The Yaesu preamps are high gain so you will use a much low setting of mic gain with the Heil iC element. TS-950SDXMenu 20 (DSP 1 HPF): 100Menu 21 (DSP 1 LPF): 3100, TS-570Menu 13 (Bandwidth): 2.4 kHzMenu 14 (TX EQ High Boost): HMicrophone Gain: 50 (Default Level), TS-870Menu 29 (Bandwidth): 3000 HzMenu 30 (Bandshift): 0 or 100Menu 31 (TX EQ): H or CMenu 32 (RCV EQ): C or OffMicrophone Gain: 50 (Default Level)Menu 22 (Mic AGC): 1 (but try 0 and 2), TS-2000Menu 22 (Bandwidth): 3000 HzMenu 21 (TX EQ): H or CMenu 20 (RCV EQ): C or OffMicrophone Gain: 50 (Default Level). If you need any help, we are glad to assist you with writing your article based on the information you supply. Please see ouradapter selectorto find the right cable for your rig. and have the parametric 'Bandwidth' control set to a wider setting (say 10), the filter will encompass the audio frequencies from about 100 Hz to 400 Hz. That sounds like a broadcast station. will not pass any speech audio worth listening to). When I owned my FTDX-1200 I ran a Koss SB40 dynamic headset on it and got many unsolicited compliments on the audio. You must listen to yourself through it monitor system or through a nearby receiver and headphones. M 1 Yaesu EQ Settings on Yaesu FTdx 101mp/Ftdx10 You wil see my Settings there and i must say my TX Bandwidth is set to the first Frq is 200Hz and the high cut is 2800Hz so maybe FTdx-101. All of my Icom friends got the same headset when they tried mine! I ultimately traced it to the headset's mic cable having inadequate shielding (spiral-wrapped fine stranded wire that provided perhaps 70% coverage instead of a braided or aluminized mylar shield). Menu 091 FrequencyCUT that filter -15 dB Menu 092 Notch or BoostBandwidth of 5 Menu 093 Bandwidth, Second Filter 400 Hz Menu 094 FrequencyCUT -6 dB Menu 095 Notch or BoostBandwidth Q 5 Menu 096 Bandwidth, Third filter 2400 Hz Menu 097 FrequencyBOOST + 8 dB Menu 098 Notch or BoostBandwidth 5 Menu 099 Bandwidth. *Pin 1 also carries voltage for the electret elements used in Icom mics. Use one of our PR series professional balanced output microphones with the 3 pin XLR. Set the SSB TX Bandwidth to 200-2800 Hz for high-fidelity rag-chews, or to 400-2600 Hz for DX work. . Here are three EQ settings for the K3 and KX 3. Again, nice article. - YouTube 0:00 / 8:38 Yaesu ftdx1200 EQ settings & W2IHY. Set Menu #65 and 66 (TX Carrier Shift) to +200 for DX work; leave at default (0) or +100 for local work. Thank you for getting this into an 'Article'. Jeez that's sounds like an awful lot of work. I run the gain at 12 o clock, and the switch on the back of the mic to the right when looking at the back of the mic. No studio gear at all. You set the frequency of the filter. Pay attention to the ALC.Compression On at, 1 or 2. ??? Available Values: 1 ~ 10 Default Setting: 1 FT-950 O Page . Already in the battery box is a load resistor & 1 uF capacitor.The headset can be plugged directly into your PC without the battery box. As a new owner of an FT-950, Thanks so much for a great article. To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community site on the Internet - a "portal" that hams think of as the first place to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part of whats happening with ham radio on the Internet. Good info, also if you have the free Yaesu PCC-950 rig control software you can setup and save the EQ settings in graph format. This will roll off some of the low-frequency response. is a community web site for amateur (ham) radio operators around the world. Low end, Mid Range, and Highs. Now, I will explain how I arrived at these settings which are particular to my voice. All AD-1 boom set adapters have the decoupling capacitor installed in the 8 pin Foster connector. not surprising - anyone remember the 2001 post 'I hate 75 Meters'? With parametric EQ you can change the parameters of the EQ system. Great receiver, full coverage .3 to 30 mHz, works great on AM, the digital modes, a terrific CW transceiver, DSP, etc. Menu 83 : 3000 (TX bandwidth) . I did have to make an aircraft mic to 1/8 stereo cable. Many calls a day come through the Heil Sound facility with RF issues.". This voltage must be blocked for use of Heil Sound dynamic elements. Or leave it off. Audacity is so much better than a tape recorder! I do, however, agree with not making that big of a cut at 200Hz; I would take the filter down to 100Hz, make an 8-10dB cut, and use the same Q of 5. I had an RF feedback problem with my old TS-850 when using a Heil BM-10 mic. Don't give up on this incredible piece of technology. Just rename each file configuration when saving (DX, low cut, high cut etc.) 