retaining their hands in the position for a few seconds, at the same time as under the due-guard (Master makes the due-guard of a Master Mason, as on page to breast, (they bring their right breasts together); hand to back (Master ", Scty. knuckle of visitor's hand). represents the pillar of beauty, it being his duty to observe the sun gave light to the Israelites and facilitated their march, and the cloud proved ), The Secretary takes a long strip of paper on, This confusion and alarm 1s to represent that consternation The North therefore, we Masonically term a place of darkness. 'For the origin 4f this rite, see "Master's Carpet," pp. Q. ", W.M. Master then rises to his feet, and addresses the candidate as follows:], W.M. richly ornamented, especially if the Lodge is a silk stocking or aristocratic To preserve unsullied the reputation of then hands the square to the J.D., who replaces it upon the altar, and angle," etc. shakes him roughly, and says: Jubela- "Grand Master Hiram, I am glad to meet you thus alone; on the five points of fellowship on pages 215, 216, and there is not a Mason A. these officers gives one loud rap with his gavel; on passing around the second "How were you then disposed - "He has it not, but I have it for him.". A. J.D., you will retire, prepare and burning tapers, placed in a triangular form, representing the sun, moon, and ", S.W. )- "Brother S.D., you will release the now call your attention to the letter G, which you see above Now unites with the hand, the candidate at the same time being instructed to press re - enters the lodge, representing King Solomon, wine and oil, emblematical of the corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment and in many so - called aristocratic lodges, clothed in a scarlet robe trimmed ", Fellow Craft No. temple and our Grand Master Hiram Abiff cannot be found. S.D.- "Brother _____ forgetfulness, can always make himself understood. re-conducts the candidate to the S.W. a tabernacle dedicated to God, which was placed due Fast and West to At the same time he strikes him a smart blow with the padded season, exchanged the sceptor for the trowel to patronize our mysteries, and "You must begin." communicated to, and received by you as such, murder and treason excepted. s, report to the West and give me divide yourselves into parties and travel three East, three West, three North, takes place as follows: The committee procure a Bible, Square and Compass, and ante - room and finding in waiting there Brother _______, who has already been may govern themselves accordingly. committed to memory by the Masonic student. "What makes you a Master Mason?" initiation. - You will conduct the candidate to the W.M. Bee DD. "By first meeting with resistance, and after A. instruction." then taking his rod, proceeds around the Lodge - Ex.- "What is this?" (pointing to the letter G, suspended over the Master's report this intelligence to King Solomon. made their escape.. "Bat. 270 NOTES. pretending to pull it up by the roots stumbles a little in rising, looks at are all turned down to represent night, that is, provided gas is used in the - "Brother S.D., is this of his own free - will and being interlocked and pressing tightly against the hand, the fingers of each the men mentioned on page 42 were then members of ______ ______ Lodge. J.W. his mouth to candidate's right ear thus bringing the right cheek of each (turning to candidate)- "Brother _______, is this of your gain admission? The door is then opened, and the J.D. They were cast on the plains of Jordan in WORK ON THIRD DWRZ4.172 *RITE OF SECRECY. ], [The ", A. mental reservation or secret evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under a He 78. examination, we found the appearance of a newly - made grave. secrets of a Master Mason or the Master's word, or I'll take your life. West and give me the pass of a Fellow Craft. We are only Fellow Craft,", Fellow Craft No. "How will you the bee - hive, etc., etc. ", A. to West between North and South, forming the earth, Heavens and from the. the jewel of his office. ", The S.D., now removes the candidate's thumb to the space and token o- the pass of a Master Mason, ordered me to arise and salute the lying, the following colloquy takes place: Jubela (to his companions)- "Well, what shall we do now?, Jubelo- "Let us steal a boat and put to sea." Where is our Grand Master Hiram Abiff? Lodge are the Treasurer, Secretary, S.D., J.D. The words substituted for this sign in the dark or at other Senior Deacon. "I was conducted once around the Lodge by the J.W. an Entered Apprentice, as seen in the figure on page 10; after which, the S.W. This ends the examination, and nothing further requires to be ", S.W. Ex.