In a duel arranged by Claudius, Laertes wounds Hamlet with the poisoned tip of his sword. It is his love for Juliet which makes him dynamic and courageous: he risks his life at the Capulets house to be near her and later breaks a banishment order risking death, to see her again. What themes are linked to the theme of revenge? Even though she conforms to her astrological type, the details of her dress and her travels make her particular. General Chemistry - Ralph H. Petrucci 2017 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry - John . Which two options did she have and which did she choose? The themes introduced in the text are illusion and metamorphosis, white magic and forgiveness. However, the feeling of the poem is that his passion is more real and rare than the Petrarchan sentiment. Re-order the main events of the text. 2 1. Review 1. On the island. 5 129.6 Es. Jewels and gems are embroidered on her dress. The text introduces a member of B the high clergy 2. Miltons style is elevated and matches the seriousness of the universal subject of the fall of man; the poet used a new kind of blank verse of sonorous magnificence. Norwegian 4. Who is Horatio? 5. The king raised an army of Royalists and declared war. ; Build up literary competence through scaffolding How would you define Elizabeths religious policy? 2 1. 3. 1 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 91/239 Origin He was born in London into a wealthy Puritan family in 1608. 8. 7 54.8 Es. It opens with a precise statement of the theme of the epic Of Mans First Disobedience,as do all traditional epics. Can you find any similarities between Bobbys life and a nightmare? Thomas Cromwell, the kings chancellor, suppressed 400 small monasteries and confiscated their lands and money. He added the will to possess supreme beauty, thus anticipating the Romantic tension towards the infinite. Jealousy, anger, hate, love, envy or fear? 6 156.7 Es. 1 103.2 Es. Then in line 16 she asks: What man art thou []? 2. 2. 2 100 T35 A dreadful deliverance 100.1 Es. 1 1. pottery 2. raiders 3. breed 4. tin 5. border 6. wheat 7. worshipped 8. barley 9. lead 10. oats 11. plough 12. bridgeable. 3. 5 Picture 1: the cult of the Virgin Queen Picture 2: the royal progress to show the queens person and power Picture 3: the exploration of the seas by the sea captains combined with piracy Picture 4: the defeat of the Spanish Armada CLIL Art: Portaying power Es. 1. Occasionally he even inserts a sonnet into the dialogue. 4. 2 102.3 Es. How is dramatic tension achieved? 4. It was a Protestant country like England and it was near Norway. Is he alone? Performer Heritage Edizione Blu. 7. T22 My life upon her faith Es. 5. 5 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 10/239 80.2 Es. Dopo averle attivate, come puoi scaricare le risorse digitali di questo libro? 3 139.3 Es. What was the Tudor rose like? It was signed at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15th June 1215. Explain your answer. R 2. Correct the false ones. 1 13 1.10 The medieval narrative poem 13.1 Es. His mission of Christianisation was successful and the cathedral of Canterbury was founded in 602. Es. 40-49): The king is said to have been stung by a snake while he was sleeping in his orchard, but the ghost explains that this is not true: the serpent is in fact Hamlets uncle, who now rules the country. C. Affectionate father and much-loved naughty child. Would it be still effective for a modern audience? What emotions does David feel? Under his rule the Rump Parliament abolished the monarchy and declared a republic, the Commonwealth. F He wrote his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales in the East Midland dialect. Recursos Humanos. The Commons were strongly Protestant and denied the king money for more than a year at a time. 5. 5. Education went from being a right to being a crime. William I: The Anglo-Saxon and Norman armies faced each other near Hastings on 14th October 1066. 7 The main features of the epic poem in the text are: the presence of a hero and the celebration of heroic values the description of a funeral the description of a military society the use of vivid language and formulaic phrases. Boxes: Frightened reactions to the a erdeath (ll. A cross pattern. What is its new factor? Students activity. 