0:36. The Valley Central Reopening Plan provides a framework to ensure that all students with disabilities continue to have available to them a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living in the least restrictive environment (LRE). Students that require treatment for injury or chronic conditions will be assessed and treated in a separate location from sick students. Rich Steger (richard.steger@vcsdny.org) is our Director of Physical Education and Health. Students or staff exhibiting signs of illness or signs of COVID-19 will immediately notify the school nurse and be sent to the school health office for assessment by the Registered Nurse. Back to top. In the event that the Valley Central School District is fully closed due to COVID -19, the District is prepared for 100% online instruction. Currently, the major categories of data collected are: Organizational. All soft covered surfaces that cannot be properly cleaned and disinfected have been removed. Continuation of Contact Tracing and Quarantine when Necessary, Continuation of High Standards of Cleaning and Disinfection. Encouraging personal responsibility for yourself and your work area. Students and staff must practice good hand hygiene to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Parents, caregivers, or guardians will be strongly encouraged to monitor their children for signs and symptoms of infectious illness every day through home-based symptom screening. Signs and symptoms of COVID-19, as per the CDC, will be shared with all staff and updated if needed. 946 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549 All live instruction will be conducted through Google Meets and all instructions and digital learning material will be posted to the Google Classroom. School staff will be aware of the symptoms of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) associated with COVID-19, which is a serious condition associated with COVID-19 in children and youth. (845) 457-2400 ext. Special education programs and services of Valley Central provide equity and access for students with disabilities to be involved in and to participate and progress in the general education curriculum with access to the necessary accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids and services, and technology (including assistive technology) to meet the unique disability related needs of students Valley Central will document the programs and services offered and provided to students with disabilities, as well as the communications with parents in their preferred language and mode of communication. Spectators will be allowed as per the guidelines provided by the State. ) Make contact with identified families that require assistance with obtaining outpatient appointments for their children, food, shelter and clothing. Schools will plan time in the school day schedule to allow for hand hygiene. People with a fever will be told to stay home for at least 24 hours after the fever is gone without the use of fever-reducing medicines, such as acetaminophen. daniel.mcdonald@vcsdny.org, Montgomery Elementary School Health office staff will wear appropriate PPE when assessing and caring for students/ staff of suspected COVID-19. Any hand sanitizer used in Valley Central Schools will have a minimum of 60% alcohol. is our Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction. Students requiring a nebulizer treatment will be treated in a separate room with nursing personnel wearing PPE. to support and improve virtual instruction and student engagement. 175 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549 If possible, stay away from people who are at higher-risk for getting very sick from COVID-19 and who are unvaccinated. Our plan retains a strong focus on academic instruction to enhance student performance and address learning loss, as well as an emphasis on the social-emotional needs of our students, which is a priority. About VISD. The Valley Central Reopening Plan provides a framework to ensure that all students with disabilities continue to have available to them a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living in the least restrictive environment (LRE), ) is our Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and oversees all aspects of staffing for our Back to School Plan, In the event that schools are closed unexpectedly, all students will be provided with, 946 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549, 1189 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549, 175 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549, https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-ncov%2Fprevent-getting-sick%2Fsocial-distancing.html#stay6ft, https://www.epa.gov/coronavirus/about-list-n-disinfectants-coronavirus-covid-19-0. Lawmakers did approve a bill providing $6.3 billion for K-12 public schools, the bulk of their operating funds for the 2023-24 school year, including an expansion of an existing program that gives . Attendance policies and procedures will be communicated with families and students prior to the start of the school year, or if the instructional model changes during the year, and will be recorded daily in SchoolTool. VISD reviews transportation in. When using hand sanitizer, hands should be rubbed together with sanitizer until completely dry. If N95 masks are unavailable, a surgical mask and face shield will be worn when needed. AAP Guidance Related to Childcare During COVID-19, AAP Guidance on Providing Pediatric Well-Care During COVID-19, AAP Guidance on Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), AAP Guidance on Caring