Otherwise recording after second dose would not make ant sense, @ Denie regurges, Funny though, no one complains much about what executives/ developers/ workers make at high tech firms or complains about what their phones/ internet service/ IT products/ computers / entertainment cost. They would report separately. Speaking of Kelly Brogan Or are you just delusionally asserting it? CDC and USPSTF think its important. WebBy order of the Oregon Medical Board, the license of Paul Norman Thomas, MD to practice medicine is hereby suspended, effective December 3, 2020, at 5:15 p.m. Pacific Time. Does anyone have any input on this? For perspective, however, I guess it is way more effective than the annual flu vaccine. Its good that shes switched to verifying that people are comatose and have a DNR. 3983 Deftu, Ileana C., M.D. One dose is good for MOST of the population, however, a second dose is recommended which really doesnt bring up the numbers much. Licensee/Applicant License Number City State Action Type Effective Date; January 1, 2022 March 31, 2022; Abdallah, Eman Y: 14213: Beverly Hills: CA: Accusation Dr. Paul Gosselin was suspended from practice in November by the state Board of Osteopathic Licensure after it found evidence he was spreading misinformation about COVID-19. He didnt agree. Expert architecture and design solutions for private carriers, next-generation metro and long-haul optical networks, ultra low-latency networks, and Internet backbones. William C. Sams, III, M.D. Four serious reactions were reported for healthcare workers but none for the senior citizens. This is a blog about medical matters. Greg is not only a troll, but an unusually uninformed and obvious one. Like, I remember the chicken pox. Did those patients and their parents give informed consent? Whats more likely? An Apple account is not required for school. }, @51:20 when has this devil ever offered you They give you free shots of toxic waste. {? Funny how weve never gotten an answer from The Immune Pediatrician* a.k.a. Common method in alt med : say something reasonable and then continue with BS.. Persecuted? The board found he had tried to meet children on the internet for sex, kept child pornography and continued to see patients younger than 18 unsupervised, according to the decision stripping him of his license. An adult who got chicken pox as a six month old baby a year before the varicella vaccine was available. Again, my question stands: Why are we hearing and seeing these adverse reactions from the likely less than 10% sample of healthcare workers that are vaccinated but absolutely none in the other 90%+ of seniors that are vaccinated?! The board denied Bajakians request to have his license reinstated in 2018, but they voted unanimously on Oct. 24, 2019, to give the license back, Grewal said. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/display_990/260388604/01_2020_prefixes_23-26%2F260388604_201812_990_2020011717045581, ICAN brings in over 3 million dollar, and pays officials six figures salaries. which means any of us posting there will be blocked just like at Age of Autism. Precisely what you said would not have happened. Bajakians attorney, Douglas Anton, disagreed, saying the board made its decision with full knowledge of Bajakians record and he argued that the state had not presented any new evidence against his client. I do have long fingers; Im 511. On December 3, 2020, the Oregon Medical Board issued an emergency order to suspend the license of renowned physician Paul Thomas, MD. BS, Dangerous One! For instance, tell the public that you suspect the Covid vaccine might actually kill x amount of them but Covid will actually kill x plus more. Betcha Dover got a big payoff from Pfizer to invent a history of fainting. and was totally unsurprised when it came back positive. Not anymore, though. Mail order degree mills/ personal research blogs dont count. Whatever, Tbruce! There is a difference. Alot. Its only slightly less effective than ground up fluorescent light tubes which are sometimes hard to obtain with any thing like medical grade consistency. Well, his career hasnt exactly taken off he had a blog, he wrote for Epoch Times and might have been paid by the Dwoskin Foundation for research and by Trump for herding voters but no epidemiology related jobs despite his MPH. I was discussing how RFKjr and Offit both agree that Peg was the culprit! Didnt Thomas claim to have done a study involving his patients MMR titers? The board found he had tried to meet children on the Does Offitt say that vaccines cause autism? WebChappell, Thomas Edward MD: (License No. Dangerous One, dont know about the goose in their mRNA vaccine, but what did they put in it causing those three anaphylaxis reactions in those three healthcare workers in England and the latest occurring in Alaska? Did