The pandemic has provided a trigger or opportunity for numerous nondemocratic or illiberal governments to impose new restrictions on civil liberties, persecute opponents, limit protests, delay elections, and introduce new mass surveillance techniques. You should be looking at the title, author, headings, pictures, and opening sentences of paragraphs for the gist. In 1932, ninety-nine people were killed in the streets in one month. Rightwing propaganda and demonstrations played on fears of a Communist revolution spreading from the Soviet Union. A good government without propaganda is not more possible than good propaganda without a good government. HItler a Career" by Joachim Fest - the preview: Create your own unique website with customizable templates. By censuring Li instead of acting on his alerts, local authorities may have facilitated the coronaviruss unchecked spread; consequently, Lis death from the virus in early February sparked an outpouring of anger and grief on Chinese social media. Analyse themethods used to maintain power in two single-party states, each chosen from a different region. Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system. Paper 2 questions- Origins and development of Authoritarian and single-party states Emergence of Authoritarian States: - Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors, social division, impact of war, weakness of political system. Authoritarian states DO NOT emerge in times of peace and prosperity. (May 2007, 2005), Analyse the methods used to maintain power by either Pern or Stalin. Compare and contrastthe importance ofthe use of force on the emergence of twoauthstates,each from a different region, Evaluate the impact of domestic economic policies on the maintenance of power in two AS, each from a different region. Those that have done well may gain enhanced domestic popularity and credibility for their competence, thus reinforcing their hold on power. Citizens surging discontent toward many authoritarian countries may not necessarily translate into immediate political instability or change. Stalin and his supporters identified their enemies in political and social ways. Moreover, most authoritarianswhatever the quality of their pandemic policiesface enormous new economic pressures as a result of the virus. States and China might entail out to 2050, the authors. Discuss (a) the ideology of, and (b) . 1. In January 1933, when the old war hero, President Paul von Hindenburg, invited Hitler to serve as Chancellor in a coalition government, the Nazis could hardly believe their luck. Effective national public health responses to the pandemic require not just clear, consistent mandates from the top, but integrated approaches in which regional and local authorities can take initiative, adapt responses to local conditions, and report critical information up the line. Namely, that certain groups, especially Jews, could not assimilate and would have to be removed entirely so the nation could thrive. Discuss with reference to one authoritarian state. Paris, 1900. Four key weaknesses are manifest. For example, all of them embraced nationalism, and they all found ways to justify violence against civilians. One-party rule seemed beyond their grasp. -unmarried men 35+ were taxed more Emergence of authoritarian states. Compare and contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each from a different region. We draw on over a decade of fieldwork in the Salween River Basin where dams and diversions have been proposed since 1979, including the most recent iteration, the Yuam . Amy Elizabeth Robinson is a freelance writer, editor, and historian with a Ph.D. in the History of Britain and the British Empire from Stanford University. She has taught at Sonoma State University and Stanford. The humiliation of Germanys defeat and the peace settlement that followed in 1919 would play an important role in the rise of Nazism and the coming of a second world war just 20 years later. -PACT OF STEELE formal military alliance committing Italy to fight on Germany's side in the event of war Currently, a CBI letter dated 11 April 2023 in possession of The Sunday Guardian, shows that the Bureau has called for the production of several documents from various entities on 17 April 2023 with regard to the scheme for the period between 2016 to 2019. Compare and contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each from a different region. In 1923, he was imprisoned for trying to overthrow the government. Economic Crisis. It may be all, some, or none: Photo of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini walking besides decorated members of the Italian military. Organized into collective action by the state, young people supplied political energy to Fascism in Italy and elsewhere. 100. In the 1920s, Mussolini pursued an aggressive foreign policy. Everything seemed to be falling into place for a Fascist revolution. 