I want to ask you something regarding similar subject. GET MARRIED. Alhamdulillah, it is good to see some of our young students of knowledge taking interest in the science of hadith and its studies. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". May Allah ease your heart and help you get through this. Is that halal? Salaam I have OCD and doubts if I have a wet dream, I didnt see any man in my dream or any such just saw a rubbing of sorts in my parts. What should I do? Please direct your questions to our Whats the Matter section http://www.muslimmatters.org/ask, your answers are all here http://islamqa.info/en/2571. Or if the women companions of the prophet sallallhu alayhee wsalam were reading this. For instance if I tell you dont think about a pink elephant what happens? JazakiAllah khiar iMuslim, i hope so too :). I am currently doing hifdh, I still do my hifdh whilst I am on my menstraul cycle otherwise I forget what I have Learnt or its hard for me to go back into the habit of doing it. but when she wakes up and no wetness then thats fine although its better to perform ghusl. So how would I know if the wetness is from the dream or if its my normal discharge? And your right, many sisters are ignorant of these issues because they dont bothering looking properly. This does not purify as it does not count as washing. Answer: The asl (original) is that she has not had a wet dream, so until there is yaqin (certainty) she does not have to take a bath. JazakAllah khair. Having the discharge is not such a big deal- just make sure you have pantyliner on and change it each time before wudo. If you are suffering from incontinence of that wetness, then you have to perform ablution for every prayer after its prescribed time has started, and you pray whatever obligatory prayers and supererogatory prayers you wish with this ablution until that time (i.e. This cannot be understood from our fatwa. still do i have to take a shower? Question: If she sees extra vaginal discharge and is confused about the dream (i.e. By water is meant here the effects of the dream, i.e., orgasm. However one day I woke up feeling sexually aroused and then I checked it up online and saw that it was wet dream. Allaah knows best why that happened. A womans cervix produces mucus, which lines the vagina and is expelled as discharge. does that mean ive been aroused even though I was trying not to think of it? ejaculation while awake by indulging in sexual thoughts is voluntarily and CAN be controlled by seeking Allahs protection, distracting thoughts with something positive, not indulging in actions that might lead to sexual thoughts like movies, magazines, websites etc. The answer being referred to by ustadha Shaista Maqbool is attached. 3.Generally when a woman doesnt remember parts of her dreams, but remembers seeing opposite sex and remembers no intercourse, and then feels some wetness in private part, but dont see the discharge itself on the underwear, must she do ghusl or not? suffering from such situations. thats why people are asking anonymously, some sisters wh have wet dreams could be in distress and too shy to ask anyone thats why we need posts like this educateing sisters so that it doesnt become taboo. The view which we adopt here at Islamweb is that whoever doubts about the discharges whether it is Maniyy or otherwise chooses one of the two and applies the ruling relevant to it. salamualikum. Saheeh Muslim, 469). I posted a very long reply before, for some reason, after awaiting moderation, did not show up. End quote. in the qna for the likeagarment course shaykh yasir stated that it is not haram. but recently stoped after finding out. It does not store any personal data. She also received her Ijaazah in Quranic Hafs recitation in Egypt from Shaikh Muhammad al-Hamazawi. However let me ask you and everyone else who deem it acceptable for men and women together to speak about such explicit matters, if you knew the messenger of Allaah sallallahu alayhee wsalam, his wives and companions were reading this, would you dare utter such words like: Their words seem to prove the neutrality of performing this act, and thus it is permissable . If this is what is meant, then it is better to say that Allaah is not shy to speak the truth. Reading about wet dreams makes me scared to fall asleep for fear that I will continuously get wet dreams and then continuously have to take a shower. As long as people arent indulging in sexual thoughts or looking at things which are causing them to have these wet dreams, then it isnt in their hands and they arent to blame for it, not to mention that this isnt something wrong in of itself, and like the sister said in her article, Allah azzawajal created wet dreams as an outlet for men and women to release their sexual energy.. Therefore, if a person has what seems to be a wet dream, but upon waking finds nothing, then he does not have to bathe. When both (may Allaah be pleased with them) asked the question, they were very brief and to the point. Sister umm reem you have said that ghusl becomes obligatory for women if they have an orgasm but according to the hadith of Prophet ghusl becomes obligatory on women if they have discharge during an orgasm and not due to orgasm without discharge.Please reply. Regular vaginal discharge has left many sisters confused as to whether a) it is najis (impure) therefore requiring her to wash off undergarments and legs b) it breaks one's wudu . Qn 2; if in your dream you never reached climax but there had been some amount of discharge when you woke up does this require ghusl? . Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, has not enjoined you to undertake this examination, whether after sleeping, or following urination. Some time ago, I gave a series of lectures on Taharah (cleanliness) to the sisters in my community. I know there are some anti-sex psychos in the world that actually believe this, but the fact is that God made us and our bodies to operate and function in several ways, and God is nowhere near the level of obtuseness as these kind of psycho/religious fanatics. Jazakallahkhair. a hadith somewhere but I cant remeber the exact words that the prophet said if you see your discharge is thin and yellow. Please keep in mind that this fatwa is in answer to a mans question. Umm Reem, As-Salaam alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu. As soon as you get the thought make a very powerful Dua- something like: grant me and the muslim ummah the highest level of Jannah, forgive the sins of all previous, present and future Muslims. Al-Bahr Ar-Raaiq: Sharh Kanz Ad-Daqaaiq reads: It is an obligation according to the agreement of the (Hanafi) scholars to perform Ghusl if one is sure that it is Maniyy (semen) whether or not he remembers having a wet dream, and if he is sure that it is Mathy and he remembers having a wet dream., The reason they say Ghusl is obligatoryis that what came out could have be semen but after a long time it became thin so when waking up, the personbelieves that it is Mathy. She wasnt asking whether it is required to wear hijab out of the home. The negative self-talk will lead to feeling catastrophic and the cycle gets worse and worse so take control of your thoughts by making positive statements. There is discharge from the arousal but she is certain there was no orgasm. 6. as part of foreplay? Firstly, jazakAllah khair. there is a difference between sexual excitement and orgasm. Everything thats relevant to know was in that hadith. in this case its better to perform ghusl since shes uncertain of the wetness. Umm Salamah asked: What about women, O Messenger of Allah? I do not get my hygiene tips from ancient books, I get them from reading about modern health science and epidemiology. They asked with the utmost modesty with Umm Sulaym beginning with Allah is not too shy to tell us the truth and Umm Salamah covering her face when asking RasoolAllaah sallallhu alayhee wsalam, who was her husband, her brief question?? Heavy sprinkling is certainly not recommended as it has no real effect other than extreme discomfort. maybe this article will help you about the regular vaginal discharges: Arousal results in vaginal throbbing; but orgasm is an intense feeling which leaves a person satisfied. He said, He should do ghusl. He was asked about a man who thinks that he had an erotic dream but does not see any wetness. However if a person indulges in sexual thoughts while he is awake, then that would not cause him to ejaculate (white semen), but another type of colorless discharge/Prostatic fluid might come out which is called madhyy, and it is different from semen or manyy which comes out during ejaculation or a wet dream. What does it mean to be sure? i had a wet dream. Dhikr I did briefly when i fell in love with my now husband when i was 19 years old. Just to reiterate, Wet dreams in solitary are natural and not in your control. confusing, i dont think it will cause any confusionsjust because mother didnt have a wet dream doesnt mean that daughter/s may not have it either. I feel terrible knowing the fact that one has to perform ghusl if one sees a wet dream. What I worry about is, as we lie down during a nap, especially when its short, may be the sexual discharge is gathered inside but didnt flow out yet as it happens in standing position and if we urinate it will flow out with urine and we will never see/feel it and will think we dont need a ghusl while we actually need it. I wish there were someone to help me. or i didnt had any wetness in the first place? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Discharge can be more wet or more dry, and be more or less thick or viscous. Jazakallah, slami have to ask that if a girl sees dream and enjoy and feel vibration like orgasm but doesnt get wet..does she have to take bath? I dont see what they can do about it. All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. 1. 