'Bandwidth' control set to a wider setting (say 10), the filter will encompass the audio frequencies from about 100 Hz to 400 Hz. Several Kenwood rigs have DSP and other settings that will allow the operator to adjust the response of the radio to your speech input from the microphone. with the audio signal level adjusted to get 100 W RF with no ALC deflection. Don't forget to push and hold MENU for 2 seconds to exit and store new settings ! It is impossible for us at Heil Sound to know what settings will sound best on your voice, in your station environment, with your microphone, for your interest (DX, Contest work, rag-chewing, or maximum fidelity) The recommendations below are just starting points; listen to yourself in a separate receiver (with its antenna disconnected) to determine what sounds best in your unique situation. Truly a game-changer in the amateur radio transceiver market. Jeez that's sounds like an awful lot of work. I don't particularly care for using the hand held mike and have ordered an MD-100a8x so these settings might help with that mic, but as my grandfather always said, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, so I will be leaving the EQ and Processing off until I need to refer to this article for setting up the EQ when I get complaints instead of compliments on my audio. FTdx101mp EQ Settings maybe there is some one can use these settings and this is helpfull for the beginning. Press the (PROC) button momentarily so MIC EQ shows up on the display. The PR 781 dynamic microphone, which sounds simply wonderful on modern iCOMs. Menu items 25 and 26 set the transmitters bandwidth. The popular Traveler boom set works exceptionally well with the IC-7000 and IC-706. Connect your rig to dummy load with a watt meter.Set Eq off, processor on, mode = SSB, mic = 20, processor = 20. FT-100Menu 16 (MIC EQ): Set to OFF initially. The FT-2000 bypasses the first mic preamp. "Why use an outboard audio EQ with that rig when there is a damn good EQ built tight in?". A few tweaks in the Icom menu is all that is needed to adjust bass and treble to YOUR taste. Further, nothing is said about how to use the microphone, which is another issue almost no one gets right. You will perhaps want to change the frequencies of the first two filters if you are using an HC 4 or HC 5 element which is much narrower in response than the above microphones but start hear and see how this affects your transmitted signal. Internal EQ Settings in PowerSDR: EQ 10 Band (internal settings) External EQ recomended. First, you need to set the transmit bandwidth. The Heil iCM is the perfect and best match to this iCOM model. I like bob as a person but think his "professional ham gear" is outrageous. Listening to the monitor mode I'm not hearing it but then again, I'm not at the other end of the transmission. In this section there is a section for the FTdx-3000. HEIL ICM electret Condenser on the YaesuAll Yaesu transceivers are set up to use low gain, passive dynamic microphones into their high gain microphone preamplifiers. Just as all EQ settings, we can only give you starting points for your transceiver. If you can tap into your transmit audio - before the rig - on one track and then your demodulated signal on another, you can tell quickly by listening about any adjustments you should make. I use the RA200 with an Icom 7300 and get great results with no "dog house" box. Whoever is listening is going to add their interpretation of "good" sound. For more on the iCOM 7300 settings, see below. Now set the transmit bandwidth (either with compression on or off) to Wide, and transmit while you listen to yourself in the monitor receiver. Generally, the