Steve Rogers: On my mark. [as Fury is giving himself the injection a SWAT team truck pulls up] D.C. Metro Police dispatch shows no units in this area. Sam Wilson: Agent Sitwell, how was lunch? It's like I was up there just to watch. Sam Wilson: Some stuff you leave there, other stuff you bring back. Marvel released a new clip for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and it looks like our titular characters will be attending supernatural threat school. Now, said clip opens with a voiceover from Sam ( Anthony Mackie ). Take the girl. Falcon and Winter Soldier; Loki; The Mandalorian; Harley Quinn; Hawkeye; The Witcher; Batwoman; Comics. A hero to the world. Steve Rogers: No, lets wait and see what it is first. Nick Fury: Open Lemurian Star's satellite launch file. [She notices Fury lying injured on the ground]. Three next generation Helicarriers synced to a network of targeting satellites. Take your feet off the dash. Female War Veteran: The thing is I think it's getting worse. When I was over there I'd sleep on the ground and use rock for pillows, like a caveman. As difficult as this is to accept, Captain America is a fugitive from SHIELD. [The Triskelion, S.H.I.E.L.D. Offensive measures advised. Lock down the bridge! Steve Rogers: I used to. [they enter Pierce's office where he shows Steve an old photo of Fury with Pierce] That photo was taken five years after Nick and I met. Project insight has to be delayed. [Natasha laughs softly]. So I'm gonna ask again, why was he there? But he didn't trust them very much. Natasha Romanoff: The drive has a Level Six homing program, so as soon as we boot up SHIELD will know exactly where we are. You guys did some nasty stuff. [the computer screen shows them HYDRA had killed Howard and Maria Stark making it look like a car accident along with the recent death of Fury] HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its security. Fury's Car: Propulsion systems now online. Repeat, civilians threatened. Natasha Romanoff: Do it! It's just ], [He lands, and looks at an aghast Steve, whom by just looking at him, has learned his true identity. [She suddenly gets shot in the shoulder and falls down. Steve Rogers: Okay. [Pierce hands Singh a glass of champagne] And you could just stop it with a flick of the switch. So when the pandemic hit, The Falcon and the Winter Solider's creative team rewrote a portion of the script at the last minute. ), [we see Rumlow and another STRIKE Agent places a bomb on the locked door], French Pirate: Silence radio du SHIELD, Batroc. Alexander Pierce: You don't you think we wiped your clearance from the system? [she pulls up her shirt to show him the scar on the side of her stomach] Soviet slug, no rifling. I guess I'm not quite sure what that is anymore. Natasha Romanoff: When I first joined SHIELD, I thought I was going straight. [she turns and walks off]. [as they watch the targets go offline]. I have never been more alive. My folks wanted to give you a ride to the cemetery. You and I are gonna take a ride. Steve Rogers: He will. There's a grey car, two spaces down. Councilman Rockwell: Like how the hell did a French pirate manage to hijack a covert SHIELD vessel in broad daylight? My grandfather operated one of these things for forty years. Maria Hill: Charlie Carrier's forty-five degrees off the port bow. [Steve notices a building ahead of them] What is it? You didn't ask, you just did what had to be done. Black Mirror Season 6 has a brand-new trailer and Netflix's signature horror anthology series is back with a vengeance. Look, I didn't want you doing anything you weren't comfortable with. Councilman Singh: Nick Fury used your friendship to coerce this council into delaying Project Insight. Sam Wilson: [flying off as the HYDRA agents continue to shoot at him] I'm not dead yet. Sam Wilson: You're gonna go around the corner, to your right. [Fury looks at Natasha then Sam]. [Steve breaks through the glass in the elevator and plummets down to finally hit the ground floor, from his monitor Sitwell watches in shock as Steve gets up and starts running off], Jasper Sitwell: Are you kidding me? [Sam is flying towards one of the Helicarriers when heat-seeking missiles are shot at him by HYDRA, so he flies back towards the Helicarrier and manages to get the missiles that were aimed at him to hit the Helicarrier giving him entrance] Oh, yeah! I don't care about one boat, I care about the fleet. HYDRA Dispatch: [on radio] Sir, Council's been breached. Councilman Yen: Mr. Secretary, nobody is suggesting Councilman Rockwell: More