8 They are its several windows divided into rectangular patterns and its very high steeples. Jealousy, anger, hate, love, envy or fear? - Test e soluzioni - eBook per il docente su DVD-ROM volume 1 - eBook per il docente su DVD-ROM volume 2 - confezione 6 CD audio per la classe volume 1 . 1 89.2 Es. 5 1. 9 54.10 Es. 2 1. Here virtue acquires many meanings: humanity, charity, love, good faith. 3 1. The well is dry so there is no water for washing. 3 1. dialogue 2. hunting 3. Temporal and religious powers were thus joined in the figure of the monarch. 2 Highlighted in yellow: alliteration underlines the haunting rhythm of Macbeths thoughts Highlighted in pink: semantic area of horror and darkness Highlighted in green: repetition pointing out the obsessive presence of time Pink words: personification of time Light blue words: metaphor for man in relation to time. B. 3. The journey of the pilgrims is an allegory of the course of human life. Es. 1. He offers God to burn his books, which represent his knowledge. T 3. We sympathise more with Macbeth as he is the round character who speaks to the audience a lot, and we are familiar with what is happening to him. Where was one of the first stories of the legend set? 4. A council made up of barons, clergy, knights and representatives of the towns. The restoration of Catholic rituals and heresy laws. 6. 3 5.4 Es. 5. 9. Es. What is the function of this linguistic image? She asks Shylock his name and Antonio whether he confirms the written agreement over the debt Es. In what respect is his language appropriate to his character? 6 148 4.13 George Gordon Byron 148.1 Es. How is he presented? Es. Es. What does each image symbolise? 4. 2. 2 56.3 Es. Shakespeare was o en criticised in his own time for not observing the ancient Greek laws of drama: unity of time, place and action. 1 105.2 Es. 11 156.12 Es. 6. 1 38.7.2 Listening - Part 4 Es. There is bloody action and many deaths occur throughout the entire play. Es. Deviation from the normal English word order: lines 2, 9. Out of chaos, God created the earth, fixed in the centre of the universe, and around it the spheres. 2. 1 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 56/239 1. gape 2. brutish 3. issue 4. wrath 5. draw up 6. still 7. vomit forth 8. Number of stresses: Lines 4, 7. 9 135.9 Es. He disappears mysteriously and a hole covered in blood is found in his house. 2 12 1.9 The medieval ballad 12.1 Es. What visions does Faustus see when he looks up to heaven (lines 13-20)? What was Davids first explanation for his dramatic action? 2 1. Who is speaking? 3 1. 3 59.4 Es. Beginning of literary career During the period 1631-37 he published the poems LAllegro and Il Penseroso (1631); the pastoral elegy Lycidas (1637), and a number of sonnets. 1 61.2 Es. 3 James I: He ignored Parliament and based his rule on the theory of the divine right of kings. The Romans le Britain in 409AD as soldiers were withdrawn to defend Rome against the Barbarian raiders. History and Culture, Literature and Genres, Authors and Texts: attraverso queste tre sezioni si sviluppa lo studio dei diversi periodi della letteratura inglese. Decide whether the following statements about the Prioress are true or false. What do you imagine there is on the stage? 3 37 2.4 The early Stuarts 37.1 Es. 2. 8. They convey Hamlets surprise and fear, his indignation and inner turmoil Highlighted in yellow: the late kings ghost addresses his son with a series of imperatives to attract his attention and spur his will. that knits up the ravelld sleave of care (line 30), The death of each days life (line 31), sore labours bath (line 31), Balm of hurt minds (line 32), great Natures second course (line 32), Chief nourisher in lifes feast (line 33). 2 He asks her if she is aware of the terms of the dispute between Shylock and Antonio. It was certainly effective for the Elizabethan audience, which was accustomed to use imagination. LE RISPOSTE COPERTE DALLE PUBBLICIT LE POTETE VEDERE COPIANDO E INCOLLANDO SU WORD LA PARTE DI TESTO NASCOSTO, Copyright 2023 Ladybird Srl - Via Leonardo da Vinci 16, 10126, Torino, Italy - VAT 10816460017 - All rights reserved, Scarica documenti, segui i Video Corsi ed esercitati con i Quiz, Soluzioni libro di inglese inside grammar, Soluzioni esercizi libro inglese navigate WORKBOOK, The Merchant of Venice soluzioni degli esercizi, soluzioni libro di inglese pet complete pet, esercizi di inglese C1 advanced con soluzioni, TUTTI GLI ESERCIZI DI INGLESE CHIESTI NEGLI APPELLI RECEDENTI- H. A. CREEK, Esercizi condizionale inglese con soluzioni, soluzioni degli esercizi del capitolo 4 di pianificazione e controllo, Esercizi inglese con soluzioni- livello Upper-intermediate, Romeo and Juliet soluzioni degli esercizi di tutti i brani, Soluzioni compiti inglese del libro di Charles Dickens, SOLUZIONI ESERCIZI LIBRO "HORIZONTES 1" - SPAGNOLO, Alma Mater Studiorum Universit di Bologna, Universit degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milano. His song shall be sung forever. 