modulators of these rigs want you to roll off bass and enhance treble. In my case I used a modified Yamaha CM500 electret condenser mic with a frequency response of 100 Hz to 20 kHz.As is, the CM500 output is 150 mV (batteries installed). The iCOM 7300 has been updated to work with all Heil Sound iCM. (This includes any inappropriate posts on a topic, as I cannot monitor every topic.) There are parametric EQ's in several Yaesu rigs, and it's great to have a good explanation of how they work, and how they should be set up for "communications audio". Good info, also if you have the free Yaesu PCC-950 rig control software you can setup and save the EQ settings in graph format. Set EQ3 Frequency to 2100 Hz, EQ2 Level to +10, and EQ3 Bandwidth to 2. Owners of modern Icom rigs wishing to utilize the specialized characteristics of Heil Sound dynamic elements (like the current HC-6 and HC-7, and discontinued HC-4 and HC-5) need only obtain the proper adapter cable (AD-1-I, AD-1-IM, CC-1-I, CC-1-IM or CC-1-XLR-I) to ensure proper interfacing. Rag chewers HATE a contest sound and a rag chewer sound doesn't work in a pileup. These assignment Menu numbers are different for the other Yaesu rigs but the level settings are the same. As mentioned above, be sure the main switch of the MD-100 is set to THRU to bypass any in mic settings and to use only the rig's settings. A solid mic, if you EQ properly Time Owned: more than 12 months. The first step is to disconnect the antenna on your monitor receiver. No apparent reason but it is true. Click hereto view pinout information for hundreds of rigs, mics, and connectors. Yaesu FT-9000 TTBF Settings for eSSB: (4kHz BW) 1) Turn off the 9000 via front panel switch. For SSB you will want to 'massage' that low end. Firstly, a 15 dB boost or cut is HUGE. But we quickly found that our sound was more easily tweaked with the parametric approach than with the all the sound boards we had previously had. You do not need 8, 10 15, or for heavens sake a 31 band EQ when we are only dealing with a 3,000 Hz wide signal ! No apparent reason but it is true. Ehh. I use the RA200 with an Icom 7300 and get great results with no "dog house" box. You could also buy a Rugged Air RA 200 aircraft headset for not much more than the CM500. Set EQ2 Frequency to 900 Hz, EQ2 Level to -10, and EQ3 Bandwidth to 2. This is too much work for a headset! A friend of mine wrestled with his FTdx101D and PR-781 for a week. How's my audio ? If you don't do that, all of these settings go back to zero. In the 1990's, when the equalizer rigs started to appear, it became apparent many SSB signals could be copied on the diode (AM) detector. Remember to set the Mic Gain and Mic Bias properly, as described above. It's a difficult subject to broach without someone feeling as if it is their toes that are being stepped on, but here goes. The coupling capacitor is NOT installed in our new high-impedance GM VINTAGE microphone, as this model should never be used with ICOM low impedance inputs. The speech processors of these rigs are very touchy. FT-847Menu 42: On (this engages the Extended Menu).Menu 92: +5 to +10 to start, +15 for DX/Contest work.Menu 93: -5 to -10 to start, -15 for DX/Contest work.Note: The ideal setting may differ between USB and LSB, depending on other alignments in the rig. Set to +10 dB for DX/Contest work.SSB TX BW: Set to 400-2600 Hz for DX/Contest work, 300-2700 Hz for everyday operation, 100-2900 Hz for more fidelity. The iC element also works tremendously well with the modern types of Icom rigs, making it an ideal all-around microphone. Over modulation will increase the radios IMD (bandwith) and that can only be seen with outboard spectral analysis or careful signal monitoring on the other end. The K3 also has an ESSB mode, with a wider transmitted bandwidth for high fidelity operating. The FTDX-9000D features unmatched close-in dynamic range, flexible selectivity choices due to its advanced 32-bit DSP filtering, a high-resolution TFT display, and high power:. there's an adapter that plugs right into the radio. I set my 1200 up using another rigs receiver with a pair of headphones on a dummy load. A