Pfizer deliberately put goose mRNA sequences in its vaccine, knowing theyd become airborne and infect human genomes? I doubt that Ms Gates is the only vaccine advocate she is aware of but both of their sources are SBM and shes dealt with Covid first hand since the start. Utter nonsense of course. There is no tetanus only vaccine available in the US. @VinGuptaMD If the tetanus only vaccine were available, there would be higher uptake during emergency/urgent care treatment. Its a compatriot drawing it, so there is the occasional French News-related reference, but its nonetheless in English. Baking soda does seem to keep the corona at bay. They even threw out my good one they were using quality flatscreens were just becoming affordable. Whoops. Right! So absolutely none of these latest adverse reactions wouldve been picked up by that trial. The anti stuff, imo, perpetuates division and black and white thinking. Situational syncope is a type of vasovagal syncope. You could still get infected and pass it along to others., https://twitter.com/MeetThePress/status/1338912921632600066. Denice, where was I discussing the VCA issue?! I absolutely believe New York state should revoke Palevskys license, because hes advocating breaking the standard of care and spreading misinformation, putting children and the public at risk, he told INSIDER. The material is specially formulated and shaped to shield SBM web sites from the magnetic fields associated with crank magnetism. I just do know that 1. Define bust. Ive accidentally imploded a 17 or 19 inch tube during a typical dorm room mishap. Are we to believe that Dr Frazer is also a crackpot too?! WebAll discipline information is held permanently at the Board's offices. Two of the most well known insult people with degrees from elitist institutions they say they couldnt go because ONLY they were poor. The Board summarily suspended Dr.Thomas W. Stinsons medical license after finding that he poses an immediate and serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare. Yet, we have already seen 3 severe reactions and thats just after the first dose! | License No. I hope Im not confusing it was a long meeting and it was weekend with kids. about vaccines. 6761 Davis, Allison K., M.D. On this issue, I was hoping to have in depth discussions. Why does the Pfizer PDF bug me by COVID-19 vaccine and not SARS-CoV-2? You wouldnt want to shake it, you might get some unintended homeopathic effects. Offit and other experts suspect that what is triggering the allergic reaction is polyethylene glycol (PEG), a molecule used to coat the nanolipidfat particlesthe mRNA is encased in. Anxiety Have you ever given any real thought to how much your worldview is ruining your life and damaging your psyche? https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-55179300. It is not mRNA infection. Bring a friend along or play a game that requires intense concentration.. Bhakdi is a retired microbiologist who appears to have been at least competent at one time, but has now skidded off the rails* (another victim of the Emeritus Syndrome?). Ill break it down for you, Denie. Further, I have to note that about a decade or so ago, I asked Jake Crosby similar questions about why the whole world was wrong and Andy et al werent- how likely was it that all of these experts/ professionals around the globe were all lying and ONE researcher- who made money off of his work- wasnt? . So, can you cite any case where a doctor just gave another MMR for the money? Unfortunately, although it shields against medical cranks, it occasionally attracts physics cranks. Well learn the truth when she develops generalized goose bumps and a cow grows out of her forehead. Still, theres his literary career. The undergraduate university (Univ. I am amused by the the CDC and Fauci appearing to walk a tightrope: not want to be culpable when crap happens, but also not wanting to scare the masses into spurning the vaccine. Its now much more common in children. The Board of Chiropractic Examiners filed a consent order late Thursday to reinstate the license of Bryan K. Bajakian, 61, who practiced in Paramus before he was convicted on luring and firearms charges in 2008. Also, how will it bode for the second dose if we are already seeing these reactions from the first dose. WebDiscover how Dr. Paul Thomas was punished for pursuing the truth for his patients regarding vaccines. NataLIE, have you heard about contraindications ? In other words, for reactions outside the trial, healthcare workers are all youve got. Back in the day I used to word about evolution and Holocaust denial a lot too. Ill have one mRNA-1273 (Moderna); Twirled, not shaken. Meh. I notice how much scoffers points mimic those I hear or read at the places I survey. Its the foremost problem I have with you drug pushers. Like, who