Reinvigorate your schedule with new activities, Aquarius (Picture: Getty/ Today, Saturn influences the cosmic energies of the day, emphasising the importance of structure and organisation. The parents on either side are usually brought in at some point. Diana An example of the principle exemplified by Saturn in Aquarius could be Thomas Eddison the inventor of the lightbulb. Thats why. You are always shut out of a situation, or shut in by it. Thank you. When transiting Uranus opposes 20, 21 Scorpio from 20, 21 Taurus you will be challenged to change. I even started a work from home on the Internet about 2 years ago (officially established on 5/14/2021) when you posted in Taurus Weather 2021-2026 that it is possible only in a small window to do it made sense to me. A year ago, because of Corona, I lost the place where I did the work and therefore the customers and could not get back on my feet until now. Happy Lunar New Year. They are heavy and multiple. I have felt strongly the sense of restriction, limits and boundaries with my first house Saturn most of my life. But you wont need it. Vulcano I really hope it doesnt sleep through and you have time to answer it. It is extremely important that you put your health and wellbeing first from March. WebNinnescah River. Hygeia You realise someone has a chart similar to your own, and the reply given, applies to you. You can transform your career, your love life, and your lifestyle, if youre ready. When Saturn leaves Aquarius on March 8th 2023, the pandemic restrictions will end on friendships and groups. Hi Jessica, a very interesting read, thank you. This dovetails with what I am seeing with courtship, the bedroom, parenthood, or other peoples children so the late Twenties are quite remarkable. One of those factors is the IC or Immum Coeli which suggests he has inherited depression from a relative or ancestor; alternatively he has inherited the cure it, fix it pattern from the same; there may have been a doctor or psychiatrist, nurse or surgeon in the family tree. I learn so much. Your Libran side is triggered, so this is about your Seventh House, where we find marriage, divorce, common-law marriage, separation, professional partnerships and disputes. As well as my Mercury at 23*. Thank you for the explanation and Ill continue to be careful. Standing back from your chart and looking at the bigger picture, Sun Taurus with stelliums in Taurus, Aries and Gemini shows you its all about money. There are eight parts to a scythe and the ring is the sixth. Thank you for the information about Saturn. A massive lawsuit exposed smoking as a killer too. Any pointers you can give will be appreciated! Thus, the duet or duel now in front of you, may well be the story later on and it will be karmic in nature. I havent been able to go back to Europe since Covid and I start having antsy feet. Particularly in connection with foreign places and duet/duel relationships? Aesculapia 08 In its place comes a massive new challenge to change. i remember the womens lib days i was encouraged to go to and the individuals then that shocked. Take your time deciding. I noticed I have Hygeia, and Prosperina, and Psyche! Use the card to see a way forward. Read the testimonials. No matter if it is walking the dog, wild swimming, or volunteering in a space where you genuinely feel needed. Long-term until 2026, though, you still need a flexible set-up so that you can react quickly, to sudden changes affecting (say) an inheritance, or a marriage and mortgage (another example). The famous learning experiences of Saturn come from being obstructed. Capricorn rules your Tenth House of career, unpaid work, academia and success. Thanks a lot. I suggested he take a month or two off but he doesnt think he can afford this. Known as the taskmaster and karmic planet, Saturn helps us keep ourselves in check. Thank you. March sees Saturn join Neptune in Pisces in everybodys Twelfth House and this has so much to do with the familys religious beliefs, on both sides, going back generations. This area of your life is where the instability has been since 2018 and will be until 2026, as Uranus goes through Taurus. It takes Saturn 28-30 years to complete its orbit of the zodiac. Panacea Some pruning and trimming may be required along with a close examination of who and what is actually there these days. May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus. Your Page of Pentacles/Coins card is about money to be negotiated, saved or earned and March is also a milestone for that, in your life. You will find out what you need to know, for your own best interests, about your father by May 2023. 27 Virgo 12 58 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 all saw Saturn in Pisces. So be fully aware, in touch and in tune with who you are in 2023-2026, what you are doing and why you are doing it. Over the last 2000 years or so, weve come to see Saturn as The Grim Reaper (one of his disguises) as the third Saturn Return, in advanced old age, can literally limit your remaining years. Thats an amazing article! Apartment. You will rejoin a group or join one, for the first time, and feel the potential power. How does my Saturn in Libra influence this? I get excited every time you post something new and follow you on Twitter. A holiday from reality. He will be liberated as a result of that. Thank you so much for your insights. That was interesting data . Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication thought and speech, information processing and writing. While you wait, you learn more. July 20th: Mars 6 Virgo opposition Saturn 6 Pisces The Ninnescah River, a 56.4-mile stream of southern Kansas, is composed of two branches. Hi Jessica, I am enjoying all your posts and really look forward to them. Curbs The Romans associated Saturn with a Golden Age, which arrived when he took the scythe which had castrated his father, and used it to educate Italian farmers about agriculture. You will be pleased to see the back of it as it has affected your social life, friendships and involvement with one or more groups. May 21: Sun enters Gemini. Study is work too. I am not a current member as had to cancel due to costs this year but hope to re join next year sorry. Saturn is about to go into Pisces and your Twelfth House, natally, using the Natural House system. How do I prepare for this? As for friendships, the last 2 years, many have been put to the test and not all have