1932 Burma and Beyond. It has also been suggested that the coils give the women resemblance to a dragon, an important figure in Kayan folklore. Padaung means long neck., The coils are made from brass and gold alloy. "We are afraid that they will follow the Karen and the Karenni back to Burma because the Padaung people have been under the rebels' protection," Somprath said. At the moment they appear to welcome the odd visitor, smiling shyly at the cameras, patiently answering the questions that are put to them through the tour guides. These loops force the women to waddle when they walk and sit straight legged. Kayan are a subgroup of the Red Karen (Karenni) people, a Tibeto-Burman ethnic minority of Burma (Myanmar). A Padaung women of marriageable age will probably have had her neck extended by aboui 25 cms. One of the most striking of these groups is the Padaung. At the height of the tourist season (winter and spring, before the monsoon rains) several boatloads arrived at the Karenni base each day. It is usually only removed to be replaced by a new or longer coil. 1979 Burma's Long-Necked Women. Most women prefer to wear the rings once their clavicle has been lowered, as the area of the neck and collarbone often becomes bruised and discolored. Then I saw the pictures of the long-necked tribes in Thailand and Burma in National Geographic and I became fascinated with them.. They are paid $20 to $60 a month from the tour company that brings tourists to see them, plus the money they get from tips and selling T-shirts, postcards and souvenirs. Their only option is to stay or pay U Dee money to be returned to Burma. Chances are you might be witnessing a multi-level marketing scam in action. Something of a tourist craze followed, and the Karenni rebels acceded to the demand by foreigners to see the Padaung women. Although many of the Kayan still participate in these traditional festivals, in the 19th century Italian missionaries worked amongst them for many years and today the majority of Kayan and Kayaw people are Roman Catholics. Most of Chiangmai's trekking tour agencies displayed the women's pictures in front of their offices to attract tourists. Traditionally these rings are given to a wife by her husband, and not removed until the husband's death; however, these rings are individual and do not function as a body modification. Most women prefer to wear the rings once their clavicle has been lowered, as the area of the neck and collarbone often becomes bruised and discolored. Only married women are allowed to wear the rings, called dzilla. The alternative, an accelerated process at around the age of twelve, when girls first begin to compete for the attention of boys, is painful. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. That's why the number of turns are slowly increased and not put on all at once. One Padaung woman told AP, It is not comfortable wearing these coils even while sleeping. Many cultures and periods have made neck rings, with both males and females wearing them at various times. See Separate Articles It is the reason why Kayan women have earned the moniker " long-necked women." Kayan women barely feel the weight of the brass since the ring feels like part of the body after several years of wear. Whatever you think of their customs, striking is certainly the word to describe the Padaung of eastern Myanmar. Sign up today to stay informed about the latest news, Cultural Survival program updates, events and MORE 2022 Cultural Survival. They also use dreams to make predictions. The trekking tours were often advertised with a lack of sensitivity ("See real primitive hilltribes in the Thai jungle") that extended to the conduct of the guides and tourists. The chief of the village, a 52-year-old named Nanta Asung, told me that Thaijun was the only woman in the village who did not wear traditional dress and that her choice was unacceptable. The weight of the brass pushes the collar bone down and compresses the rib cage. That means that the expression "Padaung neck rings" is correct. This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been authorized by the copyright owner. A Paduang woman told National Geographic, "Wearing brass ring around your neck makes you beautiful.". The Karenni rebels refused this time, fearing that the Padaung women would disappear forever if they were sent as far away as Chiangmai. That night an Australian family was paying $15 to sleep in his hut. The neck itself is not lengthened; the appearance of a stretched neck is created by the deformation of the clavicle. [12] Necklace Found On Ocean Floor Reveals True Love Story From Titanic, Origin Stories Of Your Favorite Holiday Figures: How We Got Cupid,The Easter Bunny, and Santa, How To Spot Multi-Level Marketing Scams, And How To Avoid Them, Caring For Houseplants: Tips, Tricks And Products You Need, Salvation Mountain And The Last Free City. The South Ndebele peoples of Africa also wear neck rings as part of their traditional dress and as a sign of wealth and status. Any content older than 10 years is archival and Cultural Survival does not necessarily agree with the content and word choice today. It's that simple! In their most distinctive custom, beginning at about five years of age, many Padaung . There are about 7,000 Padaungs in Burma. The Padaung tribe is a subgroup of the larger Kayah tribe, which in turn is a subgroup