speaking of season 2 dvd commentariesdid any one else notice how in this episode, the way jim said its VERY cute that is an allusion back to the alliance episode where jim tells kevin that the bread hes eating is VERY good (saying VERY in the same way). Relationships are complicated, and are rarely as cut and dry as most would like. I usually dont get the email until the evening, so I am very happy. and I know that you love me and soon you will see, I totally saw that coming. I predict the season will end with a reversal of last seasons finale Pam confessing to Jim and kissing him or at least thats my ideal ending. If this was last year, Im betting that Roy would not have gone with Pam. I know Office cast members have mentioned OT on DVD commentaries and MySpace; I wonder if they ever read our critques of episodes? Roy HAS changed. If you get the two together, you lose a major part of why people watch the show, so naturally you lengthen it out. Im actually glad that the writers at least made this inevitable hookup believable. I want to be mad at both Pam AND Jim, but I just cant. Lots of people do. Dwight: I saw Wedding Crashers accidentally. I like when they end episodes with medleys of songs like Benihana Christmas with the karaoke, they always choose the perfect song to go with the character/situation. A piece of my Jam heart has diedand I think a part of Jims Jam heart is gone too. Its not like I can stop watching. Phyllis and Bob: their celebrity couple name would be Phlob. There is nothing more that Jim can do. Phyllis. It is taking so much away from the rest of the show. In a way, its kind of like we- the audience- are like Little Bo Peep. ha. Im reminded of Neils line to David Brent from the BBC version: Youre acting like a petulant child. Yep. What is it?! Clear redemption for the man with the sad eyes.. John (379), Michael has always been very mean to Phyllis. Pam did the honorable thing at that time she kept a commitment she had made. I have been to weddings in my single days and I was pretty much desperate for any dance partner!!!! I think theyve got ideas up their sleeves. There are too many people on this Earth. Why are all these people here? This is a first for me. Come on. wow, im talking about all this like its real life i let myself get waaaay too invested in this show, lol =). Does that necessarily mean that Roy has really changed and hes now become the perfect guy for Pam? I know Mike is supposed to be like that, but I prefer goofy, and unintentionally funny Mike to just plain obnoxious Mike. . Jim: Hypothetically, if I thought Pam was interested, then no, its totally hypothetical. Kevin is very skeptical that Toby could land a girlfriend that attractive, especially when Toby says that he met her at the gym. Hes been making overtures all season and finally he got his chance. The couple dated and married in 1994 through a wedding ceremony attended by friends and . Best part of this episode (aside from the Jim and Pam dorky dancer conversation and Pams furtive glances): Tobys date catching the bouquet and Toby being all excited. We also played our bassists wedding, and our guitarists wedding. That would have been in line with her character, especially the new character shes supposedly developed. Interesting-I need more time to digest this episode. The Office Phyllis' Wedding episode quotes, behind the scenes trivia, photos, and more, from February 8, 2007 on NBC. chastity. But when Roy screws up about complimenting phyllys wedding then spends 20 bucks on a song thats all Pam needs :P. ARGH. Great episode tonight! Look at My Name is Earl, that show has become so ridiculous that I wouldnt even watch it anymore if it wasnn on right before The Office. i dont like purchasing any movies/tv eps thru itunesbut reassured, i will buy season 3 on dvd when its out, just like i did the previous two seasons. pam doesnt deserve jim. (weirder than usual)I love this show but this episode is probably my least favorite ever. Its actually a very cute story. Please let this not just be wishful thinking?). awww, people are talking so much trash about the pam/roy thing people, this is reality!! Saw him at the buffet. Answer: Push her father down the aisle in his wheelchair Trivia Question: Who wins the Fun Run in season 4? If anything, Im disappointed in Pam. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. So, apparently Pam isnt the only one fooled by Roys transformation. It seems as though hes got many other viewers fooled as well. She has asked me to push her fathers wheelchair down the aisle. But I dont care about that. I have given up on JAM. Im just plain bored. Pam is sad, and Roy has (seemingly) changed. Pam leaving with Roy Ill buy. She ends up catching the bouquet after Ryan knocks it out of Kelly's hands and gives it to Toby. By the way, what I dont understand are the people who complain about the previews ruining the episodesif you dont want anything to be spoiled, then dont watch the previews! Its just him, you know? My fear is that NBC looked at it and said, Hey, a lot of mainstream America wont get this; make it less subtle and make more happen. She seems to perfect for himand im beginning to like her. Dont get me wrong I definitely LOVE the Office and I think it is a far cry better than any other sitcom on TVbut I do feel like Season 3 is different. Phyllis' wedding day has arrived. It is called Movin On (and is by Elliot Yamin, from last years American Idol). Its okay, if you did. I actually liked Toby this episode! Pam went with Roy because he pushed her in his direction. They dont know Phyllis (or Bob) as well as the people from the upstairs officeso why would the other warehouse guys go? Margaret Thatcher said that about marriage. Now, its like they put them in big situations and there isnt enough room for complexity. Good things come to those who wait. I mean have you ever been MORE on the edge of your seat?? Ive seen friends be in those relationships, but they were always really immature people or high school relationships. He wants his Karen and his Pam, too? He tried to return the toaster to the store, but they wouldnt take it back because they no longer sold that kind of toaster. . Thats it! Creed-Hilarious, Kelly-Psycho, Roy-Im coming around. But, regardless of the Jam thing, I do sometimes feel like the characters are starting to be more extreme. I think Jims response to Pam leaving with Roy was simply his effort to overcompensate and escape his angst. I dont think there is anything that occured tonight that they hasnt been heading for all season long. youre way off. It would be really boring if we all just said the same thing all the time. Kind of a tie in to the Pavlov opening thing. It seems like they are less complex than they were and that season 3s real difference is that it is plot-driven. THE OFFICE Episode recap of "Phyllis' Wedding" Aired 2/8/07 ****SPOILERS AHEAD**** It's the wedding of Phyllis Lapin and Bob Vance's (of Vance Refrigeration, as noted in the wedding vows). In this episode, Phyllis mentions that Bob is Unitarian and she is Lutheran, so it "keeps things spicy." Remember last week when Karen confronted her and she ended up blurting out Im sorry? > IN ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES FOR 10 WEEKS. goldberry, 479, i think it makes perfect sense for that song to be Pam and Roys song-its the story of their relationshiP! These characters are great and really need to I mean seriously I dont know if I can take much more of this! More so than dramas, its very difficult for comedies to consistently sustain a high level of quality from season to season. Mike marvels at how her savior, Bill Spencer, double-crossed her, "Did he ever!". Dwight taking Uncle Al out and then realize his mistakeWebsters dictionary describes wedding asthat was funny. I bought a ticket for Grizzly Man and went into the wrong theater. Same as when you said it outside. I was annoyed with Karen and Jims relationship until I remembered the UK version and Tim & Rachael. Michael was a mess (as usual-not surprised), and DONT EVEN get me started on Roy. I knew they had to get back together, but its sad that Jim saw Pam watching him and didnt do anything. Yet, these people still cling to these jobs out of fear of the unknown. He obviously knew Pam was upset yet he made no effort to make sure she was okay then got pissed when he saw her leave with Roy. ), and Michaels chat with Uncle Al was hilarious. ivan pavlovs classical conditioning experiment LOL best cold open ever. That kind of love is extremely rare and worth fighting for. you cant really be mad at her for it. Just wait and see. For other uses, see Phyllis (disambiguation) Phyllis Vance (ne Lapin), is played by Phyllis Smith in the television series The Office. *Kevins band is pretty darn awesome!!! Michael dragging the wheelchair down the isle. From episode 1 of S3, we knew Roy was going to try and win Pam back. That was a really good episode. What can I do to make it more perfecter? I laughed at Michaels rude, obnoxious behavior thanking God that I dont know anyone like that in real life. Just enjoy it. Its been building all season long that Roy was never out of the picture.. They point out that theres too much Jam and that its too soap opera like. What else was she supposed to do in that situation?! I'm assuming Kevin is