survived it. It is also a statement about the impact of Covid on doctors, nurses and hospital beds. Tragically, it was medically acquired and your partner passed away. I nursed my partner who died of AIDS (medically acquired) in early 1992 and somehow feel Saturn in Pisces coming up will hit my Virgo factors again. In May, Jupiter with all his opportunities, answers and rewards moves into this Sixth House sector of health and wellbeing and you will very quickly see a person or organisation which is a solution for you. You see the restrictions end with groups and friends (Aquarius) but new restrictions with religion and spirituality (Pisces). The latter seems likely given you talk about a ball and chain. It is so full of info! Congratulations! ACN 644668431. Could you see if the year ahead brings happiness for us? His first house is wild and very indicative of his explosive behavior. WebSaturn in Aquarius/Eleventh House This Saturn may invite the couple to experience the greatest freedom through navigating great challenges. Love your website. i know Aquarius is about supporting the group. I might be imagining it but I feel like they think I am flakey. Today, Pisces is about spirituality as a whole, across all faiths. These particular Valentine days present more restrictions, curbs and obstacles to you than usual. The ground is being broken up so new things can grow. Saturn in astrology is also here to cut out, another one of his functions, and to cut off. All about Saturn in Aquarius or in the 11th house The placement of your Saturn sign can reveal some of lifes toughest lessons. Ask yourself what the allergy gets you out of, or what it encourages. Hi, thanks again for all these articles Jessica, I am learning with each article, especially the comments sections. This is more important as the South Node transiting 20, 21 Scorpio marks the 2020s for you. Your writing career takes off from May 2024 until June 2025 and from 2026 you begin using new technology to write or broadcast, with much exhilaration and excitement ahead. Hi Jessica, I will follow your suggestion concerning healers/hypnotists and your insights have made me consider my allergy issue in a different way which will hopefully be helpful for the future. Your husband is in luck and he will save or make a fortune after May 2023 and by May 2024. January 22 looks particularly significant for me with Chiron. Thresholds. is this a good thing or is trouble ahead? If you would like to explore your natal chart further, including your Saturn sign, please see our computer generated astrology reports for details. Would Saturn in Capricorns 3rd H bring obstacles in communications?. There will be another one soon enough but it might be better for you. if you have any wise words I would love to hear them I currently just dont see any good change on the horizon work wise. In March 2023 he also begins a new cycle (until 2044) when the internet, the media, publishing and academia could empower him if he is prepared to use his willpower. The main issue with the rules is that you have to be able to live with them. Carl Jung named this phenomenon in the 20th century and it remains the best explanation we have, for accurate prediction. Saturn rules lead. The essence of Aquarius. In turn, Virgo rules the Sixth House of service, duty, lifestyle, work ethic, mental and physical health. Its worth having his chart done: we have a Family and Friends service here which can help. We associate Leo with heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne of the king. and into a time of some boundaries and structure with Saturn moving into my sign. Many thanks,Lynne. Until then take any firm news with a pinch of salt. Saturn will be in Aquarius starting from March 21 May 11th. Easy for me to say and hard for him to do, but Ceres in the chart has some lessons about balancing acts. Thanks for a response, if you have time. You turn your apartment into a cage. Part of that may be Saturn in Aquarius. Neptune has been in Pisces the whole time, also in opposition. I only use the Natural House System having spent a long time testing it many years ago. But Saturn suggests its wise to look. It may be gambling. Who is in charge? So you trigger his views of God. I certainly felt the ring fenced limits coming out as gay, to myself and then to my mostly conservative Christian community, the public, work etc and family was tough but also so grounding physically and mentally, and spiritually and very, very liberating. Thank you for your selfless sharing and advice. Twenty-three people were killed on May 25, 1917, by a tornado that The boring answer about Saturn is: learn from people who have been there before you; do your homework; research the issues. This also touches on the questioning family theme of 2023 and you will be drawn into that, as Saturn joins Neptune quite publicly in your solar Fourth House. Best wishes for 2023!! You are very unusual and probably realised you were different from others as a schoolgirl. Take your time, Tess, before you commit to foreign people or places from March 2023. Life as it was 18 or 19 years before has a message for you, about that. Family. I also enjoy reading your interaction with all the readers via the replies. The Tarot can be useful at times like this: ask How have I expressed my Saturn pattern so far? and even with just one card, you can find all sorts of answers and insights about the next one. My new start date is mid-March. eek. People with Aquarius in their chart are given a great ability to envision ideas. Saturn going into Pisces from March 2023 times the situation, and your nodal return, from 12th January 2025, sees the North Node in Pisces, and South Node in Virgo, echoing your chart. I muddled up my earlier post, so please disregard. It begins towards the end of March. Social Life. Your psychic ability will benefit from training, regulation, control and rules from March 2023 when Saturn goes into Pisces and your Twelfth House of mediumship, clairvoyance, the aura, the chakra system and so on. Aquarius January 22 to February 19 With Saturn encouraging you to get organized, you may have carved out daily routines that have become automatic, and that This brings us back to housework, paid work, unpaid work and study. You can be more goal-oriented, and this can help you focus on goals and use ambition properly.
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saturn in aquarius tarot 2023