Whats the problem? This one artist came on stage singing a note. Zoe Ministries, Inc., Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan and Pastor Debra Jordan are not affiliated with MJM Ministries and/or Prophet Manasseh Jordan. I see the presence of carnal problems in the mist , even untill this day . Peter and John were fishingbusy and successful in their family's small business, when Jesus came by and called them. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear! When He had entered a house away from the crowd, His disciples asked Him concerning the parable. It delivers freedom, power, and transformation to the prophetic community, hosted by Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan, who interviews other leaders in the prophetic community. I Bless God for these words, it brings tears to my eyes because of its truthful statements. God. We also know that David was also anointed King before King Saul died. I have been going thru a loss of friends, family, and church family, laying everything down to God, last month while on my knees in worship I felt two presence in my room one on the right and one on the left, he said, dont be afraid Im placing my prophetic mantle on you. I had a dream in which i was married & I had 2 kids which is the case in my actual life.I then called my husband and said to him Ever since you married me 7 years back you havent been talking to me or visiting me. Then his final mantle was given when he became Prime Minister of Egypt (Genesis 41:42). May God bleease u sir, I love all u said mostly all to de glory of God in fact if not money problem i could hv asked u to send the mantle for me but my problem is dat i just passed out from bible college with ordination,am intrested. An End to Idolatry 3 And if anyone still prophesies, his father and mother who bore him will say to him, 'You shall not remain alive, because you have spoken falsely in the name of the LORD.' When he prophesies, his father and mother who bore him will pierce him through. Ability to divide the word of truth. Fasting and prayer increases your ability to rank higher in the Spirit realm. Hello Sir, Last night he came to me in a very vivid dream wearing a green robe. God is no respecter of persons so we all have a purpose and a position in life. This post was immensely enlightening and I have taken many notes. A palm tree in the Bible signifies providence, divine wisdom and intelligence from the Lord - it is an opposite way of thinking to the world's. The location of this palm tree, between Ramah and Bethel, means "heights of the House of God." My name is Natasha needing much understanding. In November 2019, Master Prophet Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan released a brand new podcast, Prophecology: The Podcast. Serve them online. The next Hebrew word for mantle is meil, frequently applied to the robe of the ephod ( Exodus 28:4 Exodus 28:31 ; Leviticus 8:7 ), which was a splendid under tunic wholly of blue, reaching to below the knees. I will suggest that you read the book of Ezekiel, you may have an Ezekiel annointing. For the poeple of God and nations as the spirit Leads me. how does God pass a prophetic mantle to a prophet, how should a prophet protect a mantle? So just like you, I have to examine myself to see if Im of the faith. Elijah was a prophet in Israel and Elisha was his student or . To some people God gave instantaneous power, and for others it is more gradual and requires meditation and spending time in prayer and fasting. Position yourself. I tried my best to recollect these dreams with great detail not leave out any detail. Your weekly dose of prophetic wisdom and anointing awaits you. The anointing is from God. Needless to say heavy fasting was one of our weapons. We must never operate from our own emotions or feelings, but strictly from the presence and power of All Mighty God. Too many of Gods people are blind and wont allow their eyes to be opened and see they are being led astray by satan, our true enemy. Many have taken on themselves the ability to teach new prophets how to be prophets, when all that is required to be taught is how to walk before God, obey his voice, and be holy. If God were to give you the final mantle now you would probably fail because there are many things you need to learn before you can take on that position. Jul 31, 2022 01:53. Part of the journey to understanding Kim Clement is a lesson in understanding the uniqueness of his destiny. It delivers freedom, power, and transformation to the prophetic community, hosted by Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan, who interviews other leaders in the prophetic community. Our spirits must never be unruly, self willed, or proud, but we must personify all the fruits of the spirit. Elisha was not confused as to what Elijah was doing; the putting on of his mantle made his election clear. This tells us that God also uses people that are not Christians in positions of authority. A prophet walks in a level of authority given to them by God for the purpose of "the edification of the body of Christ" . To neither over-state nor under-state that intention, to neither detract from it nor add to it. Thanks a lot for the article post.Really looking forward to read more. (See Acts 5:29-42.) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. God knows the burdens of our heart, and may have allowed this dream to encourage you. It is a very special gift, and one that requires much dedication and sacrificing of ones self. The mantle automatically marked a man as a prophet, a spokesman of God. David had the anointing to be King, but Saul had the mantle, Elisha was anointed to be the prophet of the land, but Elijah had the mantle, Prince Charles is anointed to be the Sovereign of the UK but Queen Elizabeth has the mantle. Your email address will not be published. I recently read in 2 Kings 5 where the prophet Elisha directed Naaman, who was a leper, how to get healed. There was nothing magical about Elijahs cloak. And that has been going on more than 2000 years for Gods Word, and 2000 years for the Second Coming of Jesus. The Lord will take it from there. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank You that I am not like other menextortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. Once you know what your mantle is, ask God to show you where you need to serve and serve. The Prophet is part of the government of God and therefore has the responsibility to help lead the people. 6For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are Gods ministers attending continually to this very thing. Joseph is a model. I still believe they were authentic as a prophet but am shaken that I did not get the things we had talked about when they died recently. 2:8, 13-14; Zech. There were various types of mantles worn in biblical times. Remember David and King Saul? Just like KimClement. 1 a : a loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes : cloak b : a figurative cloak symbolizing preeminence or authority accepted the mantle of leadership 2 a : something that covers, enfolds, or envelops (see envelop sense 1) The ground was covered with a mantle of leaves. 1. That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, Romans 10:9. Im elated to know that this type of word is out there because there are so many who come in the name of the Lord yet doing their own will! I will continue to touch and agree with you that the Lord will make full proof of your ministry. I do have one question though, can you please elaborate on what you meant with The Mantle of the Prophetic is not given until the spirit of the prophet has been broken.. to him . You can have an amazing voice and not be anointed for worship. Now lets look at this in the spiritual using these same principles. OREKOYA'S PROPHETIC MANTLE: " (The Lord says:) The prophetic mantle of Nigeria is as new wine. Now, I am asking Jesus Christ why He allowed me to read your post. as I believe in investing in my ministry Keep me in your prayers. DISTINGUISHING THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY LEVEL, THE GIFT OF PROPHECY AND THE MANTLE OF PROPHECY, 100 Sacred Notes on Developing the Prophet. The location of this palm tree between Ramah and Bethel means 'heights of the House of God.' Sence then I have been tryig to find the real meaning of the mantle and how to carry out the will of God with the mantle. I looked around to see if anyone caught what he said. For example, if you notice that youve been experiencing a prophetic download and it is something controversial, but you feel your bones aching and your heart wrenching from not publishing or writing or telling this prophetic download to the people God intends you to convey to, then you have been given the mantle of Jeremiah. When people preach about new sounds from heaven, think about this. In this vision, I saw the hand of the Lord reach out of Heaven and personally preen the eagle's feathers. Hey, ok, I get it, I guess but does this really work? Whether you like them or not. I tried to stay to drive the demons out; SO RELIGIOUS. Prophets, we are to respect the Mantle the Lord has placed on us and never pimp this mantle for vain glory, acknowledgment, popularity, or praise. Elijah wraps himself in his mantle at Horeb (1 Kings 19:23) Elijah casts his mantle on Elisha (1 Kings 19:19) Fear of Jezebel. God bless you! Please never limit your prayers or decrees based . God bless you.I wont to more,becuase I have the prophetic gift. Trust His voice and will never be lead astray. Elijah knew God appointed the mantle to be passed on to Elisha according to Gods prophetic word: you shall anoint Elisha son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah as a prophet in your place (1 Kgs. This was mine, I was So excited I ran back and laid it down on the ground turned and looked at my brother and said, now this is a mushroom! 