- "Has it a the regulation of all Master Mason. square and level." by stars as usual. - "You ..lust begin." Fellow Craft will now step in front of the altar, make the customary salute - present must vote on the admission of a candidate, whether for degrees or A. some aristocratic lodges, in cities and large towns where they can afford the (standing up) "Brother _______, you will take the Entered Apprentice time, to call the Craft from labor to refreshment; superintend them during the every ceremony stands for the reader is referred to "The Master's Carpet" pp. ), S.W.- "Nothing in the West, Worshipful. ", [S.D. (to candidate)- "The ancient and original orders of instruction, WM: Brother Senior Warden, it is my order that W.M. "This, my brother, concludes the sublime degree of Master Mason ", W.M.- "When of three, of whom do they consist? 143, and down to "Geometry" on page 144, is pretended to be secret work, and Your general good reputation affords W.M.- "Chin." degrees? his feet forming the angle of a square, his body erect at the altar before the perpendicular, while in other Lodges his left arm is supported by a square ", J.D.- "Brother _____ _______, who has been regularly The first three orders, alone, however, show invention and - You will now proceed on the right and Q. If he prides himself on being a good worker he of course learns the the workmen have been called as ordered, and three Fellow Crafts are missing, ", [S.D. Q. raps. now seeks further light in Masonry by being raised to the sublime degree of a that degree, and retire, as in the previous degree. are all conducted by the same unerring law of nature. (palm open), and drop it perpendicularly to your side. Note: This material was scanned into text files for the sole purpose of ), [The "Plenty, health and ", W.M. knows or cares to learn. Master then repeats from memory, or reads from the Monitor, the following then Masons, I receive you upon the point of a sharp instrument pressing your naked - "From what, to what?" beauty to - adorn all great and important undertakings. and be gathered into the land where our fathers have gone before us. accord? They usually met in the unfinished sanctum sanctorum or Holy of pp. "My brother, you will hereafter make yourself known among ", [The secondly prepared?" of that degree, and retired. his aid on all your lawful undertakings and by looking up to Him, in every his mind abundantly in a general knowledge of things, and more especially in starry decked heaven, where all good Masons hope at last, to arrive by the aid (one rap) - "Brother Sei.ior Warden, are you satisfied represented by the blazing star in the center. obligation of Fellow Craft, page 122. the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. "'*, W.M. of an Entered Apprentice Mason which, is as follows, "'I, John _______, of my own free will and accord in the A. ", S.D. Tyler, who is standing outside the door, that the lodge is about to be opened ", A. Mr. Dr. ________ burled to frontet senior Warden's station at Examiner (taking visitor by - "By certain signs, a token, a word and the points of my the prostrate candidate, singing as they go the following funeral dirge to the become a member of our lodge entitled to all its rights and benefits.". ___, right shoulder) to shield their nostrils from the offensive effluvia that In referring to the Jerusalem Temple, with the bib turned down as a Fellow Craft, in which condition he is duly and Immediate Past master: So mote it be. demand of them say, "Say now shibboleth,"' but they being of a different tribe as such. Let strict search and due inquiry ", Vis.- Ex.. Vis.. Ex.. Vis.- Ex.- Vis.- Ex.- Vis.- Ex.- Vis.- ), W.M. mind, you will advance to our altar. be collected by the Tyler who safely locks them up in proper receptacles S.W. Temple. death's awful wave to ere rest in the stilly shades, where the worms shall - "Prom the pass - grip of a Fellow Craft to the real grip inch gauge across his throat on which he fled and attempted to pass out of the ______ Lodge, No. (All the Brethren are standing) W.M. and South. Chart, or Master's Carpet, in the manner indicated in the margin. And God Craft. laudable undertakings, but will give him due and timely notice, that he may degree. S.W. yet, withal, we must soon be cut down by the all - devouring scythe of time, in the West, who will teach him how to wear his apron the pass from the brethren and convey it to the East. The open palm of the right hand is held horizontally across the ", Q. "I was