Another and possibly later viceroy seems to have married Mekubi, daughter of Billama, viceroy of Asnunnak, who, as Elamite princess, erected buildings at Susa. After a dispute with Umma had been settled by the intervention of Mesilim of Kish, Lagash became the dominant center. The earliest really historical reference to the Elamites as the foes of Babylonia, however, is apparently that contained in a letter from the priest Lu-enna to the priest En-e-tarzi announcing that the Elamites had invaded Lagas and carried off considerable booty. Poetical compositions concerning it exist, one of the most interesting being a lamentation possibly written after the invasion of Kudur-Nanchundi, when famine was rife in the city, blood flowed like water in E-ulbar, the house of Istar's oracle, and the enemy heaped up fire in all the goddess' lands as one heaps up embers.6. Oppert places the plain (or, as he calls it, the "valley") of Dura to the southeast of Babylon, in the vicinity of the mound of Dowair or Duair , where was found the pedestal of a huge statue. overlordship to an end. Use. Vegetation:The vegetation of Susiana is said not to be very varied. The Classical period (2700-2150 b.c.). After receiving the Ab-e-Diz and the Belad-Rud at Kut-e-Bende-Kir, it becomes an important waterway, navigable as far as Shuster. What Does Shinar Mean? Bible Definition and References dynasty at Babylon took control and for its inhabitants. Geographical Position and Names 2. I will investigate further about Mt Sinai. regime at Isin and Larsa Ur lost its control of the economy, and a bid to regain its independence from Samu-iluna, son of Hammurabi, resulted in the destruction of the city. The Principal Cities 10. Surface Configuration:Elam consisted of a plain occupying a depression in the mountains of Iran or Persia. (6) Babylonia Again Supreme.What the history of Elam during this period was remains to be discovered, but Hammurabi, who is identified with the Amraphel of Genesis 14:1, 9, seems to have invaded the country in his 30th year. This location of Shinar is evident from its description as encompassing both Babel/Babylon (in northern Babylonia) and Erech/Uruk (in southern Babylonia). Daniel 3:1. The most celebrated were the reformer Uru-ka-gina and viceroy Gudea, to whom many erections in the city were due. That the district of Arabistan is poor and barren is due to the carelessness and improvidence of the people, who, like the people of the Turkish province of Bagdad, have neglected the ancient irrigation canals which fertilized the land.6. Genesis 11:2 It happened, as they traveled east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they lived there. Maps are essential for any serious Bible study. G. Pinches. The smaller isobands reflect more confidence that the given isoband is in the region, while the larger isobands reflect less confidence. Picture Study Bible - StudyBible with Pictures and Maps. The Elamite line in Larsa was continued after the death of Eri-Aku by Rim-Sin, his brother, who succeeded him. I. Literature Referring to Erech:Many tablets have been found on the site, and give promise of interesting discoveries still to come. Strabo (xi.13, 1, 6), quoting Nearchus, speaks of "four bandit nations" who occupied the mountains East of the Euphrates-the Amardians or Mardians on the Persian border, the Uxians, and Elymeans on the borders of Persia and Susa, and the Cosseans (Kassites) by the Medes. A varied lit. shnar has, however, yet been found in early texts from Babylonia itself, since a spelling im/ngar has not been attested. Under a dominant Sem. Defeat was the result, and he fled to Elam, there to be captured by Humba-haldasu and put to death. Sudan is the land of Shinar (Sennar) where Nimrod, the son of Cush ruled, before and after the Tower of Babel. (13) Te-umman and the Elamite See d-royal; Assyria's Triumph.This king, who is described by Assur-bani-apli as being in the likeness of an evil spirit, immediately set to work to secure the death of all the sons of Urtaku and Umman-aldase (Humba-Haldasu II), his brother; and these princes, five in number, with 60 of the royal seed of Elam, fled and sought refuge with the Assyrian king. This was the place where migrants from the E settled and built the city and tower of Babel (11:2). It is the modern 'Abu-habbah, "father of grain." Identification. The winter birds of passage are the pelican, stork, crane, cormorant, sea gull, many species of wild duck, the wild goose, bustard, woodcock, snipe, pigeon, turtledove, and numerous brilliantly colored waders. Bibliography T. Jacobsen, The Sumerian King-List (1939); Primitive Democracy in ancient Mesopotamia, JNES II (1943), 159-172; H. H. Frankfort, The Birth of Civilisation in the Ancient Near East (1951); S. N. Kramer, Sumerian Historiography, IEJ 3 (1953), 217-232; From the Tablets of Sumer (-History Begins at Sumer) (1956); I. Gordon, Sumerian Proverbs (1959); A. Falkenstein, Das Sumerische (1959); A. Parrot, Sumer (1960); S. N. Kramer, Sumerian Mythology (1961); Sumerian Literature, a general survey in The Bible and the Ancient Near East (1961), 249-259; C. J. Gadd, The Cities of Babylonia, CAH I/2 (1971), 93-144; S. N. Kramer, The Sumerians, Their History, Culture and Character (1963). Their argument has mainly been drawn from incidental references in the scene (Genesis 13:1-13) describing the parting of Lot and Abram, and again in the account of Moses' vision from Pisgah (Deuteronomy 34:3).In the account of Abram and Lot, it is said that from Bethel they saw "all the Plain of the Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere, before Yahweh destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah." Abram Sent Out of Egypt (Genesis 13) - Inherited Unprofitable Lies Isaiah 11:11 It will happen in that day that the Lord will set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant that is left of his people from Assyria, from Egypt, from Pathros, from Cush, from Elam, from Shinar, from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. and art. The First Nation to Use Writing in Western Asia13. Lack of identification, however, does not necessarily indicate mythical origin of the name.See ASTRONOMY, sec. There was apparently no ill-will between the two