Parametric EQ is just as the term implies. And then someone tells you, 'You have RF on your audio', and you start checking everything over again! Here are the menu assignments for the FT 950. Another checkbook issue. "Yaesu has recently had several reports that the 950 is VERY sensitive to RF. In the amateur radio field, we arent dealing with music material but the adjustment affects voice the same way. You then will tell the filter to roll that off or notch that 200 Hz. Also, it almost always seems to be necessary to make the boost at around 1kHz. Sad. The table that follows details starting points for operation using two main categories of mics: the articulated elements (HC-6, HC -7 and HC-5.1 based mics), and the wide range elements, typified by the iCM, Handi Mic iC, PR 781 and the PR 20/30/40 genre. These are important factors to consider. We have explained one filter. And the second good read is YAESU specific: "All Things Yaesu". Since I cant actually HEAR your transmitted signal, these are just starting points. Ham Radio . YOU have to make the final decision by listening to your own signal. Option 3 frequently sounds the best, but each option does different things to different voices. When you have the speech processor engaged (COMP ON), set the compression level for about 5 dB of compression on voice peaks. Excellent on SSB, works great on AM and FM and covers the digital modes.For the iC 7300 we recommend theiCMor any of theheadsetswith the iC element. Remember: youre listening in a QRM-free environment, trying to hear all aspects of your signal. Try doing opening it all way up. there's an adapter that plugs right into the radio. These are easy to adjust in seconds. Big enough that it could also cut the second filter, even with a Q of 5. Now to get acceptable audio spend an almost equal amount of money. 32 -3. However, the settings are identical, in principle, to those found in the discussion below for the FT- 920. . Now, I am not telling you that this is the end all. For DX work where you need to cut through pile-ups and noisy conditions, 2.1 to 2.4 kHz will be desired. That 4 kHz transmit bandwidth you read about is -9 dB at the high & low frequency limits.The Yaesu owners manual on page 134 says: " SSB audio response not more than -6 dB from 300-2700 Hz". You do not need 8, 10 15, or a 31 band EQ when we are only dealing with a 3,000 Hz wide signal. Anti-VOX: About 10% or where needed (keep in mind that the speaker level will affect this a lot). But, you dont need to worry about that so long as you purchase the correct adapter cable to go with your dynamic microphone. For more bass roll-off, set this menu item to +150 to +200; to add bass (if using a mic with the HC-4 element, for example), set it to -150 to -200. The iCOM 718 is a terrific value. Quickly tap it for the other. Wide is 2.9 kHz. 63 +6. Be sure to listen to yourself on a separate receiver (with its antenna disconnected and noise blanker turned off) as you make fine adjustments to optimize the settings for your operating situation. Many calls a day come through the Heil Sound facility with RF issues." These also works great with the MH-31b8 original hand mic. It is the only way you will absolutely know how you sound to the outside world. It is impossible for us at Heil Sound to know what settings will sound best on your voice, in your station environment, with your microphone, for your interest (DX, Contest work, rag-chewing, or maximum fidelity) The recommendations below are just starting points; listen to yourself in a separate receiver through headphones to reduce speaker feedback (with its antenna disconnected) to determine what sounds best in your unique situation. Mic gain and processor level settings are identical for a reason. Bandwidth 5 Menu 099 Bandwidth" We have explained one filter. 