of the Karenni which in turn is a subgroup of the Karen. Cultural Survival advocates for Indigenous Peoples' rights and supports Indigenous communities self-determination, cultures and political resilience, since 1972. There were no men in sight and only a handful of tourists during my two-hour visit. Neck rings, or neck-rings, are any form of stiff jewellery worn as an ornament around the neck of an individual, as opposed to a loose necklace. As we walked across the village, Asung began broadcasting over loudspeakers: "This is a reminder that all women should wear traditional dress. [13][15] This festival is held to venerate the eternal god and creator messengers, to give thanks for blessings during the year, to appeal for forgiveness, and pray for rain. They advertise exotic sightseeing for Thai and foreign tourists alike in hill-country villagesin reality refugee camps that the women are forbidden from leavingalong the Burma border. We prefer to live here rather than being sent back to MyanmarWe want food, clothes and other necessities. When working they wear short- sleeved smocks. The Karennis believed that the Thais had turned over information about their base to Burmese intelligence agents in retaliation for their refusal to send the women to Chiangmai. The process would continue with successive ring being added every two years. They are still featured in Mae Hong Son Resort advertisements, on Chiangmai trekking tour posters, and on Thai postcards that claim "the longnecked hill tribe is a minority that lives in the north of Thailand's mountains." Many tribal villages transformed themselves into virtual souvenir stands pandering to tourist dollars. In The Hardy Padaungs (1967) Khin Maung Nyunt, one of the first authors to use the term "Kayan", says that the Padaung prefer to be called Kayan. The other two are her grandmother and grand aunt. Some say the custom have been dreamed up and perpetuated by tour guides. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Solid Ventures, Inc. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. The Ndebele in South Africa wear rings around their necks. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. The rule of marriage is only those genetically related are allowed to marry. Their homes and villages are found scattered in the area between the Kayah State, east of Taungoo and Southern Shan State. The custom is dying out in traditional Pandaung villages in Myanmar, where people are so poor they prefer spend their hard earned money on rice rather than brass, but it is gaining new convert along the Thai border. The Kayan have no written language. It remains to be seen though, whether the Padaung will eventually come are small and containable but this may change. "If I take it off for a long time, it is uncomfortable. The tourists rarely stayed overnight, the usual visit to the Padaung camp consisting of a photo session of fewer than 30 minutes. Trekking was quite a growth industry at the time; small groups of tourists were crisscrossing northern Thailand on foot, in all-terrain vehicles, and even by elephant in order to visit the mountain villages of tribal people. I had never seen a Westerner before. Then she said she got used it. We acknowledge that we are headquartered on Massachusett land, in Cambridge, MA, and we thank the past, current, and future Indigenous stewards of this territory. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. In their most distinctive custom, beginning at about five years of age, many Padaung girls have their necks wound with spirals of brass. Dr. John Keshishian, an American doctor, wondered what was happening anatomically to elongate the women's neck. Bronze and silver bracelets also cover the womens legs and arms, a custom likely to remain. Within Africas Ndebele tribe, the women of the tribe wear copper and brass rings not only around their necks, but around their legs and arms, as well. One of the biggest legends surrounding the rings claim that villagers wore them as a defense against tiger attacks, which were most likely to be directed at the neck. [8] We were ushered into a 50-square-yard collection of shacks where two dozen Padaung women sat and sewed or tried to sell their wares. Since World War II, as the Padaung have become less isolated from neighboring Karen and Karenni, the neck spiraling process has been on the wane. In 2006, some of the younger women in Mae Hong Son started to remove their rings, either to give them the opportunity to continue their education or in protest against the exploitation of their culture and the restrictions that came with it. Nick Meo wrote in The Times: It began when Zember, 21, decided to cast off the brass rings. Mouse Nightshirt 12:30, 25 September 2006 (UTC) Reply [] It does severely hamper mobility in conjunction with brass coils wound around the ankles and calves up to the knee. There are about 10,000 people in the tribe. No one can force me to wear the coils, but my friends think they are pretty with the rings around their necks and they also get paid. In 2007, Lloyd wrote, two Kayan moved to a rival tourist attraction near Chiang Mai, where they were paid more than twice as well. The contract ceremony may be ended by the families eating chicken provided by the grooms family together. Omissions? Padaung women bind their necks with heavy brass rings that alter the shape of the neck