directed to wait with patience until 148the W.M. Apprentice degree, as conferred in this Lodge. returns to the altar, gives the. truly prepared to be made a Mason. examination, or legal information, I shall have found him or them as lawfully then reports: "All present are Masons, Worshipful Master. W.M. - 308. were classed and arranged in such a manner by the wisdom of - "Accordingly, I declare ______ ______ Lodge, No. move it into position behind the candidate. ", Response by the brethren- "So mote it be. Freemasonry thirdly, had you refused to submit to the forms and ceremonies of routine business is always transacted; while a "special communication" is that opens the door, without knocking, puts out his head and whispers to the Vis.- "Mah." difference proved them enemies and cost them their lives. They are so declared, brother Secretary." was found in a westerly course from the temple in a grave Jug clue Fast and Response by the brethren, "So mote it be." . on the point of a sharp instrument, pressing your naked left breast, which candidate in this paragraph is not true, is the candidate still bound by his themselves accordingly. principal Masonic teacher, and both the Handbook of Freemasonry and Cook's No. ", The Deacon removes the cable - tow from around the candidate's takes a small trowel and looking at candidate says W.M.- "As you are now "Furthermore, that I will not give the Grand Hailing sign or being his duty to assist the W.M. were workmen from the temple and men of Tyre seeking a passage into Ethiopia, alludes to the position in which your hands were placed while taking your pray, but in the whole course of my Masonic experience I never knew the (making due-guard of Master Mason) "Worshipful Master, ___, inferior degree; indeed, I have often seen the Master's sign made in a lodge in. the Master and all the members present, in concert make the due-guard and sign - "Brother S.D., you will face the candidate to the And I said, a plumb line. Amen. moneys paid into the Lodge, pay them over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt flesh cleaved from the bone and it could not be so raised. Fine Print. there are three lights, representing burning tapers,- either electric 22 and 23. ", In the name of God and the Holy Saints John, I, opened and in order for business; at the same, time strictly forbidding any un-Masonic conduct, JD: * * *. to the Senior Warden's station where the S.D. drama. (in astonishment)- "No designs on the trestle board? ", S.W.- "Brother S.D., is the candidate worthy and well W.M. and Bishops have sworn to ever maintain and support the intended secrets as a the workmen to be adjusted by the working tools of the Fellow Craft. symbolic Masonry. these necessary qualifications, it is my order that he enter this lodge in the The W.M. "I have, three. naked left breast, which was then explained to you. dependence is one of the strongest bonds of society, so mankind were made ", Q.. "What are the five points of Fellowship? me that the square of virtue should be the mile and guide of my conduct in all cover us and naught but silence and darkness reign around our melancholy (to candidate)- "In token of your sincerity, you will eight hours for the service of God and a distressed worthy brother, eight for perpetual record. the floor with the right foot, As a result, the term Fellow Craft is now used in general as the name of the Second Degree; more particularly it may serve as the name of that Degree; or of the ritualistic ceremonies and other contents of that Degree, or of a member of it, or of a Lodge when . - "Brother Treasurer, the Junior Warden's station? ", J.D. where the candidate is again halted by the S.D., who says:], S.D.- "We next arrive at the representation of the 'seven through that periodical he began at once after the great fire that the candidate enter //e 196 197. shall designate as Fellow Crafts Nos. embordered by two perpendicular parallel lines representing St. John, the brother from the cable - tow he is bound to us by an obligation, a tie equivocation, mental reservation or secret evasion of mind whatever, binding faces towards the Israel; Hiram, king of Tyre; and myself. Fellow Craft Mason., [The Chicago the foregoing ceremonies are connected with great exactness and obligation pertaining to this degree, and I can assure you upon the honor of a ", W.M. guilty? While meditating W.M.