Jocelyn Hsu. There, his staff would serve everything from mutton chops to roast beef to macaroni pie. Gerald Ford Butter Pecan Ice Cream Jimmy Carter Peanut Butter Pie Ronald Reagan Coconut Macaroons. According to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, his favorite food was New England fish chowder, no surprise given his roots. It seems he may have preferred plain home cooking to fancy chef creations. , he was really into gardening, especially after he left The White House. It seems like something that might be made out of worn-out handkerchiefs and Long Johns with holes in the seat. Many of the dishes on this list may seem strange by today's standards, but keep in mind that people living a century or so ago would likely be horrified by the idea of kale smoothies or chocolate with 0% sugar. McDonald's was (and probably still is) Trump's favorite chain, and his favorite sandwich was the Filet-O-Fish. Monroe also had a taste for French cuisine, which he likely picked up during his time as the U.S. Minister to France (via The History Chef). Its rare that former presidents accept acting roles on primetime soaps, even when playing themselves. Thomas Jefferson was not only a founding father but apparently a founding foodie. Madison's other favorites included oysters, vol au vent pastries, and veal fricassee, according to PBS. While George Washington was the metaphorical father of our country, John Tyler was the president who went the farthest towards becoming the literal embodiment of this epithet. shelved 2,939 times. Before becoming president,Jimmy Carterspent some time, . One restaurant that was particularly honored by his patronage was Ben's Chili Bowl, so much so that the ownerspainted him into a mural several years after his 2009 visit. Benjamin Harrison was really into Christmas, to the point where he was the first president to set up a Christmas tree inside the White House. In an, , he admitted that "many pretenders to refinement despise [sauerkraut]," but said he was glad that "we both delight in the classical dish." Americans, he once said, were possessed of a strong work ethnic, while sickle-cell Armenia was a disease for which he offered sympathy. When you google "Abraham Lincoln" and "cake," you're likely to get a zillion recipes for modernized versions of an almond cake that Mary Todd is said to have made for him back in their courting days. According to the biography "Theodore Rex," Roosevelt was very fond of fried chicken. This ice cream is French vanilla in two senses of the term for one thing, it's made with eggs, but for another, the recipe may have come from Jefferson's French butler. President Fords favorite meals include pot roast and red cabbage. As a voracious consumer of these little treats, over three tons were consumed during hispresidential inauguration in 1981. According to The History Chef, it was likely a favorite of Harrison because it was filling and could be made to feed a crowd by adding more water or broth. At these stealthy soirees, Harding would always feed his friends the same meal: knockwurst with sauerkraut. Although he often talks about his wealth, Donald Trump's guilty pleasure is affordable fast food. Unlike squirrels, which are still quite prolific, many sea turtles are now so scarce that they fall under the protection of the Endangered Species Act. While Adams grew a variety of plants, he was especially proud of his apple, apricot, peach, and plum trees. So proud of the recipe was he, though, that he submitted it to "The Original White House Cookbook," published in 1887. PBS' ". " Among the more innocuous facts on file about Richard Nixon is his habit of lunching on cottage cheese. GERALD FORD Favorite Film: Home Alone. He prefers 'a small, easy to carry pipe,' and his favorite tobaccos are Field & Stream and Walnut, both traditional American blends, appropriately enough." According to ", ," he once claimed, "I could eat corn cakes as fast as two women can make them. Bush Barbara Bushs Chocolate Chip Cookies Bill Clinton Chocolate Chip Cookies George W. Bush - Apple Cider Creme Brulee Barack Obama Crustless Coconut Pie However, we do know that he was born in Ohio and liked to eat food from his home state. Van Buren was born in New York but his family had Dutch roots, which may also explain his love of these mollusks (via Presidential Power). He also liked waffles with strawberries and sour cream. So much so, that the Hoovers' cook Mary Rattley created a recipe for caramel tomatoes that was a hit with the first family. Okay, there's no real proof that the cherries or milk he ate right before he died were the culprits, as