- Luan commented - And people say sucking never gives fun. -That one is from the year Lynn was born.-Luna said. !-Leni asked grabbing the shoes from him. -Yep, thanks to your brother.-The cashier answered.-None of my siblings would've ever done for me, what he just did for you, you better not forget just how good he is to you. As que tome asiento y disfrute su trago [Alguno de estos pueden ser bastante fuertes, as como no tener sentido] . - Lynn grabbed Lana and took her to her bed under blanket - Dutch Oven! - We still have each other. They then inform him that because they didn't have any clean shirts at the moment, they decided to wear his shirts instead, much to his annoyance. - I wanted to be like her? Lincoln attempts to use the bathroom, but it's revealed to be a pigsty to his horror. Next morning Lucy and Lynn woke up. [The brothers being nice to Linka.] - Lucy commented surprised - In fact I've always considered you as the closest sibling to me. - Lincoln came into room of Lori and Leni - Can I now play with Leo? Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. - Leni asked - He said "Lori why don't you love me?". - Why do you think that? -Lincoln, I would trade everything I owned, just to give you a hug, just to see you again for a split second.-Luna said to somebody that wasn't there. A loud explosion goes off causing Lily to wake up and cry, while Lisa gives Lincoln a mad look. - Terrific realization. You yelled a lot on Lincoln when he was a baby. - Leni asked - We all shall be happy from our new brother. - Lana yelled breathing - You call this Dutch Oven, I'll show you the true one! Loudcest (The Loud House) Lucycoln - Freeform. No one knew what exactly Luna said to Lincoln that night, but all they knew was that it was enough to get Lincoln to run out of the room with a look of terror on his face, and like them, she would take her words back in an instant. - Leni replied - When you couldn't sleep, had bad dreams, feared thunders or simply felt lonely. - Lynn commented - Still more the marrier. - Luna asked annoyed - That's the last thing that can be associated with my passion. Lincoln only had 24 hours to leave the dimension, which began and ends at 10:30. Suddenly a noise came from open window. - Lincoln commented. (, In the Italian dub, two lines are silent: "62! - Hihi-haha. - Newborn babies don't digest chocolate yet. -But last year the haunted houses were all really scary!-Luan replied.-What makes this year any different?! - Lucy commented - I guess I'll have to wear headband when I'm near Leo. - You grow fast. Lincoln only had to tell Luna, and he was actually looking forward to it, because she was the least likely to get mad at him. It's a miracle when I find a common interest with them. - Leopold woke up and screamed out of fear, - I clearly told you to stay quiet! -Hey Luan.-Lincoln said.-Mom and dad are gone for the week. - Luna commented - Here you go, Leo. - Lori said touched - Let's go then. - Lincoln explained - But I have a safer idea for symbol of our bond. In middle of summer the 12th Loud sibling was about to be born. - Lincoln asked after grabbing her arm - Others enjoy why you don't? - Lana said confused - Come, little bro. She draw lines on it by chalk, then she cut from it cloth parts by scissors. - Lincoln grabbed Lily - He just needs time. - Lana said trying to hug Lynn, - Gotcha! - Lily always gets quiet after this. horror and fantasy. - Leo calmed down on sight of Lucy's eyes, - You see. -That's correct!-The "boring guy" said.-Congratulations caller, you will be on going on Mick Swagger's DayDream tour, spending the whole year with Mick Swagger! -But we think there's a monster downstairs.-Lana continued. - I thought he doesn't like me. Steven Lucas in The Loud House One Of The Boys (A.K.A My Least Favorite Episode of Season 1) Originally Written by Kevin Sullivan Re-Written by Steven Lucas [Lola is having a tea party on the lawn. -Let's get something to eat and go to bed.-Lori said sadly. - Lucy said grabbing Lincoln's arms. I believe in you! I'm Lincoln, your older brother. Later a "werewolf" howled at them, but they didn't even notice, and they kept walking forward. -There's this invisible barrier that's keeping me from punching you!-Lana complained. - Everyone loves you. - Luna took Leo from Lincoln - Look, he's calm now. -Oww!-Lynn screamed.-Hey ref he just tripped me! - No need, I have no intention to speak with her after such brutal honesty. - I wish you good luck, bro. Lincoln starts to leave the room when he stands on a ball and rolls into Lana's lizard habit, setting them free. - Lynn Sr. said, - Yeah? - Look closer. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. ? I hope I'll share my hobby with him because with my sisters I share only genes. - Lincoln suggested hugging Lucy back. The bus drives off, and the girls wake up a few hours later. - Leni said - What's up? Lynn Sr. came to them to calm them down by whistling and it was successful. - Lincoln said - I made you happier and you made me more sensitive for your pain. The siblings kept playing with Lily and each of them wanted her to say their names. The girls find being in bed to be much worse than going about the business, as they now have nothing else to think about except Lincoln. ? !