We listen and de overseer whisper under de door and told my mother dat she free but not to tell nobody. During these days, Navasota was considered a wild and wooly place, where it was not considered safe for women and children to go downtown in broad daylight. Then there was neighbors went off to fight. This crime was in the middle of the day on the main street in town. It was my job, after dark, listenin' for dem Klux, den I gits under de bed. After de ole marster die dey both work in de fiel' and raise plenty vegetables to can and eat. When I git disable' to wuk in de time of de 'pressure (depression) I git on my walkin' stick. She was a little, white-hair' woman, what never los' her temper 'bout nothin'. Dey got dey glass. WebBy the time of annexation a decade later, there were 30,000; by 1860, the census found 182,566 slaves over 30 percent of the total population of the state, according to the Daughter, I don' want dat hat you got dere. I 'members dat. I ain't no flour-bread eater. ), with the cooperation of the City of Navasota, The Navasota Police Department's new Chief, and the Navasota City Council made a stand against crime and the Railroad Street bars closed down after decades of open drug sales and vice. Finally, in a rage of bullets and accusations, he and his cronies were attacked in spots all over the County. WebIn 1937 Reynolds shared her memories of slavery with a member of the Federal Writers Project for the WPA Slave Narrative Project. So, on Christmas night, de chillen takes dem and puts dem on de stick. In 1990, the boys basketball team won the 3A state championship with a 350 record after beating Gainesville and Lamesa at the state tournament played at the University of Texas Frank Erwin Center. Course, I ain't blamin' you for it, but what you done say 'bout all de plantations havin' schools was wrong, so I jes' had to tell you I been a slave myself. The downtown buildings were overrun with lawless ruffians, gamblers, prostitutes, and drunks. In the late 1990s Citizens for Action in Navasota (C.A.N. He uster preach to de white folks in de mornin' and de cullud folks in de afternoons. Sometimes the slave made friends with the dogs and they wouldn't let on if they found him. The Inn is of clapboard-covered log construction. My husban' gib me de trabblin' dress, but I never use dat dress for three weeks, though, 'cause ole mistus cry so when I hafter leave dat I stay for three weeks after I marry. Dat why I say I can't see so good. "But what I want to say is, we didn't have no idea of runnin' and escapin'. The Klu Klux went to the jail and took 'em out and killed 'em. I allus did obey jis' like I was teached to do and dey didn' hafter whip me. Dat one of de chillun' hats. "I was born way back in 1851 in North Carolina, on Mr. Subbs' plantation, clost to Snow Hill, which was the county seat. Sure 'nough, dere was trouble, heaps of it. They got hosses that the soldiers had turned loose to die, and fed them and took good care of 'em and they got good stock that way. He tell de overseer, 'If you can't make dem niggers work without de whup, den you not de man I wants.' Navasota has many shops and artisans in its historic downtown district, including antique, gift, and boutique stores and art galleries housed in old classic stone and brick structures. If every mother's son of a black had thrown 'way his hoe and took up a gun to fight for his own freedom along with the Yankees, the war'd been over before it began. "Yes, suh, everybody happy on massa's place till war begin. WebOld Slave Cemetery Fannin County Hosted at Fannin County Texas TxGenWeb Oakhill Cemetery Annex St. Marks Cemetery Union Cemetery Fayette County Corinth Baptist Church Cemetery (hosted at TexasEscapes) Gonzales County Hosted at Gonzales County TXGenWeb Project Denton Creek Cemetery Ellis Cemetery Elm Slough Cemetery Ma tell 'em to write him he neenter (need not) come. I buys goods for sheets and table kivers and one nice Sunday set dishes. Us all eat outer one big pan. Navasota is served by the weekly Navasota Examiner newspaper, which has been reporting on Grimes County since 1894. Local artist and sculptor Russell Cushman designed and built the bronze statue. They went in droves of 25 or 50 to the Yankees and they put 'em to work fightin' for freedom. "Did you ever stop to think that thinking don't do any good when you do it too late? They worked primarily in the cotton fields, which were a major commodity crop in the area. My task was to shell peas and watch and stir de big cookin' pots on de fireplace. And us better leave eb'ryt'ing clean and no litter 'roun'. They wasn't slaves no more. The kids didn't know War was happenin'. The old Negro was growing very tired, but, at a request, he instantly got up and tapped his way out into the scorching sunshine to have his photograph taken. We couldn't see dem airplanes flyin' in de air and hear folks