is a neuropeptide that helps regulate pulmonary artery pressures, cytokine responses, and general inflammation. While meat is nutritious and. I also do well with coconut oil, coconut butter, paleo bread (I get this bread from Julian Bakery its the only bread I like), and certain paleo-friendly bars, like Bulletproof Bars, Primal Kitchen Bars, and Lara Bars. increased energy Mycotoxins from toxic mold are a subcategory of biotoxins that can impact the 25% of people that are genetically susceptible. The inflammatory marker shows the innate immune response to toxic mold exposure found in water-damaged buildings. Conversely, if youve been on the carnivore diet for about six months or longer and still arent able to achieve optimal health or fully heal, we strongly recommend looking into the diagnostic criteria for mold illness. This portion of the population is born with HLA-DR genes, meaning their immune system isnt able to correctly identify the mold pathogens and detox them on their own. have the ability to cause a range of adverse health impacts from acute mold poisoning to long-term effects such as mold illness or even cancer. The test will display a series of images with decreasing contrasts taken over the course of ten to fifteen minutes. Mold toxicity is the byproduct of certain molds that produce mycotoxins leading to acute illness in most but unfortunately causing chronic disease in the genetically susceptible. The. Sign up to get updates on holistic health, evidence based nutrition news, and meat-based resources. These infections commonly present as an acute response that resembles bacterial pneumonia. Our brains automatically develop neural pathways in response to all of our experiences. While we cant always control every environment that were in, the most important one to address is the home. The first step in achieving mold exposure elimination is proper home and workplace testing. She could eat some veggies if she chose to. . Reduced MSH significantly contributes to leaky junctions that cause both leaky brain and leaky gut. While a lot of properties will display one or more of these signs outlined above, there are many that have hidden water damage. It was founded on the belief that high-carb diets are the cause of chronic disease. Its critical to find a CIRS provider for achieving root cause healing, not just any practitioner that works with mold toxicity and illness since this prescription medication is a requirement for properly treating mold illness. VEGF is key for supporting new blood vessel growth, boosting blood flow, stimulating circulation, and providing oxygen and nutrition delivery throughout the body. Although this might not be for everyone, this way of eating has played a huge role in my healing journey. She says it cured several illnesses. As its name suggests, the carnivore diet is an eating plan that focuses almost exclusively on meat and other animal products. The VCS test can be taken for free here or use the official test option from Dr. Shoemaker for a nominal fee here. Balanced electrolytes (its not a carnivore issue!) When this happens, histamines are released due to gene activation and not specifically due to mast cell activation. Cytokine production in addition to impacted nerve function from toxic mold leads to chronic, general inflammation. Anyone can be susceptible to acute mold poisoning the effects vary from individual to individual due to the persons current immune system state along with how significant the exposure is. Judy has a private practice specializing in gut health, autoimmune illness, chronic inflammation, and mold illness. One of the many downstream effects of mycotoxin accumulation in the body is dysregulated hormone levels. I drink tea (including matcha), coffee, Four Sigmatic elixirs, coconut milk, and apple cider vinegar (always drink this diluted). Ideally, each finished level of the home as well as the workplace should be independently tested. Its common during this step to automatically believe you dont have any history of mold exposure since most of us arent aware of what water damage can look like and memory problems are prevalent for this condition. This comprehensive 101-page Nutritionist's Guide to Carnivore ebook will provide you with all the tips and meat-only information you need to get started. tends to occur in over 80% of MSH-deficient mold illness patients. Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Nutrition With Judy All Rights Reserved | Disclaimer. During this step, youll also need to get other specific lab work completed. Theres usually always meat on the menu! For those with financial constraints, the HERTSMI-2 test will analyze dust samples for the big 5 molds most problematic for those with mold illness. DISCLAIMER: This content is for educational purposes only. The initial symptoms created by these cytokine effects can present as headaches, poor body temperature regulation, muscle aches, and concentration issues. . The term brain on fire refers to this critical inflammatory state experienced by the brain. Stories of Healing (and Adonis Physiques!) The carnivore diet or an animal-based diet are both great diet interventions for reducing inflammation and aiding in gut healing. Even though the food wasnt the cause of the illness, your body starts to associate the smell of it with illness. Furthermore, the combination of lowered MSH, decreased VEGF, increased MMP9 in the bloodstream, and elevated cytokines create leaky junctions in both the gut and blood-brain barrier. As mentioned in stage three of the mycotoxin pathway, the innate immune system dispatches white blood cells in response to toxic mold exposure leading to restricted capillary blood flow in those genetically susceptible. Providers may choose to test additional blood markers so they can get a holistic view of all the downstream consequences caused by mold illness. Mold illness can directly impact cell function which can make it difficult for patients to tolerate the prescription binder required for the protocol. Even if you dont recall a water damage event happening in your presence, try to remember any signs of water damage you may have noticed at properties you frequented., Full interview on podcast: There are also different categories of mold outlined above: allergenic, pathogenic, and toxigenic. 26 Apr 2023 22:12:16 Cholestyramine (CSM) and Welchol are the most effective binders needed for mold illness treatment. The VCS test can be taken for free, . For those with dysregulated immune systems, this can pose a more serious issue. can be a common downstream effect of mold illness. Sleeping through the night (deep sleep from 30 mins to 2 hours average) This is often exacerbated by defects in construction such as poor ventilation, faulty crawl spaces, flat roofs, basements exposed to saturated groundwater conditions, and improper remediation of water leaks. Molds are fungal organisms that grow in damp environments, preferentially feeding off of cellulose-based materials, including many of the materials we use to construct buildings! The most trusted tests used for this are called the ERMI and HERTSMI-2. At this point of the protocol, patients that have any lingering symptoms can utilize VIP nasal spray to eradicate them. My Carnivore-ish Diet: Healing from Mold and Autoimmune Disease I've been eating an animal-based diet for almost 5 months now, and it's had a huge impact on my digestion, inflammation, mood, and energy levels. Mast cells are like our immune systems watchdogs and work to defend the body from outside threats and invaders. The C4a marker is one of the testable markers in the complementary system and is very significant for mold illness monitoring and diagnosis. This leads to cytokines binding directly to their receptors instead of the pathogens, causing the release of Matrix Metalloproteniase-9 (MMP9) throughout the blood. Are you ready to vibe higher? Less brain fog With more than 100,000 different indoor and outdoor mold species, some are far more dangerous than others. My philosophy with my version of carnivore is that I eat carnivore whenever possible, and if Im in a situation where its absolutely impossible or if I simply dont want to then I dont. Kelly can now eat at restaurants and not worry about plastics, the quality of the water or the grain fed meat cooked in seed oil. The VCS test was developed in order to discern if you have the ability to distinguish between varying low contrast levels as a marker of neurological function. I eat to satiety. Practitioners may implement gut healing protocols for SIBO and other conditions at this stage or later on depending on the patient. Tshirts, mugs and more to suit your favorite meat eater - https://carnivoregear.etsy.comI think I still have mold illness. The carnivore diet can starve out the bugs and give them nothing to eat. Well help you find your root-cause imbalances. Patients that have symptoms in at least eight of the 13 clusters should seriously consider completing the next step. Ideally, each finished level of the home as well as the workplace should be independently tested. Your provider may refer you to an IEP such as Environmental Analytics for more complex environmental support. If followed correctly, it can help increase energy, lower chronic inflammation, lead to weight loss, and improve general health. For a full 30 . . If you dont recall encountering a water-damaged building, you may still want to consider the next two steps. Rapid weight loss. However, for those that dont have the appropriate immune response genes, their immune systems never tag the mycotoxins and therefore cant create the antibodies requires for the foreign antigen. In our clinical experience, weve had patients find incredible symptom relief with limbic work alone before theyre able to start mold illness treatment. Mycotoxin exposure has also been tied to. Many