-Lana yelled.-I'll never find all of them! Linka is singing and dancing along to the song when suddenly she bumps into somebody. -That's cool.-Lynn replied.-Wanna play a quick game of football in the front yard? !-Luan asked worried. - Meh, you just don't know how to play. Much to his surprise, Luna hugged him tightly before bringing him in for the rest of the girls to hug him. -Hey Lincoln.-Lana said.-What's going on? - Lola yelled - You annoy me and it makes me as ugly as you! - Lana yelled - Leo, please don't cry. -Thanks Lincoln!-Lucy told him.-That means a lot coming from you. A sibling can become your ally and confidant; your . -Well considering as science hasn't debunked this rumour.-Lisa said.-And he isn't anywhere in my tracking system, there's a good chance that happened. Lincoln discovers that what used to be his bedroom is a closet and his bed is in Lynn and Lars' (Lynn and Lucy's) bedroom. - Lana explained, - You dare to compare me to Lori and now you tell me what to do? Also, when they were playing "Keep Away" the clock marks there's only 1:20 minutes left, and the living room clock marks 10:30. - I spoke about it with her. - Our baby bro seems to have fun. ? Lucy L. Loud [19] (voiced by Jessica DiCicco, [1] portrayed by Aubin Bradley in A Loud House Christmas [3] and The Really Loud House [4]) is the 8-year-old (9-year-old season 5 onward and The Really Loud House) seventh child of the Loud family and Lynn's roommate. - I wanted to give him my robot. - Our brother will surely share bed with Lily. - You want a spit bond? In the Latin American dub of the episode, three lines are silent: "Clear!" - I was happy as the youngest sibling once. I wanted to be with you whole time. You couldn't hear amps, screams, or fighting, you weren't likely to step in a ditched diaper, get hit with a rogue soccer ball, or get a pie to the face. -You have to!-Lincoln said.-Come on, it'll be fun! When siblings tried to hold him he cried because they were strangers to him. - I used to share room with her before I received my own. - Black and white are just easier to print and cheaper. - Lynn asked. - Lincoln commented - This will make you an older sister. Lincoln finally accepts that he doesn't exist anymore. I'll make sure you will be as fascinated with sport as me. This is both a sequel to "Louds of Two Worlds" and "White Hare".The original names were gonna be Hare Care and "Louds of Three Worlds". Again an interesting poetry has been interupted by an unwanted surprise. - Lynn commented - I hope he didn't inherit your non-sense of humor. Lincoln walks into Lisa's room to see her frantically cleaning. So sudden? They both sat next to each other on Leni's bed. - That makes two of us the middle child. ( We open on close up on a flower in the middle of a front yard and behind it is the Loud House. - Lucy, what's with you? He trips and hurts his thumb, and instead of consoling him, Loni (Leni) tells him to shake it off instead. - It's his feeding time. He sees water for the first time. - Hey! He appeared and changed us all.- Lincoln commented - Lucy and I are middle children now and we made hair bond. - Leni commented - Now I need to measure you. All except for Lincoln and Lucy who were sitting in their rooms and reading comic book and poetry dairy respectively. by xXZexyZaneXx 27.7K 298 16 -Oh alright then.-Luna told him.-I'll wait another minute or two I guess. - Actually there are 4 of us. - Lincoln asked, - For you always, my little brother. - Lynn Sr. explained. - Lola yelled, - Why couldn't this be another girl? I don't understand. - Rita replied - Come here sweety. - Lincoln said - Lucy, please help me. - Luna said smiled and patting Lincoln's head, - Gender doesn't matter I will have a new playing partner. - He-wo-ow. - Lucy commented - With the newest family member we'll be 12. - Lincoln whispered to sleeping Leopold - I've always dreamed about a brother, instead I had more and more sisters. - Don't worry, Leo will share room with me. Linka is playing some girly VR dancing game. ["No line for the bathroom!?"] Of course he won't be in his room, there is no reason for him to stay in the house. -Woah.-Lisa whispered.-I seemed to have given the power of levitation to my baby sister. - I thought I'll be happy if I have a brother. He just needed a tender and gentle hug. When Luan is mocking Lincoln, her braces are missing. - Leo giggled when Leni was measuring him. Technically his five older sisters brought him up. - Lincoln said, - Yes. - Lynn replied annoyed - I always have fun with you and you always complain. This is the first story in which I use an Original Character I didn't make myself. - Lincoln took a handtowel, Leo splashed on him much to his disgust - So you want a hard way. - Leni commented - I envied Luna this idea because thanks to this Lincoln wanted to hang out with her over me. Months passed, all Loud siblings passed to next grade. -Ooh!-The 13 year old Leni squealed.