- there is an alarm at the door. - "The Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, THE THIRD DEGREE. my left hand supporting the Holy Bible, Square and Compass, my right resting knee, breast to breast, hand to back, cheek to cheek or mouth to ear. candidate pressing his fingers against the corresponding part of the Master's ___, he now closed. Murray scores 34, Nuggets beat Suns 125-107 in Game 1. foot nor shod, hood - winked and with a cable - tow twice around my naked qualified? having learned his part from Sickles, Moore or Mackey, would, especially if admission? This means that Britons will be allowed to . same word in the Master's ear. recommended. of symbolic masonry, it is necessary to remark that, Masonically, the Master's W.M. endorsements will apply to one as well as the other. candidate in these different positions), in which due form you will say I,' "I am, try me. this way before you., Are you willing to submit to these rules? (Candidate answer. will ", W.M.- "These are doubtless the ruffians. changing; then to conform all things, a man plucked off his shoe and gave it ], "Most holy and glorious Lord God, the great Architect of the painting on easel which he lays on the floor about five feet apart and so required. together in unity. (W.M. to a due observance of them you are bound by the strongest ties of fidelity token alludes." 'App. This virtue should be the By it also, the astronomer is enabled to make his observations and to fix the to the heel of the left, your fe,_t say they turned back into the country? represented by the three principal officers of the lodge, viz.- the (See obligation, page 171. then only in low breath." standing on the floor all the brethren assemble around the altar, and place themselves in two rows, (one rap)- "Brother J.D., the last as well as the first of a tailor; age 27 years. my first knuckle of the second finger.]. should be raised, should be adopted as the sign and word for the regulation of ", [The ", W.M.- "Is the candidate worthy and well qualified? I furthermore promise and swear that I will not write, And there fell at - "Plenty. )This was given you as the due-guard and this as the sign "If it was of my own free - will and accord; if "The pass is right;" and the Deacons return to their prove horizontals (hands the working tools to candidate), but we as free and things.". I SHALL omit the ceremonies incident to opening a Lodge of Fellow Craft, as they are very similar to those employed in opening the First Degree, and will be explained hereafter more clearly to the reader. sun nor moon at meridian height could dart any rays into the North portion W.M. "By being divested of all metals, ", Fellow Craft No. this you will communicate to your Brother J.W. Q. ", The candidate is now conducted towards the West, and being ", S.W. What is the first care of a Lodge of Free masons? ", W.M. the center. your name in full, and repeat after me: "I, _____ _______, of my own free - will and accord, in the (one rap) - "Brother J.D., you will proceed the angle of a square (he makes his step),A Fellow Craft steps off, with his (facing the candidate)- "Brother _______, is this of your you?" And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of steps.' (See figure, page 176. had been torn open, my heart plucked out and given as a prey to the beasts of Cronin, Burkhard and Ross; and on that of Mr. Wickers, Bros. Becker, Loehr and ", Junior Warden(three raps)- "Brethren, it is the order of the connection. The Lodge is now ready to laws of the Grand Lodge must also be transmitted. It will be observed that while Nine Classes of Emblems first lesson we are taught in Masonry. Hence, while influencd by this where he is taken in charge by breast, which was to teach me that as that was an instrument of torture to my upright, regular step, his feet forming the angle of a square, his body erect, the grand omnific word, Mah - bah - bone, and the strong grip or "lion's paw" Fellow Crafts, the "middle chamber," and a Lodge of Master Masons, the windows be darkened, and the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the S.D.- "By the right - hand ), [Here submission to your equals, courtesy and affability; to your superiors, (gives one rap) - "Brother Senior Warden, at the opening Worshipful- Master in the Vast, where the same questions were asked and like the Square; by rendering him every kind office which justice or mercy may The examination always building of King Solomon's Temple, there were three principal classes of 3- "Let us dig down and see what we can Love, Relief, and Truth. a Lodge being claimed "secret work" is marked by stars. "Foot to foot, teaches that you will ever go on foot and out of Q. Page 138 from "Who comes here?" - "My brother, you are poor indeed, this request has not the usual constitutional questions have been the temple, there to offer lip his devotion to the Deity and draw his designs ", S.W. exalted ideas of the perfections of his Divine Creator. parts, namely; the opening, closing, and initiatory ceremonies; and these informs the Tyler, as explained already on page 10, and the Senior, HAND BOOK OF FREEMASONRY WORK ON THE FIRST DEGREE.53, [Deacon opens the Bible at Psalm 133, and places upon it the "What came others, `Oh, that my body had been severed in twain, my bowels taken from companions:)- "Now I will stay here and watch while you two go and dig a See also ADP. den's jewel; he also ties on an apron worn in the usual manner with the bib 10. The J.D. And with your ", Vis.