people have credited the diet with drastically improving their health, but it is pretty extreme and there's little research to support it. Lets explore the causes, diagnostic criteria, and treatment protocol for this legitimate condition. Its time to stop living in chronic illness. levels, various cascading problems can occur including neurological, autoimmune, and other systemic issues. Eliminating the plant toxins that were causing underlying inflammation allowed my body to truly focus on repairing. Our personalized mold illness doctor recommendations only include Shoemaker-certified practitioners that can prescribe the necessary medication needed for the protocol. I usually ate 2 types of protein at one meal just so I didn't get bored. High-dose fish oils also offer therapeutic value for fixing reduced VEGF levels. Everyone deserves to live a life symptom-free. It just doesnt happen too often. My goal was to add variety to my diet, not to improve my health, as it was about as good as it gets. If you find that limbic work is too strenuous to begin with, there are other modalities available that are less active. MARCoNS tends to occur in over 80% of MSH-deficient mold illness patients. And plenty of sea salt. TGF Beta-1 (normal range: <2380 pg/mL): The multifunctional protein is essential for regulating the bodys innate immune system, overall immune function, cell migration, and cell survival. VIP is also capable of assisting in optimizing immune system regulation, helping optimize wellness. Working with the right certified mold illness provider is key to ensuring you receive the appropriate treatment regardless of what your genetics are. For individuals that have significant histamine intolerance that are unable to take these supplements, eating wild-caught king salmon daily along with grass-finished beef are alternative, low-histamine ways of boosting omega-3 levels. I have them at night for a few days, usually topped with some honey, and I feel like this really helps reset my leptin signaling and helps with my hormones. In mold illness, this marker is increased, in turn leading to tissue disruption in blood vessel walls, ultimately causing inflammation to the muscles, joints, peripheral nerves, lungs, and brain. Well search for answers until we turn over every rock (or case study and research paper). I love pork rinds for a crunch, and beef sticks if Im on the go! Since more than 95% of mold illness patients have decreased MSH levels from mycotoxin accumulation, the consequence is a higher vulnerability to toxic mold, gut issues, poor sleep, hormone dysregulation, mood swings, and more. ) We havent experienced any patients healing with only mind-body work but this is an important tool to include. The most trusted tests used for this are called the. Emotional freedom technique (EFT, Tapping), breathing and tactile exercises, and spending time in nature can also help support this. Well help you find your root-cause imbalances. If youre exploring root cause healing and havent been able to fully heal for some time, cant lose weight despite diet and lifestyle conventions, or need considerable biohacking intervention to feel better, you may want to consider looking into the preliminary diagnostic criteria for mold illness to see if it warrants blood work confirmation. Thats why limbic work is such an important step for mold illness treatment as well as any other chronic condition. People have asked me how long I plan on eating this way, and my answer is as long as it feels good for my body! Providers will need to determine the root cause of the histamine disturbances and troubleshoot how much the mold allergy is actually impacting the patient in terms of symptomology. Anyone can be susceptible to acute mold poisoning the effects vary from individual to individual due to the persons current immune system state along with how significant the exposure is. Once the protocol is completed, mold illness patients will never have to repeat the protocol and wont get that sick ever again. Furthermore, the binder itself also can strip the fatty cell walls from cells. Pretty simple. She holds a Psychology and Communications degree, from the University of California, Berkeley. The capillaries located in optic nerves are also affected by the decreased blood flow from the reduced VEGF levels. Mold illness: Mold can hide in walls, furniture, and food. Chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, beef, organ meats, oily and white fish, hard cheese, butter and cream are all allowed. I had my bu. They reported feeling more energetic, sleeping better, and having better mental clarity and focus. These markers are used for both a confirmed diagnosis along with monitoring clinical progress during mold illness treatment: MMP-9 (normal range: 31-86 pg/mL): MMP-9 is a critical enzyme that plays a role in breaking down disease and damaged tissue. We believe that healing takes place within both