implying that Toby's date is an escort. Come on. I dont care about the plot, I care about the characters, which is why I enjoyed the freedom season 2 had to put the characters in an otherwise boring story and let their personalities provide the humor and interest. Yeahwhy was Roy even at the wedding? I wish I hadnt watched so many spoilers. Just my two cents, though. It used to be you couldnt sum them up in one word so easily. People say this season is overly Jam-dramatic, but in my opinion, its not any more so than last season. Season 3, Episode 15 - "Phyllis's Wedding" NBC First, she uses Michael by inviting him to be a part of her wedding just so she can get additional time off for her honeymoon. Being rejected is part of the territory. It was easy to say Jim made the right choice by making a move because we all knew Roy wasnt right for Pam. On Phyllis's advice, Dwight gives Angela an ultimatum to break up with Andy, which she refuses to do. roy should hook up with karen and that would fix everything, In response to 59I think Jim DID get that Pam likes himbut instead of making a move she runs back to lousy ol Roy!! The whole first part during the actual ceremony well just chalk up to his screwed-up childhood episode. Talk about depressing. nah. So, basically, I am co-giving away the bride. And just to confirm, Pam and Roys song is You Were Meant for Me by Jewel right? And not in a funny way. *Go Toby!!! After last night, do I really need Pam to end up with Jim for me to be happy? Toby takes her into the office to meet everyone, and then makes out with her in front of Jim and Pam, clearly to make Pam (Toby's crush) jealous. After watching I was this close to being in tears over the whole JAM thing, but what Dorky Dancer said in 112 makes everything seem a little clearer and more hopeful to me. I do think its kind of crappy the way that NBC gets peoples hopes up with the promos They create more angst than anything that actually happens on the show! I didnt notice that altoid, but I will look out for that when I watch the ep. I believe that this is actually the opposite of the case, and thats what I object to. I would love if the internship came up again. how can we focus on any of that when Michael Scott is threatening to date someone's mom "even harder"? Hey wait, did Jim say heres a hypothetical, or heres a non-hypothetical? If anything, I think shes doing a pretty good job. The writers of the show know this, which is why they will work to keep JAM unresolved for as long as reasonably possible. Ok quick question: WHO invited Roy?! I cant believe I pushed that that guys lazy ass around all day until he was ready to stand up and steal the show. Well, when in doubt, do nothing, I say. Im just waiting for karen to make some huge mistake that makes jim not like her. haha. How quickly are the episodes uploaded on itunes??? I was so happy when jim did his little shpeil (did i make up that spelling? :). Stupid roy! Maybe that was the theme of the evening. Everyone goes through self-doubt and moments of weakness. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Dorky Dancer: Youve got it! I've done a lot of research, and no where is anyone credited to be his date. In every wedding I see in the movies or on TV, theres always a live band. I dont want her to be *that* girl. And I agree, people should stop obsessing over JAM.. At least the Roy tonight was a decent guy. She wants it to either blossom or wither and die on its own. Thats digging pretty low for humor. Wow. And the sisters. Callan, with comment #354 wow, I couldnt have said it any better. Sometimes I wish I could write a show how about you all? I love what the writers are doingtheyre keeping the characters realistic! Yes, I put Michael in my wedding. There was only one episode between that and The Secret, right? So Kelly. But hey, weddings can make nomally sane single people turn a little crazy. Toby's date catching the bouquet and Toby being all excited. I completely do not buy the whole line about Dwights family having their weddings in graves. Also, hardly anyone would have the guts to admit to someone that has apparently moved on that they were in love with them. Its Every Little Thing She Does is Magic by the Police. Its like you have to fish for something to complain. Perhaps we will find Pam declaring her love in Cocktails? Ive been quietly rooting for Roy all season. Liked this episode. Jim: When are we going to get to see some of those famous Beesly dance moves? thanks. promise me that if there is an office rehab, a la betty ford, that youll notify me. I cant believe Pam left with Roy! S**T OR GET OFF THE POT, PAM. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, At the time of her appearance, Janine Poreba was. So yes, Pam, stop feeling sorry for yourself and say something! He played his cards right this time, but weve now reached the climax of the Roy makeover thats been slowly building all season. Shes spent the day at a wedding which reminded her constantly of her own wedding, and her ex-fiance, who throughout the entire season has been kinder and more in tune with her than Jim, did something incredibly nice for her. Im gonna need some JAM soon or Im gonna die! That is that is pungent. She sits next to him and Kevin at Phyllis's wedding. Well, the writers have their work cut out for them. She is not a loser. WowI have not seen that deleted scene. Okay, for this next one everyone hop out. For all of the two and a half years of psychological profiling and pity for her, isnt it becoming clear that the answer is that Pams just kind of a loser? This was supposed to be her wedding and now she is all alone. We are great together. If you ever lay I finger on Phyllis, Ill kill you. So now his house has two toasters. Scott Windsor was first played by Toby Cockerell between 1993 and 1996 before Ben Freeman took over the role until his 2007 departure. It takes a lot of talent from both writers and actors to keep a show funny for an extended period of time, and every show is going to have good and bad episodes. But Pam doesnt know that, and Roy probably doesnt even know that either. It is a mans role to be the aggressor in relationships. My heart has a mind of its own. i have been obsessively refreshing this page for the past 3.5 hrs!! I dont hate Pam, and I dont hate Jim. I meant youre gonna regret not having the edge-of-your-seat anticipation sorry! Do we realy want it to end? Grrrrrrr love triangles Callan, youll be up late tonite, but who cares? 1948. Other then that I thought Michael was way over the top and Im also tired of the same lets pretend that no one realizes were dating routine between Dwight and Angela. I enjoyed that connection. They arent giving us typical soap opera-ish cliches here to keep them separated.. Answer: Toby Flenderson I like the Pam/Jim storyline, as friends theyre extremly cute. 1. too many preview clips. Also Phyllis said shes getting 6 week vacation, what does a Bob Vance honeymoon consist of? Almost makes me not miss Andy. So basically, I am co-giving away the bride. It's your wedding. weak moment for pam. In school, we learned about this scientist who trained dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell by feeding them whenever a bell rang. Maybe Ill call it the Margaret Thatcher Office Rehabilitation Center for Fans. Prince William and Kate Middleton celebrate their 12th wedding anniversary on April 29, having married at Westminster Abbey in 2011 following a ten-year relationship that began when they were both . Oh and I thought Michael calling Phyllisdad a lazy ass was hilarious! . I agree with what Kismet said in post 373. Couldnt put it any better. too many spoiler vids for this weeks episode, made it a lot less funny. That being said the passing wind segment was below the usual standards for this show. I like it better when hes more real and sympathetic. Break them up and have them be friends or get them together and have them be a couple, but stop wasting valuable screen time on the beginning-to-be-too-contrived soap opera already! By taking a bunch of people out of the photos and then putting them all back in except Michael, the photographer expertly manages to get rid of the bride's intrusive boss. IM SICK OF HER. He ousts Phyllis' uncle Al, who fails to pass Dwight's questioning due to dementia. I dont know I didnt think it was that ODD for Roy to be at the wedding. ! can someone please explain why Phyllis would copy every detail of Pams wedding. Yeah, JAM got taken down a notch but so what, we still got the glimpses and we know they still love each other. Tonights ep did seem really short. First I would love for her to do something for herself and trust me, if she really changed her life, Jim would undoubtedly be attracted to that. But, cant really blame Pam. Phyllis: You found Uncle Al! It took Pam a long time b/c Pam was engaged. Also, I agree with E and Adrianna. -Im no Jammer like Ive said before but I have at this point become frustrated with Pam and Jim not being together. This must be so awful for you. The newlyweds ride off in a Vance Refrigeration van. During Michael's talking head following the toast scene, a flyer is clearly visible behind him promoting Eastmont Community Center, in Los Angeles, CA, some 2000 miles from Scranton PA. I felt like this episode zipped along very quickly. This