and shoulders. The muscles covered by the coil become weakened. Most women prefer to wear the rings once their clavicle has been lowered, as the area of the neck and collarbone often becomes bruised and discolored. Among the other refugees in the makeshift camp are the two padaung women with the brass-spiraled necks. Several hundred Padaung live along the Thai-Myanmar border. The Burmese Army's counterinsurgency tactics in Kayah State (documented by Amnesty International and other human rights organizations) have included beatings, torture, rape, summary executions, forced labor, and destruction of entire villages. Since World War II, as the Padaung have become less isolated from neighboring Karen and Karenni, the neck spiraling process has been on the wane. When the news came out local business was outraged, the police were summoned and the Long Neck fugitives were brought back under arrest. Read More The Kayan residents in Mae Hong Son Province in Northern Thailand refer to themselves as Kayan and object to being called Padaung. "He is very worried that visitors will stop coming," my guide, who served as my interpreter, told me as we left and headed to our own hut. There have even been reports that some of the Padaung are prisoners held captive in the villages by businessmen. The Padaung women would be offered temporary border passes so that they could stay near the Mae Hong Son Resort "to promote tourism." But she noted that she might have to because the chief is considering forcing everyone to wear the costume. Her chin juts over the top ring of a thick coil which spirals around her throat and reaches down to her collarbones. In Huay Puu Kaeng the women are paid by operators ti live in a village on the Pai River that can only be reached by boat. Amit R. Paley wrote in the Washington Post, Nae Naheng, 52, the matriarch of the family said the Padaung believe that women used to be angels in the past world, and that male hunters used rattan rings to catch them and bring them to Earth. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. ==. None of the Padaung I spoke to knew of any story or reason for wearing the rings. "I don't care about tourists," Naheng said. They are distinct from, and not to be confused with, the Kayan people of Borneo. Many mothers who currently wear the rings have decided not to continue the practice on their daughters. Salvation Mountain is a man-made mountain built to spread the idea of love for one another, and visiting it is a real interesting experience. The Karenni rebels have gone into underground guerrilla squads in other areas of Kayah State. The Padaung's own opinions of the practice have been of little importance to the world outside their mountain home. In their free time some like to ride around on motorbikes and hunt dragonflies with poles and eat them. The neck rings however, may very well become extinct within a generation or two as younger Padaung women are beginning to refuse to fit the rings around their childrens necks. Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations, Geneva, Switzerland The Karenni base was easily accessible from the Thai side of the border by narrow, wooden motor boats. The Kayan have a strong belief in augury and nothing is done without reference to some form of divination, including breaking thatch grass, but most importantly consulting the chicken bones.[16]. In the past Padaung girls were fitted with the rings at the age of five or six. ", In February 1989, following heavy fighting between Karenni rebels and the Burmese Army, which sent Karenni civilians over the border to Thailand in large numbers, Mae Hong Son's assistant governor, Somprath Saowapaiboon, announced that the Karenni refugees would be repatriated - by force if necessary - in March, along with student dissident refugees who had joined them on the border. [Source: Amit R. Paley, Washington Post, August 23, 2009 +++], Eventually we arrived at our main destination, the village of the long-necked women. The tour groups would usually stop at a Karenni village for a short talk by an English-speaking Karenni officer about the political and military situation of Kayah State, and then would proceed upriver to the Padaung settlement. But Mamombee said she doesn't like to remove them except once every three years to clean herself. Many women have removed the rings for medical examinations. Treason among Padaung women has always been punished by removing the rings - a sad fate worse than death. Even elders dont know. She is also adorned with jewelry and ornaments of which the most outstanding and unusual are the thick rings of bronze around her neck, worn right up to beneath her chin. Their increased accessibility led to tour bus visits and features such as a board painted with a picture of a Padaung woman that had the face cut out so tourists could have their picture taken in its place. The Padaung is the tribal group of the "long-necked women," and two of them had become, through a series of coercions, a lucrative tourist draw at Thailand's Mae Hong Son Resort. In 1987, the Karenni base was again overrun by Burmese troops, and the local civilians fled by boat to a small village just over the Thai border. But now, younger Kayan women are turning away from the tradition of their ancestors. "Padaung" are the rings they use. The first brass rings are put on a young Padaung girl's neck