needs this?. Or how the Deep State medicated my great great grandma into oblivion with pallative care Why is mRna infection more prone to lead to autoimmunity issues? of Washington, Seattle) required proof of MMR vaccine prior to class registration. In October 2020 the University of Mainz issued a statement to the effect that it does not support Bhakdis views.. Those factors alone could easily cause a fainting spell. Wow. Steven Barrett adds that often medical workers in less authoritative positions rebel to become more powerful by enlisting a coterie of admirers/ followers. Providence Health Plans, the largest local insurance company terminated all contracts. The reactions also wouldnt have been recorded as adverse ones because they occurred and resolved within days after the first dose, and adverse reactions were to be recorded after the second dose given 21 days after the first. Dr. I wanted that newer measles vaccine, but apparently my insurance wouldnt pay for it if my antibodies were still high. Throw in another one coming out of Alaska. OF MARIJUANA LESS THAN 1OZ, POSS. Be fully transparent about vaccine risks and stop lying. I would expect there might be slight differences in how they have tweaked the mRNA to get the desired physical structure for the protein, but that probably wont make any appreciable difference. More important thing than a quotation form Frazer. As for replies, youre no more entitled to Oracs time than anyone is to anyone elses. Your medical license should be next to get pulled you bloviating quack. I got goosebumps watching this happen.. It is mRNA of a part of the spike protein, which produces the protein itself. Why a ventilator should only be used as a last resort. PfizerBioNTech 162b2 Recipient, Dr. Gordon asks why is getting measles, mumps and rubella titers a bad idea? The ostensible reason was that Dr. Thomas posed a threat to public health by failing to vaccinate his pediatric patients according to the CDCs schedule. They knew they had it because I asked permission to put their photo on a post on a now defunct blog over a decade ago. Plus it is an unnecessary procedure that includes sticking a kid with a freaking big needle to draw blood. Except that we did, because it was reported as unsolicited adverse events, determined to be occurring within the background rate for the general population. We are not mandated to exclusively use Google, Facebag, et al. I look forward to a weekend with a sore arm. They just werent good enough to be admitted and thus need to blame the Elite System. One knows transmission rate only after many people are vaccinated. If they are worried about someone being paid off, maybe they should look to their leaders. Now MMR vaccine is so good that you do not need a booster dose. Christ, if I werent due at a funeral home, this gem could be marginally amusing. You really should know this instead of pretending you are ignorant. If the tetanus only vaccine were available, there would be higher uptake during emergency/urgent care treatment. These are hard times indeed for Brave Maverick Doctors, as evidenced by a story out of (where else?) The on a farm bit was all too common at MDC, as though C, tetani spores arent ubiquitous in the environment. / sarcasm all of these well-credentialed experts instruct their enraptured audiences to learn the Truth and avoid scoundrels like Drs Fauci, Hotez, Orac, etc. Just illustrates the incestuous nature of the anti-vax universe. Here is a snippet from the Method section of their study: The primary end points of this trial were solicited, specific local or systemic adverse events and use of antipyretic or pain medication within 7 days after the receipt of each dose of vaccine or placebo, as prompted by and recorded in an electronic diary in a subset of participants (the reactogenicity subset), and unsolicited adverse events (those reported by the participants without prompts from the electronic diary) through 1 month after the second dose and unsolicited serious adverse events through 6 months after the second dose. When it came time to handle those tubes, I had to dress up in several coats, welders gloves, scarves, helment, goggles, the works. You are free to find a different job if your current job requires a vaccination in order to keep your position. Clearly none of those reactions wouldve have been recorded as systemic because it appears systemic reactions were solicited ones, likely involving a checklist of common reactions without fainting and severe allergic reactions included. *Posting fact-deprived YouTube videos and letting yourself be interviewed by Del Bigtree is not a good way to retrieve what shreds of reputation you might have left. RESOLVED, that our American Medical Association rescind its statement calling for 14 physicians to stop