100-01 - What economic policies did the Government introduce to deal with the issues that Cuba faced? The democratic nature of the Weimar Republic paradoxically led directly to the creation of Nazi authoritarian state, as it created an environment of expression and new ideas in which Nazism flourished. Asked if China stood behind the envoys remarks, the foreign ministrys spokesperson Mao Ning said China had been one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with former Soviet states. Public domain. German imperialism was long based on a theory of colonial growth, called. How successful were they? Lack of leadership. Colonial aggression also contributed to the rise of Italian racism. Main telephone: 202.488.0400 Middle class savings were wiped out as severe inflation left the currency worthless. Russia/USSR - Lenin ItalyMussolini GermanyHitler USSRStalin ChinaMao Emergence of authoritarian states Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social division; impact of war; weakness of political system Analyse the conditions that enabledoneleft-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Conditions in which authoritarian states emerged: economic factors; social . What distinguished Italian Fascism from Nazisms biological view of race? Exploiting widespread fears of a communist uprising, they blamed Communists for the fire, and declared emergency rule. Estonias foreign minister, Margus Tsahkna, said he was seeking to find out why China has such a position or comments about the Baltic states. . If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. Vietnams leaders, for example, responded to the countrys first confirmed infections as early as January, imposing travel restrictions and quarantines with a speed that made it a textbook case of an effective response to the public health emergency. And Chinese leaders are working to dilute the liberal norms and erode human rights protections that are . But the Nazis never received more than 38% of the vote in a free national election. -November criminals - stabbed in the back. Through violence, they had become what one historian called, "a. China respects the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries and upholds the purposes and principles of the United Nations charter, she said, describing the countrys stance on Ukraine as objective and fair. 2016. Crime was on the rise. Within Italy, Mussolini promoted the ideas of. By the end of the second close read, you should be able to answer the following questions: Finally, here are some questions that will help you focus on why this article matters and how it connects to other content youve studied. When they seized power, Fascists had hoped to take over the Italian state completely. They would call their empire the "Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere". A rising authoritarian wave. 93-4 - Outline the relationship between Cuba + the USSR over the 1960s. The kulaks are just one example. As the biggest governance test in recent memoryone that many authoritarians are failingthe pandemic and its ensuing economic devastation will turbocharge this underlying driver of global political change. High inflation and unemployment. A third debility of the pandemic responses of many authoritarian regimes has been the lack of coherence and flexibility in the hierarchy of governance. (May 2006), Analyse thenature and extent of internal opposition and the methods used to deal with this opposition by Stalin, Evaluate the contribution to the rise to power of Hitler of each of the following: National Socialist ideology; the use of force; economic crises. -Massive public spending reduced unemployment. Last August, he sparked outrage by suggesting Taiwanese people would need to be re-educated following a Chinese takeover of the self-ruled island, while during the Covid pandemic he suggested France was abandoning old people in nursing homes. If two examples are required these will need to be from different regions. TTY: 202.488.0406, To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that, Guidelines for Teaching About the Holocaust, Aftermath of World War I and the Rise of Nazism, 19181933, World War II and the Holocaust, 19391945, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center. A second weakness of many authoritarian regimes in confronting the coronavirus is their suspicion or outright hostility toward independent voices and civil society. The Fascists soon followed up with assaults throughout the region. Citizens faced poor economic conditions, skyrocketing unemployment, political instability, and profound social change. Lu has previously acknowledged being part of the wolf warrior class of Chinese diplomats, a nickname given to envoys who respond vehemently to critics they perceive as hostile to China. Topic 10 Authoritarian states (20th century) 19. Angry at the growing resistance, Japanese troops killed as many as 300,000 civilians. (May 2005), To what extent were the social and economic policies of one of the following successful: Mao, Nasser, Stalin? (Nov 10)), Analyse the circumstances