it hasn't been possible to pinpoint an exact cause of death. Not Harry S. Truman thoughhe was once quoted as saying, "only coyotes and predatory animals eat raw beef.". Rutherford B. Hayes was born in Ohio, and his favorite food was a midwestern meal of cornmeal pancakes, made with cornmeal, flour, milk, eggs, and baking powder. From their backgrounds, personalities to their favorite food its something that we can relate to. Afterwards, pork rind sales increased by 11-percent, and he was subsequently awarded 'Skin Man of the Year' by the pork-rind industry. there's a recipe he wrote out himself for a French vanilla version. While a first family cannot live on lemonade alone, Hayes was also pretty fond of corn. The 12th U.S. president was born in Virginia but grew up in Kentucky, where he developed a taste for Southern food and sweets (via Book of Days Tales). Hoppin' John is traditionally served on New Year's Day to bring good luck for the year ahead (via History). Franklin Delano Roosevelt, also popularly called FDR, is best remembered for his role in leading America out of the Great Depression and through most of World War II (via History). While he enjoyed fine food, he was a busy man and seemed to have a particular love for a good soup or stew. ", "That's one of those where I have to haveit taken away. Talk about being influential. According to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, the president first started snacking on jelly beans in 1966 to help himself get over his smoking habit. John Quincy Adams was the sixth president and son of President John Adams. That's certainly a character trait we can get behind. after a stint as Minister to France. Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky and later moved to Illinois, where he practiced law. Unlike his presidential predecessor, Gerald Ford had a favorite food that we can surely all get behind: waffles. He enjoyed breakfast food, according to Food Timeline, and often started his day with fresh fruit, juice, English muffins, and jam. How did he balance such a big family with the stressful job of being president? ), As far as we are aware, Zachary Taylor is the only U.S. president to have been, Okay, there's no real proof that the cherries or milk he ate right before he died were the culprits, as it hasn't been possible to pinpoint an exact cause of death. According to Food Timeline, Harding also liked German foods such as sauerkraut and frankfurters, as well as scrambled eggs and corn muffins in the morning, served with what was hopefully metaphorical "gallons" of coffee. Poor FDR! . Resurrection pie, according to "The Presidents' Cookbook," may have been a favorite dish of Millard Fillmore's due to the fact that it originated in the North of England, as did the Fillmore line. One of the highlights seems to have been "an old-fashioned English Christmas" complete with "mummers and morris dancers and the boar's head crowned with holly." So much so, that the Hoovers' cook Mary Rattley created a recipe for caramel tomatoes that was a hit with the first family. Thomas Jefferson was not only a founding father but apparently a founding foodie. Cleveland also enjoyed other types of seafood, including oysters and lobsters. When no one sent the elevator back down, Ford decided to take the stairs. One of Roosevelt's favorite foods was fried chicken. Although it might sound a little bizarre, squirrel was a relatively common protein in the 1800s. Unlike his presidential predecessor, Gerald Ford had a favorite food that we can surely all get behind: waffles. The calorie total? William Howard Taft, as per Statista, holds the distinction of being our nation's heftiest POTUS to date. On September 5, 1975, a disciple of Charles Mansons named Lynette Squeaky Fromme pulled out a .45 pistol during Fords visit to Sacramento, California in the hopes of winning Mansons approval. Sign up for our newsletter and receive the mighty updates! When asked to name a favorite dish for posterity, though, the one Clinton came up with was chicken enchiladas. Eventually, the Secret Service was alerted to his absence and let him inside. , they were fated never to become sauerkraut buddies. (My Journal Courier reports that the Trumans had no such compunction.) While some critics might maintain that gobbling jellybeans isn't the healthiest of habits, it's one Ronald Reagan adopted in his pre-presidential days in order to ditch an even worse one the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library says he was attempting to give up tobacco. Before Martin Van Buren was president, he traveled to England accompanied by Washington