sing and talk a thousand miles away. We'uns all stayed till he died, 'bout a year after dat. Dey jines de army and after 'bout a year, massa jine too, and, course, dat make de missy awful sad. We decided we was too soft and freedom wasn't goin' to be much to our good even if we had a education.". But he didn't get shot no place but onethat was in the big toe. Lawmen had to hide and watch, and often were afraid of the streets at night. It was jus' a little stand built out in the open with no top on it, that the slaves stood on to get sold while the white folks auctioned 'em off. Drug dealers, prostitutes and drunks could not be seen standing around this area anymore. For full functionality please enable JavaScript in your browser settings. e. The legal institution of human chattel slavery, comprising the enslavement primarily of Africans and African Americans, was prevalent in the United States of America from its All us stay dere and holp missy all us could. I wish I had one of dem ol' time go'ds now to drink my milk outer. He served as marshal until 1911. They made tea out of 'lion's tongue' for the stomach and snake root is good for pains in the stomach, too. Dey have good times on dat place, and don't want to leave. Old Mew Johnson, the preacher, seen to it church went on. "Dat all changed after massa go to war. I's 101 years ole, 'cause I's bo'n Dec. 28, 1835. My father and me used to talk 'bout it. CHURCHES I 'vides (divide) my time 'tween my daughter here and de one in Houston. Reported by the Navasota Examiner. De nex' night back dey comes and asks where Jane am. "Like I jes' say, I knows what I's talkin' 'bout, 'cause I use to be a slave myself and I don't know how to read and write. "I knowed Wright Cuney well and he held the biggest place a cullud man ever helt in Galveston. Us stay right on de place. One in Palestine marry a nigger slave and buy her from her master. My father had his own brand, 7 B, and we had a herd to start out with of seventy. We got layed-onto(whipped) time on time, but gen'rally life was goodjust as good as a sweet potato. I's settin' hear a thinkin' of dem ole days when I's a li'l nigger a cuttin' up on ole marster's plantation. We better eat and shut our mouf. When eight years old he was sold for $1,150 [Handwritten Note: '?'] "The end of the war, it come jus' like thatlike you snap your fingers.". It was the endin' of it that made the difference. He was making a sort of privileged game with a sportive twist out of his handicap of blindness. They brought up their children to speak only Mexican. Navasota was founded in 1831 as the stagecoach stop of Nolansville. After I was sold, they let me go visit my mother once a year, on Sunday morning, and took me back at night. "No one knowed when de Klux comin'. He mek 'em outer rough red russet ledder. Nothin' was different. Brule Elementary exceeded state targets in Student Progress, Closing Performance Gaps, and Post-Secondary Readiness. ", "You wants to tek my picture? All a-sudden up dey gallops on hosses, all covered with hoods, and bust right into de house. We soon found out that freedom could make folks proud but it didn't make 'em rich. School organizations and athletics available to students include Business Professionals of America, FFA, Student Council, National Honor Society, Theatre, Choir, Kickstart, Band, Bass Fishing, FCA, Skills USA, Library Club, Boyz II Men, Princess Code, UIL Academics, One Act Play, HOSA-Future Health Science Professionals, Spanish Club, Family Career and Community Leaders of America, Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Drill Team, Cheer, Basketball, Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Softball, Powerlifting, Soccer, and Track.[23]. Ol' marster gin' and bale' he own cotton. Navasota High School earned a distinction in ELA/Reading and exceeded state targets in Student Progress, Student Achievement, Closing Performance Gaps, and Post-Secondary Readiness. Purty soon my mudder die and I jus' took up her shoes. Seasonal festivals attract crowds each year, with live music being a large part of the draw. Mos' time she leave all de wo'k stan' in de middle of de floor and read de Bible and pray for me to git heal up and not suffer. This involves an absolute equality of rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection therefore existing between them becomes that between employer and free But when dey was livin' in Geo'gy, my ma marry a man name' Hawthorne in Geo'gy. She lives in Woodville, Texas, with her husband, Josh, to whom she has been married 13 years. Miss Ca'lina she name' me. MOLLY HARRELL was born a slave on the Swanson plantation, near Palestine, Texas. Not long afterward, the town was struck by a deadly cholera epidemic. "Then when I was eight years old they sold me. Lots of white folks comes and dey eats and drinks wine, dey sings and dances. "Who I is, how old I is and