that helpedoneright-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. In this way, militarism and imperialism broadened Fascism's appeal. Many veterans and other citizens struggled to understand Germanys defeat and the uncertain future. TEXT ON SCREEN: The fighting nourished the Fascists belief in violence as the true path to manhood. Thomas Carothers is senior vice president for studies and the Harvey V. Fineberg Chair for Democracy Studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1.) Beijing has insisted it respects the status of the independent nations that emerged from the USSR after totally unacceptable remarks by Chinas ambassador to France questioning the sovereignty of former Soviet states sparked outrage in EU capitals. President Hindenburg signed a decree that suspended all basic civil rights and constitutional protections, providing the basis for arbitrary police actions. In 1935, the Nazis passed the Nuremberg Laws. He is currently working on a dissertation about missionaries, theology, and empire in the 18th and 19th centuries. Cameroons President Paul Biya vanished in March for over two months, while in Nicaragua, President Daniel Ortega has ducked from public view for extended periods twice, including once for more than a month. Communist Party: -Fear of Bolshevik revolution. What shocked so many in Germany about the treaty signed near Paris, at the Palace of Versailles, was that the victors dictated a future in which Germany was deprived of any significant military power. These failings are likely to have negative long-term consequences for these regimes. -took over various unprofitable industries on behalf of the state, -youth groups feuded New ideas introduced in politics. When the government chose not to intervene in this conflict, the Fascists used the fighting to gain power in the region. Although Chinese citizens mobilized to respond to the pandemic by using social media to procure scarce protective gear or find open hospital beds, the Chinese Communist Partys long-standing distrust of civil society has hindered potential collaboration between government officials and volunteers. Dont assume western democracy will last forever, Ukraine ammunition depot reportedly hit in wave of Russian missile attacks. He was offered a deal just as the Nazis started to lose votes. Aims and results of policies: social, economic, political, cultural. Photo of the fascist military forces known as the Blackshirts marching down an Italian street in Parma. Today, authoritarian regimes comprise only one-fifth of all states in the world (Marshall & Cole 2011, p. 10). However, their solution was "Italianization." In 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia, and used similar harsh tactics. Power is concentrated in the hands of a single leader or a . Battle for Lira: Fail (tried to revalue Lira but artificially raised value which resulted in declining exports), -Breeders Adolf Hitler. Will the Invasion of Ukraine Change Russia-Africa Relations? Political Instability. Economic conditions stabilized for a few years, then the worldwide depression hit in 1929. 96. -Lateran Treaty: gov recognized papal sovereignty over vatican ( became independent state) POPE recognized italian state Thus unlike minorities in Italy, Ethiopians were viewed by most Fascists as barbaric "others" who could never become Italian. 81-82 - What events and influences caused him to adopt an increasingly Communist position? Yet many authoritarians instead misuse subnational governance as a flak jacketa shield for deflecting responsibility and criticism more than for solving governance challenges. 87 - How did the US respond to the Cuban Revolution? From this year onward, Italy moved closer and closer to the Nazi position. When nobody stopped them, they became bolder and more aggressive. The first world war, from 1914 to 1918, was fought throughout Europe and beyond. Fascist squads racked up wins as they marched through the provinces crushing socialists, intimidating liberals, and deposing agents of the state. They had to be conquered or excluded from the Italian nation. The mixed record of authoritarians responses to the coronavirus undercuts any simple conclusion that the pandemic will bolster authoritarianism globally over the long term. His trial brought him fame and followers. Create a potted biography of an authoritarian state identified in the article. Compare and contrast the importance of propaganda to the emergence of two authoritarian states. Finally, the outcome of the campaign affirmed the Fascist view that, at the end of the day, violent struggle led to power. Another million were sent to prisons called Gulags. The idea was that non- Italians could become Italian if they assimilated to Italian culture and pledged loyalty to the nation. The Fascists argued that in invading Libya, they were creating a new Roman Empire, thus playing to Italian nationalism. It's obvious to usnowthat the rise of authoritarianism, including fascism, was paving