Irving. While he liked peanuts just fine, they weren't his absolute favorite food. Was eating squirrel on the campaign trail circa 18-something akin to eating a funnel cake at the Iowa State Fair as is de rigueur for 21st-century, , this may not be the case, as James Garfield's own squirrel soup recipe seems to have predated his presidency and may have roots in his Ohio boyhood. He's said to have preferred it with white gravy, too, as that's the way his mother used to make it. The hoecakes were fried and served with copious amounts of honey, which was exactly how Washington liked them. Bill Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States, had a few favorite foods, but one dish, in particular, stood out: chicken enchiladas (viaThe New York Times). Still, Taylor would probably have been better off if he'd skipped the fruit and stuck to his favorite dessert instead. The cookbook says such pies are made from steak and liver, but. The. According to The Daily Beast, Wilson didn't have many favorite foods but requested chicken salad often. His daughter Amy praised one particular dish that Carter would make for the family, saying, "Daddy makes grits for breakfast, then breaks a couple of eggs into it and adds some cheese, and it's yummy. This included foods like clam chowder, fried pies, and, his favorite, fried clams (viaYesterday's Island). President Joe Bidenhas made his stance on his favorite food very clear. The 26-year-old Ford cavorted in the snow with Brown as part of a layout on winter vacationing. Along with letting the presidents indulge in their favorite foods, that team of chefs also kept a few of these foods from being lost to memory. This president was also known for his bushy sideburns, commonly referred to as mutton chops. His other tastes, however, were not extravagant: sometimes he would only have a handful of crackers and a glass of water for dinner. Among his specialties was a beef stew made with a tomato-based broth and a pinch of cayenne pepper. We assume Hoover enjoyed this combo to have it recorded in history. In her memoir ". In her memoir "Secrets of the White House," his housekeeper Elizabeth Jaffray remarks that even after adopting this diet, "somehow he really didn't take off any great amount of weight." Just like a hot, juicy sex scandal, President Bill Clinton loved his hot and greasycheeseburgers. "I'll have guacamole coming out of my eyeballs," he admitted. As the President, you have at your disposal a button to send the world into a nuclear ice age. Our first president, George Washington, was known for many things and while he did like cherries, his favorite meal was actually a breakfast of hoecakes and honey, according to the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. According to, , Tyler pudding wasn't really a pudding, per se, but was nearly identical to the. Famous chefs, including the easily-irritable Gordon Ramsay, havebeen known to criticize awell-done steak. These are green beans cooked with bacon, according to The Village Voice. Taft was known to start each day with a 12-ounce steak, although eventually he took his doctor's advice and reduced the size of his steaks to 6 ounces. But the fact didnt sink in until 1930, when King visited him. Okay, no, for the most part, they are not. estimated it at upwards of 2,300, but Dubya's chef did say of her boss, "He watches his portion control! One account of an evening's entertainment records quite the menu, including roast beef, goose, pork, mutton, cabbage, onions, potatoes, and pickles followed by mince pies, tarts, fruit, nuts, and cheese. December 28, 2022. The former president is a big fan of McDonald'sand often orders the chain's Egg McMuffins(although he usually skips breakfast altogether), Big Macs, and Filet-o-Fish sandwiches (via Business Insider). Oysters were a popular Southern dish in the 1800s are were a favorite of Martin Van Buren, who served from 1837 to 1841. Poor James Polk. How did he balance such a big family with the stressful job of being president? All that hard work can in fact, make any man or woman hungry. As he introduced himself at a campaign stop in 2016, "My name is Joe Biden and I love ice cream." Despite his efforts to stay healthy, several months later Polk would still succumb to the disease (through no fault of the ham, we're sure.). Back in the 1840s, though, a squirrel was a dish fit for a president and for his constituents, too. According to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, FDR had a particular fondness for grilled cheese sandwiches. Not so his private parties "Entertaining in the White House" relates how he would