for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic, AAP Guidance on Supporting the Emotional and Behavioral Health Needs of Children, Adolescents and Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic, List of latest AAP News articles on COVID-19, AAP COVID-19 Advocacy Resources (Login required), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools, US Department of Education: COVID-19 Resources for Schools, Students, and Families. Please emailresources@vvisd.orgfor further questions regarding how VVISD plans to implement prevention, response, and mitigation to keep our students, staff, & community safe. Nurses must receive proper training and fitment of N95 Respirators prior to use. Set protocols for entrance (screening) and the review process for staff calling in sick. 57 min ago. All individuals, students, staff, and visitors must wear a face covering. Further, we will maintain regular communication with the parents/guardians to ensure that they are engaged in their childrens education during the reopening process. Once there is no fever, without the use of fever reducing medicines, If they have been diagnosed with another condition or have a, healthcare provider written note stating they are clear to return to. Eleanore Mills (eleanore.mills@vcsdny.org) is our School Lunch Manager and oversees all aspects of child nutrition in our Reopening Plan. Staff will be trained on signs and symptoms of illness and send any students with signs of illness or complaints of illness to the school nurse. The communication person for the Orange County Department of Health is Heather Boss, RN, Director of Patient Services. A separate room will be utilized where applicable. 18138 Valley Central has procured, managed and/or maintained hardware, software, licenses, learning management systems, etc. PPE will be disposed of properly, according to CDC, NYSDOH, and OSHA guidelines. In order to prevent the spread of COVID 19 infection in the District, facilities operations will be geared toward meeting social distancing requirements and cleaning frequently touched spaces regularly. The isolation room and any other areas that were used by the person suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 will be cleaned and disinfected before it can be reopened for use. As suggested by the CDC, Valley Central will monitor community transmission, vaccination coverage, and occurrence of outbreaks to guide our decisions on the level of layered prevention and strategies. Staff will take their temperature and monitor themselves for any signs and symptoms of illness daily. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), remote learning highlighted inequities in education, was detrimental to the educational attainment of students of all ages, and exacerbated the mental health crisis among children and adolescents. If a student is quarantined due to COVID 19, he/she will be provided with remote instruction. She, along with the building principals, oversees the teaching and learning aspects of our Back to School Plan. Assist with referrals to community agencies as needed. Early shoppers are more likely to find discounts and deals on backpacks, binders, pencils, pens, and other necessary items like textbooks. The 2022-23 Plano ISD Back to School Plan was shared with the Board of Trustees at their August 2, 2022, meeting. Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Proper use of chemicals and Safety Data sheets, Transfer of hand sanitizer in smaller containers, List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), Exposure Control Plan with a focus on Pandemic/COVID-19, Cleaning and sanitizing of the face covering (if applicable), Provide training for staff and students on wearing, putting on, removing and discarding PPE, including in the context of their current and potential duties, https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/diy cloth-face-, Use of face coverings (donning/doffing) (cloth vs. surgical), Respirator Protection (N95 required for identified employees per NYS), Inclusive into your existing Respirator Protection Program or can be a separate Respirator Protection Program for medical staff only, Training provided for identified personnel only. Parents or Guardians of students that are unable to wear masks must contact Connie Griffin; the Districts Nurse Coordinator, prior to boarding a school bus and provide the appropriate documentation. Find Us . Valley Central will ensure that all social distancing of 3 feet is possible to the best of our ability in all spaces throughout the buildings. EXCELLENCE GROWS HERE. The attached Van Vleck ISD Back To School Plan has been developed with collaboration of information from the VVISD Reopening Task Force, parent and staff surveys, the recent release from TEA officials, the Governors Executive Orders, and the Texas Department of State Health Services local authorities. School start and end times will not change, remaining 7:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. After months of careful consideration, the District has opted for an 8-period day at the high schools starting for the 2022-2023 school year to allow . The District will also schedule opportunities to connect with families to educate them on how to use the technologies and connect to the instructional activities. ) especially when the school has worked to create a supportive and protective environment. Christopher Mohr (christopher.mohr@vcsdny.org) is our Director of Technology and oversees the technical aspects of our Reopening Plan. Gregory Heidemann, Principal All other visitors entering the buildings will occur through the main entrance to a check-in point at the greeter station. Each building will provide families with schedules specific to their school. This can be accomplished by. Windows on buses will be cracked to improve air circulation. The CDC has recommended the following 8 prevention strategies, which the Valley Central School District will adhere to: Consistent and Correct Mask Use for Unvaccinated Individuals, Physical Distancing to the Best of our Ability, Encouraging Hand Washing and Respiratory Etiquette. Provision of student engagement interventions, after school social emotional groups, and mental health programming through the physical education department. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools, Proper hand washing: proper hand hygiene. Each classroom, main office, and health office will have a supply of masks as needed. Valley Central has purchased a sufficient number of new Chromebooks for students in order to support the remote learning if the need should arise. The Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) encompasses all data requested and received by TEA about public education and includes student and staff demographics, academic performance, personnel, finance and organizational information. Visit classrooms to observe signs of stress and anxiety in the adults. Changes to the public health situation over the course of the summer may require changes to this protocol. The Orange County Health Department will provide guidance on who is to quarantine or isolate. Valley Central will use additional space as we are able to help facilitate distancing. Our plan will align with the regulations developed in collaboration with the CDC, NYSDOH, the NYS, Education Department and the American Academy of Pediatrics. The plan provides general information about the new school year, instructional information for families, safety and security protocols and resources, as well as current health protocols. Powers and duties of school boards, superintendents, and principals PEIMS Criminal history record checks and educator misconduct reporting Curriculum and graduation requirements Bilingual education Special education Prekindergarten Where feasible, entry and egress in and out of all buildings will be limited to a single location, except for the arrival and dismissal of students. All communications will be provided through a variety of communication methods including website, social media, emails, robo calls, newsletters, and regular mail and translated into the languages spoken by families. Click on the marker that shows up at your location. Attendance policies and procedures will be communicated with families and students prior to the start of the school year, or if the instructional model changes during the year, and will be recorded daily in SchoolTool. Our fall season begins on August 23rd. All individuals may choose to utilize their own face covering, however face coverings can and will be provided by Valley Central. Glove usage is only necessary for staff, other than the nurses, when they are cleaning off an area for usage, cleaning equipment after use, and in food service. Valley Central Athletics will follow all CDC and NYSDOH guidelines. All high traffic areas will be cleaned and disinfected regularly by the custodial staff. Proper face covering includes, but is not limited to, a surgical mask, cloth mask, balaclava or bandana and must completely cover the individuals mouth and nose. It is important for parents/ guardians to work with their childs healthcare providers and the school nurse located at the students school so that an informed decision can be made on how best to meet the childs needs at school while protecting their health and safety. Valley Central will plan and support collaboration between the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) and Committee on Special Education (CSE) and program providers representing the variety of settings where students are served to ensure there is an understanding of the provision of services consistent with the recommendations on individualized education programs (IEPs), plans for monitoring and communicating student progress, and commitment to sharing resources. Frequently touched materials have been removed. She will serve as a central contact for schools and stakeholders, families, staff and other school community members and will ensure the District is in compliance and following the best practices per state and federal guidelines. All teachers and principals will continue to be evaluated pursuant to the Districts approved APPR plan. The parent/ guardian will be instructed to call their health care provider, local clinic, or urgent care center. Parents will be told to keep ill students home. For routine daily work, gloves are not recommended for use. Breakfast and lunch will be provided at no cost to all students. We are committed to developing/making accessible family/caregiver-appropriate social and emotional learning (SEL) content to be used during all phases of our re-entry. within classrooms, combined with indoor mask-wearing. Task Forces. If not feasible, meals may be served in alternate areas or in staggered meal periods to ensure social distancing and proper cleaning and disinfection between students. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), remote learning, highlighted inequities in education, was detrimental to the educational attainment of students of. Valley Central will continue to identify professional learning needs for teachers and continue to support their development of skills and pedagogy in a virtual learning environment. Cohorts will be utilized as much as possible. 