Remember that you arent seeing as realistically or clearly as you usually do at this time. . Planetary Positions Calculations/Report, An Example Solar Return Chart Interpretation. You also could begin some type of study or take short trips to broaden your knowledge. Now is the time to make the effort and to even sacrifice in order to realize your most important goals. However, this overflow is not always easy to deal with. Real estate investments may be very favorable during this year. If you are seriously involved with someone, this may be the year you make the big commitment! If by nature you are not very practical or ambitious, you will have to try harder to make that impression on those in authority and to convince them that you do indeed deserve the respect you are seeking. In Cycles of Destiny, Ronald C. Davison writes, with reference to afflictions to and from Jupiter occurring at the time of an accident, that the native may suffer through lack of judgment or through over-confidence that may be prejudicial to his safety(1). This is a year of overall stability. If you are already in a relationship, you will feel inclined to share many activities with your partner and could work on joint projects together. Decision-making is quick this year, and you are likely to be more physically active. Be careful not to get involved in scenarios which create tension, jealousy or possessiveness in you or those you are dealing with. It is also the planet of brilliance, paradigm shifts, new insights. You will direct your energies toward growth and expansion of your professional possibilities. Deal only once with matters that you have to attend to. As well it is beneficial to look at the previous solar return, as well as the upcoming solar return, to put the current . If you have read our Interpreting Solar Return Charts article, you will know that I am a proponent of factoring in the natal chart into interpretations of Return charts: The native's natal 8th house cusp is exactly conjunct the Venus Return Ascendant. If you have artistic abilities, this is the year to dedicate your time to them, since you will feel a great personal satisfaction in developing your talents. This is not the best time to make great financial or professional advances. In spite of the complications you may experience this year, you can be sure it will not be dull. 9- You know the upcoming year will be a big one (in a transitional sense) when the Solar Return Sun forms a hard angle with the Solar Return Moon. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 7th house. On the other hand, Aquarius in 12th house.This is a big opposition that your Solar Return chart wants you to overcome. Because you are more inclined to want to be helpful and have concern for the problems of others, you will tend to neglect your own needs. Maybe that means you go on a big international trip, or you enroll in higher education, or publish a book.. You can count on that angel on your shoulder to get you through this year. If, for example, you have a natal Sun square Mars, and the Sun is on the Solar Return Ascendant, perhaps with Mars on the Midheaven as well, we can safely presume that the Sun-Mars struggle or challenge will be especially highlighted in both a personal (Ascendant) and public (Midheaven) manner. Then come to a conclusion and dont turn back again to analyze the topic in question. This new obsession with freedom and variety in your life could bring you in contact with people who will want to organize you or control your actions. As with everything in astrology, forgetting about the context would be a big mistake. The angles are defined as the four corners of a chart: the ascendant, descendant, midheaven, and nadir. You are resistant to making big changes, and you are skeptical of new initiatives. Dont mix your emotions with your work or your money. This is also true when the Sun is conjunct a Solar Return angle. Your capacity to understand abstract ideas will be increased. Your personal magnetism is also accentuated during this period, bringing love affairs, conquests and adventures. These cookies do not store any personal information. In the Zodiac, Uranus is assigned as the ruling planet of Aquarius, previously ruled by Saturn (and in traditional astrology, it is still the planetary ruler). Also, if the Solar Return Ascendant is in the same sign as the natal Ascendant, it promises to be a power year. The house that the Sun is in points at a major issue for the year, and shows where a great deal of energy is being applied. . If you are in a committed relationship, it would be advisable not to try to dominate your partner as you will probably come on a little too strong. Speak to an expert today start your reading for free. If by nature you are not very demonstrative, you may surprise those around you (and yourself) with your emotional outbursts, but if you are, by nature, used to expressing yourself freely, you may find yourself losing control in some emotional situations when you do not wish to. These tests will be difficult to overcome, and it will be necessary on your part to remain positive and not allow yourself to feel defeated. Whatever the case may be, you have donned a strong persona in order to deal effectively with the changes that you know need to take place in your life. You will have a strong desire for more freedom. You will be looking at what has up to now been important to you and want to discard some of it because your interests are changing at this time and you will be drawn to the new and unusual. In fact, the native was less active than she ever had been as a result of the accident. In either case, you will have the opportunity to change your life in some significant way. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. This year will bring new initiatives and projects. If Saturn and/or Uranus are conjunct an angle, expect a separation, breakup or sorrow". Listen to your inner voice. A trine from the Sun, on the other hand, helps this conjunction take form in harmonious, creative ways. The Solar Return Ascendant sign shows your overall temperament, attitude, and approach to life in the year ahead. You will be more tenacious and persevering in pursuing your dreams. You are generally content to leave things as they are, and you are not inclined to seek out brand new experiences (or people!). Did your horoscope answer questionsor raise new ones? If your Uranus is in the 12th house, you can feel that you have to hide a part of you and your true self is locked up or that you are a well-kept secret. This chart can be read much like a natal chart, except that it must be kept in mind that it is in effect only for the course of a yearapproximately from birthday to birthday. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Nobody Be cautious and dont neglect your health during this period. The following interpretations of the sign position of the Ascendant in the Solar Return chart come from the Solar Return Report. You become aware of a need for more control or self-control this year. You will find yourself listening to the opinions and suggestions of others, not able to decide. But there it was nagging at me. However, it is not good to be too reclusive and isolate yourself too much. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. The explosiveness of this planet can also turn into impulsiveness, pointless rebellion, disagreeability. Good health is one of the themes for this year. This Sun conjunct Uranus transit interpretation can also be read for a Solar Eclipse and New Moon conjunct Uranus. posted May 22, 2012 11:50 AM. During this period you may have some digestive problems brought on by too much anxiety or hypersensitivity. In Leo, your urge to create is strong. Short trips and more moving around than you usually do will be favorable during this period. Forward to Interpreting Solar Returns Page 5. In fact, the Solar Return Ascendant is in a critical degree at 4 degrees Sagittarius, and its ruler, Jupiter is exactly square it and also in a critical degree! 3.3 - Aspects involving the Ascendant in the Solar Return Chart. During this period you will be more emotional than usual and more likely to express these feelings openly. You may make some wonderful discoveries about yourself or reality which you can draw on a later time. In Aries, you may take initiative in the area of life where Aries falls in your natal chart. Uranus Conjunct Ascendant Natal You're not keen on playing out preset roles or by anyone's rules. If what you have sown is positive, then what you reap will be the same. You are probably physically very active too. If by nature you are a timid person, this year will show a great change in your personality and you will fight, more than usual, to attain the place in life that you think you should have. You should see that you have a balance again between work and play. Friendships and social contacts go well. It can be a rather mundane year (unless your Sun or Ascendant is Virgo natally), but one that is quite busy. You can interpret the solar return chart in a similar manner to a natal chart! according to Michas. To avoid tension, you should try not to insist on having your own way with projects and endeavors that you are not directly involved in. It may be a rather unspectacular yeara year when you may be caught up in making adjustments to your life and/or worrying about problems. You may find Pisces natives entering your life this year. Interestingly, this Ascendant can be present in a year when people marry as much as one in which people divorce. However, after this year is over, you may lose your interest in the unusual and strange, and your new partner will wonder what happened to you. Physically, Taurus rules the throat, the neck, the vocal cords and the thyroid glands. In spite of your sociability, tension may develop between you and people who may try to limit your freedom. You have to be careful that you dont overestimate your capabilities this year. A natal Uranus conjunct ascendant suggests that you have a lot of energy. Uranus Rising Celebrities and Famous People: What are the most important things to know about the energy of this planet? You could become less inclined toward a lot of social activity and be more drawn in and thoughtful. Uranus buzzes with energy. One solution is to bring the new friends you make home to meet your partner. You may concentrate on helping those around you by solving problems, distributing information on health issues, or getting involved in environmental concerns. You also should maintain a balanced diet of foods that are easy to digest. Wherever the luminaries are located is where you may find a strong focus that year, Michas says. If you are not completely satisfied with it, you will start looking around for something you like better one that gives you more responsibility and rewards for your efforts. All planets involved are in the foreground (angular), in prominent positions in the Return chart. The solar return Ascendant of a particular year falling in the 5th or 7th natal houses, or the natal Ascendant coinciding with the 7th house cusp (Descendant) in a solar return chart. However, what played out was a different side of Mars altogether. You will be more inclined than usual to have sore throats, colds, or laryngitis. Some people with this placement feel suffocated after some time and have the urge to break free from the relationship. The house position of the Sun in the SR chart shows where (which areas of life) the individual wants to shine. It doesn't focus on specific transits or timing (although there are a couple of timing indicators that can be used) but it does provide a snapshot of events. General: A Solar Return chart is a chart calculated for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position (within 2 days of one's birthday). In either case, your desire to enjoy life and to search for amusement will be accentuated. We have Solar Return computerized reports that examine any given Solar Return chart piece by piece. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The above interpretations of the Solar Return Ascendant sign can be combined with an exploration of the natal house where the Solar Return Ascendant is found. If you are already in a committed relationship, it will be a year of pleasure and enjoyment. This consideration shows us what natal conditions, or inherent personality issues, are highlighted in the year of the Solar Return. You should select your friends carefully and try to keep cool and calm when a difficult situation presents itself. Success will fundamentally depend on your effort and personal initiative. This type of individual gives full rein to their genius with a disregard for custom and tradition and a wish to be free of the restrictions or limitations of being influenced by society's guidelines. It will up to you to keep the peace! You will tend to meet people who have different beliefs than you who will open up new possibilities for you to explore. . However, we may have easily seen that Ann would confront some powerful emotional issues, perhaps in a public manner (natal Moon conjunct the SR Midheaven), and that she would struggle with illusion/guilt/anger/excess with regards to her personal relationships (Mars conjunct Neptune at the Descendant). You are not willing to accept any kind of compromise and you will rebel against what you determine to be undue pressure to conform to the wills of others. Some level of emotional detachment and stability is likely. Learn about its meaning from astrologer Julia Michas. . People with this placement rarely have conventional life paths, it is the calling of their inner compass that directs their life. The Uranus conjunct ascendant natal aspect suggests that you are prone to anxiety and nervousness. Pluto in the Solar Return 7th house shows a major transformation in the relationship sector - if you are single, this placement can mean a marriage year for you. What kind of aspects does the Sun make? Lets say your solar return has Venus four degrees from your descendant, Michas says. Your rebellious and erratic behavior may upset your loved ones who feel they don't know you anymore. She did confront powerful and personal issues of anger that seemed to surface out of nowhere, but in fact these issues were coming from within. Are you and your love interest meant to be? You care little about societys rules and expectations, you actually love challenging the status quo. But if you already are a person of strong character, you should remind yourself of this extra forcefulness you feel and avoid falling into situations where your pride and selfishness can get you into trouble. However, if you learn to work with it, it can be a source of inspiration and gift you visionary ideas. Planets in Solar Returns: Yearly Cycles of Transformation & Growth by Mary Fortier Shea. You will rebel against everything or anyone who limits your freedom. I had Leo rising in my Solar Return charts in the years I had two of my children (both born with Leo Ascendants), for example. (We know the sign, of course, because it will be at the exact natal position). Any planet that falls close to one of these points in the solar return chart will be extremely important. 5- Another area of focus this year can be found by determining which natal house is effectively brought to the Ascendant. If you are married, you need to break away from your daily routine and find some new way of excitement to prevent a marital crisis. Your attention turns to your home front, your family, and domestic issues. You will want to expand your consciousness and will become interested in subjects such as religion, philosophy, metaphysics or sciences in general. Today, you will experience an illumination of your authenticity, drawing you to engage in activities that make you feel passionately alive. Physically, your most sensitive spot will be your feet. Maintain your positive attitude and avoid any tendency toward becoming a hypochondriac. Sun Conjunct Uranus Transit. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 9th house. The following is the natal chart of Ann: The Solar Return chart for the year we are studying is presented below, along with Anns natal chart in the outer wheel so that we can easily see which natal planets conjunct the Solar Return angles. A change is on the books for your bottom-line security issues, and sometimes this is a good thing, like the first time you leave home, for instance, and start out on your own. The most significant critical degrees in Solar Return interpretation are 29 degrees and 0 degrees of any sign. It can be a very introspective year when you cut off the areas of your life that seem to be superficial or unsatisfying on a deep level. You will prefer to be with others rather than being alone. There is a tendency to call attention to yourself and to exaggerate everything. Perhaps even more interesting is the fact that Mars, Uranus, and Jupiter are all in critical degrees. You will also feel the desire to impose your opinions and will on others to a greater degree than usual, even to the point of strongly opposing them. -SR Mars conjunct Natal Ascendant -SR 5th house is Pisces, SR Neptune conjunct SR Uranus, opposite Mars, square Mercury, sextile Pluto, trine Chiron Second born (younger brother, born same exact day as me 5 years later, Aries sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, 4 planets in 10th house Taurus, dominant planet is Uranus in 7th house) This would be especially difficult at times when the affection you express for another is not returned. The conjunction morphs and blends the energy of two points or planets together. If the SR Ascendant is the sign of your Descendant, you may feel somewhat at the mercy of others. If by nature you have a strong and more aggressive temperament, you will tend to be more agreeable than usual during this period. You are prone to impulsive action, suddenly starting new projects, but also suddenly ending things. Remember that public will mean different things for different individuals. There is a possibility of receiving some type of inheritance or legacy or some type of financial aid from your spouse, partner, or business associates. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. It could also be a real escapist year. Cycles of Destiny: Understanding Return Charts by Ronald C. Davison. Material matters will be very important to you this year. They are major players as angles are the most personal points of your chart. Progressed Ascendant-Venus aspects or Progressed Venus-Ascendant aspects - this one is the best . This is a favorable period for increasing your financial position. The sign of the conjunction between Uranus and the ascendant is really important. Your imagination and creativity will be intensified this year, and your outlook on life will be less realistic than usual. You will be dealing with the results of your past actions. Solar Return Ascendant in natal 6th house. You use this blueprint to then cast your solar return, a more in-the-moment, present-day version of the natal chart. Lets say that you had Saturn on your midheaven, then work could be a total slog that year., Birth Charts for Beginners: 5 Things to Know, If You Have These Aspects in Your Birth Chart, Youre Probably Psychic. You also could be attracted to games of chance and can expect a certain amount of luck. On the other hand, while you are protecting and caring for the defenseless and needy, you could very easily become a victim yourself. It would be advisable to practice techniques such as Yoga to calm and focus the body and the mind. It could be a time when you hide yourself away a little, work on something behind the scenes, or have a greater need for solitude. Any legal cases initiated or judgments requested will probably be solved with comparative ease. You are receptive to everything new, and you might have a great interest in technology, the internet, engineering, science, but also psychology, and astrology. You will meet people who will play an important part in your future. During this period you will find yourself wanting more stability in your life. You may be more dramatic and expressive this year, or this could point to a focus on children, hobbies, or other Leo-ruled areas of life, depending on your personal inclinations as well as your life circumstances. For example, if Solar Return Venus is opposite Solar Return Neptune, especially if Venus also rules the second house in the Solar Return, you might presume that either this coming year there is less emphasis on materialism, or that your income might be fluctuating and somewhat unstable. You also could get involved in some type of litigation or legal suit during this year. A Solar Return chart is a chart calculated for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position (within 2 days of ones birthday). Perhaps it is a family member or business associate, who will become very dominant and demanding, creating conflicts and fights. I am a sun conjunct uranus in cancer with an aquarius ascendant and although I see myself as marching to the beat of my own drum . Although the result may not be completely favorable, you will realize, without a doubt, that it is necessary for your growth. You may break out of your shell this year and express a new you. ), loss (of a friendship), shock, and anger. Uranus tends to break out when it is the least expected and the least convenient. Brainstorm: Uranus / Descendant Astrology Aspects. Solar returns are like yearly chapters of your life, Michas says, and an astrologer can study each one as an annual cross-section of what cosmic influences you will experience that year.. This may be because you have been feeling limited or caged in recently, and your desire is to break out of that rut. Your artistic inspirations and a need for harmony in your environment will be emphasized. You can hope that a Virgo walks into your life at this time for you could benefit from his or her clear-headed thinking. For example, Neptune conjunct the Descendant in a Solar Return chart, taken alone, can very certainly represent the encountering of disillusionments in close relationships. One things is for sure with a prominent Uranussome people (mostly the conservative) find you shocking. Any legal or bureaucratic problems can be resolved swiftly and smoothly. You will probably make them public before your next birthday. The key here is freedom, or autonomy is perhaps a better word. However, the relationship will probably not turn out to be long-lasting. At first, it seems counter-intuitive because we consider Jupiter the planet of luck. This is certainly a year when you can explore and grow in mind and spirit. This configuration is in direct relationship with the prominent natal Mars. In Gemini, you are outgoing, sociable, and very curious. Physically, you could be more nervous than usual which could result in intestinal disorders or other illnesses caused by nervous tension. I currently have Neptune conjunct my sun and Uranus conjunct ascendant. Example #2 of a Solar Return chart interpretation. This interpretation of Uranus in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes.