Guide her in decision making and in choosing her friends. (Psalm 139:14 NIV), Father, I ask that You grant my daughter wisdom beyond her years. This verse, among others, can help lead your daughter back to the righteous path if she has walked away from obedience and steadfast faith. We need to be praying fervently for our daughters. Declare the same for your daughter. Through your prayer, Gods grace will touch your daughter and strengthen her. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hello! According to some research, praying during pregnancy helps increase the pregnancy rate of pregnant women. Give me endurance. Your son will live, Jesus told the official. Read More About Karen Here. All Rights Reserved, 4x Prayer For My Daughter To Give Her Strength, Names Of The Twelve Disciples {Explained!}. Jesus gave us guidance on prayer by offering a straightforward yet significant outline in the Lords Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13 NIV). Divine Father, I ask that my daughters belief in You intensifies with each passing day. Strive to be an example to your daughter that your outward appearance isnt what matters most. Raise and build up your greatness and strength in her. Prayer for our Daughter's Financial Well-Being Our loving God, We express our humble appreciation for all of the blessings you have bestowed upon us. Help her to always make the right choices that would be pleasing to you. A mother's prayer for her daughter helps because no one can pray for your daughter as you can. It helps align our hearts with Gods will and gives us the opportunity to intercede on behalf of our daughters, asking that they grow and develop in a way that glorifies Him. Keep evil far from her, and help her to trust You as her refuge and strength. Whenever she meets other people, give her the gift of discernment. After all, children are a gift from God. Thank You for all that my sister has taught me and the encouragement she pours out onto me when I need it most. Renew My Mind, Body, and Soul. 3. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen. Walking the path of the Lord's guiding light is something you would love for your daughter. And we ask that you guide her as she discovers her vocation and that with your help, she may fulfill it with grace and passion. As women, we tend to struggle with what comes out of our mouths, whether it be gossip, criticism, or other negative talk. Help her to grow spiritually as I continue to raise her to know and serve you. Teach her to persevere through trials and to grow in faith as she relies on Your endless love and support. Two hardened cops (Sergeant Kelly and Jack . True success comes from following the Lord with all your heart. Prayer is a powerful tool that connects us to God and serves as a vital part of fostering a healthy relationship with Him. "A Prayer for my Daughter" has ten stanzas, with each stanza eight lines long. May she stand strong in her convictions and trust in Your plans for her life. Let her be strong and take courage as she waits on You. We also struggle with what comes out of our mouths. Witnessing Gods spirit in the people and my President I felt compelled by God to travel to Washington and went with a peaceful spirit January 6. Lord, hear our prayer! Keep her Lord and preserve her life. You are a million steps ahead of the parents who do not pray. Give me grit. Change or add to some of the sentences to make them more personal for your daughter. May you Lord bless her and take care of her. A daughter is a beautiful gift from God. 1 1) Protection Prayer for My Daughter. I dedicate her to You so that she may shine in all she does. I want the best for her, Oh Lord, but I know you know better what is best for her. She is quite a blessing and no words can express exactly how thankful I am that I am able to spend time with her. 0. Thank you for those who have adopted, thank you for those . I would love to share with you how Ive grown in this area so that you, . Grant them the patience to wait for Your perfect timing and the discernment to recognize Your hand in their lives. By praying for your daughter to keep her faith and grow up to be a decent and faithful woman, you are laying the foundations for her to have a successful life. By praying for your daughter to keep the faith, avoid the snares of evil, and enjoy good health, you are expressing your concern for her spiritual well-being, placing her under Gods care and protection so that He may strengthen her moral compass and her life choices. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Help her to trust in Your presence and to rely on Your strength when she feels afraid. God is waiting to hear from you! I place her future into your hands. Thats the most important thing we want in a future son-in-law. There's this burning desire in your heart that no matter what happens, you will do everything for the best and happiness of your child. Dear Lord, I confess that sometimes my ideas of my daughters success may not be the same as Yours. There are many forms of recovery, not just from ill health but also from depression, financial struggles, a failed marriage, and backsliding, just to mention a few. May she always find her strength in You, knowing that You are her rock and fortress. We thank you for the well-being we experience and for our family. Though many dangers surround us, I pray that you send Your angels to protect her. A consistent prayer life draws us into a strong connection with God. I ask that You would make her courageous in the presence of danger, acknowledging that You have overcome all evil. Your prayers for your daughter will release power into her life more than you can imagine. It is the only way for her to connect to the universal and divine power of the Holy Spirit. In personal life he is a proud father of a boy and twin girls. It premiered in 1978 starring Alan Rosenberg and Laurence Luckinbill, directed by Robert Allan Ackerman. Has God placed a specific prayer on your heart for your daughter? Young people often yearn for independence from their parents but do not yet have life experience. Whenever she is around I get to relax and rest a lot. I am lost, but I come to you with grace. I pray that [say her name] will always find hope, joy and peace in whatever she does. hraveine 1 year ago 6 days ago Family Prayers. As long as you think about her, you can whisper a prayer for her, asking the Lord to protect and guide her daily steps. Give her the wisdom and discernment to recognize truth from falsehood and the strength to resist any temptation to stray from your path. Besides, praying for her is one of the purest acts of affection. Having a child can be the most fulfilling thing. A weekly email to help you stay up to date on the music, movies, TV shows, and social media trends impacting your kids world. That way we are assured of praying according to Gods perfect will. Catholics & Bible is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Today, I stand before you in seeking your powerful healing for my daughter, Help her heal her inner child, the forgiveness of herself, and acceptance of all of her flaws and imperfections, Please help her to be strong and have faith in you even more, I trust that it is your will for her to heal, Touch her with your healing hands and lift her with your love, Oh Lord, let her be well in mind, body, and soul, May she find comfort and a resting place in your presence, You are gracious, Oh Lord, and I thank you for your benevolence. I'm genuinely grateful, Lord, for bringing this beautiful soul into the world. I don't think I want to give up, but I am actually not thinking. You want your daughter to have friends who will inspire her and encourage her in her walk with God and not draw her away. A storm is raging with great fury outside his residence. Give her a discerning spirit to separate falsehood from the truth and the courage to say no to any temptation she might come across. I am losing the will to live. I pray that her future would be bright and that she would be prosperous. Its important to be praying over all areas of our childs life, so I have given you some topics of prayer for your daughter. Show us, Father, how we can encourage them. Almighty God who is all-knowing, Give her strength when she is feeling weak. In addition to illustrating the framework of prayer, Jesus also exhibited the significance of genuine and heartfelt communication with God. Let the story of the healing of the officials son in John 4:46-50 renew your faith. Pour out your hope into her heart. Prayer serves not only as a method of connecting with God but also as a way to fortify our bond with Him and ask for His guidance in our lives. Pour out Your spirit on my daughter and let her come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ and grow to love and seek You with all her heart. I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. Prayer: Lord, I pray for my daughter's future (or current) husband. We ask that you comfort her during this challenging time and give her the strength to endure any pain or discomfort she may be experiencing. So, pray for her no matter what kind of health issue. Read through downloadable pdfs that will prepare you for conversations on big topics. Lord God, I lift to you, my daughter, for strength and guidance as she continues with her life. Being there for your daughter through prayer is a priceless gift. When God made Eve, He was thinking of a helper for Adam. Furthermore, consistent prayer fosters our trust and reliance on God, empowering us to face our own challenges and uncertainties with grace and wisdom. Joshua 1:8 reminds me that true success comes when my daughter follows Your Word. Excitement. Light Turned On By Itself At 3 AM: Is It A Ghost? As king David prepared to hand over the kingdom to his son Solomon, he prayed and blessed him, saying: Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Dear Heavenly Father, Giver of Life, I am grateful for your healing miracles in body, mind, and spirit. Praying for our daughters invites Gods guidance and protection over their lives. Share it with us in the comment section below. No words can express the depth of love I feel for her but I know that You love her a million times more. Please comment below to leave your prayer request. Yawning During Prayer Spiritual Meaning: Sign of Humility. Plot. Thank You, Lord Jesus for the promise that You will never leave my daughter, Amen.. Also we trust in your great love for her and know that you are the source of all healing. Give her knowledge of your power in her life." A prayer for my daughter will continue for the rest of my days. Practical Ways to Integrate Prayer into Your Daily Life. Be her light in dark times and be her strength when she feels weak! Help her to be aware of Your presence in every circumstance, and to rely on Your strength when faced with challenges or adversity. Daughters are like a gem. Father God, Teach me how to parent my young daughter according to Your Word and the way that you have designed her. The play is set in the interrogation room of a downtown New York City police station in the early hours of July 5. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven inthe depths of the earth. Please comfort her during this difficult period and strengthen her to withstand the discomfort and pain she may be experiencing. Amen." The message in prayer to a daughter is typically one of love, support, and guidance. Amen.". It hurts if you see your child struggling or in pain. Maybe you pray for her each morning or say a prayer as she heads off to school or play. "Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the love and support you provide to our family. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen. We need to sense your comfort and peace. You can contact FromTheAngels administration using the email, 2) Blessing Prayer for My Daughter to Give Her Strength, 3) Healing Prayer for My Daughters Health, 4) Beautiful Mothers Prayer for Her Daughter, 5) Powerful Prayer to Protect My Daughter, 6) Catholic Prayer for My Daughters Relationship with God, 8) Short Prayer for Guidance for A Daughter, 9) Blessing Prayer for My Daughters Protection. Help her to make wise decisions and to always trust in you. We hope it can provide valuable advice and approaches for establishing a prayer regimen that fits you and your family. Equip her with the tools and resources to defend herself against spiritual attacks, and remind her that You are her ultimate source of safety and security. God, King of kings and Lord of lords, I pray that you would teach her to be respectful to everyone. In a larger sense, "A Prayer for my Daughter" is a rich, complex reflection on the joys and struggles of parenthood, Irish politics, and Yeats's own past. Prayer for Mom To Have A Long Life. Amen. (Psalm 91:11 NIV), Lord, I ask that You bless my daughter with godly friendships that encourage her faith and help her grow in love and wisdom. I pray all of this in your mighty name! To focus on the internal more than the external, A prayer for my daughter to give her strength, characteristics of a good mother according to the Bible, Prayers for Mothers: 12 Top Prayers To Pray As A Mom, How to Raise a Grateful Child: Top 9 Tips, 25 Excellent Benefits of Reading the Bible Daily, 21 Comforting Bible Verses for Condolence for the Loss of a Child, Taming the Toy Monster: How to Declutter Toys. No. Likewise. Give her obedience, a child who is respectful and obedient is the envy of many. We thank you for the gift of her life and for all the joy she brings to us and those around her. Seeing their child succeed in life is an aspiration of every parent. Fertility Prayer From Hebrews As a Christian parent, isnt your aim to raise a daughter who loves and serves God with all her heart? Please direct [say her name] path and give her wisdom to navigate her life ahead. May she lead a fruitful and abundant life as she walks toward the path of your will. The poem opens with a storm raging while the speaker's child sleeps, protected by . Also we ask that you would bless her on this special day and always. You must protect your daughter at every turn, not only through calling and checking up but also through powerful prayers. Dear Lord, we thank you for our daughter and ask you to fill her with your strength and power. 3115. Give her courage when she is afraid. If you are burdened . Praying for your daughters protection is powerful. You have good plans for her, not to bring disaster but to give her a future and hope. Also we ask that you use her life to bring glory to your name. We pray that she will know true happiness and that it will come from you. Related: Check out this post on 35 Scriptures to pray over your children. Yes, its fine to have acquaintance-level friendships with those who dont follow Jesus, but its so very important that your daughters closest friends are also Christians. A prayer for my daughter to give her strength, Prayer for my daughter to give her Strength, Protection, and Healing. Restoration is mentioned several times in the Scripture, referring to those who strayed from Gods love seeking to renew their divine connection with Him. Yes. Give her wisdom and discernment to avoid temptation and make the best choices in life. It is there, that a mother shows her undeniable love and power. Prayer For My Daughter is available to download in our FREE community library. I feel blank. Be an example to her, and pray for her to grow in all the ways she needs to in order to be a godly wife. In the prayer, you ask for Gods help so that your daughter, who does not yet have the life experience and wisdom, does not make decisions that will ruin her life. Now that youve seen what you can pray for your daughter, Bible verses to pray over your daughter, and model prayers to pray, I hope you are inspired to put action to your knowledge. True success is a life sold out for God. Allow her to lead a fruitful, abundant, and beautiful life in accordance with your will. Praying for your daughter to keep the faith and grow up to be a good, decent, and faithful woman can help to give you peace of mind, knowing that you have asked God to watch over her and guide her throughout her life. Sometimes you will just want a short prayer to pray for your daughter. Your daughter should learn to draw her strength from God, so this is a great prayer to pray for her. Your daughter needs to embrace that her identity is in Christ and Him alone. Seeing A Skunk At Night Meaning: Is It Good Luck? Please help her to trust in you and to rely on your strength rather than her own. You are her Rock O Lord; may she stand on Your Word as her foundation. Keep us, oh God, from trusting in our power. Sure you can! He frequently retreated to secluded locations to pray (Luke 5:16 NIV), underlining the importance of spending time alone with our Heavenly Father. I ask that you give me patience, love, and understanding as I try to support her during this time. May her friendships be a reflection of Your love and grace. I pray that you let your will be done upon her life. Please be with her and help her to make the right choices, to put You first in all she does and witness Your doing in her life. Prayer For Exam Success For My Daughter. My name is Aimee, and I have to tell you, motherhood is such a rewarding but overwhelming task! Any parent can share their experience of the pain they go through when their child falls ill. Praying for your daughters healing and health will give you comfort and peace as you await Gods miracle. A Prayer for My Daughter: Prayer for Strength As our daughters endure the hardships set upon their path of life, let's offer a prayer for strength during difficult times and ask God to lend His strength to our daughters. 4 4) Beautiful Mother's Prayer for Her Daughter.