TPLO surgery restores function to a dogs knee by leveling the slope of the shin bone. My dog hates the raft-like collar around her neck but getting used to it. She had TPLO surgery 8 weeks ago. Not sure which came first. I can only imagine the expense and stress it has caused you. Hello Eden, It is my understanding that when one leg goes, the other leg usually does too due to the extra weight etc. This typically happens within the first two weeks after surgery. I have just been away from answering comments for the last few days. And is 6 months old. Hes been limping less on the leg, but still doesnt want to put a lot of weight on it, is this normal? She has over the last week or so developed a cyst on the inside of her TPLO leg . If he is food motivated, treats can be used to help encourage him to walk. Unrestrained activity can lead to injuries that might prolong the recovery process and even require more surgery to fix. And proper exercise restriction is one of the big things that can make or break TPLO recovery. For an active dog, weeks of exercise restriction sounds a lot like torture. If it wasnt reinjured, the clicking sound could eventually go away. Dogs usually make a full recovery about 6 months after TPLO surgery. Feel free to leave an update if you have a chance. They x-rayed her knees twice and they were fine. The recovery time for these two surgeries is similar, but dogs typically take a little longer to be fully comfortable after the TTA surgery. There are ways to exercise and engage your dogs brain so that he or she remains content with less physical exercise. Thank you so much. Recovered well within 48 hrs.. At 8 weeks shes walking 15 min day walks and has free access to the garden. Best wishes! Today he starting holding his leg up again. Do you mind me asking who did your pups surgery? CareCredit. Sometimes this can be avoided if the affected leg is exercised in the right ways such as stretching and passive range of motion done at home. Its MUCH less traumatic for them to only go thru the surgery one time, and if he switches all his weight to a non-surgical leg, trust me it will probably take it out. My dog Dale is 4 months post bilateral TPLO he definitely favors one leg and limps occasionally on only that leg. Hello, I have a stand schnauzer who is 1 year old . Hi Debbie, He walks with his right leg sticking out a little bit but overall, no issues. date for your upcoming Scheduled Orders. IS THIS SOUNDING CORRECT TO ANYONE? Hi Kamila, Expert Answers from a Vet. They recommend another surgery to try to fix it before it becomes a fracture, and of course another large amount of money to do it. She is walking and going outside, but she stands and walks around to urinate. Hes eating and drinking and seems happy within himself, but are there any signs I should look for if hes damaged the surgery? Day 4Sleep (although I cut back on her Tramadol from 200mg every 8 hours to 100mg every 6 hours and she seems to be alright with it). When a tear happens, a dog cant walk on their injured leg. Were keeping him quiet and hes not running or jumping, its just the lack of grip he has on the floor. Great to hear your baby is doing well. It is never wrong to seek a second opinion if you have unanswered questions or lingering concerns. The 2nd most common complication is due toOVER-ACTIVITY TOO EARLY. If you are having difficulty accessing this website, please call or email us at (855) 268-2822 or so that we can provide you with the services you require through alternative means. Keep up the good work! Make sure you are honest about your concerns. Perhaps your dog is feeling the same way. Do NOT do just one leg if he is having trouble on both. The tendons around the knee can be sprained with uncontrolled activity, even up to 5 months after surgery. All Rights Reserved. Hello! In addition, he will be walking, and will suddenly lift his leg up, and is unable to bear amy weight on it. I did take two vacation days immediatley after her surgery, and my husband was on shift work. Zoe is my first pet and I am a mess right now in knowing what to do. My dog had TPLO surgery on his back left leg. This is not typical for 5 months post TPLO. Cover him or her up with a blanket, ensure the TPLO recovery area is not in a drafty area, and provide a nice warm dog bed to get him or her off the cold floor. Try relaxing with your dog in the recovery area while reading a book or watching a show. She doesnt seem to be in pain, but is not willing to let me massage her leg. Required fields are marked *. My concern is her energy! Our lab is now 6 days post TPLO. This is an important issue that needs to be ruled out. Unfortunately, without examining your dog myself, I cant make specific conclusions about whether the noise is an issue or not. I slept with him on the floor for 2 weeks till the stitches came out. Hi. I highly recommend you have him evaluated by your vet as soon as possible. Yes, it can be common to see knuckling the first few days after surgery. Thanks for your help! We use human-grade, Opti-MSM, that targets the root cause of joint pain and inflammation. Hi Jessica, Any advise you can provide would be appreciated. Yet he came back from camp last week and he has been limping pretty noticeably on his right leg when he gets up or shortly after he wakes up. With that being said, I am suspicious that Happy is not progressing as would be expected for almost 2 weeks post-op. Sounds hard with your weather conditions but you could help with physio moving his legs