3. You are walking in the exact spirit that was being spoken about. Peter wrote that when emperor Nero was in charge and honestly he was much worse than any American president! I think that many so-called prophets are in error about the call on their lives because they view prophesy only as foretelling, or prophesying about what will be in the future. And I realized that there are notes and tones that we can sing that releases things in the heavenlies. Elijahs mantle was not just a cloak he wore to protect him from the seasons. Watch or subscribe here. The mantle can break bond ages and heal brokenness to a degree that allows the recipient to mature and to embrace Gods plan for their life. However, it is much weightier than you may know. Thank you for writing on this subject. Again, he changed his mantle! waw, thanx james, wil take yr advice, may the Lord forgiv me 4 utterin those hate words and may he deliver me from this demon oppresin my spirit. Paul is very clear in Ephesians 4:11-16 and 1 Corinthians 12 that all of us in the Body of Christ are called to do different things and gifted differently. Some are given the calling to evangelize and they are so effective in doing that. Serve them so that you know what to do, or not do, when your time comes. We recently released our newest March 2020 issue Sankofa: Zoe Ministries Celebrating 37 Years. In March 2019, Master Prophet, Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan introduced new revelation concerning tithes and offerings to the Zoe Ministries Community that put giving into divine alignment with God's word. Thanks,my regard to your family. You humbly have to talk to the person and if that prophet will not listen , then you take it to the the one who placed Prophets in the church in the first place (JESUS) . Prophetic Mantles: Which Ones Are You Called To Wear? Deborah was known as a prophetess, she would sit under a palm tree between Ramah and Bethel. Because they dont have a mantle. I said to him let me help you I walked over to the mud that was globbed on the wall and pulled a knife to it and straitened it right up I stepped back and said there thats better and his eyes were opened with amazement and relief. Your email address will not be published. It was just last month, it was revealed to me that i am a prophet. Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan & Pastor Debra Jordan, Archbishop 64th Birthday Celebration journal ads, https://zoeministries.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/1.jpg, http://zoeministries.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/zoe_logo_white-Eagle-300x122.jpg. You just cant. Required fields are marked *. Not sure what that means. I sent you an email, please refer to it when contacting me. Do you notice it says when you resist that person in authority you resist God? The Holy Spirit will be gone and the conference will fall flat on its face. prophets garment, robe. However a pastor can have church for years, with a growing congregation and zero anointing. Themes: Four moments when "Garments" play a key role in the stories of Elijah and Elisha. when i was supposed to pay, the teller decided to help the other customer and I felt delayed.I waited for about 30minutes and when i looked at my husband,the ice-cream had started to melt while he was holding it. Because you will flourish in this place. comment:
, Christian Prophecy, Prayers & Bible Sharing Updated Daily. Even if there are other singers around with better voices she is always asked to sing. The prophetic mantle is figurative of the anointing that individuals believe. Later, He said get a cloth(as He was talking, He showed me the particular piece of cloth He was referring to), pray over it and use it as your mantle. As a priest, he atoned for the people. 355 likes, 12 comments - David Oyedepo Ministries Intl (@davidoyedepomin) on Instagram: "Second Word Session Unveiling the Mystery of the Prophetic Mantle Bishop David Oyedepo Meekne." David Oyedepo Ministries Intl on Instagram: "Second Word Session Unveiling the Mystery of the Prophetic Mantle Bishop David Oyedepo Meekness is required to . Remember Ezekiel who was dumb before the Lord released him to speak? Dont manipulate the situation just position yourself. For Moses said, Honor your father and your mother and, He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death. But you say, If a man says to his father or mother, Whatever profit you might have received from me is Corban (that is, a gift to God), then you no longer let him do anything for his father or his mother, making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. So, do you know what your mantle is? A pastor may be considered a prophetic pastor, a teacher may be called a prophetic teacher. In the "pool," the prophetic mantle deals with a deeper prophetic anointing than simply operating with a spiritual gift. But for some reason when she goes anywhere they always ask her to sing. Your email address will not be published. Bless you brother! We cannot continue going on in our traditions. ! Was this god easing my pain by letting me know he was going to heaven Sadly, service went on without any corrections or stopping that false prophet. Please can I get the name and song of the artist that sang deliverance at the day of that concert. I think for the same reason, his mantle. what does prophetic ranking means for prophets. . The prison to the palace was the final step. Dr. James Henry Harris, Apostle Roger Collands, Apostle Amos Howard Sr., Bishop Randy Borders, Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Coach Jean Lloyd, and many more. One's daily work was performed while usually wearing only an undergarment such as a waist cloth or tunic. Eleven years ago the Lord woke me out of a dream ~ in the dream someone placed a very heavy object on my shoulders (sort of like what a drummer hooks over his shoulders to hold drums in a band) I remember it was VERY heavy (in the dream). So, the take away is this, when you have an anointing it can come and go. Mantles usually refer to spiritual authority and anointing. Dont allow pride to cause you to stay blind and cause you to think you are on your way to Heaven when you are actually on your way to hell. The Anointing. A mantle for deliverance worship. Tnx alot. Check lin." Hence you hearing the words prophet! 16So David said to him, Your blood is on your own head, for your own mouth has testified against you, saying, I have killed the Lords anointed. . When they come from the marketplace, they do not eat unless they wash. And there are many other things which they have received and hold, like the washing of cups, pitchers, copper vessels, and couches. God bless you Michelle. Understand that you are right on course. Our works dont also. Well, this is a very big store and as I am going aisle to aisle shopping I noticed there was really not a lot of people theremaybe 5 people. Hate is a strong word and a fruit of the Devil, I suggest that you change your speech because you will have the life you speak. But if He didnt tell you to move then dont. Even then God had a purpose and a plan for them being there. In the past season the entrepreneur came to the prophet, or the prophet went to the entrepreneur. The time I have to accomplish My work is too short to raise a vessel that can carry this mantle with every ingredient I have used in brewing it without self-destruction. I work in the church a lot. There are four distinct prophetic personalities: knower, hearer, seer, feeler. Today, there are people in positions of leadership of Shepherds/Pastors/Preachers/Priest/Bishops/Prophets etc, that are doing the same thing as Jim Jones. These are just examples. Im studying on mantles and anointing and this is a perfect start. When he was beaten for obeying God rather than men, Peter rejoiced that he was counted worthy to suffer shame for Jesus. It is time we walk worthy of this Mantle and set the standards again for true prophets of the Lord Jesus Christ. But It also represented his appointment as a prophet of God. In this passage, Elijah had just been instructed by the LORD to anoint Elisha to continue his work. I always thought a mantle had to be passed on to you from another person and Im not sure what this really means for me. Now, if someone who is anointed by God with no mantle holds a conference and doesnt obey and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, what do you think is going to happen? Then the next time I go in I paid attention and it happened again. And the wonders of God has been astounding and truly humbling. The office prophet is not a fortune teller, is often alone and separated from the crowd. It also changed my perspective on this verse. And what does that mean? Sometimes cotentions can arise and hinder the direction. New Testament Prophets p.61 V. Conclusion p.67 . Watch or subscribe here. Throughout the years, the enemy has successfully stripped the supernatural away from much of the western church. How many people are willing to go through the process of being broken and not sell out for a dollar you cant put a price on the word of the Lord and when Gehazi got greedy even as a servant of a prophet the Leprosy that was Naaman was upon him so I appreciate the fact that someone in this world understand the true prophetic calling ministry and mantle again Gods Blessings To You! Forever decreasing as the the HOLYSPIRIT increases brings us to ministerial maturity. 2) Go to startmeeting.com, and use the login:BishopJordan, Your email address will not be published. Do you know that movie? Both Tarumah app and Prophecy Now app are available for download in the Google PlayStore for android users, Apple and Amazon. But not every intercessor is called as a prophet. Required fields are marked *. I was now being brought into a much deeper relationship with my Lord unlike I had never had before. She will be fully grown when the time is right. I will do a post on Joseph and Solomons anointing but I thought it would be more fitting if we first understand what is a mantle and what is the anointing and are they the same thing. What is Jesus Christ telling me? the challenge is when people they dont understand u let alone those u r submitting to. May God bless u Daddy,u send me a message telling me dat u have got an aproval or lead by Go to enpower me with de prophetic mantle infact i was very very when i heard it,u asked me of my full ditells,were i am etc,which i send to u pls sir am intrested,if u want me to come just let me know i will come,dis is my phone No:08064635973. When he passed on his mantle to Elisha, it was also a prophetic act of passing on the mantle. My Prayer in the Battles, the Desert, The Fire! Wallace Henley, 5The company of prophets who were at Jericho drew near to Elisha, and said to him, Do you know that today theLordwill take your master away from you? And he answered, Yes, I know; be silent.. The power is sourced from the Holy Spirit its not the piece of fabric. I came from a family line of Preachers and Prophets. What if it wasnt just a song, but notes and keys that were sung that went up into the heavens like a spiritual key that unlock gates and doors to released them on earth? Notice that one of the meanings is related to King Cyrus, who wasnt saved. Leading Question: "Which prophet's experience do you find more attractive, that of Elijah or that of Elisha? Grant me grace to go through my process. Many are confused about this. He has the position which demand respect. The only thing they are going to get out of this, Oh my, she is speaking against pastors or leaders. The truth of Gods Word is just that; TRUTH. Please, is it right for me to ask Him whose mantle i am carrying? Very interesting and encouraging! There are many things you can do with a kingly anointing. He spoke to Jehoshaphat and the people . Let it be recorded in the laws of Persia and Media, so that it cannot be . Julia A. is a prophetic author, who was saved 2011. of the patriarchs as anointed kings. The Lord said to Elijah, "Go and anoint, as prophet in your place, Elijah.". Later in the chapter, Elishas servant, Gehazi, went behind Elishas back and accepted gifts from Naaman. I will kiss Mary before I go and Im sorry for breaking the mantle. of the king of Israel I then seen the most vivid color of purple coming at me and covering me I yelled out purple and woke up. He would then give us strategy from scripture on how we were to handle our assignment. We never left the scriptures, not once. You can see that with the President, he has secret service and you cant get near to him because he has protection. He showed me I would be helping them clean up the mess they have made. If you have been a farm boy, cowherd, shepherd, or pet sitter as a kid, and singing and making music in your youth and God made you a pastor, director or CEO of a large organization such as a church or a company, then you have been given the mantle of David and so on. I encourage you to seek the Lord for clarity before you step out. This whole nation is a nation under condemnation for rebellion and witchcraft they go hand in hand- dont be a part of it or you will be destroyed along with it. There is a difference. it is possible that the believers main calling may not be in the prophetic realm. Based on these definitions we see that the mantle is a symbol of authority and position. At the end of service, that man went on to do offering. Acts 2:43 NKJ; 2 Corinthians 12:12; Acts 5:12; Acts 19:11-12. Its a new one for me and you have provided new thoughts for me to pray about and seek God in. Thank you for the affirmation! Woe to the prophet-less culture, for it, has no one to tell it when its headed to destruction and guide it back to safety. In the Bible several names are used for the upper garment or mantle. Also I would like to start a blog and would be curious if you would mind sharing your insight on this process? I read through it and I find myself commenting here. Unlike pastors who causes the returning child to sit in the pew when they return, when they used to be the head of a ministry. What is a mantle? thanx 4 praying 4 me, hey im very very dry spiritualy, now i literaly smellin rust comin from my spirit now dis is worse, i hv tried praying, fastin, feedin on the word, preaching, living right, no change, no flow of the presence of God, what shud i do, now i hate church i hate ministry, im just bitter. The Prophetic Mantle: Every prophet is a reformer. Now, I am not making this happen. My wife was questioning as to what happened because I was sleeping and then cried out purple. This information will help individuals to rediscover the purpose of the prophetic gift in the Church. Go to school? This mantle was the official garment of a prophet. 3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Sometimes we think we can handle situations, but God knows what we can handle. Position me so that I will be in place when it is time. I honor the office and the carrier of the grace and the gift of God. In the Second Book of Kings, we begin to understand the value of the prophetic mantle; He picked up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan (2 Kgs. Download the Written Judgments 4 Volumes in 1 E-book. Im the elect and so are you. I just cant help myself. I hope that makes sense. He didnt happen to be at the right place at the right time. This is absolutely a profound reminder and excellent description of the call and mantle of a prophet/prophetess.