I too would like to hear from the good Doctor about this. But remember most patients with brain death die somatically in a very short period of time, so it is not an issue for them. Yeah, I sort of spoke to him.Zaphod Beeblebrox: What did he say?Ford Prefect: Nothing much. NEW PAPERS ARE PREFACED BY * How many true surprises are there in life? Omari Sealey who is an Uncle to Jahi McMath, walks back to the hospital after reading a statement by the family to the news media in front of. and transmitted securely. . In: StatPearls [Internet]. It looks to me like they had to "add" hair - it is just a black blur now, the face looks elongated, like they used imagery from an older photo and melded it with part of a new photo. I have evened helped families get another opinion or deal guidance from the ethics committee and yes I have cared for a few that went to court. I assume it is because her hypothalamus died along with the rest of her brain, so she likely no longer has the ability to regulate her body temperature. Nor would returning her to California constitute taking her "down south," although California is somewhat south of NJ. It looked like the early photos of Jahi where she look fuller in the face. I don't see that finding out is ethically borderline any more than any number of investigative inquiries are. Google it. It had died, it was just not there. They moved her all the way to New Jersey because NJ has a law that lets people in these situations be considered "alive" due to religious beliefs. This child was properly diagnosed by 6 different physician. I'm going to make a fallacy argument, BMI is based off a military young white male, fast forward 50 years and we come to find out minorities and females have different body structures and they don't always fit in the parameters of the original BMI.. I'm cynical enough to believe that the claims of Jahi breathing over the ventilator, playing the piano, drawing, and now even giving a thumb's up sign have to do with upcoming court hearings to determine whether or not Jahi has actually come back to life. When Jahi McMath was declared brain-dead by the hospital, her family disagreed. Yes,its a FB page called Prayers for Jahi Mcmath,its private so you have join,Grandma posts in there about how well Jahi is doing,playing the piano and drawing among other things. This will come up again. I doubt there will be much left, especially if the hospital file for an appeal. This is because they know of the case, not because of Facebook campaigns. Good info to know.In the McMath case the legal proceedings have given us a unique opportunity - to actually see what these scans show in someone with prolonged somatic survival. My prayers are with you. Court records show she is receiving Medicaid. Get with the program and become a parent of an angel kid (whoa-whoa I am as well) no one wants to join but in my case was given no warning, no say, and no control over my own daughter dying yet here you are unable to cope. The hospital protests in which supporters of the family chanted, Dont pull the plug! were long over, and relatives dabbed tears as they recalled Jahis cherubic smile, her love of manicures and her penchant for wearing hoodies and flip-flops during winter. That is public. Trolls will be deleted, and off-topic comments will not be approved.Web-hosted images may be included thusly: [im]image url here[/im]. No movement whatsoever, yet everyone one the Jahi Facebook pages got all excited that this was somehow demonstrative of her healing. However, I still don't understand one small aspect: if there has been no blood flow to the brain for three years, why isn't necrosis in the brain poisoning her body? I appreciate the thoughtful answer. Jahis family after so many denials and such and despite all the proof and the fact their daughter has been lying there for THREE YEARS should be a sign that its not going to get better. A video recording of an ice cube touched to the foot of Jahi McMath has been distributed. All the attention they should be getting is directed to a brain dead child. Yet, according to the state of California, Jahi was no longer alive as of 2014despite her parents' adamant claims to the contrary. Children's Hospital Oakland maintained that the original diagnosis of brain death was correct and that the videos do not meet the diagnostic criteria for brain death. 3) You are welcome to call me whatever you like, and I've never once claimed that having a blog qualifies me as anything other than an amateur writer. Other than her brain, her organs are all functioning. Here's a link to a 4 year old that was maintained on a ventilator for 20 years https://hods.org/pdf/Long%20Survival%20Following%20Baterial%20Meningits-Associated%20Brain%20Destruction1.pdf So the "anonymous" poster should read that if they think Jahi can't be dead because she is not decomposing. She's in the denial state, chronic, of the five stages of grief. This is what really bothers me is that New Jersey taxpayers are footing this bill. Actually the Wired article sort of supports was I am saying. . That makes sense. I always had the impression from Jahi's family's accounts that she had basically "bled out". I have no idea what kind of rabbit hole I'm entering Bastard MD, 2011. When Jahi McMath was declared brain-dead by the hospital, her family disagreed. The lining of the intestines were sloughing, likely due to decreased blood flow. Shouldn't she also suffer from cachexia? Living on a machine will not make me be me, and it will not fix regrets or bring comfort, if I die mine will not stop loving me, so forcing me to be alive so you mine can continue to love me, is not justification.. My family