frequently invite his pals over for an evening of poker and bathtub gin (or more likely a private pre-Prohibition stash). Sure, that stop did happen to be at Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream in Columbus, Ohio, but Biden has long been a fan of Jeni's. On a trip to the headquarters for Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream in Columbus, Ohio in 2016, Biden stated, "My name is Joe Biden, and I love ice cream" (via The Hill). I'll have guacamole coming out of my eyeballs. According to the biography ", ," Roosevelt was very fond of fried chicken. According to ", ," the president once asked to trade his gourmet grub for the corned beef and cabbage being served in the servants' hall and later described it as "the best dinner I had eaten in months. When Old Hickory was in The White House, his state dinners, according to "A Rich and Fertile Land," combined haute cuisine with plainer fare more reflective of his Tennessee roots. Believe it or not, that we know of, the youngest born when he was 70 years old. Man of letters that he was, Irving, who penned both "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,", to describe the trip. Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum, Desert Tragedy: Untold stories of Operation Eagle Claw, Into the heart of darkness: The bloody Battle of Marjah, The recon mission resulting in Neil Roberts ultimate sacrifice. The future President legally changed his name to Gerald Ford in According to Food Timeline, James Garfield was very fond of squirrel soup. According to Food Timeline, President Calvin Coolidge's mother used to make these pies for him. (It's possible it was the possum, though, as One For the Table says this critter may have been part of that burgoo, too.). He also likes Hagen-Dazs, so much so that the, with its vanilla chocolate chip flavor. It rates 18 different mentions in his diary,and among Hayes' favorite recipes were ones for cornbread, corn fritters, and corn soup. Was eating squirrel on the campaign trail circa 18-something akin to eating a funnel cake at the Iowa State Fair as is de rigueur for 21st-centurypresidential hopefuls? According to PBS, Adams particularly loved to drink his cider while eating a simple dinner prepared by his wife Abigail. When you google "Abraham Lincoln" and "cake," you're likely to get a zillion recipes for modernized versions of an almond cake that, . As Parade recalls, Bush I was responsible for a huge bump in sales of these gas station snacks once he admitted that they were one of his favorites. As there's no evidence that Obama ever returned to Ben's, we wouldn't go so far as to claim, likeBusiness Insider did, that the restaurant's signature chili half-smoke is among his favorite dishes. Too bad he and James Buchanan never got to know each other, but as. Frozen cheese with watercress salad. While Adams grew a variety of plants, he was especially proud of his apple, apricot, peach, and plum trees. Other foods Polk liked included ham, Creole dishes, and French food (via Food Timeline). T, he Adamses most likely had their dinner in the middle of the day and the main course would often be a boiled dinner of meat and potatoes. sort by. When Old Hickory was in The White House, his state dinners, according to ", " combined haute cuisine with plainer fare more reflective of his Tennessee roots. The 33rd President also enjoyedchocolate cake, chicken and dumplings,custard pie, and fried chicken. This happy little experiment resulted in a nice crusty pudding, and Monroe must have liked it if it stayed on the menu. In addition, the 39th president and Nobel Peace Prize recipienthad a fondness forsirloin steak, and nuts. Burgoo is a stew made with various types of meat, vegetables, and spices, and can be either thick or thin, depending on the recipe. Although. Case in point: Free, may have helped William Henry Harrison get elected our ninth president. What is Gerald Fords favorite food? According to his chef, one of his favorite dishes included New England chowder. The actual dish, however, as described by Ohio's Tribune Chronicle (McKinley being a Buckeye by birth), is made from potatoes and beets. He even had a specialcup-holderdesigned for Air Force Oneso hisjarofJelly Belly beans wouldn'tspill during turbulence. Case in point: Free squirrel stew handed out at voter ralliesmay have helped William Henry Harrison get elected our ninth president. The funny thing is, according to the Biloxi Sun-Herald article reprinted in. He probably didn't eat a great deal of it, though, since at 5' 4 and 100 pounds, he was the smallest of our presidents, notes Statista.