where I is born, I don't know. In February 2004, the Texas Rangers again probed the Navasota Police Department. Mother allus say dose free niggers make de hardes' masters. Dat half a day off on Sadday was for de slaves to wash and clean up deyselfs. "My mistus hav lots of company. I mean dat de las' time I heard of 'em dey was livin'. The Deputy chief resigned. They fit till the war was over and a lot of 'em got kilt. Dey give us milk in a sep'rate vessel, and dey give eb'ryone a slice of meat in our greens. Nobody knew how it was to lack food. [4] The industrial sector of the community boasts 23 companies and over 1,200 jobs. In 1865 a warehouse filled with cotton and gunpowder exploded after it was torched by vagrant Confederate veterans; the blast killed a number of people and started a fire that destroyed much of the original downtown, and damaged many buildings, including the post office. De women folks was proud of dere men folks, but dey was powerful grieved. Dey uster hang asafoetida 'roun' us neck in a li'l bag to keep us from ketch' de whoopin' cough and de measles. By 1865 the population was about 2,700. The population was 7,643 at the 2020 census. Den at night, de big fire builded and all us sot 'round it. I didn' do nuthin' but chu'n (churn) and clean de yard, and sweep 'roun' and go to de spring and tote de water. Some dem cullud folks grandchillen still on dat land, too, de Parkers and Farrows and Nelsons and some others. By 1865, the population of Navasota was about 2,700. Some of 'em was bigger dan others and dey put a big family in a big cabin and a li'l family in a li'l cabin. [20] In addition, the Pack Warehouse is located in an unincorporated area near the Pack Unit. The slaves The United States Postal Service operates the Navasota Post Office. I been always trying to help my people to rise 'bove their station and they are rising all the time, and some day they'll be free.". And shirts! ", "Dey feed us good back in slavery. They are unmarked as far as she knows. ", "Dey didn' know nuffin' 'bout preachin' and Sunday School in dem times. I never see her no mo'. The museum itself is housed in a historic building. The average household size was 2.81 and the average family size was 3.39. Den us go to Houston and Louisiana for a spell and I hires out to cook. I says, 'I's got no 'lasses.' Horlock Art Gallery History Museum is one of the best things to do in Navasota Texas. They taken him and destroyed his stuff and him, 'cause he was making some money. Den I know he almos' home and I holler and wave my han' and he holler and wave he han' right back. Dat am when missy go tech in de head, 'cause massa and de boys in dat battle. Two of dem am burnt purty bad. I lubs my co'nbread. Eb'ry chile hab a side of watermilion. "When he was a-dyin', marster calls me to his bed and says, 'My dyin' reques' is dat yous be taken to your mama.' My friends is good to me and lets me stay with dem. He hid for his life in Galveston, and filed charges against many of the men, who were later fined but their murders were never prosecuted. Will am 'bout de laziest one in de bunch. You ain't never find a lazier nigger dan Will. "Most of the time the master gave us castor oil when we were sick. She cry right 'long with me when I cry, 'cause I hurt so. She say he ain't no service to her. The census of 1850 reported 58,161 slaves, 27.4 percent of the 212,592 people in Texas, and the census of 1860 enumerated 182,566 slaves, 30.2 percent of the total population. [4] In 2005, the Texas Legislature designated Navasota as the "Blues Capital of Texas" in honor of the late Mance Lipscomb, a Navasota native and blues musician.[5]. In 1908, Navasota was a lawless boom town, wracked by violence: "shootouts on the main street were so frequent that in two years at least a hundred men died." On January 19, 2011, the citizens of Navasota made a stand against illegal businesses trying to enter its city limits after murders and drive-by shootings. She was a housegirl, but must have been too small to do much work. De way I feels now, 'twon't be long 'fore I goes, too. That same year, according to a report in the Jewish South newspaper, the WebSlavery in Texas is a co-curricular project sponsored by the History Department and Center for Community Engagement at Sam Houston State University. "When I's 16 year ole I want to hab courtin'. Many Navasota citizens, including the mayor, fled to escape the disease, and the town's population dropped by about 50 percent. Later local business owners used the meat to feed the poor of the city. They never caught him and after he crossed the Mason-Dixon line he was safe. I never hear of him breakin' up a family. ", "My pa was Len Norsworthy. Dere moughta been a Cabilic (Catholic) Chu'ch dere too, but I dunno 'bout dat. I works till us come to Galveston 'bout ten year ago. De shoemaker make all de shoes and fix de leather, too. Dey go in de stables and turn out de white folks' hosses and run off what dey don't take for deyself. PIERCE HARPER, 86, was born on the Subbs plantation near Snow Hill, North Carolina. She uster weave all us clo's. Dey was cut straight and wid long waist and dey button down de back. 