Tori and Cat have a video series called The Funny Nugget Show wherein Cat sleeps over at Tori's house and they do random nonsensical activities. When the movie premieres, it is a big hit. In the episode Stage Fighting, she tried to prove to Robbie that his stage kiss with Trina was only acting. In the first season, Cat showed some maturity and sense, but in subsequent seasons, she seems more air-headed, idiotic, and childlike. At last, she performs Shut Up N' Dance with the other cast. When she gets injured Robbie stays with her where they kiss. Tori, as Glinda, or the Good Witch of the North, comes out of a stall. If you want to be as cool as she is, this article will teach you how to get her look and act a lot like her! He keeps her from eating or even going near it, and won't let anyone give her any. Cat says that she loves elderly people, and thinks it's "so cute" how they shake when they pour their juice. However, Robbie walks in to cheer Cat up with a song he had been working on and performs his song "I Think You're Swell" to Cat. Her name is short for Catarina, though she says her grandmother is the only one who calls her that and everyone else calls her Cat. LOL. When they try to reach the "Parade parade" however, the float breaks down on a deserted street full of thugs. When Cat once again starts playing around with the special effects (changing her face into a cherry pie), Tori finally snaps and yells at her, telling her that she's not helping and to grow up. In Robarazzi, Cat grabs Beck's leg to show him the new device she got from the Sky Store, and he didn't mind much. Suddenly the 2012 California Earthquake occurs and more things break. She can be very sensitive and her feelings are easily hurt, especially when yelling is involved. In a Slap video, Jade is sleeping in Cat's bed, and Cat wakes her up by telling her a joke. Coco Wexler, DilbenGwen and RubyRival Babysitting ServiceSharon TorsoAlexa BigglyEllieJepsonNora DershlitDel DeVille (formerly) Part 1 How To Get Her Look 1 Learn how to have a general fashion sense. "), as well as feeding him grilled cheese she says she made herself, playing romantic music and dancing with him (she compliments him on his dancing technique). She enjoys telling stories to old people, as mentioned in TheSlap. Cat: Ya know what they say Easy like a goat. Awkwardness abounds as Tori tells Cat the truth about her and Daniel. In Wi-Fi in the Sky, after learning that her flight from San Diego to Los Angeles won't get back to L.A. until 11:14 PM, Tori opens a video chat with Andr (who is staying at his grandmother's house because of her fear of the changing numbers on her digital clock) and asks if they should work on their script project via video chat. Cat has naturally curly hair, as revealed in the, Like Ariana Grande, Cat has also dyed her hair. It turns out that Mamaw openly dislikes Cat, especially her unnatural hair color. She often sees the positive things in life, as in The Gorilla Club she wasn't seen scared much in the club, and expressed joy and excitement when riding the moving bunny and easily won the Balls of Pain. They bet Hayley and Tara that anyone in the place could impress the audience more, so Hayley and Tara picks a hideous girl named Louise Nordoff to compete against (who is actually Tori in disguise), thinking that this "Ugly Betty" will lose easily. Ironically, the name Auriana would seem taken from the actress who plays Cat, Ariana Grande. Cat and Tori make up, however, and Tori isn't hostile towards Cat for hurting her because she believes that she deserved it. Cat is also very flirtatious, as seen in the episode Survival of the Hottest, when she almost abandons and completely forgets her friends to hang out with and flirt with four cute boys. In Tori Gets Stuck, she is seen with Tori in the hospital. They make things worse by stopping for ice cream, interfering with the time that they got back. As weve seen in the way Cat talks about her family, she endures an often troubled home life and the stresses of going through such an upbringing are one cause of bipolar disorder and could be a key factor in the way her character behaves. At the end, Cat finally gets the butterfly out of her ear when Andr's grandma yells into it. ", Cat often mentions her brother. Cat explains how she got the magazine while visiting her "uncle and uncle" in San Francisco. Then, Jade, who is Tori's Secret Santa, gives Tori the idea to do her own take on Andr's song, which he got a D on, as her gift, along with Cat. Also, Cat is never seen to call out Jade's cruelty or ask her to stop, possibly showing that she is willing to allow others to suffer so she won't. Dice has