistical association between reduced asthma or asthma severity and any of the flavonoids examined, inferring that compounds other than those studied must be attributed to the observed reduction in risk of asthma. In the living rats, drinking the apple extract in water for 10 d or 1 h prior to indomethacin-induced injury prevented macroscopic injury and partial microscopic damage by 4045% (75). Additional work from this laboratory using mice with genetically induced oxidative stress (an ApoE-deficient strain) showed that 1 mo of apple juice concentrate intake reduced the accumulation of ROS in brain tissue and attenuated cognitive impairment (60, 61). Overproduction and/or overexposure to oxidants in the body can result in an imbalance leading to cellular damage. Very preliminary in vitro evidence indicates that compounds from AP could be protective against gastric ulcer. Poultry Consumption and Human Health: How Much Is Really Known? selenium. Several recent intervention studies have examined the effect of fresh apple consumption on oxidative markers in humans. Tumor size as a significant prognostic factor in T1 gastric cancer: a Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database analysis. In a 100 gram (ml) reference amount, it provides 22 calories, with negligible content of micronutrients. In a follow-up to the above study to examine mechanisms, it was found that apple procyanidins have a dual effect of downregulating polyamine biosynthesis concurrent with stimulating the catabolism or breakdown of these compounds (22). The synthetic mixture of polyphenols also inhibited growth, although less effectively, and isolated components were significantly less effective than either mixture. Search for other works by this author on: Apple phytochemicals and their health benefits, Effects of dietary flavonoids on apoptotic pathways related to cancer chemoprevention. Best. Hydrochloric acid, aqueous solution 2%. The upregulation of these enzymes suggests that regular apple consumption might promote a favorable milieu to reduce oxidation. The apple extracts and curcumin, but not other phytochemicals, significantly reduced the TNF-induced activation of NF-B by reducing proteasome activity, a known target in regulation of NF-B. Women in the highest quartile of apple intake compared to the lowest quartile had a significantly lower incidence of asthma. It was found that apple juice from concentrate was significantly and dose-dependently associated with reduced wheeze (juice ranging from 1 serving/mo to 1 serving/d) but not with reduced presence of asthma. Extracts of apple pulp were shown to release NO from human saliva under acidic conditions, prompting the authors to propose a possible gastroprotective role of AP in mediating and scavenging of nitrogen oxides. Although total daily apple intake was not reported in this small study, it is estimated that the average intake would not be much more than 1 small apple/d (149 g) based on a conservative speculated average bodyweight range of 6070 kg. Kern et al. The most effective compounds on all antioxidative parameters included quercetin and phloretin. The quantity of phloridzin the rats consumed represented ~6 apples/d, depending on variety. The potential of AP phytochemicals to reduce disease risk and improve health has caught the attention of scientists, practitioners, and the lay public. Chemical composition of apple fruit, juice and pomace and the correlation between phenolic content, enzymatic activity and browning MartinaPersic MajaMikulic-Petkovsek AnaSlatnar RobertVeberic https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2017.04.017 Get rights and content Apple fruit, pomace and juice characterized by different phenolic groups. Colonic microflora metabolize ingested polyphenols. TheOutcast06 3 yr. ago. The authors concluded that these compounds could be partially responsible for the anticancer activities associated with AP. Example 3.4. Approved as a medicinal fruit by the Chinese National Health and Wellness Commission [], hawthorn has higher dietary fiber, pectin, ascorbic acid, minerals, and antioxidant capacity than some common fruits [].Studies have confirmed that hawthorn is rich in amino acids (8 essential amino acids and 3-8 times more amino acids than fruit), protein (17 times . Intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with improvement in bone mineral density and other bone markers in epidemiologic studies (73). The fermentation products of the apple juice extract in combination with pectin included acetate, propionate, and butyrate, the latter of which was most significantly correlated with histone deacylation inhibition. 1. However, there are convincing data suggesting an association between AP and reduced risk of major diseases and indicating multiple plausible mechanisms by which AP might be protective in humans. There is clearly a need for controlled clinical intervention studies using AP to further examine the potential association between AP and asthma. [4] Processing [ edit] Apples are loaded onto a processing belt where they are crushed, pressed, and the juice separated. 2.5. (5965) have provided novel data on the potential of apple juice concentrate to modulate processes associated with the risk of Alzheimer's disease. In addition to clinical data, recent animal feeding and in vitro studies have aimed to examine the potential protective link between AP and cancer.
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