at about five years of age in an important rite of passage which - in the case of non-Christian Padaung - is supervised by a village shaman who casts chicken bones to determine an auspicious date. Dont be quick to judge, thoughshe ultimately just did something other people use exercises and surgeries to achieve. The problems dont stop there, though. This special identity, paid for in some initial pain and considerable discomfort, has not been found to create health problems. It is usually only removed to be replaced by a new or longer coil. Many speak numerous language and capable of chatting with tourist in English, French, German, Japanese, Thai and even Hebrew. In some cases, the coils they wear are replaced entirely so that thicker coils can be added in their place. said Mamombee, 52, whose neck seemed particularly elongated. Follow these helpful tips to provide the best care for your houseplants. Updates? According to the British journalist J.G. It has also been theorised that the coils originate from the desire to look more attractive by exaggerating sexual dimorphism, as women have more slender necks than men. Having endured enough flashbulb-popping tourism, the Padaung women threw in their lot with the pushed-back Karenni refugees, only to be exposed to Burmese artillery fire when the base on the Pai River was attacked again in July 1989. The first spiral, put on a girl at the age of five or so, is usually about four inches high; in approximately two years, another coil is added. She is the youngest of the three. A 2020 estimate puts the population at approximately 180,000. Many women have removed the rings for medical examinations. "This is our culture. The article on the Kayan people states that this is "nonsense", and gives examples of accounts of when the rings are removed. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission. In southeast Asia, historians have been able to date the practice of using neck rings all the way back to the 11th century. Richard Lloyd Parry wrote in The Times: As many as ten thousand tourists visit Nai Soi every year to see about 50 long-neck women and girls who pose for photographs and sell postcards, bracelets and souvenirs. Wearing the rings doesnt just affect the collar bones, though. After politely refusing, I asked her why she did not wear the costume. Most agree it is a form of adornment and may have been a way of saving and showing off family wealth. How they will keep this dignity and composure in the face of encroaching tourism is a problem shared by all the minority tribes of this region. Actually stretching the neck would result in paralysis and death. The Padaung men were conspicuous by their absence, out in the fields tending crops. Naheng said she even sleeps in them and only briefly takes off the rings in the shower. The young mans family have to provide a dowry to seal the contract. Small Kayan girls may wear brass collars from the age of two to five years old, as it is more comfortable to deform the collarbone and upper ribs slowly. A study conducted in 2020 by researchers from Otsuma Womens . If you want to see them, you have to go to them. In the 1930s, Sir George Scott wrote, "It is the get-up of the women that makes the Padaung the best-known of all the tribes. They also extend the necks of the women, making them very long. Groceries and other supplies are brought in by motorcycle every day. On 17 July, The Nation, a Thai newspaper, carried a photograph of Mu Louma washing some dishes in front of a tent. It is also an opportunity for Kayan from different villages to come together to maintain the solidarity of the tribe. The rings are given to the women by their husbands and worn as a sign of faithfulness, and were once removed only after the women diedtoday, however, the women don't tend to wear them permanently. Although the Padaung, a Mongolian tribe who have been assimilated into the Karen group, only number about 7,000 they have attracted a great deal of interest because of their practice of neck-stretching. For Thailands Padaung women, the choice is very narrow. The weight of the coils will eventually place sufficient pressure on the clavicles (collarbone) to cause them to deform and create an impression of a longer neck.[2][3]. Has the quarantine reinvigorated your desire to nurture and grow things? They cultivate rice in the mountains just south of the town of Loikaw. [3] Among the refugee camps set up there was a Long Neck section, which became a tourist site, self-sufficient on tourist revenue and not needing financial assistance.[4]. Most tourist s see the long-necked women in Sompron village (about three miles south of the center of town), where ten long-necked women and girls live in small huts set up for them by a travel agency. None of the Padaung I spoke with wished to return to Burma, but several expressed a desire for more freedom of movement. They did needlework and studiously ignored the fairgrounds who bought tickets to enter the enclosure and observe them. They will also cause the shoulders to slope forward and weaken the muscles in the neck. It appears to lengthen the neck by deforming the clavicle. We are denied education and the authorities will not let us go abroad, although some of us have been invited to leave for Finland and New Zealand. Without work papers or citizenship, the Kayan have little say over what happens to them.