prescribing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine until sufficient evidence 15 becomes available to conclusively illustrate that the harm associated with use outweighs 16 benefit early in the disease course. Denying him a license should be automatic, as it is in other states.. RFK jr the Defender page where he discusses pharma malfeasance etc. The five board members who were present voted unanimously, but did not make any comment on the decision. MERCK thinks it is important and yes makes them double $$$. Wakefield, Kennedy, Bigtree, Adams, Null, Tenpenny, Mercola, Cook, AoA writers etc. PIERCE DAVID TYLER W/M 35 FELONY OFFICER LEAMON PROBATION VIOLATION more, A mailbox was found to have been vandalized at the Ooltewah Baptist Church. Bajakian went to prison again in 2016 on a parole violation and was released from Southern State Correctional Facility in 2017, according to prison records. Sad. I would allow my child to recieve tetanus immune globulin C, if they sustained a laceration on a farm. The vaccine is just being rolled out and the first target audience is healthcare workers. So far in England, about 148,000 people were vaccinated and weve seen three severe reactions in healthcare workers. I saw a gravity/magnet/mu shield proposed perpetual motion machine once. Thomas Cowan, on probation in California and not allowed to treat cancer patients, is now according to the CA medical board delinquent (didnt pay his license renewal fee) and so theyve shut him down entirely no pay, no practice. @ Aarno recommends, Develop a PEG allergy and you can fly without a vaccine certificate Hmm. Thanks, your message has been sent successfully. Though years later the grad school required proof of chicken pox exposure, so a titer was done on a full grown 24 year old adult, not a child. I kept the most stable working 21 unit for myself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ozk594EtwcE. Or an alternate explanation: gnomes in the Pfizer lab added fast-acting neurotoxins to the vaccine, which cause adults to faint and kids to become autistic before they leave the doctors office. The War on Informed Consent exposes how the medical board suspended Dr. Thomas's license on Thats where you needed to go? I said might because that would depend on the recommendation of my childs Pediatrician & Immunologist, since it is against medical advice that he be vaccinated. None of the 5 cases of severe allergic reactions that required life-saving interventions and the one case of fainting that we have witnessed so far wouldve registered as safety issues in the trial. Gutted. The Oregon Medical Board has suspended the license of Portland Dr. Paul Thomas, citing multiple cases in which he allegedly failed to adequately vaccinate rescind its earlier guidance re hydroxychloroquine. Crank magnetism is thus defeated in a majority of cases. If I were to give out my address, how many here at RI would agree to come to my aid in case I need resuscitation? Wine the color of shit Interesting. Dangerous One, is it conspiracy theory to suspect something isnt quite right about such an outcome or logic? Dr. Thomas' book, "The Vaccine-Friendly Plan" can be found here. as she dxs her son ( a stroke. So we likely have about 4 reactions out of a population of 160,000. Whistleblowers all around. FWIW I tend to have a fairly big reaction when I cut my fingertips. Intense emotional stress You follow anti-vax leaders about vaccines causing autism and other horrendous reactions ( like paralysis, brain damage, death) that are not supported by reasonable scientific studies amongst these leaders are: Those reactions would have been noted. I guess we (or more likely, his patients) will turn blue before that happens. I wrote a lengthy response to Oracs article and would have been delighted to hear his counters, but no, not on the right side of the fence it seems. If you reflect back on Modenas early Stage 1 trial, it was designed to assess whether the mRNA vaccine would produce neutralizing antibodies, antibodies that could kill the virus and prevent transmission. I got a varicella titer recently ($125 before insurance!) Cue Fritz Zwicky. https://www.the-scientist.com/features/the-surgisphere-scandal-what-went-wrong67955, Just the fact that it is being considered is noteworthy. The vaccine was given to healthcare workers and senior citizens. Yeah they refused to look at my pox scars on my shoulders and made me get a titer a while back, too. Maybe you should go look for accurate figures before leaping to self-serving conclusions which will only embarrass you and undermine your argument. Or we could look at On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals by William Harvey, published (in Latin) in 1628. This is America! WebSALEM, OREGON, USA - JUNE 9, 2021: Dr. Paul Thomas, a pediatrician whose license was suspended for