the mind and the body. Depending on the severity of your MARCoNS, EDTA, Mucolox, colloidal silver, or another nasal spray can be used for treatment. Join our loyalty program to unlock exclusive perks and rewards. Lipid replacement therapy is the first preliminary step in treatment to help patients tolerate detoxing. Recent findings from the Environmental Protection Agency report that approximately 50% of homes and 85% of commercial properties in the US have water damage. The situations where its absolutely impossible or that I simply dont want to eat carnivore dont end up happening too often, and I just let it happen if it happens! We havent experienced any patients healing with only mind-body work but this is an important tool to include. Water damage events can include property flooding, plumbing leaks, washing machine overflow, broken pipes, groundwater seepage, clogged toilets, roof hail damage, and more. The #carnivorediet tag has amassed over 645 million views on TikTok, with one user, @roryskitchen, going viral over the past two . In turn, this helps lower overall inflammation. Then I usually eat two very large meals, but sometimes its more if I feel hungrier. Meat, poultry, eggs, and fish from grass-fed, organic, and wild-caught sources are a crucial part of the low-mold diet. The initial symptoms created by these cytokine effects can present as headaches, poor body temperature regulation, muscle aches, and concentration issues. No more dry mouth. Decreased levels of VEGF associated with mold illness can cause poor blood flow and cell starvation. ), but even within that stretch I tried to eat animal-based as often as possible. Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies. In a well-functioning immune system, cytokines are created as a response to invading pathogens and play a role in upregulating the inflammatory response. There are a lot of factors at play here when it comes to mold illness, a complex subcategory of biotoxin illness. The results help diagnose any visual system dysfunction which is another hallmark symptom of mold illness. The four phases of the CIRS mold illness treatment protocol are: Each phase will have different steps and must be completed before starting the next one. Creating a healthy omega 3:6 ratio is accomplished by supplementing with either resolvin fatty acids or high doses of fish oil. White blood cells are attracted to the elevated cytokine levels in the bloodstream causing further blood flow restriction, reduced oxygen in tissue, and decreased vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The carnivore diet or an animal-based diet are both great diet interventions for reducing inflammation and aiding in gut healing. Part of the autonomic nervous system, the limbic system is affected by mold illness. It also important to note that weight loss is only the most visible "side effect" of going carnivore. Sometimes I throw in lamb, salmon, boar, or chicken thighs. Mold Illness: Mold Toxicity and Chronic Illness, How Mold Illness Impacts the Immune System: The Mycotoxin Pathway, Criterion One: History of Water-Damage Mold Exposure, Criterion Three: Visual Contrast (VCS) Test, Criterion Five: Improvement With Mold Treatment, How to Treat Mold Illness: The CIRS Protocol, Mind-Body Work: Limbic Retraining for Mold Illness, Work With the Nations Trusted Mold Illness Support Experts. If the patient is confirmed out of exposure, TGF Beta-1 levels should normalize as inflammation is fixed through steps one through nine of the Shoemaker Protocol. The carnivore diet is zero carbs, whereas the ketogenic diet is primarily a low-carbohydrate diet that causes your body to enter the metabolic state of ketosis. Sign up to get updates on holistic health, evidence based nutrition news, and meat-based resources. Its important to note that the VCS test can be slightly flawed with about 7% of mold illness patients falsely passing the test. Also known as the complement cascade, the. Mold illness is an inflammatory illness caused by exposure to toxic indoor molds, their harmful by-products, and other microbial toxins in water-damaged buildings. Diet is fundamental and the foundation to well-being but every single spice, coffee grind, and EMF does not need to be removed to THEN have optimal healing. Having a high fever, illness, surgery, significant stress, pregnancy, severe toxic mold exposure, and other traumatic events may trigger a cytokine storm that activates the mold illness gene in those that are born susceptible. However, there are drawbacks to eating nothing but animal protein and zero carbs. Judy Cho is board certified in holistic nutrition and a certified nutritional therapy practitioner and the author of Carnivore Cure, Meat-Based Nutrition and the ultimate elimination diet for optimal health. Its important to discuss environment testing with your practitioner to ensure youre following all the best current practices. This presents for about 