the way for leaders in many countries to command the obedience of whole populations, even when these leaders began to order the killing of civilians. Before you read the article, you should skim it first. They believed Japan had a superior culture, and could rule other Asians better than the European empires had. 4.5/5. It is hard to blind citizens slammed by a national public health emergency to the realities of weak leadership at the top and incoherent governance at local levels. Adolf Hitler had been undisputed leader of the National Socialist German Workers Partyknown as Nazissince 1921. Still, Fascism in Italy was not without racism. At home, meanwhile, the Japanese government increasingly pushed down any opposition to their war effort. The skim should be very quick and give you the gist (general idea) of what the article is about. Infighting among elites also has emerged: when the mayor of Moscow took initiative in response to the virus and ordered people to stay home, users on Telegraman app that permits citizens to share information and anonymously criticize each otherlambasted him. But Beijing is nonetheless working to amplify authoritarianism around the world. Alternatively, some regimes also must grapple with the demands of influential societal sectors, even at the expense of delaying the governments response to the pandemic. With reference to Castro (Cuba) or Nasser (Egypt), to what extent did the use of force contribute tomaintenance of power? 94 - How Communist was Castro? Building Civil Society In Authoritarian China Importance Of . The conservative politicians in the new Cabinet didnt like or trust Hitler, but they liked democracy even less, and they saw the leftist parties as a bigger threat. Historical examples of such centralized totalitarian rule include the Mauryan dynasty of India (c. 321-c. 185 bce ), the Qin dynasty of China (221 . 4.1 The emergence of the authoritarian state in Germany, 1919-1934 164 4.2 Hitler's consolidation of power, 1934-1935 183 4.3 The aims and results of Nazi policies 210 . It cannot be that two million Germans should have fallen in vain, Adolf Hitler later wrote. 83-84 - Why did Castro try to consolidate the revolution by banning free elections and how is this regarded? "The conditions in which authoritarian states emerged were mainly determined by economic factors." Discuss with reference to two authoritarian states. Graded student examples with one case study. No party was able to win a clear majority, and without political consensus, successive governments could not effectively govern the nation. Keep in mind that when you read the article, it is a good idea to write down any vocab you see in the article that is unfamiliar to you. - How did the collapse of the USSR affect Cuba? Examine the role of education and propaganda in the maintenance of power in Maos China. In late March, as case rates and fatalities soared across Europe, President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus dismissed a reporters concerns about the spread of the virus in his own country: There are no viruses here. Beijing says it respects status of countries such as Ukraine after ambassadors comments spark row. The conquest of Ethiopia prompted Fascists to set harsher boundaries of who could be assimilated and who could not. These questions will help you get a better understanding of the concepts and arguments that are presented in the article. (May 08 TZ2), Analyse the rise to power of either Hitler or Lenin. [2010] 17. The conditions in which authoritarian states emerged were mainly determined by economic factors.. How power was consolidated and maintained; legal methods versus use of force, treatment of opposition, impact of foreign policy. 85-86 - What challenges did he face in 1959 and how did he overcome them in the years that followed? - DEPENDANT GERMANY Italy became increasingly more dependant on Nazi Germany --> Germany supported when League of Nations tried to oppose their aggression In Egypt and Russia, doctors who criticize or challenge the governments response to the pandemic risk detention or physical retaliation. This topic focuses on exploring the conditions that facilitated the rise of authoritarian states in the 20th century, as well as the methods used by parties and leaders to take and maintain power. 2. Compare and contrast the conditions that led to the rise to power of two authoritarian/single-party leaders. Of the many fascist states that emerged between the two world wars, Hitler's Germany was the most notoriousbut Mussolini's Italy was the first. Yet this discouraging near-term political picture becomes less ominous, or at least less clear-cut, if one looks down the road. Aftermath of World War I and the Rise of Nazism, 1918-1933, NARRATOR: These decisions affected political officials, army members, peasants, ethnic minorities, artists, scientists, intellectuals, foreigners, and ordinary Soviet citizens.
Smoking Pipes Nz, Articles C
conditions in which authoritarian states emerged 2023