8 103 From Text to Screen: Robinson Crusoe 103.1 Es. She thinks it is both 4. SOLUZIONI DEGLI ESERCIZI eBook PDF download Publisher: Zanichelli | ISBN: 9788808167583| Release: 2013 | Italian | 62 Pages | PDF | 864 KB Grammar in Progress un testo di grammatica inglese che copre i livelli A1-B2 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento e avvia al livello C1. Read the caption and try to identify the people represented in the painting. Insieme allo studio letterario, strumenti lessicali e linguistici per raggiungere il livello B2: Tutte le pagine del libro da sfogliare con: I prezzi sono comprensivi di IVA e validi per l'anno in corso. The king also married his son and heir to the Aragonese heiress Catherine and two of his daughters equally well to the Kings of France and Scotland. Es. Es. What is the progress of a play usually linked to? Caliban showed Prospero the beauty and fertility of the island and how to exploit it. Highlighted in green:Calibans guilt: he tried to rape Miranda. Even in the famous balcony scene Romeo links her to the sunlight, daylight and the light emanating from angels. He also wonders if he ought to go and make himself available to the hospital. 4. 2. What emotions does David feel? 3. The motives that can be inferred are a possible desire for Desdemona, Othellos promotion of Cassio instead of Iago and a motiveless malignity Es. 7 144 4.12 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 144.1 Es. Love is one of the most important aspects of Romeo and Juliet. What are some of the translators that God employs as the author of humanity? 7. Who does he curse in lines 48 and 49? Scarborough Fair is shorter than the original ballad the questions are not direct: the man asks someone else to bring his message to the girl the refrains Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme and Then shell be a true love of mine are repeated only in some stanzas. No, he is not, since he is talking to the other fallen angels (line 3). A new Parliament was then elected, the so-called Long Parliament 1642 Charles I entered the House of Commons to arrest its five most extreme MPs, but they had already escaped. Lifespan: 1564-93. 3. 2 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 7/239 54.3 Es. 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 41/239 My day will come Es. He is jealous of the family, which is obviously a happy and gi ed family contented to be together on this Saturday evening. The documents it directly influenced include the Bill of Rights of 1689 in Britain, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 in France, and the Bill of Rights in the United States in 1791 as well as more recent examples like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) adopted in 1948, and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) which came into force in 1953. Performer Heritage Volume 1 (9788808737441) Trova le tue risorse digitali! Elizabeth is holding the sceptre and the orb. 5 4 1.2 The Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings 4.1 Es. Music flows mysteriously through the play, enhancing its supernatural dimension. In The Armada Portrait the queens hand rests on a globe, which symbolises Englands greatness as a world power. J 5. Zanichelli Catalogo M. Spiazzi, M. Tavella, M. Layton - Performer Heritage Che cos' l'ebook? What does Faustus ask for in lines 4-8, and why does he want this (line 9)? Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer. Romeo is wearing a coat of arms. 2 146 T48 The killing of the Albatross 146.1 Es. This refers to thinking and wondering too much and trying to justify events at a very individualistic level rather than seeing them rationally. 2. Amen, which is an affirmation a er a prayer. 1 43 Doctor Faustus 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 6/239 43.1 Es. Macrocosm and microcosm. When? 5 5.6 Es. 6. 2 135.3 Es. The Gunpowder plotters were Catholics who wanted to blow up Parliament and the king, but the conspiracy was found out and the plotters were executed. H 3. Es. Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury. . The petition became the foundation of all later declarations of civil rights, but Charles dismissed it because he thought that he was king by divine right. 2 155 T53 La Belle dame sans Merci 155.1 Es. 3 The clock represents the illusion that time passes normally, instead of being concentrated. This justifies Prosperos change of attitude towards him 8. 6. Explain how Magna Carta is viewed today. She is presented from two different points of view: through Iagos vulgar remarks and Othellos praise of her beauty and innocence. They belong to the semantic area of light and darkness; they mirror the contrast between good and evil. Romeos elaborate images are in contrast with Juliets direct language. 9 1. death 2. despairing 3. to slow down 4. mercy 5. wrath 6. curses 7. strikes 8. water drops 9. clash 10. limitless 11. ambition 12. pride 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 57/239 Across Cultures: The legend of Faust Es. 4 135 T43 The Tyger 135.1 Es. 4. Non mi fa pi accedere! B It establishes the relationship between the characters. 4. He is the symbol of European colonial power, whereas Caliban stands for the colonised, the native of the island. What does the word Malala mean? He was Edward IVs brother and Duke of Gloucester. 2. 1 1. 7. Prospero gave Caliban food, taught him his language and gave him human care. 1.7 The development of poetry Es. Is Romeo and Juliet a comedy or a tragedy? 2. Alle risorse eventualmente indicate con questo simbolo possibile accedere solo con il codice di attivazione. costanzap. David does not hate the family; in fact, he is acting more out of a kind of twisted love. 1 1. What function does this literary technique serve? 5 Romeo is tender, romantic, artful, passionate. B 2. We are afraid of ghosts because they defy the oppositions we take for granted, they represent a trace of the impossible in what we know as reality. 1 84.2 Es. In what sense did England become more cosmopolitan during the reign of Henry VII? 3 54.4 Es. 2 82.3 Es. Monastic chapels became parish churches and the land of the monasteries was sold, so the new merchant class had access to a landed status that had previously been a privilege of the nobility. He is worried about the safety of the people involved in the tempest, and he does not want to kill them but to make them experience what loss and sorrow mean. 7 8.8 Es. The phrase the swans road in line 12 is B a kenning for the sea. Why is the power of reason so important? 7 98 3.10 Daniel Defoe 98.1 Es. The low-angle shot of the burning fire makes the subject look bigger and more powerful. 6 82.7 Es. In 1162 Henry appointed one of his favourites, Thomas Becket, to be Archbishop of Canterbury. 4 142.5 Es. 10 It is both because we are accustomed to seeing people as individuals, whereas in the 14th century this was not so. Like a goddess, she was seen as ageless and thus eternal. They could also lead other warriors in war - Boadicea, for example, was a warrior queen of one of the Celtic tribes who fought against the Romans. 3. 2 Write down what each highlight and colour represents and fill in the missing details in the box next to the text. 1 155.2 Es. It is still considered relevant because it is a cornerstone of the individual liberties that we enjoy today and a foundation of democracy as well. As this Soluzioni Libro Fisica Meccanica Zanichelli Pdf Pdf, it ends up innate one of the favored book Soluzioni Libro Fisica Meccanica Zanichelli Pdf Pdf collections that we have. 3. The picture tells the story of Richard IIs meeting with Wat Tyler. Harold had to fight the Danes in the north of England and then William, Duke of Normandy, in the South, who was claiming the English throne. Write down the lines where the ship is described. Does Malala say that education is a blessing, a necessity or both? What does line 20 mean? The contrast between Iago and Othello is underlined by the use of two different styles of language. 3 7.4 Es. He hails the horrors of Hell (lines 9-10). The leaden one, which contains Portias picture. Othellos last words in this scene are important. A tax imposed on coastal towns for their defence. 