That's what Dihidrogen Monoxide is - H2O. Mr. Tom Way did a good job, but he should check some things! it also has influences from multiple authors on communist ideas, giving it credibility. In universities, research facilities, laboratories, institutes, and other governmental or non-governmental institutions, academic and scientific activities are carried out and events are planned. WebYou might also like some similar terms related to DHMO to know more about it. The Is this particular website a credible or an incredible scam one, and how can I know? Explains that the security council authorized french-led forces to mount a humanitarian mission called operation turquoise that saved hundreds of civilians in south west rwanda, but may have allowed soldiers, officials and militiamen involved in the genocide to leave rwanda through the areas under their control. Mostly harmless. controversy surrounding There are no links on the page that discuss the background of the organization, only and FAQ on the subject. [8], Using chemical nomenclature, other names for water include: hydrogen oxide; hydrogen hydroxide, which characterises it as a base; and several designating it as an acid, such as hydric acid or hydroxyl acid. WebRead More. Click here to unlock this and over one million essays. Has the author written other articles or books? Research Analyzes how interacting with video games, can play a role in children with adhd, it can invite unwanted behaviors and problematic issues. The controversy surrounding dihydrogen A typical Snopes entry will tell you whether the information is true or false, and it will also tell you where the story originated. DHMO is water these types of pages don't directly harm anyone but this is not a reliable source. Narrates how they fell behind the rest of their class when their teachers began pushing them to do more than just read for fun. Recently, the name CDC has been very prevalent in the news ever since the Ebola scare. All they say is actually true, but they say it in a way that could make people think water is dangerous :) DH-MO DH = Dihydrogen = 2H. MO = Monoxide = O. Combine them, you'll make H2O (water). DHMO is bad. For medical queries, library customers should refer to the Consumer Health Complete database. Monoxide is a dangerous chemical. m.d. All of the research projects took place in high schools. Finally, have the students answer the following questions pertaining to the site. Recommends the esrb entertainment software board website for parents, caregivers, and educators working with children with adhd. Explains that african-american women started the double v campaign to win a dual victory in america and overseas. Explore the world of Augmented Reality marketing and discover how it can transform your digital marketing campaigns. in the distribution of pesticides. Opines that reclassification of cannabis would dissuade drug dealers and users from taking and selling the drug, as if caught with it a longer sentence and heavier fine would be enforced. may result in electrical failures and a reduction in the effectiveness of automobile brakes, has been discovered in tumors excised from terminal cancer patients. there are no footnotes contained on any of the webpages, nor are there links to reliable sources. Copyright 2023 goodale, gloria. You may not find any second opinions on the site, and that's OK. What do other sites say about the site (if anything)? It's possible that you'll get serious burns as a result of this. Explains that cannabis is a psychoactive drug, which is made from the dried flowers of mature plants and the leaves surrounding the pisillate (or?female?) While the analysis indicates that CWLA is the best website, all the three websites met the threshold for a good website as Someone asks questions about the text, and then the rest of the class shares their opinions on it. Because the site looks professional and uses lots of technical jargon, it Concludes that the article is a good source because of its use of historical principles about communism and excerpts from marx. Linking Explains the motor control and sequencing of boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd) during computer game play. What is the common (non-scientific) name for dihydrogen monoxide and why does this site not use this common name? Even if the DHMO website is fake, it teaches us that DHMO is a toxic liquid and can cause serious illness to anyone who will drink or inhale it. According to Lone Star College Assessment, notice what they realized after they evaluate the DHMO Website: "This site is a parody and completely bogus!" Describes the tuskegee airmen, a group of african-american fighters who led the charge for equal rights of all races in world war ii. A search for his name identifies him as an associate professor at Villanova University. One of the easiest ways to do this is to go to and search for the story. This doesn't mean these sites are less reliable. The "propaganda" about it was made to point out that many people don't know the scientific names of things and would be easily fooled if you get technical. This hoax spreads the belief that the chemical dihydrogen monoxide is dangerous Explains that when revising a paper, the writer must make changes in weak areas such as content containing too much or too little detail, organization, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, word choice, and citation. For example, at the beginning of the page there was only one picture of a Mayan temple, then it had four different topics. All the information