while she is lying on her side. Your dog's breed and weight. Is this similar to your experience? The trained professionals have advanced training in the aftercare of surgery that is critical to long-term success. We have also started her on a new kind of joint supplement called Dasuquin. Best wishes to you both! My pup had a TPLO surgery 9 weeks ago. Wishing you all the best of luck! Use ice packs. Thinking of you! Hi Danielle, You get to explore new activities together like tricks and brain games. She has been doing great but now is limping on the rear right leg, almost toe touch weight bearing only. At this point, the surgical site should be completely healed. Can you still hear the popping noise today? You do have to be a bit careful with trick selectionno jumping through hoops or dancing on the back legsbut there are still plenty of options that dont put strain on your dogs leg. I dont want to make it sounds like it is all fun and games, though. More specifically, it keeps the tibia (i.e. My dog had TPLO Surgery about a year ago. Veterinarian-formulated with medical-grade ingredients that target all aspects of joint health. But your pup may be a good candidate for a brace. GoodRx provides no warranty for any information. Thankfully, there are a few products that can help him or her maintain good traction, feel supported when walking, and promote recovery. This combination is a recipe for weight gain if you continue to feed your dog the same amount of kibble as before surgery. I am sorry your boy is still struggling a bit after his knee surgeries. On the other hand, if your dog had been normal for a few days, weeks, or even months and then suddenly becomes a lethargic dog, make an appointment with your veterinarian. Keep up the good work! Daisys surgery went very well. I understand your concern for Dakota and this worrisome popping sound since her TPLO surgery. There are several alternatives to TPLO surgery. She was overnight in the hospital one night. If there are any complications such as reinjury or infection this process can take longer. 195: Pedigree heart screening (Auscultation only) 90 Cat and dog ACL(CCL) surgery cost and financing. They are there to help your dog have a successful recovery. This rubbing causes pain and inflammation, which is very uncomfortable. My Female Lab tore her Tplo 3 weeks ago, She came down with a UTIi because she held her urine in. We have a 4 year old 100pound Rottweiler who had TPLO surgery around 2 weeks ago. TPLO Surgical Implants, Med/Large - $358.05 - Cost of TPLO implant plates to be placed on the bone during surgery. I am hopeful you will find the answers you need to restore your sweet boys quality of life. I am so sorry your senior dog is struggling with these severe mobility issues since his TPLO surgery last August. Thank you for your time. Im hoping because shes so small, shes a little more safe? We walked 4 blocks yesterday, with no problem, no limp, nothing, completely normal! Though 2 rounds of antibiotics for a week each, Needless to say she licks it constantly and sleeves we purchased work but if shes alone eventually the sleeve loosens and she back licking and irritating the area and tunnels, According to the X-rays her veterinarian says screws are intact, Removal of the screws and plates has been suggested as the only option, Any feedback Dr. Buzby would be appreciated. Since I havent examined her myself, it is hard to know what normal is. It is also a good idea to further restrict your dogs activity as a seroma may mean he or she is too active. I am sorry your girl is having some post-surgery complications. She tries to jump up on as all the time, pulls at her leash and is a wild lady outside for bathroom time. Or make sure your girl is pain free and has full function? A Help Resource and Support Guide for Dog Owners. Because of this bending (ie. TPLO surgery involves making a curved cut in the tibia from the front to the back, much like half a smiley face. TPLO surgery costs more than other procedures because of the specialized equipment and the required training. There is currently quite a backlog of comments. However, im unsure about where she should be at the moment in terms of progress. He was off the leash three times for a short period and is now limping on the non-surgical leg. There are a number of therapies and exercises that can do right in the comfort of your home to help decrease your dogs pain and when done correctly and introduced at the proper time, you will significantly improve your dogs chances for a safe and successful recovery. I feel like you may need to do some more investigation to get an answer. In fact more and more, larger animal hospitals have physical therapy departments built into their suite of comprehensive services. My German Shorthair had TPLO surgery 9 weeks ago and has gone thru 3 rounds of antibiotics for swelling, lameness, heated knee and pain. I am glad the surgery was a success, and your pup seems to be healing quickly. Hi Elle, We are 4 1/2 months post bilateral TPLO. Hi Stephanie, Keep your dog on a short (four to six foot) leash right by your side and only stay out long enough for your dog to eliminate. Without examining her myself, I cant say for sure what the cause could be. If your dog is particularly distressed about the idea, check out this low-stress handling article on teaching your dog to love the cone. 25,47,49 . Other problems that can arise are movement of the TPLO hardware, fluid accumulation at the joint, and implant failure.