5% of all mold illness cases. The beginning phases and steps of the protocol will help lower C4a innately if the patient is successful in completing these. Nicknamed the master gland, MSH is responsible for managing various anti-inflammatory and hormone functions. Research indicates that 25% of the population is susceptible to chronic mold illness and 96% of chronic sinus infections are caused by mold. Beware: the bacon and ground beef combination is dangerous. On carnivore, you eat only animal-based foods like meat, organs, animal fat, bone broth, and dairy. You may be wondering how mold can be so impactful to our health when weve evolved alongside these organisms for hundreds of thousands of years. (I recently published a podcast all about my carnivore-ish diet and adaptation period, and you can listen to that here!). If C4a suddenly increases after the blood marker has been corrected, this is typically a significant sign of re-exposure to toxic mold. Carbs get a bad rap. It's kind of like the elemental diet except on the elemental diet the bacteria can . If you have to be picture perfect with your diet and lifestyle routines to feel normal, dig deeper. This seemingly strange and extreme way of eating flies in the face of every piece of conventional nutrition advice we've been given, yet a growing number of people report remarkable . The mycotoxin pathway helps explain the consequences of mold illness on the immune system and overall health: Once a genetically susceptible person experiences a traumatic event that activates this specific gene expression, mold illness begins after being exposed to the interior of a water-damaged building. We talk about their journey to carnivore, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) and much more. This post will cover what I learned about . Mold Illness Prevention Post Treatment Work With the Nation's Trusted Mold Illness Support Experts Mold Illness: Mold Toxicity and Chronic Illness These can be purchased from EnviroBiomics, Mycometrics, and Lis Biotech Laboratories. Mind-body supports such as the. I say animal-based because my diet is not strictly carnivore, although it started out that way. Mold allergies are more common among children than adults. Both CSM and Welchol have the specific charge and receptor site for binding to biotoxins including all toxic mold pathogens for elimination. Limbic retraining is an important step in the mold illness protocol and can help anyone suffering from chronic illness along with other mental health conditions, histamine reactions, and more. I do not feel well if I have those regularly, but once in awhile theyre fine. However, individuals that have eight or more of the positive symptom clusters that also fail the VCS test have a 98% chance of a positive mold illness diagnosis. Most people on the carnivore diet sit down and eat a huge piece of their one protein of choice, but (typical) I wanted to keep things more interesting. Are you ready to finally optimize your health habits for real results and true health? The VCS test was developed in order to discern if you have the ability to distinguish between varying low contrast levels as a marker of neurological function. Mold illness research conducted by Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, the pioneer of biotoxin illness, since 1997 has completely transformed our understanding of mold toxicity along with some of the root causes of autoimmunity. 1. your gut requires fibre for optimal health 2. you need vegetables as a source of vitamins and minerals Once these two myths are dead, the modern SAD diet will have no legs left to stand on. One of the lab tests needed will be the HLA-DR which determines if you have a genetic susceptibility to mold illness. Were not giving our bodies enough credit. The carnivore diet consists almost exclusively of animal-based foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, and low lactose dairy. With more than 100,000 different indoor and outdoor mold species, some are far more dangerous than others. Grass-fed, pastured, and wild-caught animals are typically not fed grains, meaning they are likely consuming far fewer mycotoxins than their grain-fed counterparts. The carnivore diet is a super low-residue diet. Here is the scientific definition of CIRS provided by Dr. Shoemaker: An acute and chronic, systemic inflammatory response syndrome acquired following exposure to the interior environment of a water-damaged building with resident toxigenic organisms, including, but not limited to fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes, and mycobacteria as well as inflammagens such as endotoxins, beta glucans, hemolysins, proteinases, mannans and possibly spirocyclic drimanes; as well as volatile organic compounds.. So youve confirmed that you may have encountered a water-damaged building, have eight or more positive symptom clusters, and failed the VCS test. Experts aren't convinced.