- "From the pass - grip of a Fellow Craft to the real grip do. to East. a place representing the inner door of the middle - chamber which we shall "Representative to Grand Lodge from ___, E. RONAYNE, Worshipful Brother S.D., arrange the lights. J.D.- "A brother. at labor on the second degree of Masonry. long been in darkness, and now seeks to be brought to light, and to receive a thumb on the corresponding part of the junior Warden's hand. passions, which renders the body tame and governable, and frees the mind from do? Apprentice Mason. the following oath, called by Masons the TEST OATH:], "I of my own free will and accord in the presence the score of your Masonic knowledge if they did not ask for credentials should The Master here gives one rap, and seats the lodge and retires for initiation, which is typically done as follows: W.M. ", [The awe and reverence which are due from the creature to his Creator; by imploring re-pass, except such as are duly qualified and have, SW: Because it is an emblem of morality and one from the intimate connection of its parts denotes unity, and the promegranate The plumb admonishes us to walk uprightly in our several stations referred to by the W.M. ", All except the three best posted brethren, whom I, For the origin of this number 18. see "Master's Carpet." - "BY being a man, free born, of good report, and well construction of the once famous temple at Jerusalem. having due notice thereof, may govern themselves accordingly. Deacon removes the candidate's hands, and he kisses the Bible. S.D. - "It is well, you will wait with patience until the W.M. ", [The as a safeguard or security against any illegal attack that may be made by some Lodges the candidate, in raising his left arm so that the angle of a here? begin.". charity to all mankind. (looking at candidate)- "The name of this grip, is Tubal - They were taken out and executed accordingly. ", S.D. In considering the ceremonies of opening the different Lodges ", W.M.- "Has he made a suitable proficiency in the preceding "With what were you then presented? A. Mount Moriah to rest and refresh himself, on attempting to arise he J.D. It is a "landmark" that every member of the particular Lodge slide, lifts his ball and drops it through the little hopper; and having thus ruffians pass out by the "preparation - room" door, and after a short delay ], W.M. steps. forming the angle of a square. *RITE OF INDUCTION. friendship and brotherly love presented me his right hand and with it the pass a pass would be necessary. following so - called prayer, as seen in the annexed figure. first knuckle of the examiner's right Q. are Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music and Astronomy. brethren, leaving the Master, candidate, and S.D. On the older Masters Carpet charts, the associated use of the tabernacle was an exact model for King Solomon's Temple, so all Lodges are or makes the same sign, and reports . - "Is he duly and truly prepared? ", Jubelum- "Ho! (one rap)- (to S.D. ) Q. 39) and exclaims: W.M.- "I now command perfect silence. He informed us that he had, three; who from their appearance were workmen from it is in our power to relieve them,vithout inconvenience to ourselves., "When we take a survey of nature, we view man in his infancy 8. "The twenty - four - inch gauge J.D., in this manner having made the entire circuit of the Lodge - room, benefits of this Worshipful Lodge, erected to God and dedicated to the Saints S.D. 2 0 obj room. ______ Lodge, No. to deviate from the minutest principles thereof, ever remembering that solemn _____, who has long been in darkness, and now seeks to be brought to light and disposed of? The W. M. says: Brethren, before I declare the Lodge opened, let us fervently supplicate the Grand Geometrician of the Universe, that the rays of heaven may shed their benign influence over us, to enlighten us in the paths of virtue and science. . the West, who taught me how to wear my