Colonels-Alvan C. Gillem (to brigadier general), James W. Scully, Lieutenant Colonels-Frank T. Foster, James W. Scully, John Feudge, Majors-Alexander Thurneck, Louis Mandazy, Middleton L. Moore. However, the Tenth suffered more in killed and wounded than the rest of the brigade combined. Alvan C. Gillem was appointed colonel of this regiment May 13, 1862, at which time only three companies had been mustered into service. It was mustered out of service June 23, 1865. Word, Co. E. It was originally recruited and designated as the 1st Middle Tennessee Infantry, largely from Irish-Americans. Originally H, then I. By June of 1864, the Tenth had relocated to Memphis, Tennessee. On April 9, 1865 the Fourth Consolidated Tennessee Infantry Regiment, commanded by Colonel Anderson Searcy, composed of the 2nd, 3rd Volunteers, 10th, 15th, 18th, 20th, 26th, 30th, 32nd, 37th, and 45th Regiments, and the 23rd Tennessee Infantry Battalion formed one regiment in Brigadier General Joseph B. Palmers Brigade of Major General Cheathams Division which was paroled at Greensboro, North Carolina May 1, 1865. Ordered to Greenville April 24, 1865, and duty in District of East Tennessee until June. On May 26, 1863, Greggs Brigade was shown as in Major General W. H. T. Walkers Division with 2730 present for duty. MNHS call number:E515.5 10th E44 2012 The Tenth participates in the campaign against Mobile, Alabama, and its defenses. The companies had three sets of company letters: one when organized in state service, another when accepted into Confederate service, a third when reorganized in 1862. They had eight children. Men from McEwen, Humphreys County. The regiment performed duty near Evansville, Indiana, until June 7. He was arrested; and his lieutenant colonel obeyed the order at once. The 10th Tennessee Infantry was organized at Nashville, Tennessee, from May until August 1862, and mustered in for a three-year enlistment under the command of Colonel Alvan Cullem Gillem. Asa Sylvester Haynes, Civil War diary and miscellaneous papers, 1865 See the finding aid in the library (McConnell, Henry). Historical Reminiscences of Services in Dakota and Minnesota Mustered in April 26, 1862; mustered out at Greeneville, May 25, 1865. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. 43rd Tennessee Mounted Infantry Organized . Robertson Garrett, Co. "B". Roster. Ordered to Bridgeport, Alabama, September 24, 1863. reorganized May 1, 1863; served as Sharpshooters for Maney's Brigade, Cheatham's Division, Army of Tennessee; as part of 1st Consolidated Tennessee Infantry Regiment.Regiment, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver A. Bradshaw. Colonel MacGavock was killed at Raymond, Mississippi on May 12, 1863; Colonel Grace died of wounds on August 31, 1864; Lieutenant Colonel Thompson was retired to the Invalid Corps on September 17, 1864, and Major Brandon resigned on October 12, 1861. MNopedia, Minnesota Historical Society. [2] The regiment was attached to Post and District of Nashville, Tennessee, Department of the Cumberland, to June 1863. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2012. It was mustered out of service June 23, 1865. The Tenth helped defeat him and his men in a series of engagements, and at the end of November, the Sixteenth Corps moved to Nashville, Tennessee. Enrolled at Memphis, Shelby County, by Lieutenant Louis R. Mandazy; mustered in July 21, 1862. For more information on the history of this unit, see: Men often enlisted in a company recruited in the counties where they lived though not always. Organized at Nashville, Tenn., May to August, 1862. The Tenth takes part in General Sibley's Punitive Expedition in Dakota Territory. He had previously served with the Second Minnesota Infantry and would prove an able leader. They were pursuing Confederate forces under General Sterling Price. 10th Tennessee Regiment, CO.E. The following spring the 10th regiment took part in the campaign against Mobile, Alabama. During this time, the brigade had fought at Missionary Ridge, throughout the retreat to Atlanta, and the march back into Tennessee. He finally obtained an appointment from the Governor of Tennessee and was enrolled on April 1st, 1862, for three years service, and mustered into service as Lieutenant Colonel of the 10th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry Regiment on June 5th, 1862. The letters contain information on the personnel and movements of the Tenth Minnesota Infantry, Company D. The papers include two undated chronologies and a memorandum detailing his military service. Organized December 16, 1862 from Humphreys County. Reconnoissance to Iuka, Miss., January 9. Tales of the Tenth Regiment, Minnesota Volunteersby Two