98. The BIG problem with this is when you try using a REAL (dynamic) microphone. are particularly well suited for these rigs, and particularly so in the case of the FT-950. A 10:1 voltage divider was added. Yaesu ftdx1200 EQ settings & W2IHY. Cutting 400 Hz 6dB is going to do a great job of making your audio sound "tubby". This will keep the DC factor into the mic preamp circuitry. Use the same settings for the Processor On menu items. ThePRO 7-iChas the appropriate cable included and will sound wonderful with a 7300. The answer to making the iC 718 come alive is our iCM, handi mic iC or one of the headsets using only our high output iC. You will hear the balance that will please you.As always study the operation guide for further information. The iC elements have a lot of output to drive the early iCOM rigs. This HAS to be shown as it turns the parametric EQ on.There are three audio filters that you can change their PARAMETERS (thus 'Parametric' EQ) . Also go out buy yourself a Audio Technica ATR-30 for 18 bucks on amazon. Proc level: 20. These products require a bias voltage to power their internal F.E.T. W3RJW's FTDX-5000/FTdx-3000 Audio EQ Settings. No apparent reason but it is true. The most important thing is to achieve a nice balance of lows, articulate mids, and crisp highs. Bob was kind enough to send me this info, so I am passing it along to the owners of FT-950's. Leave Menu 8-9 to factory defaults for starters. This reduced the audio level to 15 mV. If you want to cut some low end, you notch -20 dB at 100 Hz. All of the late model Yaesu starting with the FT 9000 through the 101 uses the same Parametric equalizer. FT-450The FT-450s Microphone Equalizer Menu item (MIC EQ) is very simple in its adjustment. By Dave De Coons, WO2X Yaesu FT-2000 Set the radio menu's for the following settings: Menu Value 85 1-30 125 100 126 2 127 1 . Set the TX Equalizer to 2 for local rag-chews, 9 for DX work (1 is also good), and use the 4 setting when using mics with the HC-4 element. . In almost all cases when a person using a newer radio had RF in his audio we were able to eliminate the RF by removing the jumper wire. I used a PROC level of 25 and the mic gain to the 11 o'clock position. Compression level, it turns out, is no greater than 5-10 dB. If you set this first filter frequency to 200Hz. DSP Settings and Mic Connections: Elecraft K3 and KX 3. The K3 also has provision for direct connection of the mic cable from a Heil Sound headset, with no adapter required (! Great receiver, full coverage 160 through 6 meters. Just rename each file configuration when saving (DX, low cut, high cut etc.) Key the rig just long enough to take a reading. They have similar audio tailoring systems. If you want to cut some low end, you notch -20 dB at 100 Hz. Other than that, I left all the settings at the standard defaults which came with latest version of the firmware installed at the time. CUT -6 dB Menu 095 Notch or Boost These rigs use a three-band parametric . The other contributor was the so-called Pin 1 problem (Google it). Turn the Clarify/VFO knob to set this bandwidth of 2-28 (200-2800). Third filter 2400 Hz Menu 097 Frequency W2IHY 8 BAND EQ and EQPlus settings for the Yaesu FTDX-2000. The second adjustment is the Bandwidth which is set in the traditional audio nomenclature of octaves. FTDXRC can help you to better optimize your TX audio settings with a visual equalizer tool. There are situations where you may want to use one of the Heil ICM microphones or headsets made for iCOM using the Heil iC element. Press the Menu and rotate the SELECT knob so it reads "TX BPF" (Transmit Band Pass Filter). For use on earlier Icom 8-pin (round) equipped rigs, use the HSTA-I8 adapter cable. Yaesu has recently had several reports that the 950 is VERY sensitive to RF. Orders only: Toll Free: 877-739-2449 Land Line: 845-889-4253 [email protected] W2IHY Technologies Inc. 19 Vanessa Lane, Staatsburg, NY 12580 CQ Region 21 Dealer. It will walk all over any 300 dollars heil over priced microphone. This allows you to set your processed audio up for DX if you wish without disturbing your rag chew settings. Menu Q4 (or Q6, depending on the version of 706) gives you the ability to shift the filter passband, much like IF Shift on receive. You could also buy a Rugged Air RA 200 aircraft headset for not much more than the CM500. Listen on your monitor receiver to be sure the audio quality is what you are trying to achieve. Great article. BOOST + 8 dB Menu 098 Notch or Boost Follow