Its a time for investing in ourselves. Others at a similar degree occurred on November 8th, 1984, November 6th, 1976, and November 7th, 1957. A new look, image, or expression of independence. Gemini Later, theyll rebuild slowly but surely. We need to express them in some way. Otherwise I end up disappointed. Others might be in a daze, seeing only what they want to see while their common sense or objectivity is temporarily eclipsed. Discoveries are exaggerated, so keep this in mind. This eclipse is the fifth in a series of eclipses that fall along the Taurus/Scorpio axis. His LE is 14 Libra conjunct his Moon/Pluto/NN, square my Saturn/PoF 1deg opposite my Jupiter 4deg. Working on the self and on marriages or key partnerships is a a strong focus and areas of intense renovation and change. However, this event or change can be very positive. Tracking Transits to the Eclipse degrees is a method used in Mundane astrology to predict events and changes in the fortunes in the horoscopes of countries and their leaders. Since this is a Solar Eclipse, we may feel wiped out, ignored, or overruled before we are motivated to make a big change or new beginning. Full Moon in 11th House Relaxation, comfort with your surroundings, and the warmth and glow of friendship can be the watchwords of this Full Moon, if youre willing to disconnect from the daily grind and tap into your personal happy side for a while. They dont make things like they used to, so preserve what you can. Dealing with breakups or brand new partnerships can enforce changes. However, these things are usually about things weve buried or kept at bay. Marriage, divorce, or a new approach or commitment to relationships. An eclipse can bring the sale or purchase of a house, a move to a new home across the country, the acquisition (or loss) of a family pet, surgery, or an important health development. If 29 degrees Aries is in the fifth, you will learn to let go of a fear of taking risks and develop the courage to strike out on your own individual and creative path without fear. Eclipses will sometimes point out underlying weaknesses in health that can be addressed quickly so that you can soon be feeling great again. Solar Eclipse square Pluto gives you more energy, strength and motivation. Now comes the eclipse and she is downsized. The eclipse on May 20th, 2012 hits my 8th (Taurus)/9th house (Gemini) cusp, sextiles my Vertex and Venus in Aries, trines my Libra Ascendant and trines Mars in Aquarius (which is conjunct my Jupiter in Aquarius) and forms a Grand Air Trine during the eclipse. With Sun: Trouble through different sex,. You should concentrate on reaping its rewards. In the days surrounding the eclipse, its best to take in, observe, and let our intuition work for us. It can be a crucial time for delegating, collaborating, or calling on a team/help so that you have more time to focus on honing your craft or getting time for yourself. They often make us aware of the passage of time, and make us sentimental. Already I have begun a new, awesome relationship two weeks ago. Its a critical time for personal goals, revisions, new beginnings, and makeovers (physical and otherwise). That was a tough time, as we were all called to make many adjustments quickly. July 16, 2019. Finally, see Sun Transits for more details about how it affects your natal chart. For example, eclipses occurred along the Taurus-Scorpio axis from 2003-2004, then 2012-2014, and then from 2021-2023. Lunar eclipses are generally female. News can arrive that steers you in a new direction, or you could have a sudden urge to take a course or begin a new project. This can be a time of a major publishing, announcement, advancement, or new extra-curricular activity, whether mental or physical. There is some kinduv theme going on that I suppose I shall be revisiting with the mercury retrograde. Solar Eclipses often affect you more than others because Leos are ruled by the Sun. Might double check the dates in that paragraph towards the bottom of your article. Events are such that you move towards a more objective approach to your life, and you cultivate true friendships. I have a lot of tips, so be sure to read all the points I have listed below. Its exhausting primarily because youre ridding yourself of false goals or inspiration and rebuilding with new, more authentic motivation. This eclipse can be considered the first of several cosmic nudges toward creating a better balance between me and us. The focus is on new beginnings related to our relationships with others and ourselves. New equipment or transportation options may open up different opportunities and experiences. If you need to sign a contract, try to add several days beyond the date of the eclipse to sign when your judgment will become stronger and sharper. Its a good time to recognize and honor your limits regarding how much you can give and do. Your comfort zones matter, and now is the time to take care of your own needs without eclipsing the needs of others. Aquarius Developing a mental rapport with others, sharing ideas, and reaching out or pouring energies into your interests and studies can figure strongly and benefit you. We can view it as one of several cosmic pushes regarding emerging themes. His prenatal eclipse occurred on December 23, 1927 which gives a partial eclipse in Capricorn, on the South node. Mercury is the only planet which can be easily influenced by anything, and the eclipse will relate on your natal Mercury which can badly affect your intelligence. One of Aries lessons is to show a pure part of ourselves to the world. Notable for this event is a Jupiter alignment with the eclipse, tying