-The new limited edition Floral Pumps, and this is the last pair! She lowered her head in disappointment. - Exacly. - He's not the last, it's me this time. - Lisa asked, - Yes. Let me make you smile. Oh. I am so blind. The Loud House - Wild Card by zdforrest 7.8K 154 17 Ten years have passed since Lincoln's disappearance, leaving his family broken beyond repair. Linka: Yello? - Leopold looked on Lincoln with fascination. -Can we talk?-Lincoln asked.-I've had a terrible day. - Luna gave Leo to Luan, - Hey, Luna! LANA AND LOLA'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THEY'VE FALLEN ASLEEP. - Hair isn't not a good material for chains. - Leni said rubbing Lincoln's back - When you were a baby you wanted to be with Luna only. - Hypocrite, you yell at me. Suddenly Lynn took Leo to her bed and covered him and herself with blanket to make him a Dutch Oven. To celebrate their closer and stronger relationship Lucy and Lincoln painted their hair, Lucy in white vertical stripes and Lincoln in black horizontal ones. !-Lincoln asked.-There's only one trophy in there, so why is it so hard to find?! Lincoln: (to the viewers) There's nothing like waking up to a nice sunny day enjoying some pancakes for breakfast. - Lynn commented. Lincoln packs up some bags with all his belongings, and leaves the house. - Luna asked disgusted - Do you want to suffocate him with own odor?! No one knew what to do after that, people who walked past the house thought the Loud family moved it was so quiet. - I thought it's just a fashion. - Lincoln and Luna said in unison laughing. Oh, he has my eyes. - Maybe this will help. However, Lynn comes back, and pulls down Lincoln's pants, causing him to annoyingly declare her the exception. - He complained she gives him rough time. It won't take long. - She keeps telling me it's stressful to be the oldest sister and I believe her. The machine tells them to chose from easy, normal or hard. - Lincoln said - Careful! - Lincoln said and took cap from the sink what made Leo dissatisfied - Here we go. Leif's line, "Bye, Mom!" ["Ahhh! -Great, thanks Luna!-Lincoln replied.-I tried taking Lynn last week, but she gave up on her promise when we reached the arcade. - Children, this is your new brother. Suddenly, Lincoln wakes up, realizing that the entire ordeal was just a nightmare. ", The four eldest Loud brothers are voiced by the same men who voice the. - Lynn Sr. interrupted - Now what your mom needs right now is peace and relative silence otherwise the birth may go wrong. - I also have to thank you. For clothing, he wears brown shoes, white socks, a white, short-sleeved, button-up shirt, a pink bow tie, and yellow plaid shorts that held up by red suspenders *** Lynn looks like the other Lynn. Suddenly, the sisters (who are now boys) exit their rooms. ?-The girls all said.-He has to be! - 27? - Lincoln said - I had fun with her before I went to school. - Lincoln explained sadly - I feel he doesn't love me. - Luan said and began doing funny faces. Lincoln felt big sadness and pain in heart hearing this. -Yeah, you look like your day has been terrible.-Lola finished. - Lincoln admitted - She wanted me to be her best friend and instead I made her feel lonely. When she comes to a minute later, Lynn comes back with a plump girl that he's dragging by the collar. In the Latin American Spanish dub, Lars's line "Luke flushed him" is said in an innuendo form (". - Glad to hear it. - Leni commented hugging Leo. That means you can do your hobby as long as it is quiet enough. Lincoln and Clyde are looking through the fridge for something to eat. Lincoln: "Okay, let's see what we got." -Why'd he want to leave in the first place? The next day, Lincoln is woken up from Lars' bat colony and receives two horrible punches: one from Lynn (for waking him up) and one from Lars (for scratching his coffin). Rated: T - Spanish - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 918 - Reviews: 5 . - Lynn! - Do you remember when she came to us? -I'm so sorry, I didn't-Lincoln is once again interrupted by the furious girls, both with bright red faces. -And I thought having in a habitat for them was bad!-Lola griped.-Now we share our room with a bunch of stupid lizards! I don't want to be a bully brother and neither I want any of you to be. - Lisa, please don't do this again. He longed for a true family, he had since he was younger. -But I said I was-Lincoln gets interrupted. Lynn opens the door and sees the empty room and empty bed. Sibling's love: a feeling as pure and beautiful as that which can exist between parents and their children; a feeling so magical that can only exist between those people. - Aww! - Here, you can play with this rabbit. ? -Hey Linc.-Luna said.-I know this was a today only thing, but do you think we could start coming here just to play the game? -Thanks Lincoln!-Lola and Lana said in unison. - Rita began breastfeeding Leo. Lincoln's voice remains the same in other international dubs. [Lisa spooks Lincoln awake.] I was your baby bro. - But you are a good brother and we all love you. - Lincoln and Lana yelled in unison. The Loud House (Cartoon), The Stanley Parable, Steven Universe (Cartoon), The Amazing World of Gumball, Bendy and the Ink Machine, The silent age. - Get out you two! - Listen up, kids. - Lynn complained - And Lucy? Suddenly Lucy ran from room crying.