seemed to be accurate. Memes become a political expression, using an existing cultural framework to transform complicated ideas into concise, understandable messages that evoke strong emotions. .anmzpr-1whqzut{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;line-height:100%;top:2px;position:relative;}.anmzpr-1whqzut svg{fill:#000;}.anmzpr-1mmyqhz{padding:0 8px;top:4px;position:relative;}.anmzpr-1mmyqhz svg{fill:#626262;}.anmzpr-pr0334{font-family:adobe-garamond-pro,serif;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant-numeric:lining-nums;line-height:1.45;overflow-wrap:break-word;color:black;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:inline-block;cursor:pointer;font-variant:all-small-caps;color:#626262;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:16px;}.anmzpr-pr0334:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.anmzpr-pr0334:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;color:#000;}Library. This site is a parody and completely bogus! Reports, including the "Note: Content veracity is not implied." Through the course of my research, I noticed that the website had been updated twice, perhaps even weekly. Location, Most good research sites link to other sources that have information about the same thing. WebAt a high level, DHMO plans are designed to help keep your dental costs lower. by Mickiko Kakutani. Prevention. Analyzes how pereira discusses the limitations of the legalization of physician assisted-suicide and how policies on proper administration and documentation are often vague, which leads to non-compliance. TheDihydrogen Monoxide Research Divisionis a website constructed about the chemical commonly known as Dihydrogen Monoxide. What is a questionable site? "It is. My English teacher, Mrs. Username: press Explains that gallaudet's writing style involves three parts, prewriting, writing, and revising, but they are not strictly a step by step process. Dihydrogen WebIn late 1997, drawing inspiration from Jackson's web page and Zohner's research, Tom Way created a website at, including links to some legitimate sites such as the (LogOut/ You may be able to tell based on the tone and topics it focuses on. Analyzes kakutani's analysis on a survey that suggests young people are less rebellious than their predecessors, more practical minded and more inclined to value team over selfaction over words. she only used a survey that questioned one particular college. Argues that reclassifying cannabis would spark the argument of why alcohol can still be bought with only one restriction, the fact that you must be over the age of 21. Carder, L., Willingham, P., & Bibb, D. (2001). We also ensure all reviews are published without moderation. Explains that this source could be used in their paper analyzing communism because it highlights key purposes of the political concept and shines a light on common misconceptions. 3. Argues that video game playing can contribute to an adhd child's ability to learn or if negative forces brought out (including aggression and violence) would outweigh positive aspects of their use. Online articles don't always say who the author is. Discussion? and Cancer Analyzes how kakutani's argument has an insufficient amount of data, since she never directly interviewed any college students. Explains that rwanda has a combined life expectancy of about forty-five years and of the total population, seventy percent are literate. Teachers should address these types of sites and allow their students to become familiar with distinguishing the differences between a reputable source and a questionable site. People can upload content on the Internet regardless of their knowledge of the subject. Debate is a good way to engage the student in the material, (Scott, 2009) and I would have to agree. Watch the video below to learn some tips for judging online information. dissent? I did an assignment on this website, and it is credible! This can be a clue that the site itself is biased. Explains that s.p.i.d.e.r. - Tongue-in-cheek site dedicated to expose the "dangers" of dihydrogen monoxide. Another hint is the "research" section of the site. That's it. Explains that this story is reliable because it is written by a major from the army and on the site of an african-american historian. The DHMO siteis an example of a site with purposelymisleading information. Students should develop the skills to analyze different sites and think critical about what information is being produced. & AdvisoriesNEW To determine the credibility of a website, the researcher must determine authority, accuracy, currency, and objectivity. 1. No. Explains that there are several controversial issues regarding silk road, underground business actions, and the usage of btc. Prevention Platform. Although most of the information available on the website has merit, it was created as a hoax to bring light to the subject of information literacy in todays society. Why is it important for our students to think critically of the issues discussed? When reviewing and assessing a website in terms of credibility, we should ask ourselves: is the author's name clearly mentioned, is there a list of the author's credentials, is the author writing on a subject that he or she is familiar with, is there any further material by the author on this subject, are there any indications of the author's professional affiliations, is it possible to get in touch with the author, is this the official website of a company or organization, is it clear who is responsible for maintaining and updating the site and its content? Analyzes lachman's article on physician-assisted suicide, which discusses ethical limitations versus legal limitations on the argument of whether it is moral. it highlights marxs ideas and clears up the misconceptions of communism. WebPeople can place information onto the Web whether or not they know what they are talking about. Academic and scientific terms both refer to a research, investigation, or exploration-related action or event that will provide findings that will improve humankind. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Delaware in the area of high-performance computing compiler optimization. On this site, you, the citizen who cares about Dihydrogen Monoxide, are welcome and their suggestions and opinions would be appreciated. Explains that before world war ii, there was not much effective action in terms of equal rights for all races. This hoax spreads the belief that the chemical dihydrogen monoxide is dangerous and according to one website, the invisible killer. Analyzes how the article, "to label or not to label: california prepares to vote on genetically engineered foods," is about whether or not california should label foods containing genetically engineered foods. Explains that the 477th bomber group never achieved active combat because they hated their commanders. It is considered less important to ensure that each substance should have a single unambiguous name, although the number of acceptable names is limited. Spam reports, What sort of insanity is it when people actually try to scare people about water??? However, if there is an author listed, it's a good idea to find out more about the author. Even after reading the below comment asking for a good rating, I have to decline. Alexa rank, DHMO is bad. Who is this scientist and where is this statistic of 86 percent of Americans coming from? depending on the writer's preference of writing style, they may start with the title and introduction. Literally, the term "dihydrogen monoxide" means "two hydrogen, one oxygen": the prefix di- in dihydrogen means "two" and the prefix, mono- in monoxide means "one", and "oxide" designates oxygen in a compound (due to the two o's that would occur in "monooxide", the o's are fused together to form "monoxide"). Every web address has a top-level domain. Opines that an article providing in depth information on modern communism and the political facts of the communist party, such as this one, is sufficient for an analysis paper. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to our. (A population would include every person in the world including children, adults, and the disabled). If you're not sure whether the information is correct, try searching for it on Google. This website is a website of learning and educating people like me. This site contains various terms related to bank, Insurance companies, Automobiles, Finance, Analyzes the money that food production companies spend to oppose and shut down labeling laws. The statistics are said to have come from a project testing how gullible people can be, so he stated the dangers of DHMO in a way that readers would think it was a dangerous product and then had them take a survey about banning DHMO. "Bare Bones" tutorial on searching the web. Here are 8 tips for writing great reviews. read them all. Be careful, though. WebThis website deals with the effects of DHMO on different aspects of life. Dihydrogen Monoxide is just a complicated way of describing water - H2O. According to the criteria for evaluating a website set forth by the University of California Berkeley, the URL makes this website appear legitimate. After a quick glance at the site I noticed not one but two advertisements. currently located in Newark, Delaware. WOTs security score is based on our unique technology and community expert reviews. Suggested companies are based on peoples browsing tendencies. Sign-up to receive periodic safety bulletins from You'll need to evaluate each website to decide whether it's reliable. Explains the criteria for evaluating a website set forth by the This helps them build a reputation as trusted sources. You can Keener, assigned selections of text for homework, and the next day we would undergo a discussion called a socratic seminar over what we read. In order to weed out these sites, try verifying key facts in sources you know to be trustworthy. [6][7], The water molecule has the chemical formula H2O, meaning the molecule is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. is a strategy for evaluating websites. Analyzes how the text's honest and reliable perspective makes it a very good source. Upon further investigation, the hoax was proven. Read on for a comprehensive guide to implementing AR technology in your marketing efforts. However, if you're trying to find reliable information, it can be a real problem. Explains that countries and regions formed alliances for conveniences to repel enemy combatants and create a hostile perception to any group that might think of attacking their regions. Copyright 2000-2023. The "greenhouse effect" is aided by this contribution. As a result, the information you get on the Internet may or may not be correct. Depending on who you ask, you may get very different answers about whether WOT Trustworthiness, the non-profit organization domain extension disguising the website as reputable. dihydrogen monoxide has never been more widely debated, and the Explains that the 477th bomber group was a group of mainly african-american fighter pilots who wanted to train and assist the tuskegee airmen, but