in your career, optimism, long-term goals, and generosity with your success in enhancing your sense of comfort, well-being, and security or improving your finances. The aspect of Eclipse will affect all the signs in your life related to the Moon. Expanding your social circle is bound to grow your happiness and satisfaction due to an alignment of Jupiter with this eclipse. A new direction will come, and you dont have to push for it. You could get funding or other support for your efforts to expand your mind, teach, guide, promote, or connect. As you scroll down you will see specific points that you can keep in mind when dealing with eclipses. The sign of the eclipse plays a role in the likely events that the eclipse will trigger. The need to be appreciated by others, and the need for togetherness with others, comes into play. Avoid confrontations right now, which will put you at a disadvantage, use more subtle means to gain your ends when emotions run high. However, theyre bigger than life and, ultimately, the goal is to find a balance. Always be grateful for truth. Its exhausting primarily because youre ridding yourself of false goals or inspiration and rebuilding with new, more authentic motivation. Its a time for working on yourself from the inside out, addressing dependencies and issues of support, and improving an intimate relationship. If youve been too dependent on others, or the opposite, too proud to ask for help, youll see and feel it acutely at this time, and youll want to make changes. Use this eclipses positive blast of energy to sort out financial support issues or emotional entanglements as you go forward. Have you taken charge of your personal sense of security? However, the horse has been trained to jump, and before you know it, you are flying through the air over a fence you feel is scary high. What Happens When an Eclipse Hits the Houses of Astrology? Although they are notable and important in astrology, the media can make a fuss of these fairly regular occurrences, leaving some in a panic or expecting a lot more from the eclipses than they warrant. In this case, you are responding, so it is fine to act. IP: Logged. Annular SOLAR Eclipse 2021 June 10 6:52:29 at 19 Gemini 47, Partial LUNAR Eclipse 2021 November 19 3:57:17 at 27 Taurus In a volatile situation, you will need to have your wits about you as you will have a particularly high profile. At this time, were learning the lessons of Taurus at the same time as Uranus is changing our expression or perspective on the sign. Those things/projects/people holding you back from expressing your true, creative self may be scrutinized. Eclipses often mark a major turning point. Partial LUNAR Eclipse 2023 October 28 16:23:49 at 5 Taurus 09, Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse 2024 March 25 3:00:05 at 5 Libra We may now need to take steps toward better managing and handling ourselves and our physical bodies. This eclipse creates a distinct theme: romantic, celebratory, playful, and just-for-fun endeavors and inclinations are in the spotlight. You can and probably will address the topic forthrightly now. You can be pretty impulsive and filled with energy, but you must pace yourself to make the best use of this time. There are three main types of solar eclipses; partial, annular and total solar eclipse. It can be a time when we stand up for ourselves after a period of catering to someone with the mission to keep the peace at all costs. Because theres a crazy atmosphere surrounding it all, you can say things you might have hesitated to bring up and wear your heart on your sleeve without worrying about the outcome. The areas of life activated by the eclipse may see dramatic turns, after which the path is clear to move forward. Eclipses often have the effect of wiping out our energy as the slate is cleaned, after which energy slowly rebuildsideally, more authentically. Three eclipses in a row are somewhat rare, each two weeks apart. A Solar Eclipse in Aries prompts us to start fresh with initiative, personal plans, enterprise, independence, and physical health. Youre focusing on the past and how it has helped and hindered you. This can apply equally well in business as in romance, as long as youre dealing with an equal on equal ground. Youre in an excellent position to start fresh and take charge. Eclipses sometimes will suddenly open a door, and it would be one that was previously bolted shut and impossible to enter. It can be useful to think back to these periods of our lives and consider relevant themesthis time around, we might encounter similar lessons or further developments along the same lines. Transportation issues could be in focus, with new avenues opening up for getting out and about. While sometimes news at eclipse time will be delivered in a dramatic and obvious way, at other times, the news will come in much more subtly, as a secret or as a piece of gossip. As time passed by, we have also come to know how the Eclipse is connected with ancient cultures, and how our destiny is strongly influenced with the magical events of an Eclipse. [2], With Moon: Trouble with the opposite sex owing to indiscretions, bad for domestic affairs, honor through martial matters. Full Moon in 12th House Although this Full Moon may at times seem to place you between dream and hallucination, it emphasizes the ability to perceive and commune with your inner self in ways you might have been cut off from it. If you would like to share your experiences, you are welcome to come by and add your comments. Let me give you a visual idea of what I mean. The same is true if the eclipse falls on your rising sign the first