also been very helpful to Cat's babysitting service with Sam. Several of Cat's Slap posts confirm that she views Tori as her best friend and views herself as Tori's best friend. She stated in a Slap video that her mom was a competitive breath holder while she was pregnant with her, which the many baffled doctors her family has visited state as a possible reason as to why she is the way she is. Her passion and genuine excitement for the little things that most people dread like school projects and work," Ariana added. Dice Corleone (only in SecretSafe)Peezy B, CatsChildrenBibbleCupcakesNoodlesPotatoesApplesCranberry juiceCrapplesSingingDancingJustin Bieber's hairDollsSpives Cat: There were these two ladies, and they both wanted the same baby, so King Solomon said, "We shall cut this baby in half.". Cat then accidentally tells Jade about Tori's plans, causing Jade to have Cat assist her in finding out where Beck and Tori are going. ", Things went from bad to worse once Sam & Cat took over, which Billboard blamed on the sitcoms "decidedly sour tone. Tori quickly changes the channel. She gets mad, and ends up throwing the pizza against the wall. They feel bad and try to stop her, but Andr's cousin exposes him as a cheater. In Beggin' on Your Knees, Cat begins getting calls from North Star, an emergency help line for people that have been in car accidents. The character's dim-wittedness grew even more irritating on the spin-off Sam & Cat, leading viewers to question the writers' motives. According to one of her TheSlap videos, Cat's five favorite words are Happy (number 5), Pretty (number 4), Rumnumsegadigyblog (number 3), cuddly (2) and Sparkly (1). Why does Cat Valentine have red hair? Cat's hair has darkened since the first season. Consultation with your veterinarian and/or a veterinary behaviorist is recommended to determine if medical or behavioral problems . "Animals that live with humans tend to use their baby behaviour towards humans because they find that it works. The gang, furious, declare that they're leaving immediately but not without finishing their food. She puts her fish, Tofu, down, before opening a window to which a fan is attached. JK, Tori." They sometimes fight with each other, but they eventually make up.[3]. Beck and Cat kissed in A Film by Dale Squires for the short film they were making. The wrapping paper had little baby unicorns on it. If I ignore it, my hope is that she will figure out on her own how ridiculous it is. Characters from TheSlap or other programs, Cat's weight is mentioned in the episode "Survival of the Hottest" by Andr, Image of Cat's plane ticket confirming her official name, Ariana's tweet confirming Sam & Cat's airdate - May 11, 2013, JustJaredJr. Andr begins to dance while taking off his shirts. In Seasons 2 and 3, Cat's hair became a bit darker and longer than it had been in Season 1. She often unknowingly gets herself into sticky situations. You're little and you've got red hair.Cat: Oh, that's so creative!" After they get out, the bird flies off of Cat's wig and Cat begs Robbie to fix her wig, but Tori tells him no and starts telling Cat that Evan will still like her for who she is. An exchange between Cat and Tori in Pilot, (2010present: Best Friend) Ariana Grande criticized girls on TikTok who do impressions of her by "doing the cat valentine voice and wearing winged eyeliner and a . The hashtag "arianawannabe" has more than 3 million views on TikTok. Cat Valentine, played by Ariana Grande, is one of Victoriouss most recognisable characters, in-part thanks to her dyed red hair. In Three Girls and a Moose Cat, Jade and Tori fight over Beck's friend Moose. This causes them to question their relationship. They sing a song, but Cat skips a line because she thinks it's inappropriate. After driving Cat's brother's convertible through a horrible rainstorm with a broken top, they stop at a gas station only to find a bag of fake feet in the trunk of the car, which causes Cat to state that her brother is "weird." In Star Spangled Tori, when Jade and Robbie find Cat living in the schools attic, they immediately find a new place for her to live. ", Matt Bennett Took Ventriloquism Classes to Prepare for 'Victorious', Ariana Grande and BTS Hung out, and We Have FOMO, Ariana Grande Recreated a Scene from 'The Waterboy' and Adam Sandler Loved It. When Sam travels from Seattle to talk about the web show at Cat's . Who wants to go have dinner at a restaurant where the waiters are robots?! On the way there, Trina and Cat face many obstacles. There are countless theories as to why Cat is the way she is, ranging from potential autism to the effects of her brother being somewhat unhinged. She