their commanding officers were diehard racists. Explains that the 761st tank battalion was a group of primarily african-american tankers, who were one of the most effective and useful units in world war ii. The Friends of Hydrogen Hydroxide website was created by, In 1997, Nathan Zohner, a 14-year-old student at Eagle Rock Junior High School in, In late 1997, drawing inspiration from Jackson's web page and Zohner's research, Tom Way created a website at, including links to some legitimate sites such as the, The idea was used for a segment of an episode of the. Typical of this is the widespread use of DHMO in the U.S. dairy industry. Thousands of Websites have sprung up in the past. Explains that the arusha peace agreements brought an end to the conflict between the hutu dominated government and the rpf. Yet, there is no evidence or examples presented to support these claims. You can't always rely on the site itself because many sites try hard to disguise their purpose. 10-12). Explains that african-americans were one of the most segregated and oppressed groups of all time. This is a hoax website about the dangers of DHMO, also known as water. a search of the name resulted in a top hit. Do you think it should be banned? ;). They've done a lot of research and have discovered that there are two opposing viewpoints. may cause severe burns. 5) Tom Way created the website, but only to further the hoax. as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products. We welcome your comments and however, the white population became aggressive against it. Sadly, the risks of DHMO have increased with global population growth, as both statistics and studies show. Keep in mind that even if the author isn't an expert, they can still be reliable as long as they conduct careful research. This webpage has been up for a long time and continues to elicit discussion on dihydrogen monoxide forums. Is the site generally seen as a biased or unreliable source? You'll often need to use your critical thinking skills to make a good judgment. I know Dihydrogen Monoxide is a hoax, but then again, this website isn't a security risk. Use a search engine such as Google to search for Dihydrogen Monoxide What results do you find? Source code, Yea " tom way" you think your slick and you can fool people thinking your stuff is real but its mostly lies! From Purdue University's Online Writing Lab, this page explains some of the key differences between print publications and Internet resources. Domain age, The public and society are partly to blame. they occupied the higher status in the social system and the hutus the lower. ", People can upload content on the Internet regardless of their knowledge of the subject. Analyzes how the article gives an overview of communism itself and its background throughout history. 2) The CDC is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. No other authors are listed; all information on DHMO comes from within the site. Dissent? Making sense of credibility on the web: Models for evaluating online information and recommendations for future research. in the Dairy Industry Instead of simply forwarding the email to your other friends, take a moment to verify that the information is true. They work best for people who are cost-conscious and are willing to find a primary dentist and see dentists from within the network only. Create a free website or blog at fletcher and rossing, the physics of musical instruments, springer, 1998. wolfe, joe. No matter how good a website is, you should always ask yourself whether it contains the information you're looking for. It goes against our guidelines to offer incentives for reviews. Analyzes how the article provides important information on the political aspects within communism. Describes how they struggled with reading comprehension until their freshman year of high school, when their 9th grade english teacher, mrs. mapes, taught them how to be analytical readers. We use dedicated people and clever technology to safeguard our platform. it has jurisdiction over all violations of international human rights that happened in rwanda between january and december 1994. The Underground Online Revolution: Online Black Markets and the Bitcoin, Frederick Douglass: How My Teachers Changed My Life, Web Critoque: Hostile Alliances and Armaments Races Before and During the First World War, Hot to Performe Effective Research and Write Formal Reports, A GCSE Biology Case Study on Whether Cannabis Should be reclassified to a Class B Drug, Effect of African Americans on World War II, Evaluating a Website for Credibility: they supplied ammunition to multiple stranded tanks and very few of their own troops. Explains that dpr and users of silk road were unaware that law enforcement had methods to trace and view transactions between users. [10] The primary function of chemical nomenclature is to ensure that each name refers, unambiguously, to a single substance. Analyzes how greenberg's "gree'silk road 2.0' launches, promising a resurrected black market for the dark web." People who write reviews have ownership to edit or delete them at any time, and theyll be displayed as long as an account is active. Opines that the shutdown of silk road does not mark the end of illicit and anonymous black market dealings. Explains that the security council set up the international criminal tribunal for rwanda. dissent? Seriously. The website is kept up to date very well. Evaluates the website as a hoax to bring light to the subject of information literacy in today's society. Companies can ask for reviews via automatic invitations. Ask the following questions to see if someone is at risk of becoming one. the straight dope, march 7, 1980. If you click it, notice it stays on the DHMO domain. 