2 139 CLIL Science: Stem cells 139.1 Es. What was the aim of the royal progress? Why was there a large church building campaign in England a er the Norman Conquest? One of the great institutions of English history which reflected the change in wealth that had taken place in the Tudor period with a shi from the medieval Church and the landed aristocracy to a rising middle class of small landowners, city merchants and the professions. 6 103.7 Es. Desdemona does not wish to accompany Othello to Cyprus. Where does the tragedy take place? The Restoration and the Augustan Age 84 3.1 The Restoration of the monarchy 84.1 Es. 2. 11. B 6. When playwrights wanted to portray immorality, they o en set their plays in Italy. The relation between appearance and reality. Boxes: Macbeths change since the beginning of the play: A er all the horrors he has suppd with, Macbeth does not know fear any more. Highlighted in light brown:Prosperos benevolent attitude to Caliban when he came to the island 5. End-stopped lines: Lines 1, 21, 22. She cannot sing during the service. In The Rainbow Portrait there are many symbols: the rainbow, which stands for peace and prosperity the eyes and ears embroidered on the queens mantle, which symbolise her ability to know everything through her subjects the snake on the sleeve, which stands for wisdom. 6. 1 137 Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus 137.1 Es. L'unica differenza che le copertine dei libri appariranno leggermente modificate, in modo da evitare problemi di copyright. The guards ask for blessing God bless us, and Macbeth, the murderer, cannot pronounce it. In 1554 she married Philip II of Spain and this made England an ally of Spain against France. How many girls does she say are deprived of an education? 2 139.2 Es. I 5. Mary I: She wanted to restore Catholicism in England. 1 101.2 Es. In the first act Romeo uses the image of light typical of courtly love: when he first sees Juliet, he compares her to the brilliant light of the torches that illuminate the Capulets great hall. Where do they meet and where are they going? An excess of the subjective (lines 16-17). She seems to be the practical one. He obeys Prosperos orders but he is restless at the idea of more work and reminds Prospero of the promise to free him. It is horrible and unnatural because it is fratricide and regicide. 8. Cromwell also defeated the Scottish Royalists who had crowned Charles Is son, Charles II, King of Scotland. 5. Who were the Danes and why did they attack Britain? She can speak French. 6 80.7 Es. He also called himself Faust junior. She means that God is defined by His mercy. 7. 2. Thus the king or the queen became the symbol of stability and unity, and the murder of the king/queen was considered as an act against nature which would lead to chaos and disorder. The womans despair voices the despair of those people who have survived traumatic, even monstrous events and who are now being exposed to a comfortless future. 2 1. 4 5.5 Es. Ears and eyes are embroidered on the queens mantle. They denote the bond of friendship that links the Christian characters and again highlight Christian goodness Highlighted in grey: negative words referred to the way the Christians see Shylock. 9 156.10 Es. Because of his origins outside the Western world, Othello is categorised as a Moor, a black man. 3 1. Scarica aperto Performer Heritage Soluzioni Volume 1 risolte insieme alle soluzioni in PDF per insegnanti e insegnanti, Sei disponibile per Aprire e scaricare Performer Heritage Soluzioni Volume 1 con soluzioni in PDF per studenti e insegnanti. Yes, they are. However, there is the historical context of the folk revival in the 1960s and the desire both to give a message in a song and to emphasise innocence and universal values. 1 1. 4 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 20/239 1.1 From Pre-Celtic to Roman Britain Es. France 3. middle class 4. Light blue words:Prosperos punishment of Caliban 4. He informs us that it is a er two oclock and that his work must be finished by six (lines 62-63). What is the function of the play within the play? C 2. On the other hand, lowerclass people could not afford the expense of such a trip. What common idea do they share? 7 82.8 Es. 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 90/239 Donne wants to say that the lovers bed is like the earth, at the centre of the universe, and that the walls are its orbit. 6 1. short 2. horror 3. knocking 4. blood 5. look 6. unseen 7. imagine Es. What does the girl ask the elf to do? The connection with the devil is made clear Highlighted in orange: Shylocks reaction to Jessicas elopement. 