sees Sinjin and asks if he has a girlfriend, to which he responds 'no', and then she asks if he has a credit card, and when he says he does, Cat suggests that Sinjin calls her some time. Cat gives Robbie her chewed bubblegum, which he then puts in his mouth. The 68 best Valentine's Day . Robbie then asks Cat out at the hospital and she accepts, leading to a relationship in the future. Cat while dressed as Sikowitz in Beck Falls for Tori, Sikowitz is Cat's acting teacher. This is the first episode that she has her hair in its natural curls. As seen in some episodes, she is revealed to be somewhat smart, but this is frequently overshadowed by her airy and ditzy way of talking. It doesn't work, as Robbie is now interested in Cat; he asked Cat to meet his parents directly after the kiss. In Tori Goes Platinum, Cat eats some of Mason's bibble (a fictional British food), and becomes very addicted to it. (See: Cade), "Daniel: Guess who!Cat: Umm.Is it Beck?" According to her 'Cat Bash' poster, Cat has a crazy neighbor who throws things at people. At the end of The Breakfast Bunch, Robbie and Cat are seen flirting with each other, and Cat gives Robbie her gum at the end. At last, she goes for Tori and Andr when they get out of the class, later cheering at Tori kissing Beck. In Freak the Freak Out, Cat and Andr are doing a scene in acting class in the Blackbox Theater, but Tori's phone interrupts the scene which Sikowitz finishes. Tori, however, manages to find help to fix the float though the gang lost Sikowitz. One of the doctors then says they should call in a specialist when Cat scratches her nose with her feet. Why is Cat so dumb on 'Victorious'? As an example, in Survival of the Hottest she states that, "I'm really hot, but I'm still in a good mood! The boss comes in and asks if everyone is alright, thinking that all the damage is caused by the earthquake, and is glad that Coober (the puppy) is fine. To be clear, not everyone is on the Cat-bashing train. Robbie has proven many times that he likes Cat as more than a friend whilst Cat has shown a few subtle hints that she may like him back, but so far, she has never vocally admitted any feelings for him besides saying, "Don't say that! Cat is an extremely sweet and caring girl with her head in the clouds. It is implied a few times on the show and TheSlap that she was abused by her brother. While viewers were starting to get fed up with Cats antics, Ariana expressed overwhelming affection for the role after Sam & Cat failed to receive a second season. ", often said at the strangest times, was also said by Misty in Moody's Point, a sketch on the Schneider show. Even though it worked for Tanner, Beck and another kid, it didn't work for Trina, who smashes Robbie's guitar after he and Cat tell her that her date stood her up. It premiered on June 8, 2013. This is because they're one of her favorite food (mentioned on TheSlap). "She always saw negative obstacles as opportunities to make things good. Afterwards, various students ask Cat and Robbie to sing bad news songs to people to deliver bad news without making them too sad. She, along with the others, passes her audition, though she seems to have come the closest to failing. (See: Cikowitz), Dr. Rhapsody, Trina, Robbie, Tori, Jade, Andr, Rex and Beck, Jade wrote under this picture: Guess which movie is Cat's favorite! Mr. Dickers catches her while she is singing Make it Shine very loudly and locks her in the janitor's closet, but she escapes through a clearly marked passageway. In Ice Cream for Ke$ha, Cat had a dream about Robbie and gets mad at him for letting little kids eat her (in her dream). Catarina "Cat" Valentine [3] is one of the eight main characters on Victorious. Cat's hair is the color of red velvet cupcakes. And according to a post in the Slap her "new favorite food is spaghetti. Ashamed they leave to get waffles. If Hayley and Tara win, they get to make out with Beck, and if they lose, they have to take care of Trina, whom Cat and Jade know will be torture to work with. In addition, Jade seems to be very concerned about Cat when she learns that she lives in school in Star Spangled Tori and she is the one that helps Cat move out of there and go live with her Nona. On opening night, Trina's harness breaks and she falls, and the set crashes down on her. (To see the "Sky Store" known products, see Sky Store.) ", The actress acknowledged that though the character seemed simple and daft, one of her favorite things about Cat "was that she never lost her sense of wonder. She is Jade and Tori 's best friend and Robbie 's love interest. Tori gets her to stop by threatening to unfriend her on TheSlap. When he doesn't