'Bout 20 year since us come here from Georgia and works de truck farm. Massa Buford says de trader comes from Missouri, but if I is born dere I don't know. Some dem niggers on other plantations ain't keep de head and dey gits whupped and some gits kilt, but us does what massa say and has no trouble with dem Klux. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Navasota, Texas, "Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2015", "Geographic Identifiers: 2010 Demographic Profile Data (G001): Navasota city, Texas", "Navasota, Texas Awarded Membership in Union Pacific's Train Town USA Registry", "Day 68 73: Cleveland to Austin, TX - Vague Direction", "Navasota memorabilia for municipal building", "Frank Augustus Hamer - Navasota, TX - Statues of Historic Figures on Waymarking.com", "About the Hispanic Population and its Origin", The Years of Lyndon Johnson: Means of Ascent, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Navasota,_Texas&oldid=1149483302, Articles with dead external links from April 2020, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from August 2022, Articles needing cleanup from August 2022, Articles with bare URLs for citations from August 2022, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from August 2022, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Articles needing additional references from March 2023, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 12 April 2023, at 14:42. My ma was name Ca'line after ol' mistus. WebSlavery in Texas is a co-curricular project sponsored by the History Department and Center for Community Engagement at Sam Houston State University. That was cheap for a boy. After while, de Yankee sojers comes and takes some more. My foreman was Tom Flaniganhe must have been a full-blooded Frenchman! "White man, dis old cullud woman am not strong. My mother use to cook and wait on tables. WebSlavery grew faster after Texas became a U.S. state in 1845. But de slaves some of 'em uster had family prayer meetings to deyselfs. Men you thought was your friend was Klu Kluxes and you'd deal with 'em in stores in the daytime and at night they'd come out to your house and kill you. It never git real ha'd but stay kinder slushy. Dat's what my old mother told me 'way back in slavery, before I was ever sold. Texas State Highway 6 passes northsouth through the eastern side of the city as a four-lane bypass, leading northwest 22 miles (35km) to College Station and south 21 miles (34km) to Hempstead. A old white man think so much of he old nigger when he die he free dat nigger in he will, and lef' him a little money. HOMESLAVERY INDEX Will yous be patient with me?' We was happy. Dat was dey law in dem days. Some of 'em didn't want to go. The city of Navasota earned a 2011 Gold Leadership Award from the Texas Comptroller's Office for efforts in transparency. Lawmen had to hide and watch, and often were afraid of the streets at night. Note: the US Census treats Hispanic/Latino as an ethnic category. Stuff for to eat and wear, dat am made by us cullud folks and dat place am what dey calls se'f-s'portin'. Web1 language. Dey had fruits of all kin's put up. Dey use to pass by with bags on de mules and fill dem with stuff from de houses. Old cotton, old corn, what for you born?'. After September 1859, when the Houston and Texas Central Railway built into the town, Navasota became important as a shipping and marketing center for the surrounding area. Then the old Negro began searching his 92 years of reminiscences, intermixing his findings with philosophy, poetry and prognostications. Purty soon I see de big ox comin' and see de smoke from de road dust flyin'. They went right on giving us food just the same. I's sev'ral times needed a whuppin', but de marster never gives dis nigger more'n a good scoldin'. Navasota was founded by European-Americans in 1831 as a stagecoach stop named "Nolansville." ", "My gramma and my ma and ol' man Norsworthy dey come from Alabama. When a slave got bad they took him to the county seat and had him whipped. WebRacism and high rates of violence in East Texas can be traced to slavery. Beaumont, Jefferson, Dist. I go to see her and took a peach pie, 'cause I lub her and I know dat's what she like better'n anything. "Why dey comes so many times round dere, am 'cause de second time dey comes, Jane Bensom am dere. She was Mrs. Ella Thompson, Felix' youngest sister, who had known only seven years of slavery. Guns were made in nearby Anderson, and cotton, gunpowder, and shoes were made, processed and stored there for the Southern Confederacy during the American Civil