12. 7 the layout; Three quatrains and a final couplet. The rams horn is curved and cannot work as a plough, and one seed will not produce a whole field of crops. 4 35.5 Es. 6 The repeated words are blest/blesseth and mightiest. Music: 1. composers 2. Do you find Davids dramatic action credible? 7. What can he see under his feet on the shore? 2 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 22/239 Peoples from the North Sea Region the Jutes, Angles and Saxons Their main value l loyalty to the family, or clan Arrival of Augustine in 597 Date of foundation of Lindisfarne in 635 The author of The Ecclesiastical History of the English People the Venerable Bede Endings of Viking place names -thorpe, -by and -kirk King Alfreds capital Winchester The last Anglo-Saxon king Harold, Earl of Wessex Es. Towards B2 Es. Final resolution: Act V Othello discovers he has been tricked and stabs himself; Iago is imprisoned and Cassio becomes the Governor of Cyprus. 3 4.4 Es. Juliets dress is adorned with a pair of wings. Milton and Dante had contrasting ideas as regards Satans physical appearance and dwelling, but the most notable difference is that Dantes Satan becomes a means of punishment, while Miltons is a twofold symbol of Gods eternal justice, being cast out of Heaven himself and, later, forcing Adam and Eve out of Eden. Education: He studied at the University of Cambridge, where he took his BA in 1584. Henry VIIs foreign policy was very cautious. 4 38 2.5 The Civil War and the Commonwealth 38.1 Es. 3. Friar Laurence. Her secret lover, Lorenzo. Shakespeare is pointing out how meaningless the usual similes are. 2. Who ruled England during Henry VIs mental illness? Es. He re-organised the army of Wessex by demanding one soldier from each freemans farm as a tribute. The reign of Denmark is here presented as being corrupted, abused and out of joint Red dots: words referred to Claudius, who is connoted as a beast and given wicked and immoral attributes. A break that divides a line into two halves. 1 145 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 145.1 Es. 2 1. What does Jan tastn find in the deserted house and why does he decide to stay? 4 55.5 Es. 3 103.4 Es. What is a ghost? 9 45 Across Cultures: The legend of Faust 45.1 Es. Do we sympathise more with Macbeth than her? 2. 4 They share the concept of mans integrity, but while Donne moves from a religious perspective which acknowledges the authority of the Church and of God as a creator, McEwans view is not religious but he feels a certain responsibility to other human beings. If he had conformed by putting on prison clothes, his nightmarish cell would have been changed Es. 3. H 3. 2 95.2.2 Es. Box:Main theme of the text: Prospero is a European who has taken charge of a remote island and gets the local inhabitants work for him. During his reign Erasmus of Rotterdam brought the Humanism of the Renaissance to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, while Sir Thomas More moved England closer to North-European thought and the origins of Protestantism. The Armada escaped to the North Sea, damaged and hit by storms. 3 106 An island where no one spoke 106.1 Es. 3 1. He says that he started the fire so that the family would be forced to interrupt their exclusive evening, leave their house and confront him. C Reading and Use of English - Part 1 Es. 4. Durham Cathedral inside A What pattern can you recognise in the vault? Elizabeth I is on the right, holding the hand of Peace and followed by Plenty. B Are the windows of the towers symmetrically distributed? David obviously feels passionate about Jade and is hurt and angry because of his being rejected, so a dramatic action like the fire could well happen in real life. Es. Desdemona does not deceive Othello, but before long Othello will be so convinced that she has deceived him that he will murder her. A crown can be seen behind the queen. What kind of work is The Canterbury Tales? 2 1. Violet words: jealousy corroding Iago Orange words: Iagos desire of revenge Brown words: Iagos plan to manipulate Othello 27/12/21, 19:26 Performer Heritage - Volume 1 - Soluzioni - Solu 77/239 Blue words: Iagos aim to destroy Othello Highlighted in green: Iagos decision to make Othello mad Lilac words: the rhyme of the final couplet underlines the passage from Othellos madness to Iagos confusion Red dots: litotes Wavy line: metaphor for Emilias honour.