Find me one half truth, just one. The Bishops role is to guide his sheep ~ us. Our Lady is asking us to HELP HER through our prayers. ..Jesus would embrace this Mission and would never discourage people from coming here to pray. The difference in wording is salient. Thomas T. is my father. You do not know what God would do. They know what the Faith is, but soon God will bring them to Heaven. Sad but true. They lacked the faith and humility that Joan had. it was a few years ago. I have seen nothing wrong and feel very peaceful there. He told me when our country , church and priests were in trouble,the priests from the USA came and helped us. Dave, this is just perfect. Gods Word NEVER changes. As quoted in the Summa, here are some errors in thinking which underlie false obedience, that is, obedience through excess: (1) Church hierarchy is absolute. The simple fact is that it is not true that an apparition needs to have approval by a bishop to be believed as authentic by the faithful. The above is more about emotions and passions run amock than the practicing of Divine/Catholic Faith (to say nothing of Reason). condemned. It says no credibility can be given. It is naive and foolish to assume something so shallow as to call one bishops discernment the Voice of the Church itself.. Bishop Zanic, local bishop of Mejugorie, disapproved of that apparition, and the Vatican disregarded his discernmemt completely and instead handed over the decision to a committee. Again, I ask you, get SPECIFIC. He was cited for canon law violations so egregious that he was severely rebuked by Rome. As regarding any priests or Bishops who have been going to the site, do you suppose that Bishop Lennons words to them are vague and ambiguous also.forbid members of the clergy of any ecclesiastical jurisdiction to celebrate the sacraments on the site of Holy Love Ministries? 214 The Christian faithful have the right to worship God according to the prescripts of their own rite approved by the legitimate pastors of the Church and to follow their own form of spiritual life so long as it is consonant with the doctrine Looking back on that message now, it was supposed to help me in my discernment of my vocation, but the message was general and vague. Jesus said to test the spirits, but not all are bad. Our beautiful Mother is well within the parameters of Catholic Church law. Since there appears to be no dispute of this part of Lennons Decree (at least insofar as the arguments have gone in these comments), what is the premise for going to HLM? Read the sections about primacy of the Faith and when disobedience to bishops is called for. It sought approval through official channels for several years, but instead, in 1999, the Catholic diocese issued a statement urging extreme caution. Instead of spending money and time on sites of questionable authenticity, I realize now that the best way to act radically for Christ is to receive Him every day at Mass and then to live His gospel message. Satan gates the rosary, and the last thing he wants is a lot of oeopke praying it. Holy Love: You will have wars and insurrections You were created through My Divine Will to know Me and to love Me above all things. Have mercy, Lord, have mercy! For Catholics, this should be the end of the story. "Through the Divine Mercy of the Sacred Heart and the Holy Compassion of My Mother's Heart, I was able to courageously embrace the cross.". They often are not obedient to our Holy Father and his Magisterium, They have many times misled the faithfulremember, it is the Catholic vote that re-elected Obamaand they are largely responsible for the moral confusion and defiance to Rome that plagues the United States. Guard me against all evil. and you are too kind Harry! Your discernment needs to focus on what your bishop is doingor more to the pointnot doing. Since Holy Love moved to their latest location in Elyria, Oh. Is this something current? He too advised people against going there. I stand corrected. Bishop Zanecs warning comes to nothing. Likewise, the Bishop who forbade St. Padre Pio from seeing people and confined him like a criminal and took away his faculties. He just doesnt like it. Proper procedures were disregarded And then Our Lady goes even further and warns them/scares them of bad things to come if they dont continue to come to Holy Love: If you choose not to listen, the future does not bode well for your country or for you yourselves., 3221 believes that St. This is why Jesus says that our free will is the door to our souls. One further question: Are you inferring that Bishop Lennon is a heretic? I once read that people bring their own holiness to these sites. Translation for other readers: (I see you have a link to EWTN on your site If you would actually read the messages your opinions would be more informed. lets remember st joan of arc.please read and read about her she was absolutly right and the good dominican priest and the the english bishop/s treated her shamefully while captive. The argument that HLM followers are disobedient to Bishop Lennon does not hold up when you look at the procedures happening with an other unapproved appartion site. The metaphor of the chambers of the heart are in no way contradictory to what is human and real. Not your opinion nor the will of any other non-believer will stop this ministry. If people were inspired or received what they believe to be miracles at this site, then praise be to God! I did not know about the divorce and remarriage. My point in bringing this up is that the corruption within the body of bishops is at an all time high. But, unfortunately many who are seeking for something