believe her, she kisses him to show him it was just Trina acting in a part, but he asks her to meet his parents. I only partially agree with that. Cat loves it when Dice advertises his newest products. Personality Cat is an extremely sweet and caring girl with her head in the clouds. Beck and Jade come by and learn of Tori and Daniel's past and that he is now dating Cat Valentine. She has been shown to fear ping pong balls (The Great Ping Pong Scam), soldiers, (Locked Up!) It is often used to communicate disapproval or dissatisfaction with their situation. She was mentioned by Tori while auditioning for The Wood. The talkative trait is more common in some cat breeds than others. In Pilot, Cat first appears when she meets Tori. Cat was portrayed by Ariana Grande, who also voiced Diaspro on Winx Club. In Who Did It to Trina?, Tori directs a play and is forced to cast Trina as the major lead (because Trina took her doll and told her she would only give it back if she could be the lead). Like Tori, Trina seems to view Cat as a surrogate little sister. They tell her she has to talk to Jade, the team captain, who then denies Tori admittance to the team. Cat leans her head on Jesse's shoulder and asks him to feel her freshly-washed hair, then asks him what kind of dreams he has (asking if he dreams of sports, cars, girls, or one girl in particular, implying herself). She is also the only girl at Hollywood Arts that Rex doesn't hit on. Cat gets the question right and wins the game for Tori's team. TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY September 19, 2023 National Today. Cat the Way She Is is a question. When Cat liked the color, she decided to dye it red permanently. When Jade steps away to get a soda, two girls, Hayley Ferguson and Tara Ganz, flirt with Beck and Andr. Robbie to Cat in Stage Fighting. With that, Jade, as the Wicked Witch, comes out of a stall, which bursts open with red smoke. However, all three were too distracted with Moose that they were cut out of the show, Tinkle-Aid thanks to Robbie, Beck and Andre. Who wants to try my hot crapple pie? Then she appears in the lesson of improv in Sikowitz's class. In Rex Dies, Cat is helping with the lights for the play, but when Tori accidentally turns on the Turblow Jet and it sucks Rex in, Tori, Cat, Jade, and Beck bring Rex to the hospital. Other than Tori, Jade and Andre, Cat has also sang in the show. It's kinda cozy. Rex says that he will be "partying'" with a couple of Northridge girls. and Ariana replies "Yeah it willhe kisses me! Cat revealed on her Slap profile that she sends an average of 407 text messages per day. Cat supports Sikowitz when he is singing "Number One" at Karaoke Dokie. They usually expresses concern for one another when they're hurt, and call out the person who has caused it. At first, the gang thinks it's no big deal, since Cat was only going to the restroom, and they think she will come back very soon and let them out. Trina even asked for her phone number in Survival of the Hottest to call her when she left to go use the bathroom and hugs her when she gets them out, a hint that she cares for her. This disambiguation page lists articles about . (See: Candr), "I want you to meet my parents." They are coupled off, the pairs being Andr and Cat, Robbie and Tori, and Beck and Jade. Cat's catchphrase. Also on TheSlap, she created a video and a blog chronicling how she tricks cute boys into being interviewed (the first named Martin played by Jordan Andrusky, the second named Jesse played by Aldo Quintino) by inviting them over to a "party" at her house. All Rights Reserved. In Wi-Fi in the Sky, Robbie was the first one she told her joke to, even though she could've chosen to tell someone else. Being especially chatty could be one of your cat's cute little quirks. Cat Valentine teams up with her roommate, Sam Puckett, in #Pilot and becomes a babysitter with her to fund for their crazy adventures. ", As writer Andrew Unterberger pointed out, "It was one thing to see Cat get occasionally beat up in B plots on Victorious, but to see her take it on the chin from the genuinely mean-spirited Sam in the main plot of nearly every episode got pretty rough.". Cat wasn't originally that dumb. They run a babysitting business to raise money for their financial needs. Cat also joins the gang while watching Sikowtiz's performance of "Number One" by Ginger Fox. [4] Cats like to be entertained and around other cats. Cat's favorite flavor of shaved ice is cherry, according to, Cat is a member of the Yerbanian prison gang, as she said in, Cat (Andr, and Tori) are the only ones to have befriended everyone in the group (not counting, Cat takes