2. Our Back to School 21-22 plan will define clear guidance for the operation of our six schools and ALC. Hand sanitizer works best on clean hands. All nurses will have proper fit tested N95 masks. Van Vleck Leopards are all in this together. Training material is designed to be easy to understand and available in the appropriate language and literacy level for all workers. Masks will not be required for outdoor sports; however, they will be required for indoor sports. Our plan will align with the regulations developed in . JAN 25, 2022. The importance of social distancing, monitoring symptoms of COVID-19, and when to stay home. 2700 W. 15th Street Plano, TX 75075. Secondary schools post individual schedules on, The District will continue to follow its established attendance policies. Jayme Ginda-Baxter, Principal Check in with emotionally fragile students as they return to school to assess level of functioning. Phone: (845) 457-2400. The Times-Reporter. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Victoria ISD 102 Profit St Victoria, TX . Valley Central has acquired a sufficient number of hotspots to assist families without internet access. Proper respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes. Other area school districts have varying back to school plans. Upon entering the building and classrooms; After helping a student with toileting; After sneezing, wiping, or blowing nose or coughing into hands; When handwashing is not available use a hand sanitizer, At times when hand washing is not available, students and staff may use a hand sanitizer containing a minimum of 60% alcohol. Our priority is providing a robust education while keeping students, staff, and families safe and healthy. All teachers and staff are recommended to use hand washing or use hand sanitizer throughout the day. School staff will be aware of the symptoms of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) associated with COVID-19, which is a serious condition associated with COVID-19 in children and youth. Glove usage is only necessary for staff, other than the nurses, when they are cleaning off an area for usage, cleaning equipment after use, and in food service. The Calhoun County ISD will begin the school year on August 11th, during orientation week, students will spend at least one full day of face-to-face classroom . PPE will be disposed of properly, according to CDC, NYSDOH, and OSHA guidelines. 120 Broadway, Maybrook, NY 12543 Social distancing and face coverings will be required. Achieving Excellence For All . There should be regular streaming of lessons during the quarantine period to ensure the student stays connected and engaged. Each building will provide families with schedules specific to their school. Spectators will be allowed as per the guidelines provided by the State. All classroom instruction for the 21-22 school year will be 100% in person unless mandated otherwise by the State. This instruction will be a combination of asynchronous and synchronous instruction. Of course, as with every plan being developed throughout New York State, this document is fluid and will change as necessary based on guidance from the state, CDC, and NYSED and in consideration of our families and our staff. All visitors must check in at the greeters desk for temperature screening and to fill out the COVID-19 CheckIn Health Screening. BOARD SEEKS COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT FOR SUPERINTENDENT PROCESS, To report errors or issues with the website, please email communications@venusisd.net. The Priority Registration window will be May 1-31. All nurses offices will be cleaned and disinfected regularly with attention to the high traffic areas, including doorknobs and handles, by the custodial staff. Access the full plan here:https://5il.co/iapv, Access the Transportation Information Form here:https://forms.gle/7H7ZuSUjqDdT. Information on use and disposal of PPE will be available to all staff. Staff and students are allowed to use hand sanitizer, but hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is still more effective. EACH ONE. School Psychologists, Student Assistance Counselors and additional mental health professionals, provide student, family and staff support. Information pertaining to schedules can be found in the student handbooks, as well as on the Valley Central School District Website. Some links and features on this site require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Over 525 high school CTE students earned industry-based certifications during the 2020-2021 school year. is our Business Official and oversees the transportation aspects of our Back to School Plan. Physical separation will be achieved by utilizing: Individuals presenting with symptoms representative of COVID-19 will be immediately isolated to reduce risk of transmission. Valley Central will promote vaccination among teachers, staff, and familiesby providing information about COVID-19 vaccinations and establishing supportive policies and practices that make being vaccinated as easy and convenient as possible. 15510 Students who are unable to medically tolerate a face covering, including students where, Students who do not have a mask cannot be denied transportation and will be provided one by the bus driver. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has been emphatic in stating that, children should return to full-time in-person learning in the fall with layered prevention, strategies in place. These appliances will be routinely cleaned and disinfected as described in the Cleaning and Disinfection Section. In order to comply with State and Federal privacy regulations, teachers must not use technology that includes any student data (including login information) that has not been approved by the District. Materials may also be sent home to the students. You may use these as guides to help you Areas will be disinfected after each student and staff by custodial staff or health office staff wearing appropriate PPE. All classrooms and buildings at large will be cleaned in accordance with NYS Guidelines. Of middle and high school students, 2,551 chose remote learning; 6,927 chose in-person instruction; and 736 did not specify. The team has initiated plans that are mindful of student home access to reliable internet and computers. Additional bottle filler stations will be installed where necessary. Multiple inside doors and windows will be kept open as much as possible. Valley Central will return to 100% in-person learning in September 2021. Encourage and implement social distancing in bathrooms, break rooms, hallways, etc. The carrier for each VISD employee benefit plan is listed with their contact information. 911 will be called if any student exhibits signs and symptoms of MIS-C. CDC guidance will be followed for allowing a student or staff member to return to school after exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. All nurses will have surgical masks and medical-grade fitted N95 masks available for when they encounter a sick student or staff that are showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Breakfast will be grab and go in all buildings. For students suffering from more severe anxieties, a plan may need to be developed with the families to have the student return to the building. gregory.heidemann@vcsdny.org, ALC at Maybrook Reminding students and staff to stay home when sick and to get tested. 14510 Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 may include but are not limited to. Victoria ISD 102 Profit St Victoria, TX 77901 P: (361) 576-3131 F: (361) 788-9643. The documentation will include, but will not be limited to progress notes, progress monitoring, formative assessment, standardized assessment, attendance records and the provision of any mandated compensatory services during the 21-22 school year. The 2021-2022 Employee Compensation Plan addresses each position in a manner comparable to the Teacher Model and is based on years of experience and pay steps. For routine daily work, gloves are not recommended for use. Valley Central is aware that improving ventilation is an important COVID-19 prevention strategy. Print information found on 2021-2022 Back to School Plan webpage. Refer students to outside counseling as needed. The parent/ guardian will be called to pick up the student with suspected symptoms of COVID-19. Copyright 2023 Victoria ISD. If a person is diagnosed with COVID-19 by a healthcare provider based on a test, or their symptoms, or does not get a COVID-19 test but has had symptoms, they should not be at school and should stay at home until: It has been at least ten days since the individual first had symptoms; It has been at least three days since the individual has had a fever(without using fever reducing medicine); and. 16510 Information pertaining to schedules can be found in the student handbooks, as well as on the, . These services are to be coordinated with the Attendance/Homeless Liaison. Teacher Retirement System of Texas After establishing a user ID and password of your own choosing, you will have access to a number of self-service options. Matthew Canino, Principal School Supply List. Student teachers will serve under the supervision of our full-time certified teachers only. Signs will be posted that states that all teachers, staff, students and visitors must wear masks regardless of vaccination status. All schools will monitor daily attendance and/or required daily scheduled student contact and engagement regardless of the format of instruction being used throughout the school year. The District remains committed to communicating all elements of our 21-22 Back to School plan to students, parents, and guardians, staff, and visitors. Examples of communal objects include, but are not limited to, other workers phones, desks, offices, computers or other devices, other work tools and equipment. Valley Central will also ensure that the CBOs with full-day classes have provided a Continuity of Learning plan to the District. ) In addition, their plans follow all NYSDOH health and safety guidelines and social distancing. At Valley Central, our primary commitment is to the students and families we serve. The District will continue to follow its established attendance policies. Student movement between bus routes will be limited. ) This may involve being met by a mental health professional at the start of the day, check-in with mental health staff throughout the school day as well as a partial school day with clear steps as to when a full day of schooling will resume for the student. Type in your residential street address in the search bar, or zoom to and click on an area of the map, or click on the Track Location icon in the top left corner of the map. Students that require treatment for injury or chronic conditions will be assessed and treated in a separate location from sick students. Assist the staff implementation of the Yale RULER approach. The attached Van Vleck ISD Back To School Plan has been developed with collaboration of information from the VVISD Reopening Task Force, parent and staff surveys, the recent release from TEA officials, the Governor's Executive Orders, and the Texas Department of State Health Services local authorities.
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visd back to school plan 2023