in life to fill a void they may have, want to be able to fill this void by going to such places as the above. It doesnt matter what I may or may not want to point out from the decades of messages. ************************************, (11/24/12-BLESSED VIRGIN MARY) Ha! The problem, however, comes later when/if the predictions fail (like Conyers and so many others), the church disapproves of the messages and gatherings, the visionaries disregard the church, lawsuits come forth (like, again, Conyers, between Our Loving Mother whatever and Nancy Fowler), etc. That bishop also prevented a lot of people from being saved. I used to wonder why the devil would have a hand in false apparitions when they inspired so many faithful Catholics to increase their prayer life and devotion to God and the Blessed Mother. They have the beautiful Rosary of the unborn. Protect me from any evil plan Satan may have for me today. if there is no sin and redemption we realize the evil one knowns we dont need a holy church or a ine world church where anything goes like in pagan roman and greek times past or are they ??? This is a fundamental teaching of the Catholic Church. This site is a refuge of HOLY LOVE for us. Both her ignorance of Catholic doctrine, as well as her inability to think clearly became obvious for all to see. Von Hildebrand is quoted in Catholic Apologetics as stating that when a bishop is not loyal to the true Faith,he loses his authority and does not have to be obeyed. He even goes on to cite the various instances where the saints have disobeyed Popes.. The history of the Church gives us several examples where saints, who, in order to remain faithful, have resisted Church authorities, and were even excommunicated. A meeting with Holy Love representatives made it clear that the ministry will not subject themselves to the Catholic Church. I was forever changed, and there is no doubt in my Catholic heart that God and his family are on and all over those grounds. She has acted within canon law. This kind of stuff is EXACTLY whats contained in a great number of the so-called messages. We are to forgive others and have never been taught to forgive everything. At Holy Love Ministries, it is reported that Jesus sometimes comes with Mary during her apparitions. This is EXACTLY how Satan uses seemingly good things for his end. Now your church and country are in trouble and we are here to help and pray for all of you. September 30, 2021 / a soul. They crave to learn how to deepen in union with Him. Demons can do a pretty good job of imitating the good and the holy. The door to the soul IS free will because it is through our free choice (free will) that we CHOOSE either God or sin. However, my experience there (quite unexpected) threw me into 19 years of anxiety, stress, and doubt. If you obey the heresy of unfaithful bishops, you are not being faithful to the Church. They did not because they could not. You are missing the forest for the trees. The Most Reverend Richard Lennon Bishop of Cleveland. Why such a fervor over something no one is asking you to believe? I do not often agree with Ron Conte over on Catholic Planet, but he does have a reference page on his site concerning Maureen Sweeney-Kyle and HLM. Reverend Gary Yanus, Judicial Vicar of the Cleveland Diocese, in his correspondence to you, made reference to Canon 223, which speaks of taking into account the common good of the Church and the obligation of ecclesiastical authority, in view of the common good, to regulate the exercise of the rights of the faithful . (Canon 223) The common good of the faithful would be protecting any distortion in doctrine, any break in Tradition, or any false interpretations of the Sacred Scriptures. In this perverted rendering of the Catholic Faith, man is made the center, and the living God in the Holy Eucharist is shunted to the side, ignored, and forgotten. This is not to understand it at all. Jesus Is Condemned To Death. I feel confident that your heart has hardened to any and all attempts by any of us here, or the Bishop, to common sense and obedience. God bless youand Blessed Advent! This is a New Era in time, and it is all due to Holy Love. The implication arouses a persecution motif and the commensurate emotions that go along with the motif. I was schooled in the true pristine doctrine, Tradition, sacramental understandings of our Catholic Faith, as well as in Scriptural knowledge and interpretation in the Catholic Tradition long before distortions and errors permeated Catholic catechesis as a result of the misinterpretations and distortions of the Second Vatican Council. I once read that people bring their own holiness to these sites. What happens if one day your Bishop told his diocesan priests that they are forbidden to celebrate mass from now on? And I agree that the Church, Christ Himself, never changes. Trueand why should anyone obey Peter either, since He denied Christ three times? I know others also. Should a visionary obey ANYONE because of title? In his examination of Holy Love Ministries, which will be the subject of the next part of this message, Bishop Lennon and his unnamed expert did not state any specific distortion or misrepresentation of authentic Catholic doctrine or any Scriptural misinterpretation they found there. the Church is wise enough to allow things to exist unless they prove heterodox. Holy Love is the Two Great Commandments of Love - to love God above all else and to love neighbor as self. We are not bound to follow an admonishment. You wont be asking that question. Were people disobedient to believe in her although their bishop condemned her? I stand (sit) corrected! Christ was a man [human] like us in all things but sin. I dont need canon law to tell me that not supernatural means not from God and neither do you. If it did not, I would return home and continue to practice my faith. What would you do then? After the Bishops decree, I felt compelled to appeal to all Holy Love followers, to accept the fact that the Church has the authority to condemn this site. Did you see my note above on Mary Divine Mercy or MDM that some HLM devotees are now also gravitating towards. It did not. Again, LOOK UP AQUINAS TEACHING ON WHEN TO DISOBEY A BISHOP. Hope that helps. You will find the Church where the true Faith is. He issued his Decree in November of 2009. My earliest memory is being on the site and looking at pictures of the sky taken on the property, trying to discover what clouds or images that could be miraculous. I think that you are referring to when I quoted St. Catherine of Sienas Dialogues wherein God the Father tells her to keep her spiritual life between Him and growing in self knowledge. I live less than one mile from where Maureen Kyle-Sweeney was previously receiving messages and visits from heaven. In my November of 2009 article, I said, Despite all the usual Catholic trappings chapel, statues, rosaries and religious bookstore, not to mention the throngs from across the country and globe the purported visions by Maureen Sweeney-Kyle have been condemned.Although the word condemned is the old term for a private revelation that received the constat de non supernaturalitate judgment andmy readersmay have been better served by my simply reporting what the bishop said, the point remains: The conclusion of the bishops evaluationis that if there are any apparitions going on there, they are not from God. And, yes, Clevelands Bishop Lennon closed a number of churches and had to reverse some/all. Some just cannot get their facts straight! (Oh, and by the way, Holy Love Ministries has one of those miraculous springs. They are bound to follow the dictates of the Church.and they cannot condemn what is not able to be condemned according to Church Law. The founders and visionary claim it is ecumenical and therefore does not fall under Catholic Church authority. Me gusta practicartambien, es una avenida para los que no pueden entender el ingles bien. 2021 Holy Love Messages "Each and every person that walks the face of the earth is My child and I am their Mother. Thats not the topic of this thread. I refer you to what I just shared with Elizabeth. 38 Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Mother Teresa was in a diocese once where the bishop insisted that she and her sisters sit after receiving Holy Communion. When has Jesus rejected His own authority that of the Catholic Church? Please join us there, if you havent already. The judgment is still out for me on Holy Love but I keep an open faithful heart when discerning its existence and let God speak to my heart on its validity. This IS the teaching of the Catholic Church. Needless to say, he backed down. Its interesting to read some of the defenders and their circular logic. What is required is loyalty to the Church in matters of Faith and morals and to a bishop who is upholding these. From The Imitation of Christ (Book 3, Pg 160): Thanks for that Liz. God warns us about judging others and I think he means it. Or, disappointment leads them to reject Church authority thinking that they are right and the Church is wrong. The common good of the faithful is to nurture the full knowledge of the true Faith. If your not careful it will shake you out of the complacency and watered down Catholicism rampant in parish life today and turn you into a real on-fire Catholic!! The roads to hell are paved wit their skulls, according to St.Philip Neri. the ministry here is unprecedented mother mary says that holy love is one of herfavorite places on earth! Yes, it is condemned. I just got those beads myself. Does he speak out forcefully on life issues? Im a devout Roman Catholic 34 yr. old mother of 4 and my kids and I love Holy Love. Can you say that of many bishops now in this country? You also accused me of being angry and bitter, but it is you yourself who referred to me as an idiot in an earlier post. If you are a fruit of Holy Love and are now slamming the Popes, I rest my point. and let us pray for all those affected by the shooting in Connecticut today. The whole place is deceptive. And, thank you, denis. Has he checked their theological content? We can either OPEN the door (cooperate with grace) or CLOSE the door( choose to REJECT the grace flowing THROUGH Marys Heart. This is the case when a man takes little trouble to find out what is true and good, or when conscience is by degrees almost blinded through the habit of committing sin. In such cases, the person is culpable for the evil he commits [CCC 1791]Ignorance of Christ and his Gospel, bad example given by othersassertion of a mistaken notion of autonomy of conscience, rejection of the Churchs authority and her teachingthese can be at the source of errors of judgment in moral conduct [CCC 1792]Conscience can remain in ignorance or make erroneous judgments. You have every right even a duty to suggest caution, as you did in your article. Sure, the Church can be overly hard on mystics at times, but the authentic ones OBEYED anyway. If he could, I am sure he would. And so we should never agree to wearing this Angel Chip. Let me quote again from Catholic Apologetics: Is not fidelity to the true teaching of the Church to be given. ( ) After an angry backlash of emails telling me how wrong I was, I promised never to write about alleged apparitions again.