this guide for simple instructions on how to get your rig set up so that you sound great on the air. Further, nothing is said about how to use the microphone, which is another issue almost no one gets right. If you are using our high output iC element (Pro Set iC, Pro set Plus iC, Pro Set Elite iC, Handi Mic iC, or the iCM via the HSTA-K8 adapter cable), tap [1] to select HIGH Mic Gain, and tap [2] to set the Mic Bias to the ON option. It is clipping the mic preamp. For instance, with my Kenwood TS-2000: it produces a lot of harmonics and sub-harmonics which, when you make a boost around 1kHz, it tends to also make a boost at 500Hz and 2kHz, and those frequencies are very conducive to SSB communications. You may need to shove a very short piece of wire (an unfolded paper clip, for example) into the antenna jack, depending on the shielding of your transmitters dummy load. Set Menu #29 (Bandwidth) to 3000 Hz; set Menu #30 (Bandshift) to 100 to roll off some Bass response, and set Menu #31 (TX EQ) to H for DX work, or leave it at C for local rag-chewing. In the amateur radio field we aren't dealing with music material but the adjustment affects voice the same way. FT-920Menu U-59 (TLSB): +100 for DX, +150 for Contest work, -100 for rag- chewing.Menu U-60 (PROC LSB): +100 for DX, +150 for Contest work, -100 for rag- chewing.Menu U-62 (T USB): +100 for DX, +150 for Contest work, -100 for rag- chewing.Menu U-63 (PROC USB): +100 for DX, +150 for Contest work, -100 for rag- chewing.Menu U-51: Set to OFF initially.1: Mid- and high-frequency emphasis.2: High-frequency emphasis (DX/Contest setting).3: Low- and high-frequency emphasis, dip in middle.4: Wide broadcast setting. There are many inter-dependent adjustments on the K3, and the setup instructions on those pages are excellent. Thats getting the most from your rig? If you are setting for a normal ragchew conversation, you will want a bit wider frequency response of 2.7 kHz 3.1 kHz . I agree that this is a separate hobby (cash outlay) and really is not needed to communicate. All of the new Yaesu series 9000, 5000,2000 and the FT 950 have a balanced audio input on the audio board but they do not use it. Bandwidth Q 5 Menu 096 Bandwidth 250 -6 . You can adjust the parameters of the microphone audio. The mid frequency is very important. The MH-31b can sound decent with the proper settings. There are three audio filters that you can change their PARAMETERS (thus Parametric EQ). Many calls a day come through the Heil Sound facility with RF issues. Many of them are transmitting low frequencies close enough to DC to act as a carrier & demodulate the signal. Oddly, the word gain doesn't appear in the text. to solid-state driver & final amplifiers changed the nature of the distortion to that of hard clipping. Notch or Boost. I also agree with W3DBB in regards to some of the modern day audio. You simply select the needed frequency, boost or notch that frequency and set the bandwidth as to how wide you need to affect. You may be able to adjust to 100 as long as it doesnt overload and sound too bassy.Press the Menu and rotate the SELECT knob so it reads TX BPF (Transmit Band Pass Filter). For really beautiful audio, using a studio microphone like the Heil Sound PR 40 or PR 781, connect the microphone via an outboard equalizer like one of the fine products from W2IHY, and then apply the output from the equalizer to pins 2 and 11 of the rear-panel Accessory jack. Transceivers are well over $1000 as the normal. For headsets, use the AD-1-K for connection to the front panel mic jack. Connecting a dynamic into your mic input will provide a nice short of the +8V DC power straight to ground. The supplied hand microphone as ALL hand mics, sounds hollow and mushy. TS 590 Menu 25 and 26 Bandwidth. Leave them at factory defaults to get started; theyll set you up for a low-end cutoff of 300 Hz, and a high-end cutoff of 2700Hz. Back to the radio. For digital signals, Audacity works the same way. These menu assignment numbers change rig to rig. Because of this low gain mic preamp Our GM, Goldline, HC 4 or HC 5 elements will not work. AF4RK. See the FTDX10 FUNC > OPERATION SETTINGS > TX AUDIO settings. Now connect your headphones to the monitor receiver. We discussed the built in EQ on the FT-950. 