trouble, Mr. Secretary? Spellman will co-write the script with Dalan Musson, a staff writer on Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Born, 1984. By Aaron Perine - April 26, 2023 11:43 am EDT. ], [It suddenly shoots a bomb that attaches itself to Fury's vehicle causing it to explode and flip over. Natasha Romanoff: Steve, we got a bogey. ), [just then Steve smashes in through the window using his shield but Batroc manages to escape]. Where are the targets? Nick Fury: It could be nothing, probably is nothing. (Sam gets angry and tries to catch up to him but only after a few seconds he's unable to carry on and stops to rest. My fianc was just helping me with some honeymoon destinations. Steve Rogers: I know, Nick. Contact DOT. [Pierce enters the room] Captain Rogers has information regarding the death of Director Fury, he refused to share it. You need anything before I leave? [Sam walks over to Steve]. ([subtitled] Durand. Alexander Pierce: I guess I've got the floor. Nick Fury: Really? Je vais le chercher! Steve Rogers: Even if you have, would you have told me? Alexander Pierce: The honor is mine, Captain. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. [we see the twins, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, aka Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, being kept in glass cells each exhibiting their powers, Pietro having superhuman speed and Wanda having telekinetic powers]. [Fury takes over driving his car as the mercenaries chase after him in their police cars] Get me Agent Hill. ), French Pirate: Durand. Steve Rogers: If I run in these shoes, they're gonna fall off. Three, two, one. Councilman Yen: A breach like this raises serious questions. [his men leave and Sitwell answers the phone] Yes, sir? ], [Trapped inside his car, Fury watches as the figure walks over to the car but he manages to escape just in time by using a laser weapon to burn a hole out. Steve Rogers: Right! [Bucky; looking blank, doesn't respond] Mission report, now. Natasha Romanoff: Shut up and put your arm around me, laugh at something I said. You'd better not! Two behind, to across, two coming straight at us. Could use a man with your abilities. Nick Fury: Why do you think we're meeting in this cave? She's next to Dad. ), Captain America: The Winter Soldier/Transcript, Fandom's centric resource about film knowledge, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Sharon Carter: Thank you, sir. Sharon Carter: Well hopefully not too far. All files sealed. Did you do anything fun Saturday night? And then the money was run through seventeen fictitious accounts, the last one going to a holding company that was registered to a Jacob Veech. Steve Rogers: Hey, if you wantif you want, you're welcome to use my machine. [after jumping out the jet Steve dives into the ocean and then climbs onto the ship, he then beats everyone on the deck swiftly before anyone raises the alarm when he's interrupted by one of the pirates pointing his gun at him], French Pirate #1: Bouge pas! Steve Rogers: I had a big breakfast. We're the only air support Captain Rogers has got. [Steve picks up his shield then opens the elevator doors, but he's faced by a team of STRIKE agents pointing their weapons at him], 25th Floor STRIKE Agent: Drop the shield! Brock Rumlow: I'm on forty-one, headed towards the south-west stairwell. Baron Wolfgang von Strucker: Sooner or later they will meet the twins. My only regret is that you didn't get to live yours. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier premiered on March 19, 2021, and ran for six episodes until April 23. It is part of Phase Four of the MCU. The series received positive reviews, with critics highlighting the actors' chemistry and the series' social commentary but criticizing its pacing. It received five Emmy Award nominations. Steve Rogers: What were you doing on the Lemurian Star? Steve Rogers: I can't lead a mission when the people I'm leading have missions of their owns. Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna. Natasha Romanoff: Was that your first kiss since 1945? Any time you wanna stop by the VA, make me look awesome in front of the girl at the front desk, just let me know. Why Falcon and the Winter Soldier Star Erin Kellyman Stuck to the Scripts, Not the Comics The actor also reflects on the similarities between her 'Solo' The Khalid Khandil mission, that was you. Alexander Pierce: Lieutenant, how much longer? [to the hostages]. Your death amounts to the same as your Life; a zero sum. [Sam drops a file in front of Steve], Sam Wilson: Call it a resume. [Pierce is holding another virtual meeting with the World Security Council]. Councilman Rockwell: [to Natasha who is on the computer] What are you doing? Stand back! I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it's a price I'm willing to pay. (first lines; Sam Wilson is jogging around Washington, D.C. when Steve quickly catches up to him and runs past [Hill notices Rumlow on the monitor]. Sam Wilson: Roger! [Natasha opens her eyes]. [as they approach the intersection Fury manages to shake off the two police cars, killing off the mercenaries]. She looks around her, only for the Winter Soldier to come up for behind, ready to shoot her again. Natasha Romanoff: I make an LZ, twenty-three hundred block of Virginia Avenue. I justkind of wanted to be alone. ], [As Steve is walking to his apartment his hears his pretty neighbor talking on the phone as she goes to do her laundry]. Apple Employee: Oh. Steve Rogers: Yeah, I'm not ready for that. Updated: Nov 3, 2022 5:13 pm. It premiered on March 19, Georges Batroc. Once the purification process is complete, HYDRA's new world order will arise. Nick Fury: You think? I can't let that happen. They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago. [Fury is alone in his office; to his voice controlled computer], [all the windows are blackened, Fury takes out the flash drive Natasha had downloaded all the files from the the Lemurian Star and places it in his computer]. Steve Rogers: He's fast and strong. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 5 ends with a troubling post-credits scene. [at his home, Pierce goes to his kitchen to get a drink when he sees the Winter Soldier sat behind behind him with his gun on the table when his housekeeper calls out]. Batroc smirks. Scientist #1: He's been out of cryo-freeze too long. SHIELD, HYDRA, it all goes. Nick Fury: I didn't lie. Disorder, war. I want you to call for a vote. Sam Wilson: (He laughs.) Fury's Car: Calculating route to secure location. [as Steve finishes his speech], Sam Wilson: Did you write that down first, or was it off the top of your head? Those really do sting. That's your mission. Come on in. [Fury steps into an elevator with Steve following behind him]. Natasha Romanoff: If it was the other way around, and it was down to me to save your life, and you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it? ], [Soon, the trio hear sirens after which they are surrounded by HYDRA agents being led by Rumlow], Brock Rumlow: Drop the shield, Cap! Natasha Romanoff: Sharon. Nick Fury: Full acceleration, now! Captain's orders. [Natasha holds up the flash drive] Like you said, he's a ghost story. Time went on, neighborhood got rougher. [they go over to the van holding Steve, Sam and Natasha and as they open the door they find it empty with one of the guards left unconscious and massive burnt whole on the car floor], [Hill has taken the trio to a secret facility, a man runs towards them; referring to Natasha's wound]. Natasha Romanoff: You're not gonna put me in a prison. Peggy Carter: Hey. I'm ninety-five, I'm not dead. Alexander Pierce: Fine. [she quickly pulls down Steve's head and kisses him making Rumlow look away as he goes past them on the escalator]. [Steve opens the lock with his shield and they enter inside, when they turn on the lights they notice it's a SHIELD office], Steve Rogers: Maybe where it started. Alexander Pierce: Nothing some earmarks can't fix. [Sitwell looks down at his tie and sees a small red light from the gun being pointed at him] [Steve throws Sitwell across a rooftop, Natasha follows behind him]. You ready for yours? Cause she's killing my back. He delves into their latest opponent. Steve Rogers: It was him. Brock Rumlow: [As he notices a footprint in the dust] Call in the asset. Mais qu'est ce qui se passe! Must have freaked you out coming home after the whole defrosting thing. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Faces Rumored Script Rewrites Due to Coronavirus Outbreak. [we see Steve is holding onto the side of the Helicarrier]. [Pierce moves closer to Bucky and suddenly strikes him hard in the face]. Dr. Arnim Zola: They thought I could help their cause. Steve Rogers: Am I supposed to know who that is? Steve Rogers: And we're borrowing. On your knees! Bouge pas. Messed up, what happened to him. ], [Natasha goes to the hospital and meets up with Steve, they watch doctors operating on Fury]. Alexander Pierce: Nick, that's not a favor, that's a subcommittee hearing. Maria Hill: Once the Helicarriers reach three thousand feet, they'll triangulate with Insight satellites becoming fully weaponized. Fury has released everything to the public. Sam Wilson: Dude, Captain America needs my help. Finally we're here, and the world should be grateful. I want the ship ready to move when the ransom arrives. Peggy Carter: That was a difficult winter. Sharon Carter: Depends on where you're standing. But I guess I just traded in the KGB for HYDRA. Sam Wilson: The good looking guy in the sunglasses, your ten o'clock. Alexander Pierce: Our enemies are your enemies, Nick. Is it gonna be in a big suitcase or in a little man-purse? Veech died six years ago. [the computer screen shows them old footage of Johann Schmidt/Red Skull, of the how the original SHIELD founders] HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. Steve Rogers: Well, things aren't so bad. Double time! Natasha Romanoff: Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here. Natasha Romanoff: I don't know. Committee General: Well, he could explain how this country's expected to maintain its national security now that he and you have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus. Natasha Romanoff: Where did Captain America learn how to steal a car? [the scientists strap Bucky in his chair and then place a teeth shield in his mouth as they begin the process of wiping his brain with Bucky screaming in pain]. Steve Rogers: You don't have to come with me. ], Steve Rogers: On va voir. [Fury looks at him coldly] I'm glad you're here, Nick. Doctor: Stand back! Natasha Romanoff: It's some kind of a recording. Alexander Pierce: You know how the game works. [Steve nods and turns to go into his apartment] Oh, and I think you left your stereo on. My granddad worked in a nice building, he got good tips. Steve Rogers: He told me not to trust anyone. Natasha Romanoff: Ow. Natasha Romanoff: Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable. [later as Natasha's wound is being treated] Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, one hell of a headache. Visitor information booths are available on the second level. Let's go! Natasha Romanoff: The file came from these coordinates. Sam Wilson: 41st floor, north-west corner! :)"). Steve Rogers: I thought you said you were a pilot. Nick Fury: [looking at a photo of Pierce] This man declined the Nobel Peace Prize. Old Footage Recording: In this rare footage, everyone's favorite war hero, Captain America [Steve goes to the display where there are mannequins with costumes of Steve's old commando squad]. Nick Fury: Yeah, I know. But what's this? [as they are going down the escalator Natasha spots Rumlow on the escalator next to them going up, she turns to Steve]. You might not want to pull on that thread. Nick Fury: Alright then. [we see the Zola and the Hydra agent amputating his left arm and replacing with the metal arm] You are to be the new fist of HYDRA. [Steve watches an older looking Peggy Carter being interviewed]. Natasha Romanoff: There's Stark's father. Nick Fury: Director override, Fury, Nicholas J. Steve Rogers: You know, they used to play music. Nick had ignored my direct order and carried out an unauthorized military operation on foreign soil. Nick Fury: About damn time. Brock Rumlow: [to Steve] I'm sorry about what happened with Fury. [Bucky gives Steve a friendly pat on the shoulder] I'm with you to the end of the line, pal. Brock Rumlow: Ex-DGSE, Action Division. You have nowhere to go! Let's go! [they find the signal is coming from Wheaton, NJ] You know it? Sam Wilson: Oh, really? Nick Fury: We need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blades with our own. Steve Rogers: So did I. Science could not save my body, my mind, however, that was worth saving on two hundred thousand feet of data banks. SHIELD Computer: Alpha Level confirmed. For the 2014 film, see Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is an American television miniseries created by Malcolm Spellman for the streaming service Disney+, based on Marvel Comics featuring the characters Sam Wilson / Falcon and Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier. Steve Rogers: I thought the punishment usually came after the crime. [to his colleague] Well, he could have said something. Natasha Romanoff: Whatever I can get my hands on. ), [he looks at the hostages who keep their heads down], French Pirate #1: Bon, j'ai trop attendu l. Down! [as they walk over to the building], Steve Rogers: Army regulations forbid storing ammunition within five hundred yards of the barracks. Captain America: The Winter Soldier/Transcript.