sort of felt like Booze Cruise season 3 to me also. they didnt play travis. I absolutely love the one song in this episode, but I dont know the name of it, and can only remember the one lyric and I, I am meant for you. Plus it made complete sense to me that Michael behaved like a child because he was reverting back to his childhood memories. It's a very natural reaction. NBC needs to just make the show an hour long already. what make the office the best show is that it has jokes that refer to episodes long past. Only to realize at the end of the episode that they are still madly in love with each other. Michael is eager to participate, seeing himself . Nothing else ever makes their faces light up than the times theyre together. But I heard Jenna Fischer mention Officetally during a commentary on some early episode and now Im hooked. In non-JAM related news, I loved seeing Scrantonicity again (though Phyllis clearly didnt watch the demo tape to see what she was getting into! Leaving with someone doesnt necessarily mean the same thing as going home with someone. Pam needs to forget about Jim, Jim needs to decide one way or the other and not go back. i am totally starting to believe that this isnt going to go anywhere and it makes me so sad!!!! Michael: I got news for you, Albert. I truly do love every episode of The Office, though. Whatever you do, try not to hate it just because things dont happen exactly the way you expected them to. What??!?!?!? In both episodes he got punished for his behavior (banned from the reception hall tonight, being put in irons on the cruise) and at the end hes able to accomplish his goal (his speech to Jim on the cruise and finding Uncle Al tonight). HE PUT IT ON THE LINE. Are we really supposed to buy the fact that his family holds weddings in their graves? Michael was really embarassing. I knew it was by the Police, so ya gotta give me credit there. Also, I think that a lot of people constantly compare Season 3 to Season 2 like Season 2 was some untouchable, perfect thing. :). Gotta love that Scrantonicity, and after reading a bunch of fanfics about what a great voice Karen is bound to have as she sings with them, it was kind of a relief to see that she kinda sucked. I thought the RAM dancing in the hallway was very sweet, though. One thing I didnt like was the priest saying Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration. And now, the wedding has no highlight. Jim: Cmon. I just thought this episode wrapped everything up in a neat little package. I dont think Pam not trying to break up Jim and Karens relationship is any worse than Jim not breaking up Pam and Roy until hes about to leave. There she is. Well-said. I figured it would take more than $20 & think it sucks for you line from Roy for Pam to leave with himseriously, what the blazes is wrong with her!! lol. Dunderpedia: The Office Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. I think we should all try to ignore them from week to week and move on, focus on the other aspects of the show. michael was pathetic last night, probably because he was out of his element (the office) and very much NOT the star of the show. But the next day, when I re-watch it, sometimes with comments like the posts here in my mind, I usually get a lot more out it. Get rid of Scrubs and make this show an hr NBC. Youre on my dress. Shes not going to ruin this for him after breaking his heart in the first place. But I dont want to see those relationships play out on TV, either. If I was you, I would just like freak out and get really drunk and then tell someone I was pregnant. Not badjust different than Season 2. It came in the form of Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration. Sometimes I wish that this show wasnt on network tv. i had to start drinking martinis really early to keep away from the spoilers. Yes, all it would take would be Pam telling him how she feels, but it isnt that simple. I was disappointed the writers did wot we all expected them to do and get Pam and Roy back together i was hoping for a surprise something different to keep Jam apart GRRR! Janine Poreba I think that it just makes me a person who likes different things about this show than you do. Hes like a new man. I also liked what Gymgirl said in 125 about Michaels childlike behavior and Pams leaving with Roy after Phyllis stole all of her wedding ideas being a tie in with the Pavlov opening thing. I cant think of anything that would be worst espically around Valentines Day. How could Jim not notice that she liked him when he saw her disapointment?
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who is toby date at phyllis' wedding 2023