8-pin Modular (IC-703/706/2000/7000)Pin 4: PTTPin 5: Microphone GroundPin 6: Microphone In*Pin 7: Ground. Parametric Eq frequency/level/bandwidth settings are; 200/9/5, 1500/5/5, 2700/5/5. It will NOT support dynamic microphones. You. Do not confuse this with receiver bandwidth response. Note that these are starting points only, and the best setup for your voice, your microphone, and your operating objectives may differ. Vertical antennas and indoor horizontal antennas in close proximity to poorly shielded modern amateur transceivers. One thing Bob said that makes a lot of sense. HF/50 MHZ TRANSCEIVER. My settings are as follows; mic gain @ 25, processor is "on" @ 25. Thanks for the article. An adapter was made to connect the headset to the radio. First, are the original zero models: 701, 720, 730, and 740. That should move your bass setting up 100hz. All ICOM transceivers utilize phantom power on their microphone inputs. As always listen to your test signal through headphones connected to a second receiver. DSP and Carrier Point SettingsYaesu has, since the 1980s, provided means for adjusting the carrier insertion point (identical to IF SHIFT used on receive, only this is on your transmitted signal). This project involves a management team of volunteers who each take a topic of interest and manage it with passion. There are three and that is all you will need to make your transmitter sound terrific. You then set the Bandwidth of that filter and finally you tell the filter if is notches (cuts, reduces) or boosts that filter frequency. "Yaesu has recently had several reports that the 950 is VERY sensitive to RF. "Set filter one to 200 Hz. Once you understand how a parametric EQ works it's pretty easy. Maybe older firmware had different EQ freqs? However, the process became a hobby in itself. You only have control to either cut or boost the filter frequency they build into the transmitter. You may be able to adjust to 100 as long as it doesn't overload and sound too bassy. Try them while listening on a separate receiver.Speech Processor: Dont be afraid to use it; the audio quality is excellent for most applications. Rag chewers HATE a contest sound and a rag chewer sound doesn't work in a pileup. Sign In Upload. I think that many hams do not realize how versatile modern transceivers are in this regard. The FT-2000, FT-950 and FT DX 5000 have a three-band Microphone Equalizer to enable you to adjust and enhance the transmitted audio very precisely. I used a PROC level of 25 and the mic gain to the 11 o'clock position. Flex and Apache units do very well or a real spectrum analyzer. Kenwoods exciting new TS-590S transceiver promises to be popular among active operators throughout the world. Well after reading the article it makes me scratch my head and ask myself WHY? I spoke into the mike at a normal voice level from about 6 inches away. Well after reading the article it makes me scratch my head and ask myself WHY? If there are any problems please let me know. Mike Hello all. Monitoring of your signal is particularly important when setting Menu item Q4, which has a huge effect on your transmitted tonal quality. The only sure way of see your over the air audio response is with a receiver that has an accurate spectrum analyzer display. This is pretty cool until you start having RFI problems, but we shall ignore that possibility for now. Just contact your dealer to get the HSTA-706 Adapter Cable, and the Traveler should work perfectly using the factory default settings on the rig. Carrier Point (Q4): Try +100 for DX/Contest work, -100 for rag-chewing. All of my Icom friends got the same headset when they tried mine! The next step is to turn off the Noise Blanker and any DSP Noise Reduction systems, as well as any DSP bandwidth or shaping features such as Yaesus Contour control). You want to boost that frequency, you adjust it to + 10dB. They unbalance that 8 pin round mic connector input with their typical Pin 8, pin 7 connections.
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yaesu equalizer settings 2023