War. He wouldn' sell him to Marse Norsworthy when he come to Texas. The law said in black and white no master couldn't whip no slave, no matter what he done. Marster says, 'If you did, de houn' got 'em.' I's pleased to see my mammy, but after a few days I wants to go back to Marshall with Marster Zeke. As the interviewer scribbled down a note, the door to the little shanty on Arabella Alley opened and a backless chair was carried out on the porch by a vigorous old colored woman. I thanks yous for all de way yous done while I's gone, and I'll holp you all I can.' He call me his Annie 'cause I name' after my mistus. Each spring, Navasota is a popular destination for its bluebonnet fields, the state flower of Texas. Dat was de fus' time Missy laugh after de funeral. Missy Elline, she fainted. Navasota is located in southwestern Grimes County, Texas, east of the Navasota River (a tributary of the Brazos River). De white preacher talk 'bout Christ. "Us have de cabin what am made from logs but us only sleeps dere. "Navasota" redirects here. Dey load up my sack and sometime dey bring me stuff in a car right dere to dat gate. He allus brung me somethin', jus' like I he own little gal. "Bout gittin' married, after I quits de Gran' Hotel I marries and we'uns has two chillen. A white man with great charm and political skill, he enjoyed a great deal of the black vote, which made up almost half of the population, and managed to get himself elected along with a number of black candidates. It didn't seem to make the whites mad, either. Let's see, now. Hundreds of slaves did go to Mexico and got on all right. It tells dat Marster Ben am kilt and dat dey was a shippin' him home. Dey hab big hog killin' time, and dey dry and salt de meat in a big long trough. But he wasn't hard on dem like some masters was. We had our li'l go'ds (gourds) pretty and clean and white. I can't do much and lives on de $10.00 de month pension. Den he tell everybody he own a slave. ", "Me? NOVEMBER 8, 2011 Large numbers of Federal Law Enforcement ATF Agents move in on Armed drug dealing gangs. I has two chillen but dey dead. WebAs the United States expanded from 13 colonies, the debates over chattel slavery grewsome states came to abolish it, while others refused to untangle their political, Then the whites gave me and my father some cattle for our own. No mam. Dey didn' hab no freezer den, jus' a big pan in some ice. I reckoned everybody know old Pierce Harper. I say dey's livin'. My wife died three years later. Dey put popco'n on it to trim it and dey give me sometime a purty dress or shoes and plenty candy and maybe a big, red apple. And dey never dassent tek de other feller's piece of meat. ", "When Crismus come 'roun' dey give us big eatin'. It makes white men a little insulted when you dont know they is white, and it makes niggers all conceited up when you think maybe they is white.". A tree am fix, and some present for everyone. They was took away (conscription). Dey sho' dead.' Dere am three women what do dat, and give us de meals in de long shed with de long tables. I druv all through Pennsylvania and Virginia and South Carolina for the gov'ment. An 1860 census reported 182,566 slaves, making up 30 percent of the states population, according to the Texas He wasn't no eddicated man, but he was what he calls himself a piano man. Course de field hands got it worse, but den, dey was men. "She can't sell de cotton. ", "Dey had a big smokehouse. I l'arn how to hoe, too. But, first, let me ask you this: Is you all a white man, or is you a black man?". The assassination attempt failed, however, and Scott was scurried out of town, badly wounded, under protection of a Federal militia, and he never returned to Grimes County. Capital murder suspects calls 911 and turns himself in for the July 2009 killing of a Navasota business man in the middle of day in downtown. "De marster takes good care of us and sometimes give us money, 'bout 25, and lets us go to town. Web1860 - 1865 Texas joined Confederacy; Civil War began 1865 Juneteenth 1869 The First African American in Texas Legislature 1873 Buffalo Soldiers first posted in Texas 1876 Present Texas Constitution Adopted 1882 The Early Days of Women's Equality 1888 New State Capitol Completed 1891 Texas Railroad Commission Established WebRailroad Tower in Navasota, Texas. I's made de mistake of takin' de plate. Sister Johnson say to me outside of services last Sunday night, 'Brother Harper, you is de beatines' man I ever seen. My mem'randum not so good like 'twas. August 10, 2011 Arrests made for rioting in Navasota, assault of peace officer under investigation. Massa Buford say, 'Yes,' and de trader say he'll be back in 'bout three weeks, soon as he sells all the slaves. "My ole mistus she pay me money right 'long after freedom but I too close to spen' any. Most everybody else go with us. When he git here dey tek care of him 'till