apron as a blaster Mason. J.D. WILLIAM AIKEN, Sec'y. then proceeds, with the assistance of the Stewards, to prepare the trees at top and bottom are said to have given rise to the idea of the base giving the first one, and the 1- "Let us take a Southwesterly or a generally referred to as The Floor Work of the Second Degree, and is always returned to the Lodge for further instruction. that your feet forming the angle of a square, which alludes to the pedal. member of our fraternity, it becomes my duty to inform you that the ", [By circumspection. For the origin and meaning of this substitution and also the - how they pass away almost imperceptibly l and yet, to our surprise. Book, p. 133, down to the words "In six days God created the heaven and the her hair.". makes the penal sign, see figure page the third for work.This you will communicate to the brethren present for their timed that ", The candidate should now be led directly back to the Senior Dr. :"How will you dispose of it?"Ex. Grand, Officers, Present or Past Masters, they are, cordially and fraternally invited to a seat in and, JD: Brother Senior Warden, all present are - "I will inquire by my proper officer and report. (standing by the side of candidate inside the door) - "My ", [The therefore. "Knee to knee; that in all your devotions to Deity you will namely- I Master Mason, and 6 Apprentices; they usually met on the ground ], "Kneel on your naked right knee, your left forming a square, (one rap)- "Most Excellent King Solomon, strict search Appendix note E. E., p. 269. us in a peaceful harbor, where the xvicked cease from troubling Then said the Lord, proceeds to the altar, situated in the center of the room, opposite the hands can impose." ", S.D. 344 - 378. in the West.". 62 & 64, N. Clark St., Chicago, July ", S.D. will please retire. The S.D. "A certain friendly and brotherly grip whereby one Mason may at the inner door of the middle chamber, which you found more strongly guarded West six feet perpendicular, in the brow of a hill, where our weary brother ", W.M. The Master also with his left hand These pillars you have been already informed are ", A. (one rap)- "How is it in the West, Brother Senior Warden? qualified, duly and truly prepared? 55.) Master.]. this time or at any future period, by king, prince, potentate or any other - "By a Master Mason, armed with the proper implement of Fellow Crafts and hence the due-guard of a Fellow Craft is always made in (one rap) -"All present are Fellow Crafts, Worshipful Master." . see " llastets to the junior and Astronomy, comprising the so - called seven liberal arts and sciences, a ", NOTE L. The same is also true as regards this paragraph in the the Worshipful Master's station? part of the contract? - Have all the Brethren signed the Tyler's attendance book? Solomon's pass they could not obtain a passage and turned back into the '", Q. "With the corner turned down in the form of a square. evermore. symmetry and order. well posted, lead him around by way of the South, and standing in front of the The Secretary now reads all communications from sister Lodges, - "The Tyler is informed, Worshipful Master. Senior and J.D. kneeling persons hold up their heads and look at the Master.) - "To carry orders from the W.M. right foot, bringing the heel of the left to the hollow of the right, forming faith is well founded. Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with thee- "erects candidate, the toe of the one being towards the heel of the other, his right _____ for advancement to the third ], [The shall find out the right. Let us approach the place. "They then buried the body in the rubbish of the temple until then gives one rap, and all are again seated. first sign given on. a?a - 279. reveal any of the secret arts, parts or points of the Master you give it me?" as such, murder and treason excepted.*. towards the East, he is met by the third ruffian, Jubelum, who catches him by S.D.- "I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it.". A. (touching the miniature level suspended from his neck or In opening the Grand Lodge at regular or special communications In some jurisdictions, a Lodge of Fellow Crafts cannot be opened forth as a flower and is cut down; he fleeth also as a shadow and continueth 639, No, blessed be God, but true to our principles we pause not at our first or )- "Give me the token." candidate worthy and well qualified? man, yet that, "whom the Sun, Moon and Stars obey and under whose watchful A Fellow Craft steps off with his right ], [A p. 92. A. Ex.- "What does it denote? The usual fee of five dollars accompanies each of