nations, however, for the viceroy of Susa is said to have married a daughter of Ibi-Sin. Nimrod Center of Babylon and Asshur - Amazing Bible Timeline The Elamites were evidently very dissatisfied with their king-possibly owing to his policy-and killed him in a revolt after a reign of six years. The image of Nana was restored to its shrine at Erech with great rejoicing. The most natural site for it is near the mouth of the Wady Kerak, which comes down from Moab into the southern end of the Dead Sea (see ZOAR); and this city was ever afterward spoken of as a Moabite city, which would not have been the case if it had been at the north end of the sea. This is identified with the present `Abu-shahrein, and was the seat of Ea or Enki, god of the sea and of fertilizing streams. lit. A fine garment looted by Achan near Jericho was described as coming from Shinar (Josh 7:21, KJV Babylonish). Shinar Maps and Videos - Casual English Bible Eventually, some of them disobeyed God and decided to stay in one place and build a tall tower to try and reach the skies. In the Persian version this appears as (H)uwaja or (H)uwazha, whence the modern Huz or Khuzistan. ELLASAR. However, since their earliest settlements were in the S others assume that they came from the E by sea, which may explain why, like the Semites who were also in the same area, they were not reinvigorated by periodic fresh immigration. V. Sumerian literature. Sorghum remains in the ground all through the dry season, and is watered artificially until October, and cut in November. Sumerian myths discussed the role of deities (the Birth of the Moon God), vocation and creation of the world and of man, paradise and evil. Genesis 13: 3 And Abram went up out of Egypt, he, and his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with him, into the south. Here the Chaldeans, with their Elamite allies, were defeated, and the Elamite cities plundered and destroyed. Mount Ararat and Babylon - Bible History Possible Babylonian Form of the Name: Though sometimes identified with the Babylonian Sumer, the connection of Shinar with that name is doubtful. Encyclopedia. Some Biblical scholars claim that Asshur also founded a city after his name and the people who lived in Asshur became known as the Assyrians. The Sumerians Probably in Shinar before the Semites9. Nimrod) went forth into Assyria, and builded Nineveh," etc., this translation assigning the rise of Assyria to Nimrod, and apparently being sustained by Micah 5:5, 6 (compare J. M. P. Smith, "Micah," ICC, in the place cited. All these successes in Elam and its dependencies probably made the kingdom of Babylon supreme in the land. According to Berosus, who calls it Pantabiblion, one of its earliest kings was Amelon or Amillarus, who reigned 13 sari, or 46,800 years. The rivers were so large that the land was considered an "island" that was between them. (9) Elam Again Defeated, but Recovers.The war between Babylonia and Elam recorded for the reign of Nebuchadrezzar I (circa 1020 B.C.) It is about this time, however, that another power-Assyria-appeared on the scene, and took the field-not only against Babylon, but also on the borders of Elam. NIMROD. 9. The World of the Old Testament - The Church of Jesus Christ of Tammaritu, nephew of Umman-igas, after the defeat of the Elamite forces in Chaldea, revolted against him, and having defeated him, cut off his head, and took the crown. The Assyrians were, as usual, successful, and on learning this, Umman-aldas fled to the mountains. Unwilling to regard his former efforts as fruitless, the Assyrian king decided to finally subdue the land, and to this end invaded it, the pretext being that the Elamites refused to deliver up the image of the goddess Nana, which had been carried off from Erech 1,635 years before, in the time of Kudur-Nahhunte (see (4) above). Uruk (3300-3100 b.c.) The history of this period has still to be discovered, but the Babylonians apparently soon shook off the Elamite yoke. New American Bible When they were migrating from the east, they came to a valley in the land of Shinar and settled there. Nevertheless pure Semites had settled in the country at a very early date, and it is probably on account of this that Elam is called (Genesis 10:22) a son of Shem-indeed, the many Sere inscriptions found by the French explorers at Susa show how strong their influence was. Albright (1924) suggested identification with the Kingdom of Khana. (14) Elamite Ingratitude and Treachery.For a time there was peace in Elam, but soon the discontent of Samas-sum-ukin, king of Babylon, Assur-bani-apli's brother, sought to break it. Use. It was to all appearance during the 2nd millennium B.C. Humba-haldasu II mounted the throne. (12) Assyrian Friendship and Elamite Ingratitude.Friendship with Assyria was a complete reversal of Elamite policy, and to all appearance peace, though probably unpopular, persisted between the two countries for several years. Thus Nanna(r), or Suen the later moon-god Sin, was god of Ur; An, the sky-god at Uruk, Enki(Ea) god of the deep waters and mysteries at the sea port of Eridu. Shinar - Wikipedia His boss, who he admires, is waiting to meet with him about the big project. PDF - 35.98. In the triumphal celebrations at Nineveh, Tammaritu was one of the captive kings who drew the Assyrian king's chariot to the temple of Ishtar, when he rendered the goddess thanks for his victories. Daniel 1:2 The Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with part of the vessels of the house of God; and he carried them into the land of Shinar to the house of his god: and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god. After the death of Humbanigas, his successor, Sutur-Nahhundi or Ishtar-hundu (Babylonian), still befriended Merodach-baladan, and advanced to his help. 25) identification with by Mey Egyptiaca 63; compare, further, Pinches Hast. The reference to known Babylonian cities within Shinar (Gen 10:10; 11:2) and the equation with Babylon of the Exile (Dan 1:2) makes the identification with Babylonia almost certain. In the battle which ensued between the two pretenders, Tammaritu was defeated, and fled to the seacoast with a part of the Elamite royal family.
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