three months for anti-vaccine advice, addresses anti-vaccine Oregonians for Medical Freedom, and conspiracy-theory activists gathering near the Oregon State Capitol in Salem, Oregon on June 9, 2021, to listen to speeches attacking Kelly on Facebook Gordon lists himself as a single $ for how expensive he is, yet he charges 2500 for a housecall and 400+ for an office visit. Its especially important in an outbreak, which could turn into a full-bore epidemic. **Jays website recommends administration of colloidal silver as a home treatment for colds to boost immunity (shades of Paul Thomas poor tetanus patient). I can feel it in myself, although I like to think its under control. PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) The Oregon Medical Board has suspended the license of Portland Dr. Paul Thomas, citing multiple cases in which he There is no way a dangerous, convicted child sexual predator should ever be allowed to work as a healthcare provider in our state, and certainly no way that a decision to re-license such an individual as a chiropractor should ever be made in secret, without the input of his victims or my office, Grewal said in November in a rare statement questioning a decision from one of New Jerseys independent licensing boards. More important thing than a quotation form Frazer. https://youtu.be/9cBRcwILXgw?t=109. He is ready. Hey Orac, why are you not posting my comment of Del interviewing Dr Bhakdi about the potential danger of a Covid vaccine. OF MARIJUANA W/ INTENT TO DISTRIBUTE, POSS. Were working on it. So, with likely 1600 healthcare workers vaccinated, we got four severe reactions and after just the first dose! administer 0.3 ml IM of the vial (which is multi-dose). Usually I just need to sit down. Its well established that allergies in general have been rising in younger generations, and were not as common in people who are now old. Bryan Bajakian is a predator who should not be placed in a position of trust with patients in healthcare settings that make them vulnerable, especially children. But those videos yesterday of clapping shot-getting looked like they were aiming to shoot squirrel. Now you are saying that they would have been ignored if they were noted. I know about that group. None of the Moderna subjects and only one of the Pfizer subjects got severe Covid-19. Itd be nice if Jay removed this and lots of other quacky advice from his site. Stopped clocks are correct twice a day. So you are much less likely to wind up in the ICU, suffer long-term effects like fatigue and brain fog, and less likely to die from the disease. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan advised his followers against coronavirus vaccination in a speech Saturday, calling the breakthrough vaccine toxic waste that would harm the black community. As far as I know, anti-vaccine doctors are a very small percentage. Yes, diastheses. Is it conspiracy theory to suspect something isnt quite right about such an outcome or logic?. Just give another MMR. Ya know the mantra, safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective Anyway, MERCK needs the money to pay for their exorbitant attorney fees. Bombach was accused of having an inappropriate sexual relationship with a | License No. I also find a lot of other things interesting about these reactions. I wonder why.. @ Garnetstar One dose of MMR vaccine is 93% effective against measles, 78% effective against mumps, and 97% effective against rubella. In 2008, according to court and prison records, Bajakian was convicted in Superior Court of luring and firearms charges in 2008. Interestingly and coincidentally it seems most of the pieces featured on RI are of medical mattersespecially this last year. Its starting to look like Greg is a secret Pharma plant, hoping to make antivaxers look even more foolish than we already know they are. Doesnt sound that bad, you say?! Antitrust to boot, MMR made by MERCK is the only option we have in the U.S. Not that anyone on this blog could even get access to Regeneron or afford it. Develop a PEG allergy and you can fly without a vaccine certificate. From the newswires: At Loretto Hospital in Chicago, five health-care workers received the citys first vaccines on Tuesday with Mayor Lori Lightfoot and other officials watching nearby. This kind of fast, shallow breathing lowers the amount of carbon dioxide in our bodies, and that can lead to fainting.. know-it-all anti-vax mothers criticising SBM, research in general, experts. The reactions were not anaphylactic reactions. I have stumbled on the fact that RFK Jrs site has a comment board. Thus, they were eliminated by the System early on and have been griping about it ever since. Both Dr Bhakdi and Dr Frazer highlight the potential safety concerns of such attempts.
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