Soldiers. Although Tennessee was officially a Confederate state in the conflict, the state would furnish the most units of soldiers for the Union Army than any other state within the Confederacy, totaling . Observations of T. J. Defenses of Nashville & Northwestern Railroad to January 1864. The 10th Regiment had previously organized for three months service, but officials requested that the regiment's members reenlist for three years service. At Chickamauga, the brigade was in Brigadier General Bushrod R. Johnsons Division. In July, the regiment began its journey home. Mustered in at Nashville, April 26 to August 27, 1862; mustered out at Greeneville, Tennessee, May 25, and at Knoxville, June, 1865. ANDREW JOHNSON, On June 6, 1864, Major General George H. Thomas directed the regiment be dropped from the returns of the Army of the Cumberland and transferred to Governor Andrew Johnson as a Governors Guard. Schroeder-Lein, Glenna R., and Richard Zuczek. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! With the outbreak of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 in August, the Tenth's services were retained for state defense. (Said to be held at Atlanta, Georgia). to Richmond, Va., as that city had fallen into the hands of Union troops upon the Surrender of General Lee. On January 3, 1863, the 10th reported 349 effectives, and moved with the brigade to Port Hudson, Louisiana, where it stayed until May 2, 1863. The regiment participates in the pursuit of Confederate General Sterling Price's forces through Arkansas and Missouri. MNHS call number:See the finding aid in the library (P2819). The Civil War Diary of a Minnesota Volunteer, Henry Ahsenmacher. UNION KANSAS VOLUNTEERS. Of the 190 engaged at Chickamauga, sixty-eight percent were disabled, and in December, 1863, it totalled 80 men and 44 arms. 19th Tennessee Infantry CO. F (hosted at Civil War Rosters) 20th Tennessee Cavalry, CSA (transcribed by R.M. 10TH TENNESSEE VOLUNTEER. Henry A. McConnell Papers, 1862-1865. In my present location I am able to accomplish something and at the same time protect loyal men of the neighborhood, who are kept harrassed by bands of rebel guerrillas that congregate in the vicinity. On February 6, 1862, Fort Henry fell, but all but about 80 men were evacuated prior to the surrender and sent to Fort Donelson, with Colonel Heiman to assume command until the arrival of Brigadier General Gideon J. Pillow. of the Cumberland, to June, 1863. Men from Nashville. Enrolled at Waynesboro, Wayne County; mustered in April 26, 1862; mustered out at Greeneville, Tennessee, May 25, 1865. Eli K. Pickett Correspondence, 1861-1865. On May 3, 1863, Major General W. S. Rosecrans wrote the Adjutant General, U. S. Army: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from the Secretary of War to the General in Chief, directing that Colonel Gillems First Tennessee Infantry be detached from general service and placed under the command of Governor Johnson, and indorsed by General Halleck for me to carry it into execution. The troops continued forward, and the attack was a resounding Union success. The list of Tennessee Confederate Civil War units is shown separately. Command encamped on the west end of Section 30, Northwestern Railroad, and distant from your city 28 with two companies of the First Middle (10th Regiment) Tennessee Infantry, and, so far as our forces are concerned, the advance of Federal troops in this direction. (Periodical.) The Tenth sustains one killed and twenty-one wounded at the battle of Tupelo, Mississippi. I am sure that if any officer in the department not directly interested had examined the matter and reported, my action would have been approved. By way of footnote, it might be added that Major Thurneck resigned in September, 1862, and Governor Johnson requested that Captain Greene be ordered elsewhere. I shall give the requisite orders, but it is my duty to express the apprehension that we shall thus lose the services of a regiment. Bates Division had 319 casualties at Franklin. Subscribe to this website and receive notification each time a free genealogy resource is newly published. a few sent to guard engineers who survey the road 6 or 8 miles in our front and the necessary foraging guards to procure forage for our animals. The following month, the regiment moved toward Tupelo, Mississippi. Guard duty on Nashville & Northwestern Railroad, and garrison and guard duty at Nashville, Tennessee, until April 1865. Men from Nashville, Davidson County. While there, Colonel James Mulligan, of the Federal Irish Brigade, wrote General Halleck that there were a good many Irishmen in the 10th Tennessee Infantry who wished to take the oath of allegiance and enlist in his forces. Attached to Post and District of Nashville, Tenn., Dept. I finally sent a surgeon to examine. Company C - Men from 3rd District, mainly from. Originally C. The 10th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry mustered into service as a three-year organization at Camp Dennison, near Cincinnati, Ohio on June 3, 1861. Located at the US Army Military History Institute. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, XX Corps, Department of the Cumberland, to April 1865. Jefferson, N.C.; London: MacFarland & Co., c2012. Generals in Blue: Lives of the Union Commanders. INFANTRY REGIMENT, U.S.A. Also called 1st Middle Tennessee Infantry Regiment: Gillem's Regiment: The Governor's Guard. MNHS call number:See the finding aid in the library (MicrofilmM582: Hart, James R.). It was then ordered to western Virginia June 7 and attached to Rosecrans' Brigade, McClellan's Army of West Virginia where it occupied . 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, XII Corps, Department of the Cumberland, to April 1864. Gregg was wounded, and Colonel Cyrus A. Sugg, of the 50th Tennessee; took command of the brigade. Search historic newspapers for advertisements and articles about people, events, and activities. John B. Leo Letters, 18631865, 1884 of the Cumberland, to September, 1863. The Tenth Minnesota Volunteers, 1862-1865: A History of Action in the Sioux Uprising and the Civil War, With a Regimental Roster,by Michael A. Eggleston. General Bate reported that his division was virtually annihilated in this battle, and that from the units named, only 65 escaped, and these not as a command, but as individuals. Seven letters and one photograph of John B. Leo, an Irish immigrant who enlisted in Company H, Tenth Regiment, Minnesota Infantry at the start of the U.S.-Dakota War (Aug. 1862) and served, there and in the Civil War, until 1865. See the finding aid in the library (MicrofilmM582: Hart, James R.). They took part in theBattle of Tupeloin July and then had a major role in theBattle of Nashvillein December of that year. The regiment was reported at Fort Henry in July, 1861, with 720 men, armed with flintlock muskets. Also includes his obituary. The 10th Tennessee Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. The 10th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry (Confederate) completed its organization at Fort Henry, Tennessee, in May, 1861. Pickett comments on camp life, his fellow soldiers, the hanging of Dakota prisoners at Mankato (Dec. 1862), General Henry H. Sibleys punitive expedition against the Dakota (1863), and military campaigns and destruction in the South (1864-1865). After garrison duty in Missouri and Kentucky, the regiment joined the 1st Brigade, 1st Division of the 16th Army corps in Memphis, Tennessee in June of 1864. MNHS openings and announcements. Manuscript Notebooks Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, Reserve Corps, Department of the Cumberland, to September 1863. On December 14, 1863 the brigade consisted of the 37th Georgia Regiment, 4th Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters, 10th, 15th/ 37th, 20th, 30th Tennessee Infantry Regiments and 1st Tennessee Infantry Battalion. He commanded. 1st Brigade, Defenses of Nashville, Tenn., January, 1864. Nashville, TN: W.E. The regiment remained at Fort Henry until the evacuation of that point on February 6, 1862, but Lieutenant Colonel MacGavock was detached from the regiment and sent to Fort Donelson on October 8, 1861. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, Reserve Corps, Department of the Cumberland, to September 1863. With the outbreak of the U.S.Dakota War of 1862 in August, the Tenth's services were retained for state defense. His wife Philena writes to him from Minnesota and Wisconsin regarding social events, their children, and family matters. afterward served as adjutant-general of the state of Tennessee, being promoted brigadier-general Aug. 17, 1863. On October 19, 1863, two companies were at Camp Rosecrans, with the 2nd U. S. Colored Infantry, guarding the construction of the Nashville and Northwestern Railroad, 30 miles from Nashville. The Tenth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment takes part in a series of dramatic charges on December 15 and 16, 1864, sweeping the Confederates from the battlefield at Nashville, Tennessee. On April 14, the XI and XII Corps were consolidated to form the XX Corps, and the regiment assigned to the 1st Brigade, 4th Division, XX Corps, and on April 23, was reported with 775 effectives. Meridian, MS, 1865. St. Paul: Pioneer Press Company, 1891. vost-marshal of Nashville, commanded a brigade in the opera-. Diary (January 1-August 19, 1865) of a musician with Company A, Tenth Minnesota, while he was stationed in Mississippi and Alabama and continuing through his journey to and discharge from Fort Snelling. On May 2, 1863 the brigade was ordered back to Mississippi, and fought at Jackson, Mississippi May 7, and at Raymond May 12. Also present at Fort Henry in October, 1861 were Captain Jesse Taylors Company of Artillery, and Captains Ham-bricks and Bacots companies of Colonel Nathan B. Forrests Battalion of Cavalry. Smith. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. Only 61 men. On October 31, the regiment was reported as one of the unassigned regiments along the line of railroads. Post and garrison duty at Nashville, Tennessee, until September 1863. On the 10th of May, 1865, the Regiment was marched to . McAfee, Michael J. General R. S. Granger reports from Nashville, November 2, that Reported to General Maney at Shelbyville early in 1863. The 10th Tennessee Infantry was organized at Nashville, Tennessee, from May until August 1862, and mustered in for a three-year enlistment under the command of Colonel Alvan Cullem Gillem. The regiment was paroled at Vicksburg in September, 1862, reorganized October 2, 1862, and declared exchanged November 10, 1862. A directory of resources providing online access to military records. The Tenth Minnesota Volunteers, 18621865: A History of Action in the Sioux Uprising and the Civil War, with a Regimental Roster. The irons have been taken off, but he is still held and cannot learn what charges, if any, there are against him. MNHS call number:E601.A 47 .A3 1990 Finding that many other officers of the same regiment were making preparations to bring their families to live in houses under the same circumstances, and recognizing the injury to the service which must arise, I directed the provost marshal to cause the house to be vacated, as also other houses occupied by soldiers and officers without authority from these headquarters. On my return, finding that Major Thurneck with his family was living in the house, although his regiment was under canvas, and knowing your orders about officers living with their men, I telegraphed to know if that order was still in force. Reprint: Harrisburg, PA: National Historical Society, 1971. At Fort Donelson, Heimans Brigade was in Brigadier General Bushrod R. Johnsons Division, comprising the left wing of the Confederate defenses. 16th Tennessee Regiment CSA., Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion. After its defeat of Hood's army at Nashville, the Tenth moved to Eastport, Mississippi. In January, 1863, in the organization of the XIV Corps, the regiment was reported as unattached to any brigade. On December 31, 1863, it was reported as one of the regiments along the line of the Nashville and Northwestern Railroad. NASHVILLE, TENN., November 18, 1862. Civil War Diary and Miscellaneous Papers, 1864 by Asa Sylvester Haynes. Mustered in July 4, 1862. Men from Pulaski, Giles County. On June 14, 1862, Colonel Stanley Matthews, at Nashville, reported there were no troops in Nashville except the Provost Guard and the unorganized First Tennessee Regiment (Governors Guards).. The brigade consisted of the 10th, 42nd, 48th (Voorhies) and 53rd Tennessee Infantry Regiments, Maneys Tennessee Battery, and the 27th Alabama Infantry Regiment, totaling about 1600 men. Made possible by the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the vote of Minnesotans on November 4, 2008. At Raymond the regiment suffered 52 casualties, including Colonel MacGavock, who was killed. 1st Brigade, 4th Division, 20th Army Corps, Dept. Eli K. Pickett Correspondence, 1861-1865. The question was raised as to whether they should be treated as prisoners of war, or traitors to the Union. 10th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry The Tenth Minnesota Volunteers, 1862-1865: A History of Action in the Sioux Uprising and the Civil War, With a Regimental Roster. No attention was paid, on the grounds that the regiment was not in U.S. Service and not liable to the United States authorities. 