every sentence literally. Cat does have her darker moments, however, being subject to bouts of hypocrisy. Cat, still sad and worried, responds with a "Kay-kay" and pushes the button, which opens the door. Tori admits that what she did was wrong, and that she didn't do it because she had feelings for Danny but rather because she felt jealous that he and Cat seemed so happy compared to how the two of them had been a year ago. an exchange between Andr and Cat in Tori the Zombie, Andr seems to be good friends with Cat. Who wants to squeeze some adorable children? Besides being a prick, her voice has a high pitch which is not only annoying but also annoying. Cat is most likely afflicted with a mental illness. Nickelodeon has often provided plenty of entertainment in this regard and many shows on the channel are held in high esteem by fans. Cat and Tori finally talk, although Tori has to drag her by her foot to the janitor's closet, just to get her to listen. In Terror on Cupcake Street, Sikowitz, Cat, and the gang about a big parade, and that he wants them to make a float for them, and perform in. Cat has never said it is a natural color, and she didn't protest when Sikowitz called her "synthetically red-headed" (. At the end of an acting class, Sikowitz asks for the class to share their plans for the weekend. They are also confronted by a crazed clown before driving off in the car. If your cat's vocalization seems to be increasing it should be checked out. Cat originally explained that she dyed her hair red because it is the same color as a red velvet cupcake, which is her favorite dessert. When there is an earthquake, Beck is seen protecting Cat and shielding her from the collapsing items and the exploding lamp. In Cell Block Jade, Tori and Cat go against Andr, Beck, and Robbie to see who could go the longest without using their phones. Jade tells him to put it back and they fight over the it, but the skull ends up falling out of their hands and breaking the glass coffee table. Trina and Cat agree to drive to Bakersfield and pick up the solvent, hoping to get Tori's hideous face back to normal. According to Jayniac Jr, Cat is shown to exhibit traits such as inflated self-esteem, being more talkative than usual, having racing thoughts, distractibility, being incredibly driven or. He calls her "little red" because of her red hair and short stature which Andr Harris seems to be amused by. Tori and Robbie constantly tell her that she is beautiful and she is overreacting, and when Cat talks to Robbie about Evan, Robbie gets jealous. They then go to Freezy Queen to get ice cream, causing them to arrive late to Tori's show. Tori doesn't believe them and insists on joining the team. Cat bears some similarities to Quinn Pensky from. The next day, Danny appears during lunch at the Asphalt Caf. Her absent-minded character can be off-task and distracted, as shown in Wi-Fi in the Sky, where she was playfully pressing buttons to create fun effects on her computer instead of helping with the project. Cat talks to him like he's a baby for most of the video, and has to call her mom at the end because he keeps scratching. Lane finds out that the harness had been cut, and calls Jade, Andr, Tori, Cat, Robbie, and Rex to his office to try to figure out what really happened. In The Birthweek Song, Robbie attempts to teach his inept grandmother how to use the internet. Cat: I thought first class passengers get to board the plane first. The assignment is to make a seven-to-ten page script involving a mystery, three characters, and a plot twist. I feel like if I forbid her, it will make the show taboo, amping up her desire to watch it. Hollywood Arts High School[1]Sam & Cats Super Rockin Fun-Time Babysitting Service, Grandmother (Nona)Brother (unnamed)Mrs. Valentine (unnamed)Mr. Valentine (unnamed), Sam Puckett (best friend, roommate)Jade West (best friend)Robbie Shapiro (love interest)Dice Corleone GoomerButler TorsoFreddie BensonAndr HarrisBeck OliverTori Vega (best friend)Trina VegaErwin Sikowitz Del DeVille Sam and Cat Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Cat Valentine is the bubbly, preppy, red head on the Nickelodeon show Victorious. The girls use fiddling knives and the solvent to scrape the mask off Tori's face. Cat has a hot pink camera, seen in Tori the Zombie. She runs off, humiliated. Cat Valentine is no different and makes references throughout the show to her dark past with an abusive family. ", emphasizing the fact that she rarely gets angry or annoyed. Cat has a talent for knowing people's exact clothing and limb measurements. She can also be selfish and spoiled. Cat in A Film by Dale Squires, showing off a bit