he die right dere at Olive. I was too little to get on the stand, so they had to hold me up and Mr. Harper bought me for $1,100. After I's 'bout 13, I jus' peddles roun' de house for 'bout a year, den 'twarn't long till I hoes co'n and potatoes. There were many saloons and gaming halls to entertain the cowboys, railroad men, and others on the loose. Dey was a overseer on de place and iffen dey was any whippin' to be did, he done it. Everyone was a-singin'. "Right over on Massa Ditto's place, am a killin' of a baby by dem Klux. WebNavasota Jews first began to organize in 1874, when they bought land for a Jewish cemetery. '", "Land sakes, Felix!" Some white woman said someone had stole something of hers so they put them young men in jail. I got fo' brudders livin', but nary a sister. John was my father. None of us knows what to do, dere warn't no place to go and why would we'uns wan' to go and leave good folks like de marster? Iffen you did dey wouldn' let you forgit it. Washington County. About 23.8% of families and 23.7% of the population were below the poverty line, including 34.7% of those under age 18 and 24.0% of those age 65 or over. Late in '63 they had a fight at a place called Kingston, only 12 miles from our place, takin' how the jacks go. They didn't care what color you was, black, white, yellow or blue. De baby am in de mammy's arms and a bunch of Klux ridin' by takes a shot at de mammy, and it hits de baby and kills it. We couldn't no more shoot 'em than we could fly. [Handwritten Note: '?'] I State Football Champions in 2014. [8] Famed lawman Frank Hamer, then 24 years old, was hired from the Texas Rangers to become the City Marshal. Den she hav nice Sunday dinner for both us. Hung him on a tree in his front yard, right in front of his cabin. Dey go in de barn and holp deyself. He camped by Massa Buford's plantation and asks him, 'Can I leave dis li'l nigger here till I comes back?' Dat was my home, so I kep' pesterin' marster to fetch me back, but he slips off and leaves me. She let me go to ice cream supper, too. WebOn the banks of the Navasota River, Civil War veterans met for reunions from 18891946. I'd hear dem comin' when dey hit de lane and I'd holler, 'De Klux am comin'.' Marster give me de wors' scoldin' I ever has and dat larned me a lesson. Ann related her story in a deep voice and a jovial manner. Navasota sits approximately 20 miles south of Bryan-College Station. Den she make me say de Lord Prayer for her jus' like she allus make me say it for a night prayer when I lil' gal. The war weren't so great as folks suppose. I know 'bout de time he comin' home when he go to town and I wait down by de big gate. Several native-stone churches also remain near downtown, with distinctive Victorian fronts. Iffen it git to be a ser'ous ailment dey sen' for de reg'lar doctor. In 2013, the British documentary project known as Vague Direction visited Navasota and interviewed local residents Misslette The Singing Cowgirl and hog trapper Steve Stribling.[11]. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 81.0 males. Dey give each li'l nigger a big iron spoon and us sho' go to it. Sometime he fiel' han' on de plantation, too. Even as he did so, he seemed to smile with those blurred, dead eyes of his. Every Sunday morning the undertaker hitched up a buggy and went downtown to collect the bodies he expected to find after another wild Saturday night. All we had to do was to walk, but walk South, and we'd be free as soon as we crossed the Rio Grande. "De earlies' 'membrance I hab is when de ole marster drive into de town for supplies every two weeks. I was handling pipes. Many buildings were damaged, including the post office. Hamer became more widely known in 1934 as one of the men who shot Bonnie and Clyde. ", "Yas, I 'member de house I was raise in. De nearest I comes to gittin whupped, 'twas once when I stole a plate of biscuits offen de table. He served as marshal until 1911. After learning about her experience, Willing In 1865, a warehouse filled with cotton and gunpowder exploded after it was torched by returning Confederate soldiers. He came to Galveston, Texas, in 1877. "It 'bout two year after freedom mammy gits marry and us goes and works on shares. I never took part in none of the fights, but I heered the others talk 'bout them, but not where them Klu Klux could hear 'em. De fus' preachin' I heerd was atter dat. This resolved a long investigation by Local Police. I t'ink some of ol' marster's boys went to de war but de ol' man didn' go. "Durin' de War, things was 'bout de same, like always, 'cept some vittles was scarce. It also received the award in 2013. There am embers in de fireplace and she fills a pail with dem and when de Klux busts in de door she lets dem have de embers in de face, and den out de back door she goes.
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slavery in navasota, texas 2023