had to remove a very young uncle off life support, 23 years old.. Was shot execution style in a home burglary. Nailah Winkfield leaves a funeral for her daughter Jahi McMath on Friday, July 6, 2018, in Oakland, Calif. I doubt there is a mechanism in place to question such things.As the court case slowly moves toward the discovery phase the defendants will have an opportunity to pursue an independent medical exam which will include a thorough brain death evaluation. "[32], On December 30, 2013, the family appealed the decision to the Second District, California Courts of Appeal[31] and the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, calling for the hospital to continue life support measures until other arrangements could be made by the family for the girl's care. My personal opinion is that her mother knows she is dead and continuing this charade for monetary reasons. [17][18], After the surgeries were performed, McMath was conscious and according to her mother, Latasha "Nailah" Winkfield,[18][19][20] asked for a popsicle while in the recovery room. The two doctors thoroughly refuted plaintiff's "expert testimony" from September 2014. https://www.facebook.com/keepJahiMcmathonlifesupport/This has a recent picture of Jahi in Feb. If there's something that can be used again, take it and make someone healthy. I don't know. Different types of brain injuries. Jahi does not. They did give a death certificate but her mom is keeping her on the machines. There is nothing in McMath's medical records from Saint Peter's University Hospital that would cause a reputable expert in pediatric or adult brain death to question or reconsider the accepted brain death assessments of Dr. Robin Shanahan, Dr. Robert Heidersbach, and Dr. Paul Fisher. An official website of the United States government. For the exact reason that she is brain dead so the body sends no signals. Also, in the last paragraph of Dr. Schneider's testimony he had some interesting things to say about Dr. Alan Shewmon's thoughts regarding brain death. How does one go from having necrosis on the lips and very thin, thin hair and waxy complexion to looking like she did 3 years ago? She has demanded artificial ventilation and feeding, all the while accrediting her trust to God. Thank you. Although legally dead, she continues . McMath's case drew national attention when her family refused to accept the conclusion of doctors who declared the girl dead in December 2013, when she was 13, after suffering irreversible brain . Remember, and this is important, brain death is an artificial clinical construct we created. Stories about general surgery, trauma surgery, dumb patients, dumb doctors, and dumb shit from the dumb world around us. Her mom made another video and this time it shows she is trying to breath on her own can you explain that one. Not you, you. her family is disturbed but I just don't care. Something doesn't look right and especially after seeing the hairdresser's photo of a year ago. Ethically speaking, Jahi's situation seems terribly gray. I was put on a CSF drain and after a emergency involving the drain malfunctioning and leaking every single bit of my spinal fluid out into my bed. And no I don't think Jahi McMAth will ever wake up. This is a carousel. Sadly, that young man has passed away. FOIA Pathological liars do it all the time and they start twisting facts and get people who have very weak and vulnerable minds to believe them. Accessibility sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Nope. This guilt keeps and fuels her hope that she truly believes that her daughter is the one to defy all odds & wake up one day - be completely normal & live a happy life, being thankful her Mom (the Hero) kept fighting to keep her alive.. you know a miracle in its own making & that apartment becomes a future place of worship & pilgrimage..The people who surround them don't help see reality. Jahi, who would have turned 18 this year, lay in a casket painted in her favorite lavender hue. This comment has been removed by the author. [36] Byrne stated in court documents that he witnessed McMath moving in the hospital and that he considered her to be alive. Her photo stirred deep . I mean seriously, what is it to keep her alive .50 a year out of the millions of tax payers pockets? If you think she is still alive mom, YOU pay for her medical care.' "I agree with DocB that the cases aren't comparable to Jahi McMath but I did specifically ask Dr. Franklin about post mortem studies in PVS patients. Nailah isnt a qualified assessor. Her family refused to accept the diagnosis, and she was transferred to New Jersey, which offers a religious exemption to brain death. Theyve long since surpassed that point and are giving out malicious misinformation. I know it hurts but she's taking it too far and her grief is going to be even worst to the point she probably end up in a mental institution. Even though doctors there agreed she met the criteria for brain death they never performed an apnea test so she has yet to be officially diagnosed as brain dead in New Jersey.The family found a Christian fundamentalist doctor, Alieta Eck, to treat her once she left St. Peter's. However, one of the legislators who drafted the exception said it was only meant to apply to people who were declared dead by neurological criteria in New Jersey. I can't help but wonder if the videos are supposed to get public opinion swayed in favor of the family, but I don't know what purpose that will serve. She doesn't understand how the vent works, apparently, because there is not one single patient-initiated breath.
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jahi mcmath decomposing 2023