1st Confederate Cavalry Regiment (12th Confederate Cavalry Regiment), 1st (Roger's) Cavalry ( 1st (Rogers') East Tennessee Cavalry Regiment; 2nd (MeLin's) Cavalry Regiment; 5th (McKenzie's) Cavalry), 3rd (Lillard's) Cavalry (3rd Mounted Infantry, 3rd (Vaughan's) Infantry), 4th (Murray's) Cavalry * (8th (Smith's) Cavalry), 5th (McKenzie's) Cavalry (1st (Roger's) Cavalry), 6th (Wheeler's) Cavalry (1st Cavalry, 2nd Cavalry), 7th (Jackson's/Stock's/Duckworth's) Cavalry (1st Cavalry), 8th (Smith's) Cavalry (4th (Murray's) Cavalry), 9th (Ward's/Bennett's) Cavalry (13th Cavalry, 15th Cavalry), 12th (Richardson's/Green's) Cavalry (1st Partisan Rangers Regiment, 12th Partisan Rangers Regiment), 13th (Dibrell's/Gore's) Cavalry (8th Cavalry), 21st (Carter's) Cavalry (Wheeler's Scouts), 1st (McNairy's) Battalion, Cavalry (1st West Tennessee Battalion, 1st Middle Tennessee Battalion), 2nd (Biffle's) Battalion, Cavalry (3rd Battalion, Jones' Battalion, Cox's 3rd Battalion), 3rd (Brazleton's) Battalion, Cavalry (2nd Battalion, 5th Battalion), 4th (Hamilton's) Battalion, Cavalry (4th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, Shaw's Battalion), 6th (Logwood's) Battalion, Cavalry (1st Battalion), 11th (Gordon's) Battalion, Cavalry (10th Battalion), 12th (Day's) Battalion, Cavalry (Adrian's Partisan Ranger Battalion, Phipps' Battalion), 16th (Neal's) Battalion, Cavalry (Rucker's Battalion), Clark's (Captain) Independent Company, Cavalry, Jackson's (Captain) Company, Cavalry (Gen. Forrest's Escort Company), 10th-11th Consolidated Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, 15th-16th Consolidated Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, 19th-20th Consolidated Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, 21st-22nd (Barteau's) Consolidated Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Mounted Infantry (3rd (Vaughan's) Infantry, 3rd (Lilliard's) Cavalry), 39th Mounted Infantry (31st (Bradford's) Infantry, 39th (Bradford's) Infantry), 59th Mounted Infantry (Cooke's Regiment, 1st (Eakin's) Battalion, 59th Infantry), 60th Mounted Infantry (Crawford's Regiment, 79th Infantry), 61st Mounted Infantry (Pitts' Regiment, 81st Infantry), 62nd Mounted Infantry (Rowan's Regiment, 80th Infantry), 1st Tennessee Heavy Artillery (Jackson's Regiment), Company C, 1st Tennessee Heavy Artillery (Sterling's Company, Heavy Artillery), Company L, 1st Tennessee Heavy Artillery (Johnston's Company, Heavy Artillery; Southern Guards Artillery; Memphis Southern Guards), Lynch's Company, 1st Heavy Artillery Artillery (Lynch's Company, Light Artillery), Rice's Battery, Heavy Artillery (Rice's Battery, Light Artillery), 1st Light Artillery Regiment (Tennessee Artillery Corps), 1st Light Artillery Battalion (1st Heavy Artillery Battalion), Barry's Company, Light Artillery (Lookout Artillery), Bibb's Company, Artillery (Washington Artillery; Company H, Tennessee Artillery Corps), Browne's Company, Light Artillery (Baker's Company), Burrough's Company, Light Artillery (Rhett Artillery), Fisher's Company, Artillery (Nelson Artillery; Battery G, 1st Light Artillery Regiment), Huggins' Company, Light Artillery (Baxter's 1st Company; Freeman's Horse Artillery, Company B, Monsarrat's Battalion), Kain's Company, Light Artillery (Mabry Light Artillery), Lynch's Company, Light Artillery (Lynch's Company, 1st Heavy Artillery Artillery), Maney's Company, Light Artillery (Humphrey's Battery; Company A, 24th Sharpshooter Battalion), Marshall's Company, Artillery (Steuben Artillery; Battery D, 1st Light Artillery Regiment), Marshall's Company, Artillery (Brown Horse Artillery), McClung's Company, Light Artillery (Caswell Artillery; Battery A, 1st Light Artillery Regiment), Morton's Company, Light Artillery (Burns Light Artillery, Morton's Horse Artillery), Palmer's Company, Light Artillery (Reneau Battery), Phillips' Company, Light Artillery (Johnston Light Artillery), Polk's Battery, Light Artillery (Company G, Tennessee Artillery Corps), Rice's Battery, Light Artillery (Rice's Battery, Heavy Artillery), Rutledge's Battery, Light Artillery (Company A, Tennessee Artillery Corps), Scott's Company, Light Artillery (Company B, Tennessee Artillery Corps), Sparkman's Company, Light Artillery (Maury Artillery), Stewart's Company, Artillery (Company M, Tennessee Artillery Corps), Tobin's Company, Light Artillery (Memphis Light Battery, Tobin's Horse Artillery), Weller's Company, Light Artillery (Rock City Artillery; Battery B, 1st Light Artillery Regiment), Winson's Company, Light Artillery (Belmont Battery; Battery C, 1st Light Artillery Regiment), Freeman's Battery, Horse Artillery (Huggins' Company, Light Artillery; Baxter's 1st Company; Company B, Monsarrat's Battalion), Morton's Battery, Horse Artillery (Morton's Company, Light Artillery; Burns Light Artillery), Tobin's Battery, Horse Artillery (Tobin's Company, Light Artillery; Memphis Light Battery), Detailed Conscripts, Tennessee (Local Defense and Special), 1st Regiment, Partisan Rangers (12th Partisan Rangers Regiment, 12th Cavalry), 5th (Black's) Battalion, Partisan Rangers (Black's Battalion, Forrests Cavalry), Adrian's Battalion, Partisan Rangers (12th (Day's) Battalion, Cavalry; Phipps' Battalion), McLin's Company, Volunteers (Local Defense Troops), Sullivan County Reserves (Local Defense Troops), This page was last edited on 27 November 2022, at 13:44.