100% (1 rating) Answer: Q.) Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. People who are not scientists have websites about science and people who are not doctors have websites claiming information that have the potential of beingharmful to individuals. Is it possible to conduct such a survey? Impact of DHMO Let's look at some of the questions you should ask yourself whenever you view a website. The parody often calls for dihydrogen monoxide to be banned, regulated, or labeled as dangerous. DHMO.ORG IS SAYING BAD THINGS. Dihydrogen Sometimes a site's purpose may not be obvious at first glance. EDITION. If you cannot find any outside information that corroborates research on a particular site, you should probably avoid using that resource for your assignment. Tags Explains that the deaths of the presidents of burundi and rwanda in a plane crash caused rwanda into several weeks of intense massacres. Are they biased or unbiased? Stop scaring people about WATER! Many environmental dangers, hazardous substances, diseases, and disease-causing factors have been linked to DHMO. is Dihydrogen Monoxide? Then have the students spend some time on the site, becoming familiar with the content and information presented. Explore our many Special WebEvaluates the website as a hoax to bring light to the subject of information literacy in today's society. Opines that cannabis should be reclassified as a class b drug because the number of people using cannabis would decrease considerably because they would be aware of the fact that they could indeed suffer more. Webthe director of, Dr. Tom Way, was called a "prankster." DHMO However, for technology, news, politics, and other subjects, it may be important to have the most current information available. Here are some ideas about how to conduct a good science hoax: Attach the bones of something to the bones of something WebDHMO is known to be a part of many environmental hazards, toxic substances, diseases, and disease-causing agents. Verification can help ensure real people write reviews about real companies. Explains the purpose of the website, which is to inform people about the different types of gods and goddesses that the mayan people worshiped. WebThe use of Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) by farmers in the U.S. and internationally is prevalent. This disclaimer is near the copyright notice at the bottom of the home page. We also ensure all reviews are published without moderation. One side believes it is harmful and should be prohibited, while the other believes it is not harmful and that the public is attempting to prohibit something they are not aware of. This site uses cookies for analytics and personalised content. !1, SCAM - This site is only trying to scam people with their fake links. (2008). It's actually really funny to see so many people convinced that water will destroy our environment or something, and extremely entertaining to see people not know that DHMO is actually water. Explains that african-american women helped their fair share in world war ii through nursing, help at the postal service, and the double v campaign. Analyzes a biology case study on whether cannabis should be reclassified to class b drug. The The information on Explains that the writer should find an interesting topic and start thinking of a thesis statement. Explains that they consider themselves very "tech savvy" and ever-changing to the most advanced and newest technology that comes out, just like friedman advised us "adapters" to do in the world is flat. JUST PROMOTNG HIS PRODUCTS!! Dihydrogen monoxide: is also known as hydroxyl acid, and is the major component of acid rain. MSDS This webpage has been up for a long time and continues to elicit discussion on dihydrogen monoxide forums. Explains that this website is reliable because it is the official website of the 761st tank battalion. DH-MO Claim: Dihydrogen monoxide is a dangerous chemical that should be banned. Most websites with incorrect information aren't as bad as this one, but they still have mistakes or aren't aware of them. Mostgood research sites cite other sources with related information. Information provided by various external sources. Weaknesses were that there werent that many pictures. subject, plus reports on the This can often reveal whether it is a hoax, scam, or common misconception. For example, if a news blog is biased, it may distort the story or leave out important information. An example of a site that intentionally misleads people is the DHMO website, which you can see here. 2. Explains that the first part of writing a research question is stating the topic, which is physician-assisted suicide, and what argument to discuss for assisted-suicide (to legalize). Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical. Opines that a writer must know how to effectively research information to minimize data errors and avoid plagiarism. It took a little bit of getting used to this method of discussion, but I learned to love it. Perceptions of students' learning critical thinking through debate in a technology classroom: A case study. With the growth of technology and web-based sources, there is unlimited access for anyone to post anything they want on the internet. In this case, we might try the Environmental Protection Agency or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.