5. I take shower like this when i have to get paak.. i do my wadu like washing hands, washing mouth 3 times, nose then face hands till elbow then head clean ears neck then directly go under the shower wash entire body with soap or shower gel and in the end wash feets (is this right?) Rather it is Umm Sulaym asking the question. Does a woman have to do ghusl if she has a wet dream? The Prophet said: Yes, if she sees water (a discharge). Umm Salamah covered her face and said, O Messenger of Allah, can a woman have an erotic dream? He said, Yes, may your hands be rubbed with dust. Anything that i hear im worried that itll be converted into a sexual thought . If you have a daughter, educate her about menstruationaround 8ish ESPECIALLY if she is going to a public school or even to an islamic school. Jazakallahu Khairan for your keen research, dear Hadith Check . In my experience, some of the boys tend to be attention seeking and so in terms of physical time, managed to take up a lot more than the girls. I dont understand it and wanted to know if its normal? And precisely why Islams instructions are always fresh. As much as I would love to answer them back privately, I see much benefit of putting the answers in this section. Whatever the details its to do with us women! Dreams of a sexual nature do not break the fast regardless of any discharge or not. Can you please clarify? The intention is the fact that you for example want to pray maghrib 3 rakahs, so that intention should be in the persons heart and is not to be pronounced with the tongue before you start the prayer. I am having an issue causing me a lot of anxiety for the past couple of months. and prayed and didnt know. Barakallahu Feek, dear Hadith Check for your kind words . Regulate sugar intake. Its so cold here more over i am getting symptoms of flu its hard to take shower daily i really need proper guidance, If you didnt have an orgasm, you dont need to take a showeran Allah knows best. Al-Kashshaaf, which is one of the books of the Hanbali school, reads; or that he is sure i.e. yasir, that a woman may have a wet dream (with orgasm) but without an obvious discharge. what should she do? Use pillows or an extra blanket to help you avoid rolling back on your stomach. And what about if a man passes in front of a woman? It is also advised not to drink excessive fluids before going to bed or sleeping on a full stomach. I really need to ask the Gynecologist, Dr. Fatimah Lalani some questions. I dont understand!!!! The intention is different from that. Does drawing blood, as for a blood test, invalidate ablution? an orgasm is accompanied with dischargeso im not sure what you meant by an orgasm without a discharge. i saw myself imagining about my future husband (whom i never met) and thought about sexual things and orgasmed right there. and Allah knows best, i am sort of confused it is actually a huge problem if we get such things in our dream and have to take a shower on daly basis especially in Pakistans chilling weather. For those with a passionate nature, like myself, this is a difficult message to absorb. Or should I wait till my menstraul cycle finishes then have have shower to get rid of the state? Assure them, that they can always come and talk to you about it. What if they are accompanied with pressure on chest when you cant move and scary dreams. So there is a difference between the opening dua which you stated, and the intention which is in the heart. 4: if it is semen yes and you have to make up the fast. My question is she dreamt she had a sexual intercourse and also in the same dream she took her gusl,what should she do when she wakes up and finds out it was just a dream? 1.) I feel so tired and exhausted and drained. Please see the questions answered by Sh. We all make mistakes but only a few of us actually reflect back and learn from it. If I get some discharge from my vagina when I think about sex, do I have to do ghusl after that? He said, He does not have to do ghusl. Umm Salamah said, O Messenger of Allah, does a woman have to do ghusl if she sees something like that? He said, Yes, women are the twin halves of men. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood). some hours it stops and some hours it happens again. if the discharge is thin and yellow that is maniy [semen] it is pure but you have to perform ghusl for it discharge after a wet dream is involuntary act. Fast ( google and you will find the Hadith on fasting for those unmarried) when i finally woke up, i remembered having wet dream with orgasm but i didnt noticed any wetness. So when the need rises, one must ask in order to educate themselves regarding these issues which are of utmost importance. possibly the shayateen are bothering you at night and as you said yourself that they stop with adhkar etc. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. In which case, if the young daughter experiences a wet dream, she may not know the. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: He does not have to bathe. The place for the intention is in the heart, meaning you know that you are standing to pray maghrib 3 rakahs, so you dont have to say it out loud. One thing to add which is relevant to the topic is that if a woman has a wet dream during her menstrual period, then she still performs ghusl from the wet dream, even if it wont make a difference in terms of performing the prayers because she isnt praying anyways, and Allah knows best. Islam Q&A, You can ask your question on the website via this link: https://islamqa.info/en/ask, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in How to distinguish if the discharge is from climax or just the one that breaks wudu? Do not underestimate what others are capable of teaching your daughter, including her friends (inside or outside the schools, Muslims or non-Muslims) or even teachers. And I am very confused. Of course as any fiqhi matter, this too, had ikhtilaf (difference of opinions). 2. assalaam alaikum and should I make gushul, if you didnt have an orgasm, you dont need to make ghusal.
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not sure if seen wet dreams hanafi 2023