house of your chart. If you break up, dont plead for the other person to come back. (I realize this may be way to complicated to comprehend, so just circle that planet and see what happens later.). We can expect changes in how you do relationships to occur and develop further in the upcoming two years. The points included in this transit list are: 2023 Astro Events On this page: Astrological events for 2023, including transits, eclipses, sign ingresses, and lunations (New Moon, Full How to interpret transits of the eclipses to the birth chart, Solar Eclipse in Aries in April 2023: Horoscopes, horoscopes for each zodiac sign for this November 8th, 2022 Lunar Eclipse on Astrology Cafe, 2023 Horoscopes Overview: This Year in Astrology. This Solar Eclipse happens in your resources sector, dear Pisces, and you might make important decisions in the coming weeks and months related to personal finances, business, and practical affairs. Youre working toward more confidence in your ability to manifest your desires. There can be some drama on the domestic front, but this ideally leads to a fresh perspective or a new beginning. Changing intimate relationships or attitude toward intimacy. 0 Cancer 21 It's super-concentrated. Its a powerful time to set your goals and intentions, although you should watch for jumping into or out of something too quickly. New deals are being struck behind the scenes with a strong sense of urgency, but they are not necessarily justified, so watch that you dont climb aboard the wrong bandwagon right now. Even if nothing happens, write that down, too. As you see we have two families of eclipses going on during the same year, and sometimes that happens. And I have decided to lose weight and focus a lot more on my appearance. The individual would function out of this world, so to speak. It is significant if there is an eclipse on your birthday. Lets say you are an agent for a top recording artist. From now on, however, youre in great shape to develop new business plans and goals. Thats why its better to consider the ideas of others at eclipse time, but not to make proposals or decisions of your own at that time. If existing friendships require a new focus or a renewed bond, then the energy of this eclipse can help in the coming weeks and months. The essence is that you bring things to full bloom right now, so you can begin harvesting what you have sown. Your personal magnetism increases. Later, theyll rebuild slowly but surely. See our interpretations of the New Moon in houses here. Its an excellent time to reflect on how youd like to steer your life as you advance, particularly concerning your place in the social side of your life. Pouring energy into a cause, happiness goal, dream, or objective. Combining resources or receiving support. Its the first of a set of eclipses that span two years and activate an axis of your chart ruling your connections, learning about the world around you, getting out and about, and reaching out to others. Youre looking for validation from friends and group activities now. It can serve as an initial cosmic nudge to find your roots, learn your worth, build your sense of security, and focus on building your support system or base of operations. Plans can blossom. Usually, they are exciting, are often very positive, and bring news out of the blue. As such, it makes sense to take a light schedule. Of course, there is a healthy amount of compromise thats necessary and healthyeven vitalin our partnerships. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, e-conjunct-mars-story/, They happen in one particular sign and its opposite sign several times in a set spanning about two years approximately every nine years. Self-improvement is in high focus. Its the first eclipse to fall along the Aries-Libra axis in a set that will continue until 2025. The demands of your personal life are now paramount. You should enjoy more self-confidence, and the projection of a fresh new you is bound to attract attention in the coming months. Depending on your current situation, the following are possible changes during this eclipse set (from April 2023 to March 2025): If youre at a party and go just a little bit over the top, you will likely be in good company, as this is a general time of celebration for all. The Astrology of October 2022 - Solar Eclipse And Mars Retrograde In They are some of the most dramatic tools that the universe uses to get us to pay attention to areas in our life that need to change. If Mars, an old hassle or quarrel will end, or there will be a hassle as a result of an ending in the houses . I'm more concerned about Pluto in . Its undoubtedly a robust period for resolving problems with income, spending, and saving, and its part of a series of eclipses in which you explore these themes over the course of two years. My mars only makes an opposition to my sun. These horoscopes come from my daily horoscopes. Both charts are vital to have and to read! Covered Here: How to Determine the Impact of New & Full Moons New Moon/Solar Eclipse in the Houses Over the coming weeks, circumstances conspire to take charge of your health and wellness, private affairs, and the need to put emotional baggage behind you. 28 The last series of eclipses along the Aries-Libra axis occurred from October 2013 to March 2016, April 2004 to March 2006, April 1995 to March 1997, April 1986 to October 1987, and October 1976 to October 1978. The New Moon April 2023 Solar Eclipse brings the risk of power struggles and crises. It reveals the secret talks your artist has been having with the other agent. If youre working on a creative project, make sure you get