of her personality. Cat and her grandmother have a good relationship; they care a lot for each other. Tori's jealousy over Cat and Danny's relationship increases after the two make plans to go to the Kickback together, much to Jade's amusement. But right before that, he gives Tori and the gang credit for the film. 45 6 comments Best Add a Comment She is happy-go-lucky, very bubbly, and lost in her own mind at times. Earlier in 2020, Victorious celebrated its 10th anniversary. Tori seems to treat Cat like a surrogate little sister, a sentiment Cat sees eager about. Cat tells everyone (despite bored looks on her classmates' faces) that she and Jade are going to a new karaoke club in Los Feliz, Karaoke Dokie, since they have singing competitions on weekends. Cat: Listen, I am in love with this pink shoe I found, so I have to find the other one. While Cat is cheery, bubbly, upbeat, energetic, and is smiling most of the time, she is also dimwitted, absent-minded, random, and naive. Robbie is Cat's Secret Santa and gets her a cotton candy cart and a man that follows her around for a week, which she loves and thanks him by giving him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. On TheSlap, Cat posted a picture of Tori named "MY BFF TORI" in her picture category Cat's Day at the Beach and captioned it saying "Tori was so excited to see me, she put her unusually long arm up in the air. At Mamaw's apartment the next night, Robbie brings Cat again. for example, in the episode i was just watching, cat loses her mind bc her favorite show is cancelled. Hey, get in here, you guys! Cat: Hi, and welcome to our American apartment! Hint: It's about a very large boat. Tori keeps trying to talk to Cat in order to explain why she did what she did and to apologize, although Cat is avoiding her. Cat and Robbie are close friends. However, in a more recent video, she explains that her brother thought she was an intruder when coming home late one night and smashed her head with a vase, resulting in her head bleeding. Cat and Tori go to Nozu with Robbie, where she watches Robbie and Jarold Ardbeg's hambone match. In Ice Cream for Ke$ha, Cat helps Tori to stop being Trina's assistant by winning a contest going on to find the letters that spell "KE$HA" and win a free private concert along with Beck, Andr, and Robbie. Cat can tap dance very well, according to. For example, in, Cat has a wide variety of talents, as shown in. Many cats will hiss at another cat saying "Hey stop it" or "Get away". A large number of Victorious fans have stated on social media that the bubbly redhead is a much better character than the shows main protagonist, Tori Vega (played by Victoria Justice). In Survival of the Hottest, after Cat opens the RV, Beck gives her a small kiss on the head. In Sleepover at Sikowitz's, Cat automatically gets a boy's attention to go on a date with her. "When I was younger, people loved Cat so much I used to pretend to be more like her," the Grammy winner revealed in a 2014 Facebook post. One question that still gets asked by fans today is why was Cat crazy in Victorious?. She and Cat take a frozen pizza from the Vega residence and disguise Trina as a pizza delivery girl. Cat is almost always cheerful, and is rarely in a bad mood. The singer played high school student Cat Valentine, who was often described as talented yet eccentric and sweet but frustratingly dumb. Don't you wanna be happy? Every time Cat says something about her brother, Jade orders her to do something else (like in Beck Falls for Tori and Terror on Cupcake Street). During the filming, Dale Squires does not do any of the work. In Andr's Horrible Girl, Jade invites herself over to Cat's mom's boss' house to help Cat dog-sit his dog, Coober. In The Bad Roommate, she discovers a picture of Jade on Pear Maps that looks like she's picking her nose, and everyone starts making fun of her after she posts on TheSlap to not look at her on the map. Cat: Yeah, you're not the only one who's thirsty! However, the reason behind Cats quirkiness seems to have been revealed in a video on, a website where fans got to see extra bits and pieces such as behind-the-scenes videos from the show. Cat Valentine ( Sam & Cat), the same character on the subsequent Nickelodeon television series Sam & Cat. In The Breakfast Bunch, Vice Principal Mr. Dickers gives Tori, Robbie, Cat, Andr, Beck, and Jade detention on a Saturday because Robbie was choking on a pretzel, and they were late to a class. She seems to care about him, as she states that she "gets nervous when he eats things that aren't food.
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why does cat valentine talk like that 2023