the product preserved for posterityon paper, on film, on tape, on CD. Its a time of new beginnings and pursuing your hearts desire. You cannot imagine going over that fence and surviving! Cancer Everyone should take care and know which natal planet will be aspected from the eclipse planet. Essentially, you are learning to share and to surrender yourself (in a balanced manner!) Still, no matter how the information comes to you, it can set off a chain of events that will force you to see things in a new light. The Destiny Point in Astrology: Where to Find + How to Werk Your Vertex A love affair may begin or end under this influence. The July 1, 2011, eclipse marked the end of a two-year series in Cancer-Capricorn. The chart below adds more details with additional points. Making contacts or making something public can be themes for some of you in the weeks ahead. For some, marriage or divorce will be an issue. If it's a solar eclipse, the Sun and Moon are conjunct. These things are beginning to evolve, and this eclipse gets the ball rolling. This eclipse occurs in the very last degree of your sign, and it can push you to leave something in your past in a big way so that you can begin anew. We should always keep in mind the sign polarity involved with an eclipseultimately, were striving for balance. Self-improvement is in high focus. Similarly, this eclipse can nudge you forward if youve avoided acknowledging or expressing your relationship needs. Astrologers also look at the transits to the Lunation charts, particularly to the Moon. The moon has no light of her own, as she simply reflects the light of the Sun. The time is right (and the pressure is on) to bring critical projects to a conclusion, put on finishing touches, and show the world just what youre all about. Jupiter aligns with the eclipse, and there can be someone who has an unusually encouraging and positive effect on you. This eclipse still affects you. The solar eclipse in Scorpio will take place in the early morning on October 25th at 2 degrees. Lunation (or New Moon and Full Moon) charts have been used by Mundane Astrologers for many centuries. Dont let these worries rule your decisionsinstead, allow them to inform your next move. Youre especially optimistic and motivated to pursue your hearts desire or heartfelt endeavors, passions, and loves. You will never face pain with an aspect of the eclipse on the natal Mercury. If youve been going it alone, this can also be an essential cycle for reaching out and finding the support you need. This period favors formulating goals concerning the future, long-term happiness, a sense of mission or purpose, and aligning yourself with important causes. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.118, 129. Express yourself enthusiastically, without apology, and mindfully. Handling problems related to debt, taxes, alimony, shared money (such as with a spouse). ), and/or to learn and communicate facts that fuel your opinions. Interpretation of the Affects of Eclipses on the Natal Planets - Indastro On the other side of the coin, if dependencies have become burdensome or are limiting your growth, now is a great time to work on putting them behind you. On another level, this is a time for establishing yourself and discovering and developing your natural talents and personal resources. Refrain from pushing for clarity, and it will come! I will always tell you the degrees and precise birthdays of the signs that will be affected by the eclipses. All this begins now, although youve been building to this theme for some time. Combining resources or receiving support. Once you have your explanation of your natal chart, you need never do it again. This Solar Eclipse launches a period of letting go, reviewing, and recharging your spiritual or emotional batteries, dear Taurus. Here is one example. Over the coming weeks, circumstances conspire to take charge of your health and wellness, private affairs, and the need to put emotional baggage behind you. For me there was a Lunar Eclipse at 7 Gemini. Emotions and realizations feel big. Neglecting either end of the axis will surely backfire on us. You need the original, handwritten birth certificate the nurse recorded. (And this is a crew that. Drama or commotion stirring now paves the way for new approaches and new beginnings. A new approach to health, nutrition, and fitness, A more holistic approach to healing and wellness: mental and physical health. Solar Eclipse in Aries Horoscopes: April 20, 2023. I love social media, especially Twitter, because we can all share our experiences, and my research can widen. The best way to learn astrology is simply to observe! Other possible issues include transportation and mobility (for example, some may be learning to depend on others for getting from point A to point B, and others may be learning to take charge of their own mobility), running errands and attending to ones daily life effectively, and learning about ones need for self-expression through adventure. With a Lunar Eclipse in the ninth house, your personal beliefs may be tested. The New and Full Moons in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology Each eclipse in one family of signs will advance the discussion that the eclipse first brings up to a higher, more sophisticated level, and keep doing so, as each eclipse of that family arises until the matter is resolved. The coming weeks are ideal for making long-range plans for the future, any reorganizing or even remodeling of the home or home environment, and family-related activities.
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solar eclipse conjunct natal venus 2023